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Winter Wishes: A Regency Christmas Anthology

Page 25

by Cheryl Bolen

  “I had to see you. To speak with you. I wanted more time with you. Alone.”

  “Louisa,” he whispered, kissing her cold, bare fingers. Then he guided her toward the warmth of the fire and added coals to the embers, giving more heat and light to the room. Still in disbelief that she was here, he took her into his arms again and held her for a long moment. “I’m sorry I didn’t come to tell you about the duel myself. I allowed you to believe the worst.” He shook his head, unwilling to tell her how close Gibbon had come to shooting him. “I promise never to give you any reason to doubt my love for you.”

  Louisa tightened her embrace, her words muffled against his chest. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if the day had ended differently.”

  “Shh,” he murmured as he ran a hand along her back. His body stirred at the feel of her in his arms. He was half-dressed with his cravat untied, jacket removed, and waistcoat open. Holding her like this felt more intimate than any previous moment with her. He drew a slow breath, reminding himself that he was supposed to be offering reassurance, not becoming aroused. “All is well. No need for either of us to dwell on such things.”

  Her sweet scent of roses filled his senses, and he couldn’t resist pulling her close so her body pressed against his. How was he supposed to do the right thing with this temptress in his arms? After a long moment, he loosened his hold to gaze down at her.

  Louisa bit her lip as she withdrew the mistletoe with its one remaining white berry from her pocket. “I would like to collect that last kiss you promised. It is Christmas, you know.”

  “Our first Christmas together. One of many, I hope.” He plucked the last berry and carefully set it aside, then kissed her, pouring all his love into the moment. She tasted so sweet as her tongue moved against his.

  Her cap fell to the floor, causing her hair to fall in waves along her back. The golden tresses spilled like silk against his fingers. He ran his hands along her waist to the flare of her hips then lower where the tightly fitting trousers hugged her bottom. Need pulsed through him at the realization that she would soon be his. But she wasn’t yet.

  “You should go,” he muttered even as he pressed kisses along her jaw and neck. “I’ll escort you home.”

  “Not yet. Please. We are betrothed, after all.” Her hands ran over his shirt before her cool fingers found the opening and touched his bare chest. Then she kissed him again and all thoughts of stopping melted away.

  On a groan, he reached under her jacket to find her shirt warm from her body. That only made him want to caress her bare skin. The firelight shone on her golden hair, on the line of her jaw, along the curve of her neck.

  “Oh, Benjamin.” She pressed a kiss in the opening of his shirt, and his knees went weak.

  If this continued, he wouldn’t be able to stop. Not with passion drumming along his skin. He needed to find the strength to wait. “Louisa.”

  “Shh.” She placed a finger on his lips then reached up to brush the hair above his ear. “I know what you’re going to say. That we should wait. But I love you. We’re going to be married. Soon, I hope. And it’s Christmas. What better present could we give each other than being together?”

  While he wanted to agree, he hesitated, torn as to how to respond.

  “I could’ve lost you today,” she whispered, a catch in her voice.

  “You didn’t.” And he’d never been so happy to be alive.

  “Let us have this moment together. To mark a new beginning.”

  He groaned. “Do you have any idea how much I desire you?”

  “Then take me. I want to be yours in every sense of the word. Always.” She ran her hands over his shoulders and chest, which nearly made him shudder.

  He removed his shirt, allowing it to fall to the floor as she bent to remove her boots then shrugged out of her jacket. He pulled her shirt free of the trousers, desperate to touch her flesh. Then he kissed her once more, his tongue sweeping into her mouth.

  At last, she shifted to draw her shirt over her head, revealing only a thin chemise that clung to her breasts.

  “So beautiful. So perfect in every way.” He reached a trembling hand to touch her, molding the soft mounds beneath his hand. “Are you certain?”

  “More than anything. I love you so much.” She ran her hands over his chest again and paused a moment over his thundering heart with a smile.

  “And I love you with all I am. All I ever will be.” He kissed her long and deep, treasuring the gift she was giving him with an overflowing heart. “I’ll obtain a special license so we can be married as soon as possible.”

  “Perfect,” she said as her hands eased steadily lower.

  He drew a shaky breath to gather his will to move slowly, wanting the moment to be perfect. He caressed her curves gently before cupping her breasts, running the pad of his thumb over her nipple.

  “Oh, Benjamin.” She arched into his hand.

  He loosened the neck of her chemise, and his fingers quickly found bare skin, soft and velvety. Her breasts were full and firm. Why had he ever thought she should leave?

  “One moment, my sweet,” he whispered as he gave her a quick kiss. He reached for the blankets on the settee and spread them before the now crackling fire.

  “Lovely.” She smiled and slid out of her trousers, standing shyly before him in her chemise.

  His breath caught as if he’d forgotten how to breathe. Their lips met once more, their tongues melding as they kissed. He lifted her into his arms to lay her gently on the blanket and lay beside her.

  “You truly are beautiful.” Her smooth skin glowed in the firelight, her eyes sparkling.

  “You make me feel beautiful inside and out.”

  He eased her chemise over her head as he kissed her neck then moved lower to the swell of her breasts. As he cupped one firm globe, he licked the tip of the other. Her gasp fueled the need within him. He repeated the gesture before taking her nipple into his mouth, loving her response.

  She shifted beneath him as if restless. Her hands ran along his hip, on the planes of his stomach then to the waist of his trousers. “Why don’t you remove these?”

  “My pleasure.” He shed them quickly as he admired her lithe body in the firelight. “Are you warm enough?” he asked as he returned to her side to lean on an elbow, noting how her gaze lingered on his manhood.

  “So warm.” She caressed his belly, and his flesh heated beneath her touch and her gaze. “And strong.”

  He kissed her again, caressing her body until he found the curve of her hip. Her skin was incredibly smooth and irresistible. He touched her thighs, lingered on her bottom, wanting to explore every inch of her. How he wished he had more patience but need pushed him forward. He moved toward the damp curls at the apex of her thighs, hoping to make her feel as good as he did. Her moan made his body throb even as he touched her slick folds, loving how responsive she was.

  “May I touch you?” she asked. At his nod, she wrapped her fingers around his manhood, driving him mad. “Hard yet smooth.”

  While he appreciated her curiosity and need to explore him, he didn’t think he could endure much more of it. His body quivered. He could find no words, not when he felt so much. He dipped one finger inside her, his thumb stroking her delicate nub. Her hips lifted, and she gripped him tighter.

  With a groan, he shifted to settle over her, his legs nudging aside hers. He held her gaze. “Have I told you how much I love you?”

  “Yes.” She smiled with such happiness that his chest ached. “Do you know how much I love you?” The heat in her gaze echoed the heat of his body.

  “I’m beginning to. I want to make love to you.”

  “Oh, yes, my darling.”

  He eased forward until the tip of his shaft touched her center. She wiggled as if dissatisfied, and that was his undoing. He moved into her, inch by delicious inch, her body so tight, so hot. When he met resistance, he leaned on his elbows to look into her eyes. “Hold on.” Then he thrust fully inside her.

  “Oh!” Her cry was part surprise, part pain.

  “Darling, I promise it gets better.” Wishing he could ease her discomfort, he kissed her as he held still, waiting for her to adjust to the feel of him.

  Then her hips stirred beneath his. Who was he to deny her? He moved out then back in, slowly building a rhythm, wishing he could make the moment last forever.

  “Benjamin?” She frowned when he shifted to look at her.

  “Trust me, my sweet. Let go. I’ve got you.” He placed his weight on one arm so he could touch her damp center once again.

  She came apart beneath him, and he thrust inside her once, twice, before withdrawing as he found his own release. He shattered into a thousand points of light, pressed against her.

  “Louisa. I love you so.” He pressed kisses over her face, pausing on her forehead, his heart near to bursting with love. He’d never realized that emotion would bring such an intensity to lovemaking, turning it into a completely different experience. He rolled to his side, bringing her with him, never wanting to let her go.

  “Why did you draw back?” she whispered, a hint of worry in her eyes.

  “While having a babe with you would bring me the greatest joy, I wouldn’t risk that until I knew you were ready. And I admit to being selfish and wanting to keep you all to myself for a little while. At least until we marry.”

  She reached to place her palm along his cheek. “Have I mentioned how much I love you?”

  “Maybe once or twice.” He smiled at the joy filling him. “Happy Christmas, my love.”

  “Happy Christmas to you, my dearest rogue.”


  Three Weeks Later

  * * *

  “With this ring I thee wed. With my body I thee worship. And with all my worldly goods I thee endow. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

  Louisa’s heart threatened to beat out of her chest as Benjamin said the simple vows with a sincerity that brought tears to her eyes. The intense expression on his familiar, handsome face both reassured and excited her. His dark eyes held steady on hers before lowering to her hand where he placed a ring with an oval diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds on her ring finger.

  “You may kiss the bride.”

  She lifted onto her toes to meet Benjamin’s lips for a heated kiss, already anxious for the night to come.

  “I love you,” he whispered as he drew back.

  “And I love you.”

  Before Louisa could wrap her thoughts around the beauty of the moment, he escorted her to the registry at the rear of the church to sign her maiden name one last time. Her mother sniffed delicately into her handkerchief as she watched with Count Eastov at her side.

  Benjamin’s carriage took the four of them to her home, everything passing in a blur, including her thoughts.

  “That was a wonderful ceremony,” her mother said as she dabbed at her eyes.

  “A marriage of love always is.” The count shared a smile with her mother, making Louisa grateful he would keep her mother company while she and Benjamin enjoyed a honeymoon.

  “I couldn’t be more pleased to celebrate your wedding.” Louisa’s mother blinked back tears. “It’s been just Louisa and me for so long now.” Her tears had Louisa’s eyes filling with tears as well. She reached out to take her mother’s hand in hers.

  “Your father would be so pleased for you both.” Her mother took Benjamin’s hand as well. “You would’ve had his full approval, Benjamin.”

  “It warms me to hear you say that,” Benjamin said.

  “We’re pleased you’ve joined us for this special day,” Louisa told the count then glanced at her mother, noting her blush. Romance bloomed between the pair. In the brief time she’d known the count, she already liked him. She dearly wanted her mother to discover the same happiness she had and hoped the count would be the one to help her find it.

  They soon arrived at her house where Caroline, Aberland, Annabelle, her youngest cousin, Margaret, as well as her aunt greeted them.

  “Congratulations to you both,” Aberland said as he took Louisa’s hand before clasping Benjamin’s hand.

  “I’m so happy for you.” Caroline hugged Louisa then held her gaze for a long moment as the two men visited. “Thank goodness you didn’t give up on him.”

  “Thank you for giving me such good advice when events appeared so bleak.” Louisa smiled. “Things have a way of working out even when we don’t expect them to.”

  “Love is stronger than we realize, isn’t it?” Caroline looped her arm through Aberland’s, and they shifted toward the dining room.

  “You are positively glowing,” Annabelle told Louisa after she hugged her. “I’m so happy for you. I believe I could’ve predicted this outcome from the night you two were introduced.”

  Benjamin raised a brow in question. “Oh?”

  Louisa shook her head with a chuckle. “I couldn’t have. I look forward to the day when you meet the man who changes your world.”

  Annabelle frowned. “Why does that sound like a curse rather than good fortune?”

  “Sometimes, it takes time before you realize your good fortune. Isn’t that right, Benjamin?”

  “I think I’ll leave that discussion to the two of you,” he said with a smile.

  “Let us enjoy the wedding breakfast.” Her mother led the way into the dining room.

  Louisa reached for Benjamin’s arm, needing a moment alone with him to convince herself that all of this was real.

  “We did it.” She couldn’t keep the grin from her face.

  “Indeed, we did. Did you have doubt?”

  “Not for a moment.” Still, she drew a deep breath to steady her nerves at all the changes that were happening so quickly.

  As though realizing she needed reassurance, Benjamin drew her into his arms. “Are you looking forward to our honeymoon as much as I am?”


  “Your mother will be fine with the count to keep her company. We’ll only be gone two weeks.”

  Could he so easily read her thoughts? But his words reassured her as much as his comforting hand caressing her back. “She has been as excited as me about our marriage because she adores you.”

  Benjamin chuckled. “She’s a gem, but your happiness is all that matters to her. I’ve promised to do my best to keep you happy always.”

  “You are a rogue like no other. Honorable. Kind. A true gentleman.”

  “I have a new reputation to protect. I’ve put my roguish ways behind me and started a new life.” He reached for her hand and pressed a kiss on her palm, sending shivers along her body. “With you.”

  “A new life together.” Louisa intended to enjoy each and every day with Benjamin at her side. “You have already made me the happiest woman in all of London. Are you certain your plans for the charity can wait until we return?”

  “Delham says he will continue the fundraising efforts while we’re in Spain.”

  “Excellent. I cannot wait to see everything you’ve told me about.”

  “With luck, the weather will be warmer there.” He cupped his hand along her cheek. “I love you, Louisa. I cannot wait to begin our life together.”

  “Nor can I.”

  He kissed her, curling her toes, and reminding her how lucky she was to have this rogue to call her own.

  * * *

  The End

  About Lana Williams

  Lana Williams is a USA Today Bestselling and Amazon All-Star author who writes historical romance filled with mystery, adventure, and a pinch of paranormal to stir things up. Filled with a love of books from an early age, Lana put pen to paper and decided happy endings were a must in any story she created.

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  Her latest series is The Seven Curses of London, set in Victorian times, and shares stories of men and women who attempt to battle the ills of London, and the love they find along the way that truly gives them something worth fighting for.r />
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  Her first medieval trilogy is set in England and follows heroes seeking vengeance only to find love when they least expect it. The second trilogy begins on the Scottish border and follows the second generation of the de Bremont family.

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  The Secret Trilogy, which shares stories set in Victorian London, follows three lords injured in an electromagnetic experiment that went terribly wrong and the women who help heal them through the power of love.

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  She writes in the Rocky Mountains with her husband, two growing sons, and two labs, and loves hearing from readers. Stop by her website at and say hello!

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  ~ A Love's Second Chance Novella ~

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  EMMA STEWART has been in love all her life. Unfortunately, the man of her heart has no clue that she even exists. And so, one fateful day, she agrees to a dare to steal a kiss.

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  His kiss.

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  One wintry morning, FINNEGAN MACDRUMMOND finds himself surprised by a lass he's never noticed before. Quick as a fox, her lips capture his before she darts off into the forest. Taken with her courage, Finn pursues her only to learn that her kiss was nothing but a dare.

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