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Blood of the Sea Omnibus

Page 9

by Heather Renee

  I raised a brow, waiting for Alice to elaborate.

  “We did everything we could to postpone the ship from leaving you guys behind. Don’t worry. Henry will be fine. The captain just locked him in a room until we were safely away from the island. He didn’t trust Henry not to sabotage something.”

  A smile curved my lips, and I made a mental note to thank him when we saw him again. Nettie nestled back into my shoulder as we moved through the vessel.

  Once we were through the door, we went down a hallway with several doors, but all were closed except one that led to another staircase. At the end of the hallway was an eating area with several men around a circular table. Each of them paused to watch us as we passed. I imagined I was quite the sight with bare legs, a child clinging to me, and a blanket wrapped around us.

  After the galley, we headed down the stairs before arriving on the lowest level of the ship. It reeked of manure, making my stomach retch. Goats, sheep, and cows swayed inside the boat, causing quite the ruckus as they called out, clearly not happy with their present situation.

  “We’re hoping they quiet down at night,” Alice added, holding open another door. “Since we were unplanned guests, we were given the only two crew quarters left. I’m sure you can understand why they hadn’t been previously claimed.”

  Nettie groaned in my arms, complaining about the smell, and I almost joined her. Yet, I was afraid if I opened my mouth, I’d not only smell the dung, but taste it, too. Instead, I moved quicker and followed Alice through the door, which she promptly closed behind her.

  Three doors were in the section we had just entered, and she moved toward the lone one on the right. Two beds, a rickety desk, and two oil lamps hanging from the wall made up the room. After I entered, I sat on the bed and pulled Nettie back, so I could see her tear-stained face.

  “You’ve been through a lot in the last few days.” Her tiny head bobbed at my words. “I think it’s time we all got some sleep in a safe place. What do you think?”

  Her head nodded. “Will you sleep with me?”

  “I can do that, but I need to get cleaned up first. So, let’s make a deal. You lay down in bed first, and I will join you as soon as I can.”

  “You promise?”

  “With all my heart,” I whispered.

  She crawled off my lap and onto the bed. I took the wet blanket off me, wrapping the dry side around her tiny frame. I wasn’t worried about undressing behind closed doors.

  Once Nettie was settled, I turned to find Alice digging through some wooden crates I hadn’t seen before. I joined her and realized they were filled with clothes. Men’s clothes.

  “The captain said we were welcome to anything in the crates, but there’s not much here for us,” Alice said. “Hope you don’t mind wearing trousers.”

  I shrugged. “I was never one for fancy dresses. Especially the one I just had on. Pierce has a thing for red. I’ll wear whatever is in there, as long as it’s not red.”

  She laughed. “Well, you’re in luck, because all I see are browns, blacks, and whites.”

  We found the smallest bottoms and tops we could, then changed and settled on the second bed. I’d lay with Nettie when I was ready for sleep, but before I could rest, I needed to know what had happened when I was gone. Something told me Alice would be more forthcoming with information than Jameson. I had to take advantage of the situation while I could.

  “So, how did it go after Pierce took me?” I asked, not seeing the point in trying to make small talk first.

  “It was bad.” Her face pinched. “Jameson lost it, and it took all three of us to hold him back. It wasn’t until he registered Nettie’s cries that he began to calm. Once he did, it was nonstop movement and planning. We went back to the warehouse sector and found a new place to stay for the night. It was cramped, and Jameson said we weren’t allowed to talk until sunrise, but it kept us safe until he came back in the morning.”

  “Came back?” I asked in confusion. “Why did he leave you guys?”

  Alice cringed, glancing at Nettie to make sure she was asleep. “He had some aggression to let out. He said he was just going to make rounds around the buildings and make sure the area was safe as it could be, given the situation, but when he came back, he was covered in blood and ash. Henry tried to ask him what happened, but Jameson wouldn’t talk about it. I’ve known him a long time, and that was the first time I was afraid of him. We know what he is now, but we all agreed he wasn’t a danger to us.”

  The only part of what she said that had me really worried was the blood. Had Jameson stayed true to his word and drank blood from animals, or had he finally caved in to whatever urges he was experiencing and harmed a human? I wasn’t sure how I’d broach the subject, but it was something I needed to ask him. I needed to know if he was going to be a threat to our group. I wouldn’t put the others at risk, no matter how much I was beginning to care about Jameson. I was glad to know his situation wasn’t a secret any longer, though. It made things easier on our group dynamic.

  “How did you get on this ship?” I asked.

  “We used the charred boats as planned. I felt horrible leaving you behind with Pierce, but Jameson kept pushing for us to hurry. I didn’t realize it was only because he was coming back for you. As soon as we met with the captain, Jameson requested a private meeting with him. Before the rest of us knew it, he was saying his goodbyes and headed back to Port Victory.”

  I took a moment to digest the information, but before I could ask another question, Alice continued.

  “He wasn’t fine after you were taken. I don’t even want to know where he went or what he killed when he left us last night, but you deserve to know. I don’t know how severe Jameson’s demons are, and I know you two are getting close. Just make sure you’re careful, okay?”

  Choosing not to reply with words, I only nodded. Even though I knew I should be afraid, I wasn’t. Neither of us were all right, so I couldn’t hold his faults against him. I wouldn’t be a hypocrite.

  A knock sounded at the door before Jameson, Nathan, and Henry entered. Their faces were solemn, and I knew immediately that the reprieve I thought we’d find on this boat was no longer an option.

  “The ship won’t be taking us to Port Defiant like we had hoped,” Jameson informed without preamble.

  “Where are we going?” Alice asked.

  “Longford. It’s a small island, south of where we need to be.”

  “Is it safe there?” I asked. The look on Jameson’s face gave me my answer before he even spoke.

  “I don’t know.”

  I wanted to scream and cry. Was it too much to ask to feel secure even for a night? Apparently, so.

  Chapter 10

  Jameson continued to explain that when he first met with the captain, he was furious, threatening to throw us all off the ship. After some persuasive fast-talking and a few bribes, the men were able to settle on a compromise. We would at least be taken to land, but nobody knew if it would be safe or not.

  I moved from the bed with Alice to Nettie, checking to make sure she was still asleep. I wanted her to have as much peace as she could for the little time we had left on the ship.

  “So, what do we do now?” Alice asked.

  There was no point in trying to argue with the captain. We had almost gotten his crew killed. I couldn’t fault him for wanting to be rid of us as soon as possible. We needed to be grateful for what we did have and make the best of it.

  “Nathan, Jameson, and I will help the crew out in an effort to earn our keep,” Henry explained, running a hand through his hair.

  “Nia, Nettie, and I can help in the galley. I’m sure the crew has mending that needs done. We’ll do what we can,” Alice offered, glancing at me.

  I would do anything that needed to be done to earn our passage to another island, even if I had to shovel manure from the animals overboard. I wasn’t afraid to get dirty.

  My gaze focused on Jameson, trying to catch his eye, yet he seemed t
o be looking at everything and everyone else in the room except for me. A pang of something pierced my chest, but I pushed it away, along with the memory of his lips moving against mine while his arms held me close. I shook my head, attempting to get my thoughts back to the present.

  “We should get some sleep, so we are well-rested for whatever tomorrow holds,” Nathan added, eyeing Nettie as she slumbered on the bed, snoring softly.

  “She’ll be just fine,” I assured him, trying to alleviate his worry.

  “I just hope, with time, she can overcome all of this,” he replied softly.

  “We’ll help her. She isn’t alone in this,” Alice offered, and I wanted to hug her.

  It seemed I was becoming emotional with the manifestation of even more abilities. Or maybe I was just tired. Weariness weighed heavily on my limbs and mind. We were all safe, at least for now, and that had to be enough.

  Nathan and Henry said their goodnights, exiting the room to head to their own, holding the door for Jameson, who hesitated.

  “Lavinia, can I speak to you for a moment?” he asked, still not meeting my eyes.

  I nodded and stood quickly before turning and fussing over Nettie’s blanket, smoothing her hair away from her face. She was so innocent in her sleep, and I hoped that we could keep that sweet innocence intact within her. The world was a scary place and not something a child should be worrying about, let alone experience. Another pang hit my chest as the limited memories from my own childhood surfaced, but I pushed them aside, not wanting to relive it.

  Jameson held the door open for me to walk through it. Nathan and Henry’s door clicked shut at the same moment I stepped out into the hall. Without a word, Jameson reached for my hand and gently guided me down the short hall, then through a door at the end. It led into a small room with a staircase leading to the upper decks.

  He leaned against the door before his blue eyes roved over me in a way that had my stomach fluttering. All thoughts of rest were swept to the side. He eyed my trouser-clad legs, and I watched as he swallowed hard before moving his eyes back up to my face.

  I imagined I was quite the sight in sailor’s clothing that didn’t fit. The oversized shirt hung off my shoulder, dipping lower than what I was used to wearing. The bottoms were cinched tight with a rope acting as a belt, causing everything to bunch together.

  Stepping closer to him, I surprised myself with my boldness. He watched me with hooded eyes while his hands splayed across my waist, just below my rib cage. His arms pulled me taut against him, and I relaxed against his chest. We stood there for several moments, holding each other as the emotions of the past hours played between us.

  “We made it. We’re safe,” he whispered.

  “For now,” I replied quietly.

  “We’re going to be fine. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  “I can’t help but think that more is coming,” I whispered so softly I could barely hear myself.

  “We’ll face it together.”

  He gently pressed his lips to mine, and I kissed him back, but the earlier worry for him came to the surface of my mind.

  “What’s going on in that mind of yours?” he asked before kissing the corner of my lips and leaning back to see my face.

  “Are you all right?” I asked, then hurriedly continued before I lost my nerve. “Alice told me what happened while I was… away. She said you were covered in blood and it made me worry, Jameson.”

  His lips pulled down into a frown as I spoke. I bit my lip, apprehensive about what he would say. Would he admit that it was human blood? And if it was, where could we go from here?

  “I had a run in with a vampire while I was feeding from a goat. He snuck up behind me and I tore the poor animals throat in my haste to draw my dagger. I haven’t tasted human blood, and though it calls to me, I can fight it. Being near you makes it infinitely more manageable.”

  “How? I don’t understand.” My fingers played nervously with the buttons of his shirt.

  “There’s something about you that calms the urges inside me. Your scent quiets the monster, making rational thought easier and not clouded by bloodlust. I fought it successfully when I was first turned, but I could feel my resolve slipping. Then, you ran into me and I could think clearly again.”

  “I do that?” I asked, amazed that something good could have come from the nightmare I had been living.

  “Yes. I don’t know how, but I thank God, fate, destiny, or whatever brought you to me,” he said, wrapping me in his arms, pulling me closer, and pressing his nose to my hair.

  For the first time in my life, I felt like I had a purpose. I had been a burden to my aunt and uncle, an unwanted extra body in their home. My aunt and I had grown close over time, but I was always a nuisance to my uncle, and he used me to better his standing. I was important to Jameson. I calmed the monster inside him, making it easier for him to live in his new reality. It was pleasant to feel wanted, to be needed after living a life of feeling like I was unwanted baggage.

  With one last embrace, we said goodnight, and I quietly made my way back to the cabin room, closing the door softly behind me. Lifting the blanket, I scooted in next to Nettie. She didn’t stir as I settled down and curled my body around hers. Exhaustion had my eyes closing as soon as my head rested on my arm, and within moments, I was asleep.

  It took nearly a week to reach Port Longford, due to weather and the captain making certain that we weren’t being followed by Prime or any other pirates. Our little group stayed together, helping where we could. Nettie, Alice, and I kept to the galley during the day and stayed up late at night, mending the many torn clothes of the crew by candlelight. It was hard, tiring work, but it was nice to have our minds distracted and our bodies so weary that we slept soundly, despite the rocking of the ship.

  I only saw glimpses of Jameson during the day, but I snuck out of our room at night to meet him in the small room with the staircase. We would hold each other, talk, and share a few chaste kisses before parting to get some sleep. He would arrive looking haggard and worn, but he would perk up after a few minutes with me. It was amazing to know that I was somehow the cause of that.

  When we sailed into the bay of Port Longford, I couldn’t help the hope that bloomed in my chest as I saw the buildings and the normal sounds of a bustling town. I was standing on the main deck with Nettie and Alice when we anchored and the rowboat was lowered. The ship normally had two boats, but Jameson and I had abandoned the other in our bid to get to the ship faster, which didn’t help to endear the captain to our small group. I hoped that all our assistance over the past week made up for it.

  Jameson and Henry were among the first group to head into the port, while Nathan, Nettie, Alice, and I stayed on board. We had little in regard to currency, but Alice and I couldn’t go into town in men’s clothes. It would draw too much attention, and we needed to be inconspicuous while we were here. So, Jameson and Henry were sent into town to purchase practical dresses for us before returning to the boat, and then we would all disembark together.

  Nettie was bouncing on her heels when the rowboat finally made its way back to the ship. They had several packages wrapped in paper and tied with twine. I found myself equal parts excited for a new dress and disappointed. I had gotten used to wearing trousers and a linen shirt. While the attire might have been more comfortable, it wasn’t proper for a woman to wear such things.

  Once on board, Jameson handed a package to Alice, Nettie, and me. The three of us scurried down to our cabin with excitement. We tore open the paper and withdrew the dresses. They were attractive, sensible dresses, and I was relieved to find that mine was not red. It was a deep green color with small white buttons decorating the front. Alice had a similar dress, but hers was a light yellow that made her cornflower-blue eyes seem even brighter. Nettie’s was a soft pink that complemented her straw-colored curls well.

  We exited our cabin feeling like brand new women, to find the three males that made up our group clean-shaven and wearin
g new clothes. Jameson’s hair wasn’t pulled back like usual, and I marveled at how young he looked without facial hair obscuring his face. I assumed him to be around the same age as me, and was surprised, during one of our late-night conversations, to learn that he was twenty-one—three years older than me.

  “You ladies look lovely,” Nathan said, offering a big smile to Nettie, while Henry eyed Alice in her soft yellow number.

  Jameson glanced at the others and complimented them, but the heat in his eyes was only for me. Alice had helped me braid my long black hair and pin it up, so it was off my neck to keep me cool in the heat of the day. I very much felt like a woman, and I was ecstatic to be the cause of the hunger in a certain pair of azure eyes.

  “We inquired about ships while we were in town,” Henry informed, which drew my attention from Jameson, but I could feel his eyes still on me. “There is one heading out in the next couple of days. I didn’t get their full itinerary, but they are planning to make a stop along the way at Port Defiant. Once we get to shore, we’ll go see if we can get passage on the vessel, so we can get to Defiant.”

  “Oh, that’s perfect,” Alice exclaimed.

  “There is a small inn, and we were able to get two rooms, so we’ll be sharing again like we have been,” Jameson added as we all made our way up the stairs.

  The captain joined us on the deck, his steel eyes taking us in but not commenting on our clean attire. Jameson stepped away to meet with him. They spoke in hushed tones, and I saw Jameson withdraw a small pouch from his trouser pocket, dropping it into the captain's hand. I remembered Jameson mentioning something about bribery to ensure our safe passage here. He must have been keeping his end of the deal.

  After business was taken care of, we joined a crew member on the row boat. Jameson took the seat behind me, while Nettie nestled in next to me. In her hands was the doll she had found back at Port Victory. She lifted the toy to show me something she was excited about, but a rogue wave slammed into the boat, causing it to slip from her hands and fall over the side.


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