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Girl On Fire

Page 6

by Kim Thomas

  “I understand, could you warm those up first I don’t want my wrists to get cold” I smiled pointing at the handcuffs in Detective Blake’s hands.

  “Hold out your hands please Anna” Detective Blake commanded, ignoring my previous comments.

  I obliged and silently held out my wrists which Detective Blake handcuffed together with his very cold handcuffs, how exciting!

  Chapter Fifteen

  Leading me out of the back door of the interview room into the second reception, Detective Blake stopped me abruptly in front of a desk with a stern women who reminded me of my old headmistress at primary school.

  “This is Anna Gerard, we need her prints and information to be booked into the system. Anna is being charged with murder of six civilians, the case files are under code 324 Arson” Detective Blake commanded to the lady who began tapping away at her computer which I presume was her finding my files, at least he didn’t call the idiots victims!

  “Do you have any identification?” the stern women asked me.

  “Isn’t my face and prints enough?” I asked sarcastically, smirking at the lady.

  “I can provide identification for Miss Gerard. These are her personal belongings you should find a driver’s license in the purse” Detective Blake replied, handing my handbag to the lady.

  “Is there anyone you would like us to call to inform them of your situation?” The stern lady, who I realised was called Jane after reading her breast, asked me.

  “Considering one of my murders was my boyfriend, I do not think it will be long for anyone to realise about my situation” I replied tapping my heeled shoe on the floor impatiently.

  “I will retrieve her immediate families contact details from her phone and file after we have taken her prints and booked her in” Detective Blake answered, ushering me into a room next to the reception area where two uniformed officers and a lady in a white lab coat was waiting for us.

  “Anna my name is Laura. Today we will firstly be taking your finger prints; then I will assist you to change into this jumpsuit; then we require a urine sample: and finally we require a blood sample. Do you understand everything I have said Anna?” Laura spoke slowly as if I was thick.

  “Of course I understand, I am not retarded” I answered sarcastically moving forward to the fingerprint table.

  “Please place your thumbs here please and then place your thumbs on this sheet” Laura quietly said like I knocked the confidence out of her with my sarcastic comment, the silly cow.

  I placed each of my thumbs in the ink pad and placed them on the sheet then waited patiently for the next instruction from bimbo Laura.

  “Please come with me behind the screen as we need you to change into the jumpsuit” Laura gestured over to the blue screen and handed me a folded up orange jumpsuit, pair of boots, socks, sports bra and underwear.

  Detective Blake walked forwards and undone my handcuffs but made sure that I saw his gun that was positioned in his waist belt which only made his ass look hotter.

  Walking behind the screen I began to take off my clothes when finished I folded up clothes and handed them to Laura before placing on the jumpsuit which was slightly tight around my breasts which I quite liked.

  I loved it when clothes amplified my breasts.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Mum came into the visitor’s area of the prison looking older than I remembered however dad was still the arrogant looking man who I remembered they were escorted by a fat suited man who was obviously a lawyer.

  “Hello honey how are you?” Mum asked me giving me one of those sympathetic maternal smiles, little late for that now deluded cow.

  “This is Richard Williamson, he has come to help you. He is your lawyer” Dad introduced the man who smiled reassuringly down at me.

  “I do not need a lawyer” I slowly said to ensure my dim-witted father understood me.

  “You will be sentenced and the sentence will be for life, is that what you want Anna?” The fat lawyer asked me sitting down in front of me.

  “Really? I never knew that….” I replied sarcastically sniggering under my breath.

  “Please Anna we are trying to help you” Mum began to beg and get tearful, she was always a wimp.

  “Mother dear being the highly intelligent being that I am, I know the implications of my actions and I do not require representation. I didn’t require representation when I was arrested and I do need it after being in a cell for four days. Court is on Monday and then you will be able to move on with your lives, I can ensure you of that fact” I responded to all three of their enquiries.

  “To clarify you are denying my offer of representation?” The fat lawyer asked with his pen poised on his piece of paper

  “To clarify I am denying offer of representation or would you like me to spell that out with doughnuts or maybe sausage rolls or even icing?” I smirked at my little joke.

  “I apologise Richard” Dad said standing up and shaking fat lawyer’s hand who looked unimpressed and slightly embarrassed.

  “When are you seeing the counsellor honey?” Mum asked reaching out towards me.

  “Tomorrow mother dear, I cannot wait be nice to talk to someone who doesn’t zone out when people speak” I sarcastically answered.

  Mum looked hurt and offended by my brutal but honest comment.

  “We should go” Dad said touching mum’s shoulder who nodded in agreement and stood up.

  “Good luck honey” Mum smiled down at me blowing me a kiss, she never will give up on me poor thing.

  Dad simply walked out the room, I think part of him was afraid that he had contributed in creating me and another part didn’t care what happened to me whereas mum kept glancing back like she was afraid I would disappear.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Entering the shrink’s office the unbearable clinical environment was truly depressing, I thought shrinks were meant to help you not to depress you. Slightly ironic don’t you think?

  “Please Annabelle take a seat” Dr Dick pointed to the very large tub seat opposite his chair which was brown, leather and obnoxious.

  “Anna” I corrected him firmly which took him by surprise.

  “Anna it is” Dr Dick responded replenishing his expression back to the clinical figure.

  We sat in silence for a moment, I was actually contemplating when and where I would be able to set fire to his ass and I am sure he was trying to assess me just by staring at me. This guy must be on 20 an hour and to be honest I cannot understand why.

  “Do you think you are evil Anna?” Dr Dick asked me smiling at me.

  “Do you? I mean we are not here to know what I think, we are here to know what you think Doctor isn’t that correct. I am curious what your professional opinion is?” I responded professionally smiling back at Dr Dick.

  “I think you are a very interesting young women” Dr Dick assessed.

  “Agreeable, go on” I nodded in response to his assessment although with the clinical shrink types there was always more and more and more they could probably go on and on for infinity.

  “You are a very complex, curious and disturbed young lady but no you are not evil” Dr Dick finalised his assessment by gesturing me with his hands to respond.

  I didn’t respond, I didn’t feel I needed to. I know what I am and I am for once in my life I am proud to be the psychotic, clever sociopath that I am, of course the doctor didn’t need to know that.

  “Your actions have hurt and affected a lot of people, do you understand?” Dr Dick asked me softly.

  “What about your actions in your past and I am sure in your present?” I implored the doctor.

  “My actions?” Dr Dick asked with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

  “With your patients, I am sure you have hurt, affected and even damaged your fair share of patients. I can think of a few especially a young man in particular, didn’t he jump of a bridge just to escape you?” I summarised smiling to myself when I saw the old man’s p
ainful expression.

  “How do you….we are here to talk about you Anna” Dr Dick attempted to get back to the original meeting’s agenda but I was not going to let him off that easily.

  “I must say Doc I am interested and impressed by your complex, curious and disturbed personality” I concluded.

  Dr Dick was clearly worried about how much I knew, the sweat was pouring down his forehead and he looked like he was about to cry. What a little baby. This guy must be three times my age and here he is looking like he is about to pee in his diapers.

  “What…what else do you know?” Dr Dick asked me nervously, wiping his forehead with his napkin he had taken from his front pocket in his jacket.

  “Oh Doctor, do you really think I would tell you? I will give you a hint though come closer…” I said to Dr Dick ushering him closer with his finger.

  Dr Dick leaned in towards me like a good little baby boy.

  “That is the beginning of the information I have, I could destroy you and not even break a nail or move from my lovely jail cell” I whispered smiling innocently.

  Dr Dick looked horrified which enhanced my victory, people never learn do they? They cannot stop me, they will never stop me.

  “Can I go back to my cell now or do I have to stay for the whole hour?” I asked smiling sweetly.

  “What do you want?” Dr Dick asked wiping his forehead again.

  “What do you want Doctor?” I asked him.

  “I want to help you Anna” Dr Dick answered attempting to plead with me.

  I didn’t answer his rather pathetic pleading, it was tragic for a man who had all these ‘degrees’ that apparently made them intelligent. To be honest Dr Dick seemed to be quite dim because he obviously had read my incredible police file and didn’t predict that I would come in his office prepared. If I could feel sympathy I probably would.

  “Did you like fire as a little girl?” Dr Dick tried to remain professional and continue questioning although I couldn’t have sworn his pants were wet, did he pee himself?

  “Do you like little girl’s doctor?” I grinned at Dr Dick as he became uncomfortable who didn’t answer my question.

  “How did your board of directors cover up little Rose isn’t it? You are one sick man” I nodded to myself, sitting back to watch him squirm.

  “That was a long time ago….” Dr Dick responded quietly pulling at his collar.

  “You seem uncomfortable” I assessed smirking to myself.

  “She was a mistake…I regret my decisions” Dr Dick whispered to himself.

  “It was three years ago that’s quite recent especially for a little girl, you broke Rose and paid her to keep her quiet, you are a sick man Doctor who has a lot of skeletons in his dirty closet” I concluded smiling sweetly at him.

  “I will say you are well…sane…suggest they release you…reduce your sentence…anything….please do not tell my wife…my children will be taken” Dr Dick begged me, tears rolling down the side of his face.

  “Do you really think I want, require or need anything from you?” I asked cocking my head to the side.

  “Then why are you saying any of this?” Dr Dick finally cracked throwing his hands in the air and having a tantrum like a child.

  “I am making conversation, I thought that was what you were here for” I answered.

  Poor Dr Dick his mouth looked like a goldfish in a tank, I think he might have been shell shocked.

  “We have another 25 minutes, what would you like to discuss?” I asked Dr Dick who looked more like a carp than a goldfish now.

  “I….” Dr Dick began but couldn’t finish, instead he wiped his forehead again as the sweat was dripping like a mini waterfall on his forehead.

  “Do you ever eat the food in the prison from the visitor’s café?” I asked like we were regular people on the streets.

  “No I bring a packed lunch” Dr Dick answered quietly pulling at his collar again.

  “Are you ok? You look like the heat has been turned up in the office. You should really have a glass of water” I commented pointing to his bottle of water on his desk.

  “Yes you are right Anna, I think I will” Dr Dick agreed with me, 40 minutes in a room with me and he was already in a trance, I was getting good at this.

  “Are you afraid they will sentence you Anna?” Dr Dick enquired looking at me from over his water bottle.

  “Are you afraid they will sentence you Doctor?” I turned the question to Doctor and he knew exactly what I was talking about.

  “They cannot….no evidence…they…” Dr Dick was attempting to convince himself rather than me.

  “Who is they?” I asked Dr Dick, curious about his answer.

  “Lawyers, judges, jurors, police” Dr Dick answered not very confidently I must admit.

  “Oh Doctor you are short sighted you poor man” I said before laughing to myself.

  “They can deliver justice Anna” Dr Dick quietly said again convincing himself not me.

  “They don’t deliver justice if they did why are you here? Why are children being raped? Why are animals being abused? Why are women being raped? They do not deliver justice doctor you should understand that, one of those that go away” I smirked up at Dr Dick who looked like he was going to pass out.

  “I would sit if I was you Doctor, don’t worry the hour is nearly over” I pointed to his seat which Dr Dick obliged by sitting in.

  “How do I write the report to the meeting?” Dr Dick asked with uncertainty.

  “Don’t you record meetings with clients or is that a stupid question for someone like yourself?” I commented which made Dr Dick shuffle in his seat.

  “I don’t record meetings with Dictaphones anymore…since him” Dr Dick responded, his expression full of shame.

  “Then write what happened or type what happened” I said to Dr Dick who nodded to himself.

  “Ten minutes left Doctor, not long, how would you like to finish?” I asked Dr Dick who looked at me wide eyed and nervous.

  “Have you planned your outfit for the court hearing?” Dr Dick asked obviously trying to take the subject away from his dodgy past.

  “A simply pair of black trousers, top and cardigan although I do think orange suits me similar to red, red used to suit me as well. I am sure you would agree wouldn’t you Doctor?” I smirked as Dr Dick’s face began to redden.

  “I am sure red suits you as well as orange, I am sure you would look lovely in anything you would wear” Dr Dick complimented quietly.

  “Are you attempting to flatter me Doctor? You are not really my type I tend to go for people who don’t like abusing little girls and tormenting young lads, if you get my drift” I smirked as I really wanted to add one last comment about his sordid past.

  “I told you I regret my actions” Dr Dick tried to convince me one last time.

  “That is not what your internet history says, you seem to watch alternative movies although I don’t think the movies you have even have a category. People never change Doctor, people just get better at hiding their true selves and telling themselves that they regret their actions and they are better now. You, Doctor will never change, you know that” I assessed Dr Dick who had literally pissed himself now.

  “I think we can conclude the meeting now, I need to change before my next meeting” Dr Dick whispered.

  Walking around his desk, I noticed Dr Dick had left a wet patch on his chair. I wasn’t sure whether that was from the piss in his pants or the fact I mentioned little Rose, pervert.

  “You can come and collect Anna now, the meeting was successful” Dr Dick lied to my guards on the phone.

  The guards entered the room and gripped my elbows to escort me out the office. Before we left I made sure I turned around.

  “Until next time Doctor” I said to Dr Dick smiling at him.

  Dr Dick was left holding onto his desk for support as me and my two guards left his office.

  Walking back to my cell I felt alive but no
t victorious, not yet anyway. Victory would come tomorrow.

  Pushing me into my cell the guards locked my cell door, I knew it would be a long day tomorrow therefore I lied on my bed with a huge grin on my face.

  My plan is almost complete.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “I hear she is completely cuckoo” One of the police guards whisper to the other one as he walks past my cell.

  Rolling my eyes I wondered how they employ such small minded idiots.

  I mean cuckoo? Bitch please I am a sociopath, cuckoo is like comparing me to a kitten!

  "Can I have my phone call now please?" I asked the guard leaning up against the bars and fluttering my eye lashes.

  "Oh princess I don't think so" the guard grumpily responded with his back to me.

  "It's my constitutional right for a phone call like in the movies" I said to the guard in an innocent voice.

  "I said NO" the guard shouted.

  "What is the problem Dave?" The senior guard asked who had clearly been listening to our conversation the nosy bastard.

  "She wants to make a phone call" the guard gestured to me.

  Unbuttoning my poppers on my jumpsuit I turned on my flirtatious charm.

  The senior guard gazed at me for a moment before staring down at my open poppers on my jumpsuit which revealed my cleavage.

  "One phone call and you have five minutes, no longer gorgeous" the senior officer said and unlocked the door.

  Leading me over to the phone call the senior officer backed away but didn't go too far but enough space to give me privacy.

  Dialling the number I required for the last part of this chapter in our story I was relieved when he answered.

  "Hi it's me I need you to do what we planned in the place we discussed. I will not be going to trial as I pleaded guilty. They want this to be dealt quickly therefore we need it to be arranged quickly. Is everything ready?" I explained to him.

  "Yes I have all the necessary arrangements made. I will see you very soon" his gruffly masculine voice radiated through me, this plan was working out better than I intended.

  "See you soon" I breathed through the phone before hanging up the receiver.

  "All done gorgeous?" The senior guard came up to me and handcuffed my hands to lead me back to the cell.


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