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Joan and the Juggernaut: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 10)

Page 15

by Honey Phillips

  “It is inadequate. If you cannot afford additional fuel, then you must clothe her appropriately.”

  “How am I gonna get a male to buy her if they can’t see what they’re getting?” The male sneered at the huddled female. “Not that she has much to offer even naked.”

  “Fuel or clothing,” Baralt repeated.

  “You can’t tell me what to do.”

  “I am the law. The town was informed that we would be enforcing Imperial standards.”

  The male spat on the ground, the glob freezing immediately. “I didn’t agree to that.”

  “Then you’re quite free to leave Port Eyeja.”

  The male’s fur turned a vivid shade of orange, clearly a sign of rage, and she felt Varga brace. But instead of attacking Baralt, the shop owner swore, grabbed the female roughly by her wrist and hauled her inside the building, slamming the window shut behind him.

  “You can’t leave her with him,” she protested.

  Baralt nodded grimly. “I will send an officer to investigate. It is clear that she is being mistreated. We will remove her from his possession.”

  “Can’t we do that now?”

  “No,” Baralt and Varga said simultaneously.

  “We do not know who else could be inside, and I will not take the chance while there are three females in my care,” Baralt continued.

  “Our care,” Varga added firmly.

  “I will send instructions as soon as we reach my residence,” Baralt promised.

  Looking from Baralt to Varga, she realized it wasn’t a battle she would win. Further up the street, Saka and Polly were huddled next to Njkall. Both females looked frightened. She sighed and gave in. “Then let’s hurry.”

  Varga knew his female wasn’t happy, but he agreed with Baralt. This was not the time to rescue the unfortunate slave. He had no doubt that Baralt would follow through on his promise to take care of her.

  Baralt’s house was on the very edge of town, looking out across a vast plain to the mountains where the caves of his tribe were located. A high stone wall surrounded the house, with a guard at the gate.

  “Is this much security necessary?” he asked Baralt quietly.

  “Perhaps not, but trying to instill law and order in the town is not a quick process. There have been too many years of lawlessness. Since I cannot be with her at all times, I want to know that my mate is safe.”

  Varga followed his friend through the gate, trying to suppress a hint of doubt. Would a guard, even one for her own protection, remind Joan of her ordeal?

  She didn’t seem bothered right now, looking around with appreciative eyes before Izzie, Baralt’s mate, came rushing out to meet them. She was a short, curvy human with golden skin and dark curls, glowing with health. She too had been abused, but she seemed to have put it behind her, and Varga hoped that the other females would be able to as well.

  “I’m so excited to meet you. All of you. Come in out of the cold.” Izzie led the way into a large entrance hall and helped them remove their outer clothing while Baralt introduced everyone. Her eyes widened as Polly shed her cloak and revealed her filthy, naked body. They widened even further when Polly took Njkall’s hand.

  “Umm, okay. Would anyone like something to eat? Or drink?”

  “Actually, I brought some cookies,” Joan said nervously as she pulled out the bag of treats.

  “Cookies? Really? I haven’t had a cookie since…” Izzie bit her lip, and Baralt put his arm around her.

  “I’m sorry,” Joan said quickly. “I just thought you might enjoy them.”

  “I remember those,” Taliane said eagerly. “They’re very good.”

  “I’m sure they are.” Izzie’s smile looked a little forced as she led the way into the comfortable living room. “Let’s have some tea to go with them.”

  By the time the tea was poured, she seemed to have regained her composure, and when she bit into one of Joan’s cookies, her smile was completely genuine. “These are delicious.”

  Joan’s cheeks colored as they always did when she received a compliment. “Thank you.”

  “I’m afraid I’m not a very good cook,” Izzie admitted. “Baralt’s sister Zemma is trying to teach me.”

  “Joan is an excellent cook,” he said firmly. “And she would like to apply for a position in the restaurant of your resort.”

  “That’s an excellent idea,” Izzie said immediately. “Don’t you think so, Njkall?”

  Varga knew that Njkall was overseeing the project, and he was relieved when the male nodded immediately.

  Izzie grinned at Joan. “Good. Do you think you could put together some menus for us?”

  “I can try. I’ll have to find out what you have available locally.”

  “Of course. Maybe we should go and visit Zemma tomorrow.”

  “Or she can come here,” Baralt interrupted. “The town has been restless lately.”

  Izzie rolled her eyes and turned back to Joan. She began describing their plans for the resort, and Njkall and Saka were soon drawn into the conversation.

  “Here.” Varga looked up to see Baralt handing him a glass of dark liquid.

  “Aldarian whiskey?” He raised a brow but didn’t refuse the glass. “I practically had to carry you back to your mate last time we indulged.”

  Baralt laughed. “Just a glass tonight, but I think this is an occasion worth celebrating. You have found your mate.”

  “It is indeed something to celebrate,” he agreed, watching Joan laugh. He took a sip of the whiskey, relishing the smooth burn as it slid down his throat.

  “And you are going to stay here on Hothrest, despite your professed hatred of ice planets?” Baralt raised a shaggy brow.

  “As long as my female is content.”

  “Then I hope she remains content. It is good to have you here, my friend.”

  Varga raised his glass and let the warmth of good whiskey and good friends wash over him as he watched his mate. If she was happy here, then he too would be content.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The next morning, Joan smiled as her eyes opened, and she looked around the room she was sharing with Varga. Despite the somewhat forbidding exterior of the big stone house, Izzie had made the inside feel very welcoming. But speaking of welcoming, she had promised to cook breakfast as a small thank you for the welcome Izzie had extended to them. She reluctantly slipped away from Varga’s big, warm body and went to get dressed in the clothes Izzie had lent her.

  As she headed for the kitchen, a door opened further down the corridor, and she saw Polly slip out. The girl didn’t see her. Her posture was relaxed and she was walking, rather than skittering away, but Joan frowned as she watched the girl return to her own room.

  Without bothering to knock, Joan threw open the door to the room Polly had deserted. As she suspected, Njkall was sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “How could you?” she demanded.

  Njkall met her angry gaze calmly. “She came to me.”

  “That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have known better.”

  “She came to me,” he repeated, “because she wished to be held. I obliged. That was all that was between us.”

  Some of the anger left her, but she frowned at him. “I don’t think you understand. She was abused, terribly abused. I’m not sure that she’s capable of making good decisions.”

  “You don’t think I know what happened to her?” Njkall’s usual calm suddenly disappeared. He stood, looking enormous in the small room, and she realized nervously that his claws had extended. “I can smell it on her and I want to kill each and every one of them slowly and painfully.”

  “You can tell?”

  He sighed, and his anger was replaced by sorrow. “Yes. This is a time when I regret that the Hothian sense of smell is so keen.”

  “She refuses to take a bath. But maybe…”

  He was already shaking his head. “If it gives her some feeling of protection, I will not take that away from her. My ange
r is not important.”

  She studied his face, trying to read the strange features.

  “Do you like her?” she burst out.

  “She is my mate,” he said simply, but raised his hand before she could respond. “I know she is not ready for that. She may never be ready for that. But I will do anything she wishes me to do.” Gleaming blue eyes fastened on her face. “And if it comforts her to come to me, I will not turn her away and you will not try to prevent her.”

  She stared back at him for a moment, then sighed. “I will try not to interfere.”

  A surprisingly attractive smile suddenly crossed his face. “Based on what I have seen so far, I suspect that will be extremely difficult for you.”

  “You have no idea,” she muttered, but smiled back. “And I’m still going to keep an eye on her.”

  “I am grateful that you wish to care for her as well.”

  Before she could respond, Varga came up behind her, immediately pulling her against his side and glaring at Njkall.

  “Is he bothering you?” he demanded.

  “Not at all,” she said cheerfully, and gave him an innocent look. “I was just about to go and make some of those muffins you like.”

  “Little bird, I suspect this is one of your efforts to divert me,” he said sternly. “However, your muffins are a powerful argument.”

  He whisked her out of Njkall’s room, slamming the door behind him.

  “That was rude,” she scolded.

  “Not as rude as I would like to have been. I do not like finding my mate in another male’s room. I suspect it will take many muffins to erase my unhappiness.”

  Despite his solemn face, his eyes laughed down at her, and she went up on tiptoes to give him a kiss. How could I ever have thought that he was anything like my ex-husband? she wondered as he bent down to meet her. And then all thoughts of the past disappeared as she lost herself in his kiss.

  Later that morning, Issar and Taliane came to say goodbye. Joan couldn’t resist pulling the girl aside.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “Very sure.” Taliane’s eyes drifted over to Issar and he seemed to sense her attention, looking up and smiling at her. “We came together under such terrible conditions that I know we can get through anything together.”

  Joan’s own gaze went to Varga as she nodded in agreement. Their love had been forged in a fiery crucible. Looking back at Taliane, the girl’s happiness was easy to read.

  “You look very happy.”

  “I am.” Taliane leaned forward and whispered softly, “We went to a medic on the way here this morning.”

  “Is something wrong?”

  “Not at all. I just wanted to get the birth control reversed. With any luck, I’ll be pregnant before we reach Asing.”

  Dizziness swept over Joan and she swayed. Taliane reached for her, helping her to a seat.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Pregnant? You can get pregnant even though you’re of different species?” Her mouth felt numb.

  “Of course. That’s why they gave us birth control shots when we arrived on Drahana. Pregnant females are too difficult to manage,” Taliane said bitterly, then frowned at Joan. “Didn’t you get one?”

  She thought back to her arrival. Ukhaan had insisted that she walk through an icy disinfectant spray, and it had left her too cold and shocked to notice much after that. But now that she thought about it, he had given her a painful injection. Her body sagged with relief.

  “Yes, yes, I did.”

  Taliane gave her an inquisitive look. “You look relieved. Don’t you want Varga’s child?”

  Her eyes automatically went to him. His head was thrown back as he laughed at something Issar had said. Her big, handsome mate. Her eyes suddenly filled with tears.

  “I don’t know. I love him so much, but I don’t think I’m ready. I need to know that I could take care of myself, let alone a child, if anything happened to him.”

  The very thought made her stomach churn. Taliane nodded, but Joan suspected she didn’t really understand Joan’s logic.

  After the couple left, Joan fled upstairs to their room. She wasn’t surprised when Varga followed a short time later.

  “You looked worried earlier when you spoke with Taliane. Is something wrong?”

  “Not exactly.” She paced over to the window, not looking at him. “She told me that she and Issar are planning on having a baby. I didn’t realize that different species could have children together.”

  “It’s quite common. I’m sure Issar is thrilled.”

  “You didn’t say anything,” she burst out, whirling to face him. “And you never asked me.”

  “I have a birth control implant,” he said quietly. “It’s a standard practice for all fighters. I would never try and get you pregnant without discussing it with you.”

  She hadn’t even considered that possibility. “You mean males get implants?”

  “Of course. Do human males not practice birth control?”

  “Not often.” She smiled ruefully as she joined him on the bed. “Taliane told me we were given shots to prevent pregnancy as well, and I wasn’t sure if you knew. I should have realized that you would look out for me.”

  “Always, little bird.” He hesitated. “Do you want children?”

  “I don’t know. I never wanted to have children with Kevin.” He growled as he always did when she referred to her ex. “But it wasn’t because I didn’t want to have children. Unfortunately, it was the right time in my life but the wrong male.”

  “And now…”

  “You are definitely the right male, but… it doesn’t feel like the right time. This is all still so new, and I haven’t really found my place yet.”

  His face hardened, and he pulled her onto his lap. “Your place is with me.”

  “I know.” She reached up and brushed a kiss across his mouth. “And there’s nowhere else I would rather be—but I want to feel like I have a place of my own as well. Does that make sense?”


  He sighed and gathered her close. After a minute, she looked up at him. “What about you? Do you want children?”

  She felt his cock jerk beneath her and bit her lip.

  “That seems like a yes.”

  “The idea of seeing you grow ripe with my child thrills me. But as you said, while I know you are the right female, I am not sure this is the right time.”

  She put a hand on his face. “I love you, Varga, and you are the right male. But I think we should wait.”

  “I love you too, Joan, and I agree.” A speculative look crossed his face, and his eyes gleamed. “Of course, that doesn’t mean we can’t practice.”

  She gave him an innocent stare. “Oh? What did you have in mind?”

  “I’ll show you.” He had her dress off before she could take a breath.

  “You certainly don’t need any practice in making my clothes disappear,” she teased, but the heat in his eyes as he surveyed her naked body had her nipples tingling and a delicious pulse starting between her legs.

  “I don’t like anything concealing your beauty from my eyes.”

  She felt the heat rise to her cheeks as it always did when he called her beautiful, but she had learned that objecting to his compliments usually resulted in one of his tantalizing spanks. And as much as she enjoyed them, she wanted to see what he had in mind this time.

  “If I were trying to get you with child, the first thing I would do is make sure you were completely open to me,” he said thoughtfully, then lifted her legs, gently spreading them until she knew every inch of her quivering pussy was exposed to him.

  She felt naked, vulnerable, and so excited that she actually felt her channel pulse. He must have seen it as well because he traced the small entrance with one big finger. “Such an eager little cunt. So anxious to be filled. Is this what you want?”

  He slid the tip of his finger into her, just enough to tease. She tried to arc
h her hips and take more but he wouldn’t let her.

  “Or perhaps this?” He bent his head and speared her with his tongue, a hot, thick intrusion that made her cry out with pleasure. “Mmm, delicious.”

  He pulled free, licking up through her folds to circle her aching clit, teasing her with lightning fast sweeps of his tongue until she was panting and trying to buck against his grip.

  “But I don’t think you would really want my finger or my tongue,” he growled. “You would want to be bred. You would want my cock buried in that sweet little cunt.”

  He grabbed her ankles with one hand, effortlessly lifting her bottom higher until his cock was aimed directly at her waiting entrance. With her legs together, she was even tighter than normal and he had to work his way slowly inside, letting her feel each ridge as he sank into her. She wanted to move, to take more of him, but he took his time, stretching out the pleasure until he filled her completely.

  “Is this what you want?”

  “Oh, yes. Yes!”

  Still holding her ankles in one hand, he reached down and circled the place where they were joined, then reached up to feather a stroke across her needy, pulsing clit. “When you come, you will pull more of my seed inside you.”

  His hips jerked, and he began to move, still slow, still deliberate. She looked up to find him watching her. She could see the strain on his face, see the control it took to move so slowly.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I want your seed deep inside me.”

  His control snapped, and he began to thrust harder, faster, still working her clit and urging her higher. She felt him climax, felt him filling her, and then she was coming too, her channel milking him and drawing every drop of seed from him. He collapsed with a hoarse cry, finally releasing her ankles, and she immediately wrapped her arms and legs around him, pulling him even closer.

  When he finally lifted his head, his face was soft, his dark golden eyes tender. “What did you think of our practice?”

  “It was very nice.”

  He raised a brow. “Nice?”

  “Well, you know what they say,” she whispered. “Practice makes perfect.”

  “Then let us practice again.”


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