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Sold to the Billionaire Brothers

Page 13

by Genelia Love

  She lifted up and I unfastened her bra, putting it with her shirt. She pulled my shirt off over my head and added it to the growing pile of clothes.

  Lindsey moaned as I moved back to her throat and licked the indentation I found there. I nibbled her neck, then licked where I had gently bitten her.

  The huge bulge in my pants told her that I needed her, and she reached down to rub it through the thick material. Moaning loudly, I continued to kiss her collarbone, tracing it with my lips.

  I lapped between her beautiful mountains, as though the sweetest sugar had been placed there for me to savor. Her breath was coming in short little pants now. Her eyes were closed and her chest was arched.

  Her beautiful body continued to be a trail of honeyed sweetness as I kissed, nibbled and licked my way down her belly and to the top of her pants.

  I reached down between her legs and gently massaged her pussy through her jeans. The loud moan told me that she felt good and was aching for me as much as I needed her.

  Sliding her pants from her hips, ever so slowly, I continued to rain down kisses, tasting my way to the top of her pelvis, to her thighs as I continued to lower her pants and panties to her knees, then to her ankles. Soon, her pants joined the pile of clothes on the grass.

  She reached for the buttons on my pants, but her fingers fumbled. I quickly removed my pants and my hard cock jutted out proudly, wanting to be sheathed deep inside her wet body. But I wanted her to beg for it.

  I straddled her, my cock resting on top of her body. Using the fingertips of both hands, I lightly touched her. My fingers feathered across her tits and over her nipples, causing them to harden even more and stand out from her beautiful globes.

  Then, I tenderly ran my fingers down the sides of her ribcage and across her belly. She moaned loudly, and I heard the words I wanted.


  “Please, what, my love?”

  “Please, Jamel, I need you. Please.”

  Slowly, I placed the head of my hard shaft at her entrance. Then, as slow as I possibly could, I pushed into her. The feel of her hot, satiny walls tightening against my thick cock was almost more than I could stand.

  When I was completely buried in her, I leaned over and kissed her, hard and passionately. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back with a need that I had never known before.

  I slowly pulled out of her until I was at the very edge of her pussy. Then, just as slowly, I pushed in.

  Breathing heavily, she lifted her hips to meet mine. When I was completely embedded inside of her, she rotated her hips, pressing them tight against mine.

  She grabbed my arms and smiled into my eyes. “You are so sexy. No man has a right to be as sexy as you. I love you so very much, Jamel.”

  Slowly, our bodies continued to move in concert with each other. Then, I couldn’t take much more, so I pushed deeply inside of her. Lindsey closed her eyes and cried out as her hot fiery candied liquid cascaded out of her and over my throbbing cock, as I exploded with her.



  I got home later that night after dealing with some contract issues between our firm and some architects that we had working with us. We had decided to work with a new firm who had several recent graduates working for them who had fresh ideas, and I had to make sure that the contract was mutually agreeable. Needless to say, I was exhausted.

  Lindsey met me at the door with a kiss. She followed me into my bedroom and helped me undress. Then, she pushed me onto the bed and massaged my back for about half an hour. Her touch was like magic, as it released all of the tension that I had pent up inside of me.

  Then, Joan said it was time for dinner. She waited for me to get dressed and we enjoyed a nice dinner of steak, Cajun shrimp and baked potatoes.

  “I’m glad that you come as part of the package with these two guys,” Lindsey said. “Otherwise, I would be trying to woo you away from Frank.”

  Frank wiggled his eyebrows at me and smiled.

  “To quote the person from Fifty First Dates, ‘I prefer sausage to taco’.”

  We all laughed at that. “I agree. But he could still have you for the sex. I just want you for the food.”

  “So, he uses my body and you use my cooking skills?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Doesn’t anyone want to love me for me?” Joan pretended to pout.

  “We do, don’t we Jamel? Don’t worry about those two posers over there. We love you just because you're Joan.”

  Although dinner was light-hearted and fun, I could see that there was still a sadness in Lindsey’s eyes.

  She helped Joan clear the table after dinner and volunteered to wash the dishes. When she was done with that, she went out onto the balcony with a glass of wine and stared up at the stars.

  “I hate to see her in so much pain.”

  “I do too.” Then, Jamel told me what he had overheard that morning between Lindsey and Joan. “Joan is confident that he’ll come around.”

  “I really hope he does.”

  We sat in silence for a little bit, and I asked Jamel whether he thought that one or both of us should go talk to her father. “We can tell him how much we love her and value her. We could assure him that we would never hurt her.”

  “That is a thought. If we both go together, then we can let him know that we are in this together, and that we love Lindsey enough that we can share her and honor her as a wife and you and I would stay united as brothers.”

  “It is something to think about, although I am positive that Lindsey would never, ever agree to it.”

  “True. How mad do you think she would be at us if we talked to him without telling her first, and we just told her afterward?”

  “I don’t know. She's hard to read. On one hand she is so damned stubborn and independent, she might be mad because she wants to handle her own problems. On the other hand, she might be less mad because we were brave enough, because of our love for her, that we would approach the lion in his den to try to help him understand Lindsey’s choice.”

  “What you are saying is that she would likely be mad at us either way.”

  I nodded grimly. “I really don’t know what to do to help her.”

  Lindsey came into the room. Her eyes were red rimmed and we could tell that she had been crying. We also knew that she didn’t want us to know, because she had taken the time to wipe away her tears and because she did all her crying while she was outside. Plus, we knew that she was a proud woman and wouldn’t want us to see her hurting or having what she would consider to be a moment of weakness. She couldn’t know that we thought she was one of the bravest women we had ever met.

  “Guys, I’m pretty tired. I hope you don’t mind, but I think I’m going to put myself in bed for the night.”

  We both told her that we didn’t mind.

  “I love you," she said, and she kissed Jamel on the lips.” Then, she walked over to where I was sitting and said. “I love you” and kissed me on the lips.

  Then, she made her way down the hallway to her room. We heard the door close behind her, and a few minutes later, we heard the shower start.

  “I hope that someday she learns that she doesn't have to keep her emotions bottled up inside of her and that she can share them with us.”

  “I think that's just the way that she is,” Jamel answered. “We may have to learn that sometimes she wants to keep her thoughts and feelings to herself, and she will share them with us if and when she is ready.”

  I nodded at that.

  We both went to bed soon after that. Despite being completely exhausted, I lay awake for a long time trying to figure out how to help Lindsey.

  The next morning, Jamel, Lindsey and I sat around the table looking at the pictures and the information about a couple tracks of land that Lindsey thought might be good for her camp. While we were discussing the land itself, as well as any resources that were nearby, the phone rang.

  Joan answered, “yes” a few
times, and then hung up. I looked at her questionably, and she shook her head at me, then went to find Frank.

  About noon, I decided that I needed some fresh air and was taking a walk. Lindsey had retreated to the library with a book, and heaven only knew what kind of trouble Jamel decided to find for himself.

  I was on the beach and really surprised to see our boat coming up to the dock. Frank and another man got out. He walked straight up to me, and said, “I’m Lindsey’s father, Bill. I assume you are one of the men who has captured my daughter’s heart?”

  I smiled and held out my hand to shake. “I’m Xavier. It is really nice to meet you.”

  Frank mouthed “good luck” to me behind Bill’s back and went back to the boat. A woman who looked like a slightly older version of Lindsey emerged from the cabin.

  This is interesting.

  “Amanda and I would like to talk to you and your brother, before Lindsey knows we’re here. Where can we talk?”

  I led them to the house and showed them into the sitting room. I found Jamel in his home office, working on some paperwork.

  “Death and his partner have come to claim our lives.”

  He looked up with confusion. “What?”

  “Lindsey’s parents are here and are waiting in the sitting room to talk to us.”

  “Ah-ha. So the apocalypse happens today. I was not prepared for this.”

  Jamel introduced himself to Lindsey’s parents and shook their hands. We sat in chairs, waiting.

  Bill cleared his throat. “I was not a happy man, and I’m still not sure that I am happy about this situation. First, you bought our daughter at an auction to use her for sex.”

  There was not really much we could say to this without sounding lame, defensive or like we were making excuses, so we kept our mouths shut.”

  “We didn’t know about this arrangement until people started talking and came to us to tell us what was going on. When we called Lindsey, she didn’t lie, but made it seem a bit different than what it really was.”

  Again, we kept silent.

  “Then, the other day, she visits us at the house to tell us that both of you have proposed to her. Is this true?”

  We nodded, still thinking that it was wise for us to hold our tongue.

  “How do you propose to do this?”

  “Well, Sir. Jamel will officially marry her, so that she will have our family name. She will be a part of our family officially. This will protect her in several ways, including as our heir, and if we have any children. Then, we plan on having a ceremony, where we both say our vows to her, and she says her vows to us.”

  “How will you to share her? She’s not a piece of meat.”

  I could see Jamel’s hackles start to rise at this statement. I sent him a quick glance, telling him to chill.

  “We will do it the exact same way that we have been. Lindsey has her own suite, with her own home office, sitting room and bathroom. She has a right to her own privacy and solitude as she wants it or needs it. Mostly, we have been hanging out, playing pool, watching movies and just doing what a set of three friends would do.”

  “I’m not a stupid man. What about the sex? I know you have been having sex with my daughter.”

  Jamel stepped in on this one. “We have. Sometimes, Lindsey initiates it, and sometimes one of us does. She feels comfortable enough with us to tell us what she likes, what she wants and what she needs. We make sure that she knows that if there is anything that she is uncomfortable with all she has to do is say so. We both love Lindsey very, very much, and would never do anything to hurt her.”

  “This relationship could come between you two.”

  “No, it won’t. We have talked about it for a very long time, and we will not allow it, and neither will Lindsey.”

  “What about society? What about the circles you hang out in? What about Lindsey’s reputation?”

  “People are going to talk, no matter what. At first, some people might gossip and look at us strangely. But then, soon, someone will do something weird or unconventional, and we'll will be old news. Then, it really won’t matter.”

  Bill took a huge breath and looked over at Amanda. Then, he looked back at us and said, “Lindsey has told us how well you have treated her. She has said that you are gentle and tender. She also said that you have agreed to give her the start-up money for her dream, and that you promised there were no strings attached. If she decided that she didn’t want to be in a relationship with one of you or either of you, you both would still support her.”

  “Of course. Lindsey is an amazing woman. Most people’s dream would be a big house, a nice car and lots of fancy clothes and jewellery. She wants to make a difference in children’s lives. That is a worthy cause, regardless of who is trying to get it started. The fact that Lindsey is so passionate about it means that it will be a success, come hell or high water.”

  Bill stared at us for a few minutes as though he were analysing us and what we were saying. Then, he said, “I’m going to tell Lindsey that she has my blessing and I will support her. But let me tell you something. I have access to a backhoe, forty acres and a gun. If you hurt my daughter, I promise that no one will ever find your bodies. Am I understood?”

  Jamel and I both smiled and nodded. We had expected no less from Bill.

  Amanda got up and hugged us both. “I’m looking forward to getting to know you. Amanda has told me so much about you.”

  Pleased, we thanked her.

  She asked where Lindsey was, and we directed her to the library. We thought that this was a reunion we could sit back and let them have.

  We heard, “Mom, Dad. What are you doing here?” Then, the door to the library closed.

  Jamel looked at me and said, “Do you think that he was packing?”

  “I don’t know, but I would have hated to see what he would have done if we didn’t have exactly the right answers or if he just took an instant dislike to us.”

  About that time, Joan came in. “I understand we will have dinner guests?”

  I nodded. “It will be fun. And awkward.”

  “I know. I can’t wait to see you squirm,” she said, laughing.

  “Can you two bums get the guest bedroom ready for her parents?”

  “Sheesh, you are a demanding witch. I thought you were the housekeeper.”

  Her eyes narrowed at me as these words left my mouth.

  “Do I need to get a switch and show you who is the boss around here?”

  “No, Ma’am,” I said. “We’ll get the guest room ready.”

  Dinner was interesting to say the least. Lindsey was animated and relieved that her father had finally relented.

  Bill asked us questions about our business. He asked me what kind of law I practiced, and questioned us both about the role we played in the company.

  We explained our roles and assured him that we were more than rich playboys.

  Toward the end of the dinner, Lindsey froze and looked over at Joan.

  Joan smiled widely and asked, “Is there something on your mind, my dear?”

  “I really hate cleaning kitchens.”

  “That’s okay. I hate having someone else rummage around in my kitchen. I will let you off the hook this time, but just remember that you owe me big.”

  She nodded and laughed.

  Shortly after that, Bill and Amanda went to bed. Jamel and I accompanied Lindsey to her bedroom.

  “Are you happy?” I asked her.

  She nodded. “I am so happy. I can have the both of you and my parents. I get to have my lifelong dream come true. Everything is so perfect. Thanks to the two of you.”

  “I like to be thanked,” Jamel said.

  I nodded in agreement.

  “Then, I ‘spose you should take your clothes off so I can thank you properly.”

  It only took a second for the two of us to become completely naked.

  She laid down on the bed. “Jamel, you get down there between my legs. I want my pussy and
clit thoroughly licked and sucked.”

  He moved as directed, and I could tell that he had started off with a bang.

  She pointed at me and told me to straddle her chest. She took some pillows and propped up her head, putting her mouth in perfect position to take my cock.

  Lindsey reached around and grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled me close to her mouth. Her sweet mouth closed around my cock, and I began to gently pump in and out of her, as her tongue caressed my hard shaft.

  As Jamel continued to lick her pussy and suck her clit, she began to moan. Her fingers dug deep into my ass.

  She pushed me back and said to Jamel, “I need your cock inside of my pussy now. I want all of you, hard and fast. Bury it hard, Baby.”

  Jamel slammed his cock deep inside of her, and she returned her attention to my hard dick.

  The vibrations from Jamel’s pumping traveled through her body into her luscious mouth. Soon, she arched her hips for Jamel to go deeper, and she cried out with her mouth still tight around my cock.

  “Can I cum, baby?” I asked her. She nodded, and I exploded into her mouth, filling her mouth with the white creamy froth.

  Seconds later, I heard Jamel cry out as he released himself into our beautiful woman.



  The next morning after breakfast, I excitedly showed Mom and Dad around the property. I showed them the beach, the little picnic area and the trails in the wooded area. It was a huge space and I told them that I hoped someday I could talk the guys into horses so I could ride around these trails.

  “It would be so amazing,” I sighed.

  Mom agreed, but Dad was quiet. I was afraid of the answer, but I asked him anyway. “Dad, what's wrong?”

  “I’m just worried about you. That's all. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “I’ll be fine. Dad. I promise.”

  “Are you going to be able to keep both of them happy? There is only one of you, and two of those men.”

  “I will.” However, this was a fear that I harbored almost constantly in the back of my mind.


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