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Triton: Soulless Bastards MC Daytona Chapter

Page 9

by Erin Trejo

  “Fuckin’ help me!” I scream louder until the nurses come running my way.

  “What happened?”

  “I don’t know. I found her like this. Fuck, you gotta help her!” As I roar louder, they bring a gurney and I lay her down gently on it. My heart is racing and anger and worry run through my veins.

  “Who are you?” One of the nurses asks, putting her hand on my chest as they wheel Saylor away from me. My heart is ripped from my chest and is going with her.

  “Her boyfriend. Is she gonna be okay?”

  “What’s her name?” I answer her but a million more questions come out of her mouth. I can’t focus, I can’t think. I just need to know that she’s okay.

  “If you will take a seat I will see if can get an update,” the nurse says. I nod my head and pull at my hair pacing the room until I see Neo and Trin coming in the door. She rushes toward me, slamming into me.

  “Where is she?” Shaking my head, Trin’s tears fall faster.

  “They took her back. She looked bad, Trin.” My voice doesn’t even sound like my own. It’s rough and scratchy. I’m losing my sanity.

  The door opens again and Ransom comes in with Piper at his side. Her eyes are swollen and red from crying. It rips my goddamn heart out seeing her like this. She walks toward me slowly, and when she’s close enough, I pull her in next to Trin.

  “She’s gonna be okay. She’s a tough girl, yeah?”

  “Triton, you have to get them, okay? You have to,” Piper pleads with me. I close my eyes and curse myself. I hate that she knows that part of my world.

  “I will, P. Don’t worry,” I reassure her. I calm the girls and get them settled in the waiting room when Ransom and Neo wave to me. I stand up and walk toward them, keeping an eye on the girls as well.

  “You know who did this?” Neo asks his tone as pissed as mine. I can see the fire in his eyes.

  “No. I assume it’s that fucker Marshall behind it. Don’t know shit about him but I’ll find out.”

  “You worry about your girl, we’ll get the names,” Ransom hisses.

  “She yours, man?” Neo asks looking me dead in the eye.

  “Goddamn right she is.” He nods once and looks at Ransom. “We’re stayin’ here. Head back to the Pit with Piper and we’ll call when we know somethin’. Get the guys on it.”

  Ransom nods and slaps a hand on my shoulder before calling out to Piper. She stands from her seat and walks toward us slowly.

  “Go home with, Ransom, P. As soon as we know somethin’ I’ll call you.”

  She shakes her head and starts to open her mouth but stops. “I love her like family, Triton.”

  Pulling her into a hug, I hold her closely. “I know you do. She loves you, too. I promise as soon as they say she can leave, I’m bringin’ her home with me, yeah?” Piper looks up at me and nods before I drop a kiss on her forehead. She moves out of my grasp and into Ransom’s arms. I watch as the two of them leave before I blow out a breath. I can’t help but feel like this, yet again, is my fault.

  “She’s gonna be okay, Triton. You know that, right?”

  I shrug my shoulders and walk away needing some space. I need to breathe and figure this out. I need to kill and fix what they did to her, but most of all, I need to know that she’s okay. I’m not an extremely patient man and that’s a fault of mine, but I’m trying. For her, I’m trying.

  I pace the hallway and let every situation run through my mind. She had to be so fucking scared all alone out there in the that fucking storm. I hate that I wasn’t there for her, I hate that I ever thought I could walk away from her. I know now that I can’t do that. When the time comes, maybe I can watch her leave to live her dream but right now? No, right now I need her here with me. In my arms. In my heart. I can’t fucking deal with losing her, too.

  Chapter 21


  God it hurts. Everything hurts. My face, my ribs, hell, even my ass hurts. I groan as I pry my eyes open, my shoulder screaming in pain.

  “You need more medicine? I’ll get that witch back in here,” Trinity’s voice makes me smile or as much of a smile as I can muster.

  “What did she do to you?” I ask groggily.

  “Oh, you know, typical witch bitch stuff. I thought I was going to have to give her a DNA sample so I could prove I was your sister.” Trin stands from her seat and moves next to me, grabbing my hand in hers. When I look up I see the tears and it kills me.

  “Don’t cry. I’m not dead,” I tease her. Trin barks out a laugh but that doesn’t stop the tears from falling.

  “You scared us.”

  Us? Who the hell did I scare aside from her? Doesn’t matter right now. I want out of this hospital.

  “Call the witch in here, I’m not staying,” I tell her, shoving myself up through the pain. My left shoulder is in a sling but my right one is just fine. I pull my hand from hers and start to reach for the wires that are connected to me.

  “Are you insane? You were jumped and need medicine!” Trinity squeals, trying to stop me.

  I hate hospitals. When I woke up in the hospital when I was a kid, I swore I’d never be in one again and I wasn’t joking.

  “Fuck off, Trinity. I’m not staying and you know it.”

  “Stubborn as fuck.” I hear him mumble before looking toward the door. He stands there with his arms crossed over his chest, glaring at me with those sexy ass eyes.

  “I hate hospitals.”

  “So I heard. You need to rest,” he says, moving toward me slowly.

  “I can rest at the hotel,” I smart off.

  Triton chuckles and it’s the best sound in the world. When I was lying on the ground I thought I might never hear that again.

  “You really think that I’m lettin’ you stay at some hotel?” Triton stops in front of me, a smirk on his face as he carefully removes the sticky pads that are stuck to my chest. Once he slowly and gently removes the IV from my hand, he reaches for the sheet off the bed.

  “Do I want to know how you know how to remove those?” I ask but only get another smirk. Triton wraps the sheet around me before smiling at me.

  “Not my first rodeo, sweetheart. In fact, I could probably put that fucker back in if needed.” He winks at me but doesn’t move. He stares at my face, anger dancing in his eyes.

  “I don’t look so good, huh?” I feel like shit. No, I feel worse than shit, but Triton just shakes his head no.

  “I can’t believe you are helping her! She needs to stay here and make sure everything is okay, Triton!” Trin stomps her foot next to us, but he doesn’t look away. His eyes are full of pain and I know that he feels guilt over this even though it isn’t his fault.

  “Don’t think it. Please, Triton.”

  He knows what I’m asking without me saying the words. He nods his head slowly before reaching in and lifting me in his arms. Pain shoots through me and I wince with every movement, but Triton is gentle, holding me under my knees and neck like a baby.

  “Neo is waitin’ on you outside,” he calls over his shoulder to Trin as he walks us out of the room. I can hear her huffing as she follows us down the hallway.

  “Sir! You can’t just leave!” the nurse calls out.

  Triton laughs and it vibrates through his whole body and into mine. “Watch me. I got my own doc to handle her.” He steps out of the doors and the truck is there and waiting.

  Neo stands with the door open, watching as Triton walks closer. “Glad you’re okay. Don’t want you worryin’ about any of this, darlin’. We’ll take care of it.”

  All I can manage is a smile and nod. I don’t know what to think or how to feel about what he said. In fact, I’m a little scared to find out. Triton sits me in the seat and buckles me in before closing the door. I watch as he says something to Neo and he nods in return. They both glance at me before parting ways. When Triton climbs in, I have to ask.

  “How did you find me?” Triton starts the truck and pulls out on the road. The rain pounds down on the wi
ndshield as I gaze out of it.

  “Trin came runnin’ scared through the clubhouse. Her and Neo went to your house and I came to your work. You scared the hell out of me, Say.”

  His voice has lowered and takes on a new tone that sends a shudder racing through my body. I lower my head and keep it that way until we pull up at the clubhouse. The wind howls around us, rain pelting down harder. I watch Triton walk around the truck and open my door. He lifts me gently and carries me inside, straight to his room. Laying me gently in the bed, he fixes the blanket over me.

  “Do you mind if Piper comes in? She’s been scared shitless,” he says, his voice staying that calm soft tone.

  “Of course.”

  Triton stands and watches me for a long minute before leaning down and pressing his lips to my head. He lingers there a second longer before he finally turns and walks out of the room. I sigh and snuggle down into the blankets that smell just like him. I inhale deeply before coughing from the pain.

  “I was scared,” her small voice says. As strong and brave as Piper is, she has a good heart.

  “Come sit with me.” She walks over and sits gently on the edge of the bed, grabbing my good hand in hers. “I’m sorry you were scared. I never want you to feel that way.”

  “When Ransom said you were hurt, I freaked out. You have become like a sister to me, Saylor,” she cries, big fat tears rolling down her cheeks. I try to sit up but the pain is overwhelming.

  “Stop movin’,” his voice demands. Piper looks at the same time as me at the door while she wipes her eyes.

  “Stop bossing her!” Piper chimes in making me grin. It hurts too much to laugh so I try to keep it in. That’s just as bad.

  “Doc’s on his way with pain meds. He got your x-rays and all that from the hospital. Your shoulder isn’t broke but you are pretty bruised up and you have some tears in your shoulder that might need surgery.” As the words leave his mouth, my chest tightens. My career could be over. Everything that I’ve worked for is gone. Tears pool in my eyes and Triton notices.

  “Piper, can you go get her some water, please,” Triton says, moving his gaze to hers. He knows I’m about to break down. Piper nods and stands, leaving the room quickly. Triton crosses the room in a few short strides.

  “I know what you’re thinkin’ and you better stop. This isn’t the end of anything. You just need to heal and I need to find those fuckers that hurt you.”

  As tears spill down my cheeks, I realize I need only him right now.

  “Will you just lay with me?”

  Chapter 22


  Her head rests on my chest, her breathing even. She’s slowly ripping my heart out of my chest as she lies there. A soft knock on the door pulls my attention, and when Neo sticks his head in the door, I nod. He walks in keeping quiet until he reaches the edge of the bed.

  “Word is he skipped town but he’ll be back closer to time for the next competition. She placed, Triton,” he says, nodding toward Saylor.

  “Never thought she wouldn’t. I want that bastard, Neo.”

  “I know you do and you’ll get him, but from what we’re findin’ he’s in Cali gettin’ shit in order for his girls. I’m gonna get eyes on him. When he comes back, we’ll take him.” I blow out a breath, feeling the weight back in my chest. I wanted this motherfucker to feel what he made her feel. I wanted to take his ass out before he had the chance to hurt anyone else. “Calm down, brother. We’ll get him.”

  Nodding my head, Neo turns and leaves the room when Saylor stirs. Her body presses against mine and I groan. Fuck she makes everything harder but she’s worth it all. I run my fingers lightly up and down her side, loving the way her skin feels against my rough fingertips.

  “You’re going to have to drug me and fuck me, Triton.”

  “Why would I have to drug you?” I chuckle.

  “Because I hurt everywhere but you make me horny as hell,” she giggles lightly against me, her warm breath dancing over my skin.

  “I can make you come, darlin’ without bein’ in you,” I remind her before rolling her to her back. I lean up and gaze down at her puffy face where the bruises are now coloring her perfect skin. Anger rises up in me; it makes me sick that that bastard got away with it.

  “Stop thinking and make me come, Triton.”

  “You’re hurt, Say. I don’t wanna hurt you more.”

  “Denying me is hurting me more.”

  How the hell do you argue with that? I don’t, I climb down the bed, settling between her naked thighs. I skim my fingers over her soft flesh, watching the bumps that form on her skin. It makes my cock hard knowing that I’m the one doing this to her. Even after all that she’s been through, she is so trusting of me. I lean in and run my tongue over her thigh, listening to the moans that fall from her lips before sucking the skin into my mouth. Say moans louder and I can’t stop myself from biting into her skin. She makes me crazy. She makes me want things that I know I can’t have.

  “Triton, please.”

  Hearing her beg me for what she wants does something to me. My chest tightens and my body reacts. It makes me feel like I’m what she needs. It sends my heart fluttering in my chest. I slide my fingers up higher, dipping one inside of her. Her pussy clenches around me and I let out a growl. Without a second thought, I lean in and shove my tongue inside of her. Flicking it around, I taste her wetness and dive deeper. Taking her to the edge of her sanity, I bring my thumb up to play with her clit. Saylor’s hand finds its way into my hair, pulling me closer as her hips rock into my face. Her hips work overtime trying to grind into my face to find her release. Slipping my finger inside of her, I move my mouth to her clit and suck hard. That little bundle of nerves sends her over the edge, pulling my hair until the point of pain. It’s the most amazing feeling having Say come apart for me. When her body stops quivering and slowly calms, I climb up and lie next to her. I brush her hair away from her face and smile.

  “I’m never going to surf again, am I?”

  I can hear the pain in her voice and frankly, it pisses me off. “What do you mean? You aren’t broken, Say. You’re banged up is all. You’ll get better.”

  “You know what I mean. He will come back after me. Is surfing really worth my life?”

  Now thoroughly pissed off, I shove out of the bed and grab my jeans, pulling them on quickly before looking at her.

  “You know what? You aren’t a fuckin’ quitter. If you were, you wouldn’t be here right now. Is surfin’ worth your life? No, it’s not but it is your goddamn life, Say! You were born to do this! I watched you out on the water. I know what you’re capable of and what you can do. If you don’t fuckin’ believe in yourself, that’s on you!” Her eyes track me as I move across the room, grabbing my shirt and cut. When I lean down to put my boots on, I hear her sob.

  “You don’t get it!”

  “I get it! I get that you’re scared of what he did to you. I fuckin’ get that you’re afraid to move on but you know what? I told you I’d handle him!”

  “By killing him! That’s what you are going to do, right? What kind of person does that make you for Piper?”

  I shake my head, looking at the floor for a long second. I can’t look at her and think. I slowly bring my head back up to look at her.

  “You knew what I was, what I am. I will handle the motherfucker who hurt you, but I can’t take that pain from you. That’s all on you. If you can’t move on, Say, that’s not my problem.” I turn on my heel and head out of the room before I do something I might regret. Storming down the hall, I know I need to get my head together and figure out what to do about this bastard. Fucking Marshall.

  “You okay?” Trinity asks when she spots me heading toward the bar. Shaking my head, I ignore her and grab the Jack and a beer.

  “What happened?” she asks, leaning against the bar next to me.

  “She wants to give up on her dream. She’s fuckin’ scared and I get it, Trin, but fuck! This is her life!”

Trinity walks closer, resting her hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay. She’ll come around. Saylor has always wanted to surf. We will make her remember why she loved it.”

  I huff and shove her hand away from me, pissed at the goddamn world as I storm out the side door. I need to be left alone and I need to figure out what to do.

  Chapter 23


  It’s been months since I was attacked. I sit on the beach watching the waves as they come and go. My stomach cramps and my fingers tingle. I want to be out there, my body yearns for the water. I’ve been rehabbing in the pool but that doesn’t change the fact that I want to be on the waves. I can taste the salt on my tongue, the wind blowing through my hair. Someone drops into the sand next to me and I almost panic until I see Wiley. He bends his knees and rests his arms on them as he looks out at the water.

  “How you feel?” He doesn’t look at me but I look at him. The man I used to sleep with, the man who helped me train until he was suffering from loss of sleep.

  “Better. My shoulder gives me the most issues. The doctor said that I didn’t need surgery but the recovery is slow.” I’m ashamed to look at him and see the hurt in his eyes. I’m afraid that if I do look, I’ll see the disgust I know has to linger there. He has every right to hate me. I bailed on him.

  “Surfer magazine will be at the competition. So will a rep from Billabong.”

  I know what he’s doing. It’s not that I don’t appreciate it, I do. But something in me got turned off in that attack. I lost my home in the water when it was replaced with fear at the hands of Marshall. And I’m homesick, even if I can’t make myself get in the ocean after all these months.

  “I’m not ready. I can’t surf, Wiley.”

  “Why the hell not? This is your dream, Saylor! You have wanted to go pro since you were a kid and now is the time. You have a chance to gain sponsors and go big, Saylor. The time is now.” As much as I wish he was right, he’s not.

  “My shoulder is fucked, Wiley. I can barely swim six laps before it starts bothering me. There’s no way I can get out there,” I tell him once more, watching the waves crash against the shore. The waves crashing on the shore might as well be crashing on my soul, tearing apart my dream with every ebb and flow of the tide.


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