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Sold to the Billionaire Brothers

Page 2

by Genelia Love

  “I know that you were not planning on two men but I promise you that we can have the time of our lives. We both know how to treat a woman and how to make her feel like a queen. We really would like for you to be our queen for a month.”

  “Phenomenal woman,” I whisper under my breath.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

  I smiled. “I was just talking to myself. I have a tendency to do that.”

  Jamel and Xavier nodded. “We both catch ourselves doing that all the time. We’ll be hanging out together, but it’s like there are four people in the room, because we are both doing our own thing, talking to ourselves.”

  Xavier raised his eyebrows at his brother’s words, tilted his head a little and nodded. “This is true. But I promise we aren’t crazy. Well, not any more crazy than the average person.”

  I laughed and relaxed even more.

  “You don’t have to go with us tonight. We’ll still donate the money to the charity and there will be no hard feelings. If you do go with us, I promise you won’t regret it. We will make sure that you feel like you are on Fantasy Island. If you go with us and later decide that you don’t want to go through with it, then you can back out at any time. No strings attached and no hard feelings. We’ll bring you back here any time you want.”

  I sat back in the chair. I opened my mouth to say that I wasn’t sure that I was quite up to two men. I hadn't had a lot of expertise trying to please one man. But then I closed my mouth again. This could be the opportunity of a lifetime. How many other women would kill for this opportunity? They were sexy. They had my body tingling, just by sitting there, dressed in their tuxedos. What would happen if they weren’t dressed in their tuxedos?

  It wasn’t like I had a boyfriend. I did have one, but kicked him to the curb not too long ago. He was becoming a possessive jerk, and I really didn’t need someone like him in my life.

  Jamel and Xavier were sitting on the edge of the seat, waiting, as though in anticipation. They had almost a childlike excitement on their faces, like they knew that the biggest present under the tree was for them. Their eyes were wide and hopeful.

  “It sounds like it could be an amazing adventure. I’m in.” Both men broke out in huge smiles. “Please know that I don’t have a lot of experience with one man. Certainly not with entertaining two of them.”

  “We’ll go slow. We’ll never push you into anything you aren’t comfortable with. And this is your opportunity to explore any and every fantasy you could have ever imagined,” Xavier said.

  Jamel asked if he could kiss me to seal the deal. My first thought was that we just met. Then I realized that I would be spending the entire month with him. I smiled at him and nodded my head once, because I wasn’t sure that I could speak. My heart had jumped back into my throat, beating so hard that I was sure they could see it.

  We both stood and Jamel walked over to me slowly, like I was a wild creature he didn’t want to spook. He had a wicked smile on his face that made me instantly wet, despite my nervousness. He put one hand on the side of my face, and the other behind my back, and pulled me close.

  He tilted my chin up to him. His eyes were a liquid chocolate brown, like the chocolate fountains you dip strawberries in. I felt like I could swim in those eyes.

  He lowered his head and gently pressed his lips to mine. He parted my lips with his tongue, which plundered the inside of my mouth. His lips became possessive and demanding. I found myself melting in his arms and into his kiss.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, partly because I wanted to touch him and partly because I needed to steady myself. He gently moved his hand down my back to just above my ass, and then back up again. He tangled his fingers into my hair. His other hand traveled my body, just as the first had.

  I felt his bulge grow, and I knew that the kiss was affecting him just as it was affecting me.

  My core tingled and a warmth spread through me. He continued to explore my mouth. My chest was pressed tight against his chest, which felt rock solid. The kiss was so intense that I was sure that I could have an orgasm with just the way his mouth made love to mine.

  A loud throat clearing brought me back to reality. “You guys could stand here kissing all night long, or we could get her stuff, eat and head to the yacht.”

  Jamel slowly pulled away from my mouth. I was breathing heavy, my chest heaving as I worked hard to catch my breath. That sexy smile lingered on Jamel’s lips, and it was all I could do to keep from jumping back into his arms. A month of this? Yes, please.

  They had a limo waiting outside to take me back to my apartment. I really and truly wasn’t expecting to be chosen, so I hadn’t packed a bag. I had just taken a taxi to the auction and was going to take one back. I already had Domino's on my speed dial so I could order some pasta primavera when I got back.

  On the limo ride, I sat between the two men. Each of them held one of my hands, which I was afraid was going to be cold and clammy because I was so nervous. However, they were charming and bantered back and forth, telling me about some of the crazy stunts they used to do when they were kids. Both agreed that they drove their mama crazy.

  If they were that crazy when they were kids, I kinda wondered what kind of trouble they got into as adults. I had a sneaking suspicion that I was one of the kinds of trouble they got into. I didn’t even want to consider what their mama would think about that. Or my mama for that matter. It would likely cause my father to have a coronary.

  When we got to my apartment, I invited them in, and went and packed my suitcase. They examined all of the family pictures I had scattered around my living room.

  They looked through my CDs, vinyls, cassette tapes and even a few of the eight-track tapes I had. I had an old fashioned stereo that I still listened to them with. My music tastes ran from old jazz, to old country, to oldies rock, to eighties hair bands and eighties pop. I loved classical, and just about everything, although I wasn’t a fan of The Beatles or new rap.

  Then, they found my “she room”. It was where I had the walls packed with books. I had always loved to read anything I could get my hands on. Nothing could take a person on an adventure like a book. I had a papasan chair and some huge bean bags so I could just hang out and relax.

  I could hear them talking to each other, but I couldn’t tell what they were saying.

  I always said that James Earl Jones or Alan Rickman (when he was alive) reading the classified ads could make me have an orgasm, but both of the men in my apartment had voices that were just as sexy. Their voices had that deep timber that sent tremors down my body. I wondered if they had a newspaper where we were going, so I could test my theory.

  It didn’t take me long to pack. I grabbed a couple pairs of jeans, some underwear, some shirts, shorts and a long t-shirt for bed. I didn’t have a lot of lingerie, but I had a couple of teddies, so I threw them in the bag, too. I also had one really nice dress that I could wear if they wanted to do a formal dinner. I packed my hair brush, my toothbrush, toothpaste and deodorant. This was me. I was a simple phenomenal woman.

  I met the men coming out of my library.

  “Quite the collection.” Xavier seemed almost excited.

  “I love to read.”

  “Me too.”

  I grabbed a couple of my old favorites from the library, just in case I had time to read, although with these two men, I wasn’t sure that I would.

  We headed back to the limo, and went to the country club. They escorted me in as though I were the reigning queen of England. I held Jamel’s arm and Xavier’s hand was at the small of my back. They smiled and nodded to their acquaintances who were looking at me with curiosity.

  Jamel pulled the chair out for me while Xavier ordered wine.

  They had steak and lobster, but I wasn't much of a seafood fan, so I just had the steak. I had to admit that it was the best steak that I had ever eaten. I wasn’t one of those girls who picked at my food. I wasn't a food whore, so to speak, but if there was a delici
ous meal in front of me, I was going to enjoy it. Jamel and Xavier watched me eat with approval.

  Jamel and Xavier seemed to be interested in me as a person. They had my dossier, so they knew that I worked for an attorney who specialized in family law. The fact that they saw me as a smart woman was also a turn-on. Not a lot of men had been interested in me in the past. The ones who were, usually did not get past my chest. These guys treated me as though I was some kind of rare treasure they had found.

  I knew that we had only just met, but I really felt like all of this was genuine. In this day and age, that was pretty rare. Most people were so fake, that the counterfeit pens banks used would mark them up.

  After dinner, Jamel said he needed to use the restroom. Xavier escorted me out. He gently pushed me up against the car, pressed his body against mine and captured my mouth with his. His tongue explored my mouth while he buried his hands deep in my hair. I wrapped my arms around his chest, and it was solid. I was excited that I would be able to see it, touch it and revel in it.

  Based on the huge package that was pressed into me, I could tell that he was looking forward to seeing a few things himself.

  His kiss was different than his brother’s, but no less enticing. A giant heatwave crashed into my body and flooded me with a warmth that no man had ever created in me before. One of his hands trailed down my chest, stomach, thigh and leg, then back up again.

  A jolt of pure electric heat surged through my body. I moaned against his mouth.

  He slowly pulled away. I noticed that his eyes were hazel with green flecks in them.

  His smile was just as sexy. Thank goodness I wouldn’t have to choose between them. That would be an almost impossible task. These men were a woman’s fairytale. I might have been cooking, but not in the kitchen. Unless of course, certain events happened there, too. This was going to be a weekend to remember for the rest of my life.

  “There’s a lot more where that comes from,” Xavier said, in that deep sexy voice.

  “I hope there is. Did you two go to some kind of school to learn how to kiss like that?”

  “Nah. When we first started dating, our father told us to listen to the woman. Not her words, but her body. He said that a woman’s body will always tell when we are doing things right, and when we aren’t.”

  “I wonder what else you learned to do by listening to women.”

  “It'll be our pleasure to show you.”

  I was nervous and excited about what was to come next. These men seemed to be pretty phenomenal themselves.



  This definitely turned out to be an interesting night. Instead of cursing Ashley, I had to thank her. Even if things didn’t work out for the month, this evening had certainly been interesting. Two of the most gorgeous men I'd ever laid eyes on, in person or on television, bought me in an auction. I rode in a limousine. They took me to dinner. They seemed to have a genuine interest in me as a person. And when they talked to me, they looked at me and not just at my chest. I didn’t know how many times in the past that I had to remind people that my tits didn’t talk. The words were coming out of my mouth, not my nipples.

  The most interesting part so far were their kisses. They could get rich just opening up a kissing booth. Damn. I had got wet only by them kissing me. I was just a little more than excited to see what else might happen.

  Craig, the ex that I dumped, didn’t get the same reaction out of me during sex that these guys did when they made love to my mouth. Craig was my first, but he was lousy at making me feel good. I had so many fantasies growing up, about sex and how it would feel to be with someone who knew what they were doing. I never got to find out with Craig. I thought that maybe I would tell the brothers a couple of my fantasies. I was pretty sure that my panties were soaking wet between their kisses and my thoughts.

  After dinner, the limo took us to a huge yacht. I wondered if anything these men did were small.

  Again, I was escorted on board like I was a queen. Jamel said that he was going to go talk to the captain of the boat, while Xavier took me downstairs to the cabin.

  Xavier handed me a glass of wine.

  "Jamel and I were talking, and we want you to understand a few things about our arrangement."

  I instantly tensed up, and Xavier put his hand on my leg and said, “Relax. You are completely and absolutely safe, at all times.”

  I nodded and drained my glass. He refilled it and said, “The first rule is that you have a right to say no to anything we ask of you. It is your body, and we respect you as a woman. If you are not comfortable with something, all you have to do is say so. On the other side of that, if there is something you would like to try, all you have to do is say so. There would be no need to be shy or embarrassed.”

  Again, I nodded.

  “We have enough to spoil you. Anything you want, within reason, is yours. I notice you like to read, so if you want some books, or if you want to go shopping, all you have to do is say so. There are no strings attached.”

  This was interesting. I didn’t know what other women would say to that, but I was very simple and the least materialistic person in the world. However, I didn’t tell them that. I just smiled and nodded. He is going to think I’m some kind of idiot if all I do is smile and nod. But I just don’t know what to say. “That’s nice of you” seems to be a bit lame.

  “Third, you can choose to be with one of us or both of us. There would be no hard feelings, whatever you decide.”

  I took a deep breath and a sip of wine, my eyes never leaving his.

  “Any time you want to leave, all you have to do is say so, and we will take you home. Again, no hard feelings.”

  I smiled, again, still not sure what to say.

  “At the end of the month, we can be friends, stay lovers or go our separate ways.”

  “Sounds reasonable to me.” I finally found something to say. I was proud of myself.

  Xavier leaned over and kissed me, once again making love to my mouth. I practically melted in his arms.

  After a minute he said that he wanted to help me relax. He led me into a separate room where there was a huge hot tub. He asked if it would be okay if he undressed me and helped me into it.

  I was suddenly shy, because I was going to be naked in front of a man I barely knew. However, I smiled and nodded.

  I sat down on the chair and he untied the laces that wrapped around my ankles, and pulled my shoes off. He kissed my calves while he was doing so. My whole body quivered when I felt his lips and tongue touch my leg.

  He helped me up and stepped behind me. He gently kissed the back of my neck while he unzipped my dress. He trailed kisses down my back. My black lacy panties soon followed.

  We walked over to the hot tub and he gave me his hand to help me in. He refilled my wine glass, and put the bottle of wine next to the tub.

  He shrugged out of the jacket and hung it up. His white tuxedo shirt did nothing to hide his broad chest and thick arms. Slowly he unbuttoned his shirt, watching me and smiling a devilish grin. My fingers itched to explore his smooth chest and to feel his pecs beneath my fingers.

  He unfastened his trousers and they fell to his ankles. He hung up everything, carefully placing his shoes beneath the hung garments. He was very meticulous with his clothes. It made me wonder what else he was meticulous with. His underwear slid down next, and it was all I could do not to moan aloud when he turned around.

  When I thought earlier that everything these guys did was huge, I didn’t know that meant everything.

  I had to close my mouth as he sauntered close to me. What would he taste like. I bet he is just as yummy as he looks. I’m sure I’ll get a taste soon. I was almost embarrassed by my thoughts, and I was sure that I flushed red. I’d never been so wanton in my life.

  He slid in next to me, turned my head gently and pressed his lips to mine. He pulled back just a little, and let his tongue trace my lips. I closed my eyes and just felt the heat rushing in, which
was separate from the jet streams.

  About that time, Jamel came down. “The captain has everything under control. I see you guys started the party.”

  “We just got in. There’s room for you too.” Xavier was playing with my hair as he spoke, then traced kisses up the side of my neck.

  I watched in fascination as Jamel repeated those same actions as his brother. Jamel was just as fine as Xavier. Once again, I wanted nothing more in this world than to run my fingers over his chest, fingering the dusting of hair that covered those glorious pecs. His abs tapered down to show off his cock, which was at full staff. And, like his brother, it was definitely large.

  Xavier tapped my chin. “Close your mouth, baby, or we might fill it with something you aren’t quite expecting yet.”

  I laughed, pretty sure that I turned a million different shades of red.

  Jamel slid into the hot tub on my other side. He turned my face toward him. He kissed my forehead, my cheeks and then pressed that sexy mouth against mine. While his tongue plundered my mouth, Xavier sucked my nipple. He rubbed his tongue around and then flicked my hard bud.

  His hand slowly slid up my calf, and gently spread my legs. He rubbed my clit. I moaned and Jamel gently squeezed my other tit, rubbing my nipple with his thumb. Using his other hand, he gently inserted two fingers inside me.

  I gasped and slid against the wall, my body floating in the water. The hot jet streams were massaging my body. Lightning flashed through me as Xavier sucked on my nipple, hard enough to let me know he was there, but not hard enough to make it hurt. Jamel massaged my nipple between his fingers.

  I reached out and grabbed the massive, hard poles that were at full attention on either side of me, and ran my hands up and down them.

  My whole body tingled as Xavier gently rubbed my clit. Then, he squeezed it between his thumb and finger, and rubbed it back and forth. A shockwave shot through my body. I couldn’t concentrate on anything except for the glorious heat that spread through me.


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