A Family for Good : A sweet, small town, second chance romance (Tall Dark and Driven Book 6)

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A Family for Good : A sweet, small town, second chance romance (Tall Dark and Driven Book 6) Page 18

by Barbara Deleo

  And he still wanted her to be here, even if it meant not being with him.

  He stood up and pulled her to her feet. “I respect your reasons for not wanting to be with me, but the power of my love for you will never die. I won’t do anything about it because that’s what you want, and I won’t jeopardize anything for the girls, but I want you to know that I’ll always be here for you, and them.”

  Liv’s heart was in free fall and a familiar feeling of vertigo took hold.

  He loved her.

  Loved her so much that he was going to stay with her and bring up the girls even if she met someone else.

  The vertigo spilled over and she searched for a way out.

  Leaning into his cotton shirt, she breathed that shaved wood, Markus scent that was far more potent, far more desirable, than anything she’d made in a laboratory, and something kicked deep and hard within her.

  She wanted this. She wanted him so badly she could taste it. The fact that she was still here, that she hadn’t run when it got this tough, germinated a feeling so strong she gasped.

  If he believed she’d stay here in spite of what happened between them in the past, if he was prepared to love her from afar but give her her freedom, then the only person stopping them from being together was. . . her.

  She pulled back to look deep in his eyes, and all she saw was unchecked passion and desire. “You love me? You really love me for me? Not just because you’re frightened I’ll run out on you and the girls?”

  The moan of desire that left his mouth answered her question more than all the words he’d spoken, and she dragged him to her.

  “I believe you,” she whispered into the rough warmth of his cheek, something cell-deep within her awakening. “I love you, Markus. I love you.”

  For the first time in her life, someone wanted to put her first—to listen to her, to love her unconditionally and to never leave her—and it caused her heart to crack wide open.

  He drew her even closer and brushed his lips across hers, the delicious pain of his stubbled chin causing a moan to leave her throat. With both palms spread across his chest, she kissed him back, hungry to deepen this connection and make this beautiful moment go on forever.

  Heat rushed through her body, and for the first time since she’d arrived here, Liv let herself drown in her love for him. She felt safe, whole, and god, loved for herself, and she knew Markus felt the same way.

  “I’ll love you forever and be by your side always, Liv.” They were the words she’d imagined over and over since she’d been here, but nothing could have prepared her for the way they floated through the air and landed straight inside her heart.

  “I was scared,” she managed to say through trembling lips. “That I’d run again when it all got too tough. I tried to push my love for you away, but I can’t. I love you, Markus. I’ve always loved you. But I’m not scared anymore. Seeing you with the girls, loving them and protecting them, makes me know you’ll do that for me too.”

  She kissed him again—on his cheeks, his eyelids, his mouth—before she drew back gasping. “I want to be your wife because I love you with all my heart and because you’ve given me the greatest gifts I could have hoped for—a family I belong in, a place to be safe, and a love that makes my heart sing—”

  She wanted to say more, and she would, every day she was Markus’s wife, but for now her words were sweetly smothered by his kiss.


  “You go for your walk, dear.” Markus’s mom, Mila, smiled at Liv as they cleared the outside dinner table. Dusk had settled and the toasty scent of dry summer grass blew in on a gentle breeze.

  “And when you get back we’ll check out the old home movies I brought over with

  us,” said Markus’s brother, Alex, through the open kitchen window. “I have indisputable proof that your husband once rocked a mullet and that he’s always had a shocking sense of style.”

  “Hey, there are some pretty choice shots of you geeking out with your stamp collection and your dalliance with over-sized jeans,” his wife Mara said as she playfully swiped at him.

  “I can’t wait! Thanks, Mom,” Liv said, shooting her mother-in-law a grin. “It’s so hot a quick dip might be a good idea. This little turbo heater doesn’t stop.” She stroked the firm bump under her sundress.

  “I’ve got towels.” Markus came through the French doors onto the deck then hugged her from behind, spreading both hands over her swelling tummy. “Thanks Mom, it’s so great to have you guys here. Makes me realize how much I miss Dad’s cooking.”

  “You all bring us so much joy,” his mother said, her eyes sparkling. You and your brother have chosen such incredible women as your wives. We are all so lucky.”

  Liv’s heart squeezed as Markus kissed his mother on the cheek.

  “Don’t let those two little monkeys keep you up,” he said. “Dad’s still in there reading them stories, and they’ve got Petro sitting in the rocking chair untangling their kite strings.”

  “Would you look at that,” Markus’s mom murmured as she looked out across the bay, and they all turned toward the moon that was rising over the pewter sea. “What a fabulous evening.”

  The ripe, round orb sat above the bay as Markus led Liv by the hand down to the water. Sweet perfume from the lavender bushes wafted around them as they walked the familiar path to the beach. “I think this is the first full moon we’ve had since we’ve been back from Brentwood Bay.” He chuckled. “The first that we’ve had at Aphrodite’s Rock since we’ve been married.”

  “Oh, you’re right,” Liv said as they reached the beach and her toes luxuriated in the cool touch of sand and pebbles. “I guess your Mom and Dad know all about the legend. They’ll be here three months of the year and sharing this place with their friendly neighborhood goddess.”

  “Do you think we might catch them stealing away for a quick swim?” Markus grinned.

  “By the way your dad looks at your mom, I don’t think they need too much of Aphrodite’s help. Do you think we’ll be like that when we’re their age?” Liv asked as she squeezed his hand. “Or like Ana-Maria and Petro, secretly holding hands when they think no one’s looking?”

  Markus stopped at the water’s edge and drew her to him before nuzzling at her neck. “Are you kidding? We’ll still be like that when we’ve got great-grandchildren. We’ll have to build ten new wings on the house to accommodate everyone.”

  “Hey,” Liv said, pushing him back and smiling. “It’s a full moon. You know what that means. Maybe we can swim around the rock tonight.”

  She’d never done it. Never tested the theory that Aphrodite would give her true love if she swam three times around the rock naked. She hadn’t needed to perform some ritual to know that she was with the love of her life. It was clear every day—in the way her body melted when he touched her, the way her heart burst when he read stories to Phoebe and Zoë, and the way he looked at her when he stroked her growing belly. But it would be fun to say they’d done it.

  “Come on,” she said, excitement bubbling within her as she peeled off her T-shirt to reveal her rounded belly. “Let’s see if the legend’s true. Let’s see if it works.”

  But before she could dip her toes into the surf, Markus stopped her and turned her toward him. “No, Liv.”

  His loving gaze held her still, and his warm palms smoothed her forearms.

  What did he mean? Didn’t he believe the legend?

  “Come on, baby.” She laughed as she tickled his chest. “I want everlasting love. I want to swim around that rock so that I know you’ll be the one for me forever.”

  He drew her to him until his lips grazed her ear, and she trembled at the rich, deep tone of his words. “There’s no need for us to do it.”

  “Why not?” She looked up into his beautiful face, confused. He didn’t believe the legend anymore? Didn’t want to test the theory in case it didn’t come true?

  “Because, my darling, I’ve already done it.”

p; She gasped. “When?”

  “When I came here from Paris without you. When I was lost and lonely and wishing I had you in my arms. It seemed like the only thing I could do to keep alive the possibility that you’d come back to me one day.”

  He leaned down and kissed her fully on the mouth, before she placed both palms on his chest and looked into his eyes.

  Her voice was a whisper. “You mean you came down here, stripped off and swam three times around the rock?”

  “And thought of the one woman I wanted to be with always. My true and everlasting love.”

  “So, it works then,” she whispered as she leaned in to kiss him. “It works.”


  Next up: the Breaking Through series!

  Read the series prologue here.

  Book 1 - Bad Reputations is Kirin’s story.

  Read an excerpt from Bad Reputations here

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  One last task to complete, then Alex Panos can fulfill a heartbreaking promise. That is, if he can get past cute and quirky Mara Hemmingway.

  On her own since she was sixteen, Mara won’t be taken advantage of again—especially not by brooding and troubled Alex. Instead, she’ll play him at his own game.

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  The Breaking Through Series


  And now I’d like you to take a moment to centre yourself, look deep within your most secret places to determine the barriers that you’re unconsciously putting in your way to success in life.”


  Kirin Hart yanked out the ear pods that still carried the softly irritating voice of Sapphire Green - Whole Life Coach - and skated them across her desk. Surely she wasn’t the only one in this online coaching session to have aching molars every time Sapphire asked them to “dig beneath your fragile facade” and “stop stroking your immature ego.”

  Kirin blew away her bangs with a hot breath and leaned back in her chair. She scanned the names of the twenty-four other people on this call. Were they women? Men? Business people? Students?

  Sapphire had insisted everyone would be completely anonymous, so people had some wildly made-up names. There was “BlueWolverine” who was trying to learn how to be assertive with their mother-in-law; “Lucy Lu” who was trying to decide if they should change careers; and Kirin’s favorite “Bottomless Brenda” who was having some complex family issues she wanted to address once and for all.

  Kirin clicked on the icon next to Brenda’s name and a separate chat window popped up.

  Kirin: How’s your flimsy facade looking, Brenda?

  Bottomless Brenda:

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