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Sold to the Billionaire Brothers

Page 15

by Genelia Love

  “I do.”

  “Do you, Lindsey, take this man, Jamel, to be your life partner, to have and to hold, through sickness and health, until death do you part?”

  “I do.”

  The judge said that I could kiss my partner, which I did with a flourish. “I now pronounce you life partners.”

  I took a step back, and Xavier took a step forward.

  The judge said, “I understand that you also, have written your own vows.”

  “I have,” he answered.

  “From the first moment I laid eyes on you, you captured my attention. From the time I had a conversation with you, you captured my heart. Your strength intrigues me. Your intelligence challenges me. Your love and dedication to the world’s lost and forgotten children inspires me. You make me a better man. For that, I love you and adore you. I pledge my love to you, from now until eternity, regardless of what challenges and pitfalls may stand in our way.”

  Lindsey’s beautiful smile rivaled the sun’s rays as she said her vows to Xavier.

  “Since you have entered my life, I have known more joy than I have ever known. You have a beautiful smile, a quick wit and the ability to challenge me to be a better, stronger woman. You are there to comfort me when I am sad or afraid, and you are there to make me laugh when life gets too serious. For that, I love you and adore you. I pledge my love to you, from now until eternity, regardless of what challenges and pitfalls may stand in our way.”

  The judge asked, “Do you, Xavier, take this woman, Lindsey, to be your life partner, to have and to hold, through sickness and health, until death do you part?”

  “I do.”

  “Do you, Lindsey, take this man, Xavier, to be your life partner, to have and to hold, through sickness and health, until death do you part?”

  “I do.”

  Xavier didn’t wait for the judge to say he could kiss Lindsey. He just swooped in, grabbed her and passionately kissed her for what seemed like hours.

  Finally, the judge tapped him on the shoulder and said, “Son, I think that’s enough for now. You can finish up later.”

  Xavier finally let go of Lindsey, and the judge pronounced them life partners.

  The party afterward was very interesting. Mom and Dad loved Amanda and Bill. They started talking and soon they were off having conversations about heaven knew what.

  Robert and Ashley were obviously a pair. They were talking earnestly about something. I wondered what would have happened if Ashley actually would have been the one to walk on the catwalk during the auction? Would they have hooked up? Would we have met Lindsey through them?

  I was glad it happened the way it did, though. Now that Lindsey was in our lives, I couldn’t imagine life without her. I wouldn’t want life without her.

  Outside of our close friends and family, I was positive that the majority of the people there came out of curiosity. There had been a lot of rumors going around in our social circle about the nature of Xavier’s and my relationship with Lindsey. That was part of the reason why I wanted to invite practically everyone in the city. That way, they could see for themselves what was going on. There was nothing left to the imagination and no doubt.

  Just as I was walking over to the D.J. to tell him to start the music, I overheard one of Xavier’s ex-girlfriends talking. “I don’t know how she did it. But this isn’t right. There is something perverted about the whole thing. She must be some kind of slut or something to be sleeping with both men.”

  I walked over, making sure to keep a pleasant look on my face. “I understand that you have a question about our arrangement.”

  She at least had the decency to blush. “We were just talking. One woman and two men just isn’t right. There must be something wrong with her.”

  “Or maybe there is something exactly right with her. Something that you don’t have, such as compassion and understanding. She is the kind of woman who would never judge another person until she gets to know them. She is the kind of person who would go out of her way to help anyone out, including you, regardless of how nasty that person is to her. And I wonder, Tasha, if we looked in your closets and under your bed what kind of dirt we would find?”

  I saw her friend smirking. I knew that my words would get out to everyone. That should end that conversation. As I told Lindsey’s father, people were going to talk. They had nothing better to do than to talk about other people’s lives and to judge them. However, there would soon be another scandal that would capture everyone’s attention.

  The D.J. played When I Fall in Love so that Xavier and Lindsey could have their first dance as life partners.

  His love for her was evident, as he held her as though she were the most precious thing on Earth, which she was. As their bodies moved in a rhythm together, you could feel the love emanating from them.

  As the next song, Everything I Do, I Do It for You, by Bryan Adams began, I swept my sweet love up in my arms. Holding her close to me, I softly sang the lyrics, letting her know that I truly felt the words. When the song was over, I tilted her chin up and tenderly kissed her lips, telling her without words, how much I loved her.

  The rest of the evening went by in a blur. Xavier, Lindsey and I noticed that Robert and Ashley danced every single one of the slow songs together. We all agreed that there was going to be a more traditional ceremony coming up pretty soon.

  Tasha kept her distance, but was certainly enjoying the open bar. I hoped she had someone to take her home once she got back to the mainland. I could see her watching Xavier all night long. Maybe she figured since he wasn’t legally married that perhaps she could get him back. I was pretty sure that would never happen.

  Everyone else seemed as though they were just going to accept the decision that Xavier and I had made. One of us stood by Lindsey's side constantly to make sure that no one said anything rude or snide to her.

  Most people just introduced themselves to her and asked her about the donation. None of them had ever been to a marriage ceremony where the requested gift was a donation to a specific charity. This gave her the opportunity to explain the camp to them, what it was about and why she wanted to do it.

  Xavier and I agreed that she had won many people over with her openness and charm. We also agreed that any fundraiser she put on in the future to support her camp would be a success.

  Mom and Dad loved her. They thought she was the neatest thing since peanut butter, and let me tell you, my folks were enthralled with peanut butter. They even put that stuff on their pancakes instead of syrup, like normal people did.

  The evening was a terrific success, and we could tell that Lindsey enjoyed herself. She danced with her father and our father, and of course with us several times. She danced with Robert and a couple of our friends we trusted to treat her nicely.

  As much as I loved a party, even I grew impatient for everyone to leave. Around two in the morning, I thanked everyone for coming and thanked everyone for their donations to the camp. I hoped that was a good enough hint that it was time for them to go. Most people got the hint.

  Tasha was among the last group to leave. Lindsey was talking to Ashley, and I saw Tasha break away from her friends and head over toward Lindsey and Ashley. I nudged Xavier, who interceded. I didn’t know what was said, but I could see the angry flashes of fire in her eyes before she rejoined the rest of the group boarding the yacht.

  It seemed like forever before the majority of the people left. Frank operated the yacht most of the night, like it was a ferry, taking people across the channel to the mainland. Frank came back after dropping off the last load of guests around three in the morning.

  Mom and Dad and Lindsey’s folks called it a night around two in the morning. They headed off to the guest cottage, since there were three bedrooms in it.

  Lindsey, Xavier and I headed back to the house. It had been a long, exciting day, and we were exhausted. We headed to Lindsey’s room and helped her off with her dress and undergarments. She laid down on the bed and was snoring
before we even had a chance to take our jackets off.

  We wanted to be near our woman, so we both laid in the bed next to her, with me on one side and Xavier on the other. I wondered whether a lifetime of being with her would be enough.



  Our folks didn’t stay long the next morning. They were older, but they remembered what it was like to just want to be alone with our love.

  Xavier and Jamel seemed to be crazy with excitement. I wasn’t really sure what was going on. I barely had time to finish my breakfast before they pulled me outside so I could see my wedding gift.

  Waiting for us was Frank with three beautiful horses. One was a beautiful palomino. There was also an appaloosa and a paint. All three of them were as gorgeous as they could be. They were rescue horses that had been rehabilitated, because they knew that was what I would have wanted.

  They were so gentle, and I stood there for a long time, petting them, getting to know them, and letting them get to know my scent. Xavier handed me some apple slices so I could feed them a treat.

  I helped the guys saddle the horses, and we went for a ride on the beach and on the trails. It was every bit as wonderful as I thought it would be. It was so incredible.

  Closing my eyes, I listened to the sound of the horses drinking from the stream that curved through the wooded area. The tempo of the horses hooves sounded like sweet music. The movement of the horse’s gait was enough to rock me to sleep, if I could only close my eyes. I loved it so much. They could not have given me a better gift than this.

  Lunch time we reluctantly headed back. However, I was starving, and I was afraid the rumbly in my tumbly would startle the horses. We pulled their saddles and gear off. Gently, we brushed them down, and then turned them loose in the paddock that the men had built behind the house. I hadn’t even noticed the barn and the paddock being constructed.

  Joan had prepared a light lunch for us. I was starving, so it didn’t take me long to wolf down my sandwiches and milk. That didn’t stop me from laughing at the men though, whose sandwiches had been quartered and the crust removed from their bread.

  They both looked at me, with milk mustaches, as though to say, “what?”

  “How old are you guys again?” I asked.

  “Ten,” Jamel answered.

  “Six,” Xavier said in a little boy voice. “Leave us alone. Quit picking on us.”

  I just shook my head. One of the many reasons I fell in love with these goofballs.

  After lunch, we somehow, magically ended up in my bedroom.

  Xavier put both hands on my face, and gently touched my lips with his. He used the very tip of his tongue to trace my lips. Then, his tongue pushed its way into my mouth and caressed my tongue. Meanwhile, Jamel had unfastened my pants and pulled them and my panties down so I could step out of them.

  Jamel lifted my shirt up over my head and it hit the floor, along with Xavier’s and Jamel’s clothes.

  Xavier sat on my bed with his back against the headboard. He held out his hand and he pulled me to him. I sat in his lap, with his hard cock between my back and his stomach. He reached around and gently rubbed my nipples until they were tingling and aching for more.

  Jamel settled between my legs, spreading them far apart to give him access to my already wet pussy.

  He slowly licked my pussy, pushing his tongue deep inside of me. He pulled my pussy lips apart, exposing my pussy and opening it to his touch. He lapped at the inside edge of my pussy, stopping to suck and nipple on them, tantalizing them. I lifted my hips to his mouth, offering my pussy to him.

  Xavier leaned down and rained kisses on my neck. He nibbled a little, then licked the area where he had gently bitten me.

  His big hands encircled my breasts, making the big globes stand out from my chest, and my nipples harden even more. He flexed his fingers, massaging my tits. Then, with the tips of his fingers, he explored my breasts, taking great care to not touch the red ring surrounding my nipples or the treasure inside that ring.

  Finally, he quit torturing me, and rubbed his thumb against my nipples. The heat was so intense that I could picture them bursting into flames.

  Jamel used two of his fingers to push into my wet pussy. He licked and nibbled on my clit, while moving his fingers back and forth inside of me. He lapped at my clit.

  “Oh, heavens. Please, please don’t stop. Oh, my goodness.”

  I was starting to pant as the sensations the men were creating was causing my entire body to tremble with the burning hot electricity that danced throughout my body.

  It wasn’t long before an enormous storm built up inside of me. My heart thundered in my chest like a million racehorses. Butterflies danced in my stomach. The tingling of lightening started in my head and toes and met in my pussy. A huge wave of ecstasy exploded out of me.

  Xavier slid down until he was laying on the bed. I straddled him, impaling myself on his huge shaft. I leaned over and kissed Xavier, pressing my lips against his. My tongue invaded his mouth, and our tongues were dancing in a heated embrace.

  Jamel knelt behind me and pulled my ass cheeks apart. He squirted some hot oil on his fingers, and gently pushed them inside of my ass. He rubbed the oil all over, coating my walls with the tingling oil. He rubbed more on his hard shaft. Then, tenderly, he guided his thick cock into my ass.

  I cried out with the intense feelings of having both men buried deep inside of me at the same time. I loved the feeling of having both of my holes filled simultaneously. It was absolutely exquisite.

  As Jamel slowly pulled out of me, Xavier reached up and began to rub my nipples. When they were hard, he pinched them between his fingers and thumbs and began to twist them and pull on them. I tossed my head back and moaned, as raging heat blazed through my body.

  Jamel pushed himself back into me, and Xavier pulled slowly out. They got into an amazing rhythm. All I could do was feel. Feel the tingling that pulsated back and forth throughout my body. Feel the electricity that ignited my clit and my hard nipples.

  Jamel reached around and pinched my clit between his thumb and finger. He rubbed the hard nub, which sent a new wave of sparks through my body. Then, he pulled on my clit while pinching it just a tiny bit harder.

  At the same time, Xavier was doing the same with my nipples. He was pulling on them, twisting them and rubbing them, always changing what he was doing.

  They moved back and forth inside of me, rocking my body to keep time with their movements.

  Soon, the glowing embers became the roar of a wildfire, burning through me at an incredible rate until it exploded out of my pussy, a cascade of molten lava.

  Grinning, the men picked up their tempo. As one moved out of me, the other pushed inside of me, always massaging my pussy and ass, keeping the fire inside me burning as a wave of pure white heat.

  Again, I arched my back and cried out as a massive orgasm overtook me. Panting, I was afraid that I would die from such rapture, as wave after wave of heated electricity ravished my body.

  Xavier pushed himself deep inside of me and called out my name. “Lindsey, my sweet beautiful woman. I love you.”

  I felt his hard cock throbbing and his sweet juices exploded into me.

  Jamel’s cock was also pulsating, as his cock erupted with his hot cum.

  As he pulled out, I collapsed on Xavier, who wrapped his arms tightly around me. Jamel dropped next to me, and gently ran his fingers across my head.

  Satisfied, we fell asleep. As the sun was setting, we woke up and showered. Joan had cooked my favorite meal for dinner. The steak was done perfectly – well done, but not burnt. The spicy shrimp and saffron rice was like sweet ambrosia in my mouth.

  After dinner, Joan got out a bottle of wine and proposed a toast. “To Lindsey, Xavier and Jamel. May they live happily ever after.”

  Everyone drank down their wine, then looked at me, since I had set mine back down on the table without drinking any.

  “Lindsey?” Joan queried, a worried
look on her face.

  “Your toast was beautiful. You are the best. However, I’m afraid that I won’t be drinking any more wine. At least for the next nine months.”

  It took a minute for them to realize exactly what I was saying.

  Jamel was the first to recover. “Really. You’re going to have a baby?”

  I nodded.

  Xavier and Jamel looked at each other. “We’re going to be a father.” They jumped up and chest bumped each other.

  I watched the group with satisfaction and contentment. Life was good.

  ***The End***




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