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Darkening Skies

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by eden Hudson

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  ESTEEMED READERS, Darkening Skies is the book of my heart. It combines everything I love and more, and I poured everything I had into writing it. But books don’t get made just because the writer is passionate about them, and the ones that do don’t always turn out good. Every mistake in this book is my fault, but everything awesome in it is the result of several amazing warrior artists and demon beasts from around the Horned Serpent Valley. They deserve all the credit and praise for Darkening Skies’s existence, so let’s give it to them:

  God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, Who drank the cup of wrath so an untouchable like me could drink the cup of joy, so sweet and undeserved.

  The Op boys and girl, Kensey, Ronny, and Will, the second most important trinity always in my heart.

  Master Mark, Master Natalie, and everybody at the dojang for humoring my awkward flailing.

  The Shadow Alley family, for the encouragement and support and for not tearing their hair out every time I come to them with another book of my heart. I’m just so very proud to be here.

  Adam, Mark, Zack, and Tamara, for making me sound way smarter and cooler than I am.

  The diehard readers and bleeders who make releasing new books into the world a never-ending thrill ride—Silvia, Mandy, Michael, Doc F, Rebecca, Sara, Anders, and The One Man Stand Against Man Buns & Man Purses.

  Tim McBain and LT Vargus, for letting me splash around in their pool while we talked craft and literary theory to our hearts’ content.

  And my Joshua—sparring partner, beloved chieftain, pretty face, prettier brain, and living embodiment of the principles of our Path. Five years ago, when I published my first book, I made him a promise, and it’s finally come true.


  Darkening Skies is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2019 by eden Hudson and Shadow Alley Press, Inc.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email the publisher, subject line “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the email address below.

  About the Author

  I am invincible. I am a mutant. I have 3 hearts and was born with no eyes. I had eyes implanted later. I didn't have hands, either, just stumps. When my eyes were implanted they asked if I would like hands as well and I said, "Yes, I'll take those," and pointed with my stump. But sometimes I'm a hellbender peeking out from under a rock. When it rains, I live in a music box. But I'm also a tattoo addict, coffee junkie, drummer, and aspiring skateboarder. Jesus actually is my homeboy.

  About the Publisher

  We love books and we are crazy-passionate about publishing the best adult Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Action-Adventure around.

  Though our stories can be thought provoking at times, our primary goal is to entertain readers with wild stories and interesting characters you can’t walk away from. We want to whisk readers into a different world where the impossible is possible, where monsters lurk around every corner, but so do heroes, always ready to swoop in and fight back the dark.

  We are also deeply dedicated to the authors we work with. For us, publishing is less about individual titles and more about supporting the authors we love. We want our writers to succeed, to thrive, to sell books, and to pursue their fiction passionately. We also want ALL writers to succeed and achieve their dreams of crafting excellent books and connecting with an audience who will love what they do. We firmly believe there has never been a better time to be an author. We also believe publishing is not a zero-sum game and that a rising tide lifts all boats. For that reason, we offer a variety of writing resources for folks looking to grow as wordsmiths or publish their books independently.

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