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A Hot Mess

Page 9

by Brandi Evans

  "What a good Dom you are," she teased before turning back to me. "How about I get you a little something to help dull those overactive, first-time nerves of yours?"

  "God, yes."

  Ten or so minutes later, a half-empty glass of chilled Sauvignon Blanc in my hand—iced water only for Max—we were wandering through the club again. The woman who'd been on the stage earlier had been carried to an empty platform, leaving the other Doms to join the other sub on stage.

  The woman's skin was a soft pink from the floggers and hands of the Doms around her. Unlike the other sub, this one wore a full leather face mask, so making out her facial expressions were impossible. But if the begging and franticness of her voice was any indication, she was a woman walking an erotic tightrope over a cavern of razors. One minute, she was in pleasure, the next… not so much.

  "That seems, um, extreme," I said to Max. "Is she okay?"

  Max pointed toward the stage. "Do you see the two men in the black pants and dark red polos?"

  I nodded.

  "They're dungeon monitors. I guarantee, if she'd given the club safe word, they'd have shut things down." He draped his arm around my shoulder and turned me away from the stage. "Finish your drink while I find us a place to sit. You've watched long enough, little sub."

  No, I really hadn't, but I held my tongue and, in one gulp, finished about half of what was left in my glass. The alcohol was warm in my stomach but very welcome. I just wished I could feel its effects faster.

  Max led me to a settee-looking piece of furniture along the back wall of what Viv had called the Dark Side, and now, I realized why the area had gotten its name. The lights were set considerably lower over here. I could still see my surroundings, sort of like Max's bedroom when he set the lights to dim. It would be too easy to get lost in one's self over here.

  Sir turned to me and took my lips in a hard kiss. "We're about to begin. This is the time to shut off your brain and just exist on sensation. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Very good." He kissed me again. "What's the club safe word?"

  "Red, Sir."

  "What's our safe word?"


  "Use them if you need them. Otherwise, just feel."

  Without waiting for me to respond, Max sat on the right side of the settee. The side he occupied had an armrest; the other did not. Nor was the opposite side flat. The surface was curved like the Liberator chaise he'd added to our playroom at his house. The gentle rise and fall were ideal for putting what he called his "favorite parts of my body" on display. This time, however, he wasn't planning to put me on show for his visual pleasure alone.

  I swallowed hard.

  "Finish your drink," he ordered, "and we'll get started."

  The timbre of his voice had changed. It'd dropped in volume but increased in authority. All aspects of the world-renowned businessman were gone, leaving behind only my Dom.

  "Yes, Sir." I closed my eyes and tossed back the last of my drink. I hoped the heady rush of the alcohol would hit sooner rather than later. My nerves needed a serious dousing.

  "Good girl," Max crooned. "Now set the glass down and remove the outer covering of your outfit. Don't worry with the undergarments. We'll deal with those when the right time comes."

  "As you wish, Sir."

  I can do this. I can do this. I can motherfucking do this!

  After placing my glass on the floor beside the sofa—there were no tables nearby—I eased down the outer fishnet. I kept my gaze pinned on Sir as I did so, blocking out as much of the club as I could manage.

  Max's gaze devoured me, and the expressions that soon followed sent my heart rate screaming into the stratosphere. Max looked at me as if he'd never wanted someone more. It was always the look he got when we were about to play, and I doubted I'd ever stop being so affected by the way I seemed to affect him.

  With heat simmering in my bloodstream, I gave one last push, and the fishnet dropped into a pool at my feet.

  Max made a "twirling" motion with his index finger. "Turn for me, little sub, slowly. I want everyone to see how truly spectacular you are, and then, I want you to kneel before me so every person here knows you are mine."

  "Yes, Sir."

  The second we lost eye contact, the anxiety still hovering near the edges of my resolve rose up, and my budding excitement dwindled. Then, I was facing Sir again, and everything seemed right with the world.

  While keeping our gazes locked, I dropped to my knees before my Dom. He was trying to look stalwart, but the left side of his lips had the slightest upturn.

  Max held a hand out. "Give me your hands," he ordered.

  "Yes, Sir." I obeyed, placing both my hands in my Dom's.

  Max removed a simple leather strap from his pocket, maybe half an inch wide and thin enough to give it good flexibility. He looped the leather through the links of my wrist cuffs, and using a simple slip knot, he secured my wrists in front of me. The strap was well-worn and well-used. I should know; he'd restrained me with it many times over the months.

  "Beautiful." With a tug of the strap, he pulled my hands to his lips and kissed my wrists before patting the seat beside him. "Now, lie down here beside me, on your back with your head on my thigh. Once you're comfortable, let your lovely legs fall wide in invitation. I want every Dom in this place to know we're ready to play."

  "Yes, Sir."

  Just breathe. Breathe. And whatever you do, don't fucking pass out!

  When I was in position, Max tugged until my arms were pinned back above my head. The simple binding he'd chosen allowed a bit more movement and play than he usually allowed at home, but the less severe binding was what I needed to keep my nerves from completely overtaking me—a conscious act Max had, no doubt, planned.

  My Dom knew me well, and I was never more grateful.

  Two Doms stopped beside us. Well, at least, I assumed they were Doms, judging by the way they held themselves, shoulders back, heads held high, and a take-no-shit set to their jaws. One was big—larger than Brock—while the other was not. Both were handsome, though, but in separate ways. Big Dom had a definite edge to him. Underneath his black tank and ripped jeans, he appeared to have muscles for days. Smaller Dom was svelte and suave in his leather pants and deep blue tank top.

  Side by side, they created a striking pair. Their smiles, on the other hand, were the same, almost as if they'd once shared a common ancestor. The upturn of their lips mesmerized and terrified me.

  Don't freak out. Max's with you! Max's with you.

  Big Dom fingered the multi-colored bands around my wrist. "Not black," he said to Smaller Dom. "She might not be as extreme as we usually prefer, but I think we should make an exception. There's something in her eyes that intrigues me."

  "I wholeheartedly agree, brother," said Smaller Dom.

  Brother? No wonder they had the same smile.

  The Doms assumed a position on either side of the sofa, and each took hold of one of my ankles and plied my legs farther apart.

  Eyelids slamming down, I inhaled a quick, sharp breath. Every muscle in my body went rigid, and one of the Doms chuckled. Judging by the deep rumble, I assumed it was Big Dom, but I wasn't sure until I'd forced my eyes open. Sure enough, Big Dom was grinning like a cat that had snuck into the creamery.

  "Looks like we got ourselves a newbie," Big Dom said. "That's what I saw in her eyes—fear."

  "Yes. Things will be much more fun now," said Smaller Dom.

  What was that supposed to mean?

  Panic shot through me, and I instinctively turned toward Max.

  "Breathe, little sub," Max crooned, teasing the tip of his index finger over my lower lip. "Breathe and look at me. Only me."

  As the two Doms teased fingertips along the insides of my thighs, I turned my gaze to my Dom. A familiar heat gleamed in his blue eyes, and the hue darkened a shade. It was the same desire I'd grown addicted to over the months, and without permission or thought, my body responded the way
it always did, with a shiver and a softening.

  I kept my gaze glued on Max as one Dom and then the other grabbed the top edge of my underwear and peeled the material down my legs. Shit, this was happening. I couldn't, I didn't think I could—god!

  "Stay with me," Max said. "Stay right here with me in this moment. Forget about who's touching you and focus only on the sensations, of the pleasure about to be drained from your sweet, willing body."

  Even as the words left Max's lips, one of the Doms—both of the Doms—peeled my labia wide.

  Oh, god.

  "My, my, she's certainly a juicy one, isn't she?" said Smaller Dom.

  "She is at that," his brother answered. "Talk about a wet little pussy. I wonder if she's as tasty as she looks."

  "One way to find out."

  "One way at that."

  I gasped at the sensation of being pulled wider—both my labia and my legs. I didn't have much time to process what was happening, however, before one of the two kissed me, warm lips fastening over my clit.

  A moan rolled past my lips, and I had to fight, to dig deep to keep my eyes open and focused on Max.

  "Such a lovely, obedient sub," Max crooned, and with a flick of his fingers, he unfastened the front clasp of my bra.

  The material snapped to the sides, and my breasts were free. Max drew lazy circles over my nipples while his other hand kept my hands secured behind my head. His touch was teasing and playful, a stark contrast to the harsh movements of the tongue lapping at my clit.

  "Sir," I begged, but whether I was asking for more or for less or something in between, I couldn't be sure.

  Max tugged my arms until I was forced to arch my back, putting my breasts on better display. He pinched my nipple, released it, pinched it again until the peak became rigid and goosebumps spread over every inch of my skin.

  A gasp had barely left my tongue when a set of lips settled over my opposite nipple, and someone drew the peak into their mouth.


  My head lolled to the left. The man suckling me wasn't familiar, and Big Dom was still licking my pussy with vigor as his brother watched and held my legs open. This was someone new, a black-haired man who was "held" in place by a redheaded Domme in a purple corset who was admonishing him to "keep sucking, slave."

  My mind jumped into hyper drive. Three men were touching me in some intimate way—at the same goddamn time—and that number didn't include my own Dom.

  "Shit." I arched my spine, instinctually seeking more contact even as my mind spun. "It's too, too, too—"

  Max traced his thumb over my bottom lip, silencing me. "Don't think. Just feel."

  "Yes, Sir." I closed my eyes and rolled my hips as I ground my sex against Big Dom's mouth.

  Big Dom drew my clit between his teeth and trapped it there. He didn't bite down, but the pressure—dear fucking god, the pressure!

  I stilled, suspended in that moment just before orgasm, but milliseconds before my climax hit, Big Dom pulled away.

  My eyes popped open in time to see him motion to his brother. "I've got her all warmed up for you."

  Grinning, Smaller Dom switched places with his brother. The interaction between them was easy, as if this act were little more than a game, and they were each taking their turn with me. Or better yet, like I was a bowl of custard, and they wanted to make sure the other got enough to eat.

  Before I could get my mind wrapped around their actions, however, Smaller Dom slid his tongue between my labia and proceeded to devour me. He ate me harder and more forcefully than his brother had. He made more use of his teeth, too, nipping at my sensitive skin and then soothing the sting with a caress of the tongue. Each nibble, each swipe, each slurp seemed to have one singular purpose. My unconditional surrender.

  Well, if they wanted surrender, they fucking had it.

  My orgasm blasted through me in multi-cresting waves. Back and forth, in and out. Right was wrong. I was falling up and standing down and everything in between.

  As Max had ordered, I closed my eyes and let my orgasm carry me away.

  I wasn't sure how much time had passed when I noticed myself being lifted from the sofa. Big Dom, Smaller Dom, and a Dom with blond hair I hadn't seen before were carrying me deeper into the Dark Side. Panic, no doubt, would have likely set in if I hadn't noticed Max walking beside us.

  Sir is still with me, a voice inside said. Sir is here.

  In the corner of the club, the three Doms secured my hands to a single chain that hung suspended from the ceiling, but they left my feet unbound, which I was grateful for. I liked being able to move a little. Well, not so much liked but needed. When Max got me going, I jerked and spasmed like crazy, and not having my ankles cuffed had no doubt saved me from a myriad of bruised ankles. And I had a feeling these three would have me squirming and fidgeting in no time at all.

  After I was hoisted fully into position, Max stepped into me, wrapped me against his body, and pressed a tender kiss to my lips; it was a kiss that seemed out of place, given our environment, but I didn't care.

  I loved it.

  I loved him.

  He pulled back far enough to nip at my earlobes and whispered, "You're drawing quite the crowd. Everyone wants a little piece of you. Do you have any idea how lucky that makes me feel, to know how many Doms want you but will never have you the way I do?"

  Like butter left outside on a hot southern afternoon, I melted into him.

  "I'm yours, Max, and you're mine." The words we'd exchanged what felt like years ago seemed prophetic now.

  A low growl in his chest vibrated from him and into me. "When we get home, I'm going to show you just how much you belong to me, but right now, I'm going to walk around so I can enjoy your enjoyment from every fucking angle conceivable."

  Given my arms were secure, I wrapped a leg around him to keep him from leaving. "Please don't leave, Sir."

  Max shook his head, grinning. "I won't be far away. I plan on staying close enough to hear every whimper and every strike of leather that plays over your skin."

  His words painted a shiver around my spine, and I nodded. If he was that close, it wouldn't be too bad.

  "Okay, Sir." I placed my foot back down.

  "Good girl." He cupped my cheeks and kissed me hard. "What's the club safe word?" he asked when he pulled back.

  "Red, Sir." We'd already done this, but I kept the obvious to myself.

  "What's our safe word?"


  "Very good." Sir kissed me once and, without another word, took a step away from me.

  "Sir," I said, calling him back to me before he was out of earshot.


  I love you. But this wasn't the right moment to say those words for the first time. Instead, I said, "Do you promise to keep me safe?"


  He stepped aside, and the other Doms filtered in to fill the space Max had left. So many people hovered around me, but I lost the ability to focus on any one thing or person except Big Dom and the flogger in his giant hand.

  The flogger.

  Sans Max, no other man had ever looked at me like that with a flogger in hand. I drew in on myself, making myself as small a target as I could. Despite the instinctual act of self-preservation, I wasn't exactly scared. I should have been, but I wasn't. I chalked my response up to the high levels of post-orgasmic hormones coursing through me and the hands stroking me, my skin, my breasts, my nipples, my ass; no body part was spared. Their touches were non-stop, a constant source of sensation that fed my rapidly rebounding arousal.

  Big Dom and his brother stepped forward as one cohesive unit. Smaller Dom dropped to his knees in front of me as his brother took up position slightly to my right. Someone pulled me against him, hands on my breasts. And yes, I knew he was a him; his cock was hard against my ass.

  He dropped his hands from my breasts and hooked one behind my left knee and drew my leg up and back. Smaller Dom took immediate advantage of my change in position and su
cked one of my labia into his mouth. His actions were gentle but thorough, as if going for maximum sensation, not orgasmic potential. He was priming the explosion, but his brother would be the catalyst.

  Big Dom lifted the flogger and gave it a flick. "You don't look frightened anymore, sub. I'm trying not to take that as an insult."

  His words were matter-of-fact, and I wasn't sure how to take them. Did he want me to be afraid of him? The idea he might want me afraid legitimately scared me.

  "Much better," he said, and grinning as if he'd found buried treasure, he took a step toward me. "Much, much better."

  He let the flogger fly.

  The tails connected with my left breast, and a gasp jumped from my lips as the jolt of pain was replaced by an intense, burning heat. Another strike followed and then another. One more still, until it felt as if my breast would burst. My head fell back and came to rest on the shoulder of the man behind me, and I tightened my fingers around the chain holding me upright. All the while, Smaller Dom kept licking my pussy.

  Desperate for more sensation, I ground myself against Smaller Dom's face as best as my position allowed. I wanted every modicum of pleasure as I could manage to balance the—


  Big Dom switched to my other breast, showing it the same brutal attention. His strikes were more painful than Max's, but I didn't feel as if I were in more pain. I couldn't quite explain the discrepancy. I just knew it.

  My head lolled to the side, and reality shifted—as did the man behind me. He slapped the bottom of my ass barehanded. The strike coincided with another hit of the flogger. It was too much and still not enough.

  "Fuck!" The word sounded as if I were underwater. My pulse was racing, my blood pounding between my ears. I wished I could split myself into pieces, so I could fully appreciate every touch. Every muscle in my body twitched and fired in rapid succession, and I couldn't get my lungs to work.

  I was drowning. Soaring. Dying. Flying.

  I caught sight of Max to my right. His gaze devoured me, exciting me more than I already was. He cupped his crotch. It was such a familiar stance, the one Max adopted after a round of playtime when he was tired of watching. In other words, when it was time for him to fuck me.


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