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Winter Wishes: A Regency Christmas Anthology

Page 102

by Cheryl Bolen

  “I will not change who I am or what I do because of what happened, Gabe. But I promise to show more caution.”

  That would do for now. He knew they would have several heated debates about her actions in the future, but for now he simply wanted to hold her.

  “How came you to be at Newgate prison this morning, Gabe?”

  He’d known this question was coming but still had not rehearsed the answer, so he settled on the truth.

  Chapter 12

  “Three years ago, Elliot ran over a boy in his carriage. His name was Luke and he was twelve years old. Horrified at what he’d done, and unsure what to do with the child, he brought him to my house. He was not badly hurt but had suffered a sprained ankle and lots of bruising. Luke was very agitated and most insistent that he leave; upon further questioning I realized why.”

  Maddie didn’t want to leave the comfort of Gabe’s arms, yet knew it was the correct thing to do.

  “I shall return to my seat.”

  “I’m not letting you go. Now, be quiet and listen. You asked me a question, and I’m answering it.”

  It did not take much to convince her to stay. She rested her head on his chest, and his chin brushed the top of her head.

  Did Verity feel this way when she sat close to Stephen? Maddie hoped so, because it was a wonderful feeling.

  There was something powerful stirring inside her for this man, and Maddie had a feeling she knew exactly what it was, but she’d think more about it later. For now, she wanted to hear his story.

  “Luke was the sole caregiver for his brothers and sisters, of which there were four.”

  Gabe went on to explain that their father had died and their mother had abandoned them. It was a story like so many others.

  “What are you doing?” she asked when he leaned over her.

  “Getting a blanket.” He reached under the seat. “I’m cold, so I’m sure you must be.”

  He wrapped it around her.

  “Gabe, I don’t think this is right.”

  “It feels right.” he looked down at her.

  It did feel right. It felt amazing.

  “The abbreviated version of an incredibly long story is that we have set up several houses out of London for families and children who have nowhere to go.”

  “What a wonderful thing you and Elliot are doing, Gabe.”

  “Are you weeping, Maddie?”

  “Of course not, I don’t weep.”

  “What, never?” he teased. “How terribly hardhearted of you, Miss Spencer.”

  “I am sorry that I doubted you for so very long, Gabe.”

  She could see her words had confused him.

  “Sorry I doubted your ability to be the man I wanted you to be. The man who the boy I cared for had grown into.”

  Silence greeted this statement; the only sound was the clip-clop of horses’ hooves.

  His eyes held hers, the blue depths intent and seeking. “I feel the same way about you. I loathed the woman I thought you had become. This one is so much nicer.” His finger traced the line of her nose.

  “I’m glad neither of us have changed so much.”

  “Amen,” he whispered. His eyes ran over her face slowly and settled on her lips.

  “I want you so much, Maddie.”

  She closed her eyes as he lowered his head, and the kiss that followed was everything she wanted and so much more.

  The emotions of the past few hours drove them on; passions rose and consumed them. He drank from her lips, his tongue teasing hers, stroking the inside of her mouth, and Maddie kissed him, holding nothing back.

  She felt his fingers on the buttons of her coat. He opened them slowly, then parted the edges.

  “I want to touch you, Maddie.” The rasp of need in his voice made her shiver.

  “I want that too.”

  Gabe lowered her to the seat and then pulled the bodice of her gown down until her breasts were free. Maddie should be shocked; she wasn’t. Her body ached for more.

  “You’re beautiful.” His hands cupped her breasts, fingers stroking her nipples. “You could incite a man to murder. Don’t be afraid, Maddie.”

  “I’m not afraid, Gabe. I know you would never hurt me.”

  Insecurities forgotten, maidenly shyness pushed aside, her own needs soon matched his. Reaching for him, Maddie pushed his overcoat and jacket from his shoulders. After removing his necktie, she began unbuttoning his shirt, as eager to see him as he was her. Desperate to touch his body.

  She traced the hard planes of his chest, her fingers brushing his nipples. Gabe shuddered, so she did it again.

  “Your skin feels so good to touch, all slopes and hard planes... and warm... so very warm.” Maddie watched her hands as they mapped his chest.

  “Your touch is like heaven and hell combined,” Gabe gritted out.

  Lowering his head, he kissed her again, this one more intense than the last. It spoke of the tension that was building inside them.

  His lips moved down her neck, igniting where they touched. Reaching her breasts, Gabe licked the sensitive curve on one, and then gently grazed his teeth over her nipple. Maddie cried out as delicious shivers coursed through her body.

  “So responsive, my sweet Maddie. I should have known it would be like this between us. Our connection has never quite severed.”

  His hand moved under her skirts. One palm stroked her leg through the wool of her stockings as it traveled up her thigh, exposing her to his gaze with every inch her hem rose. The tension inside Maddie was almost unbearable now. She’d never felt this way before; the wicked heat licking at her senses had her writhing beneath Gabe’s hands.

  She tensed as cool air touched her exposed skin.

  “Trust me,” he whispered against her lips. His kiss was soft and searching, touching her soul.

  Maddie’s eyes closed as he stroked a finger softly over the curls only she had ever touched before. A moan tore from her lips as he moved lower. The first brush of his hand had her arching off the seat.


  “Trust me, Maddie.” His voice was hoarse with a need that matched hers.

  He touched the hard bud between her thighs, and she shuddered. His lips found her breast as he pushed a finger inside her tight sheath.

  “Let go for me, my sweet.” He thrust in and out, and the sensations climbed. She arched off the bench, shattering in ecstasy seconds later.

  “Christ, Maddie, you’re beautiful.” He kissed her hard. “I want you, sweetheart. Do you understand what that means?”

  She touched his jaw. Clenched tight, the muscles bunched as he spoke. “Now, Gabe. I want you now.”

  “It will hurt, sweetheart.”

  “I know. Penny, my maid, told me about what happens between a man and woman.”

  His laugh was a gruff bark as he released his breaches. “I don’t want to know what she told you.”

  “That it can hurt… ah, especially if the woman is not ready.”

  “You are.” He touched her again, his hand cupping her breast. “I would never hurt you, Maddie.”

  “I know that.”

  He moved over her, bracing his hands on either side of her head. Maddie felt him there, pressing against her entrance. His eyes held hers, the blue depths intent. As he eased inside, she felt a small sting of pain and then, her body accepted him inch by inch until, he was there, seated deep and high.

  “Tell me what you feel, Maddie.”

  “I feel as if you are part of me now.” She lifted her arms and wrapped them tight around his neck.

  “How is the pain?” he gritted out, tension in every line of his body.

  “It eases.”

  He slowly withdrew, and then reentered.

  “That feels... well, it’s quite wonderful,” Maddie whispered.

  His grunt sounded as if he was in pain.


  He kissed her hard, then thrust back inside her once more. Maddie felt the wonderful tension build inside he
r again.

  “Let go again, Maddie. Do it for me, sweetheart.”

  She did, flying once more, and with a final thrust, Gabe followed her.

  Chapter 13

  Gabe rode his horse toward the Spencer town house, impatient to see Maddie.

  He’d managed to smuggle her back inside the house undetected two days ago, with the promise that he would call on her today. Her smile had been a secret lover’s smile, the kind Gabe had seen Elliot and Lyndy share when she left him.

  He’d had a business meeting that he couldn’t postpone yesterday but had spent the entire time thinking of her.

  Maddie, his love.

  He loved her, there could be no other word for the feelings inside him. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with Madeline Spencer and was certain she felt the same. She would never have made love with him in his carriage if she did not.

  Just thinking about what they’d shared in the early hours of that morning made his body stir. So passionate for someone who had been an innocent. She’d touched him, and his body had responded as it never had before.

  He smiled as he thought about the years ahead of them. They would argue and debate and then he’d take her to bed and hold her the entire night. The thought had his smile growing.

  Patting his breast pocket, he felt the rustle of paper. This was his gift to her, and he knew no flowers or jewels would make her happier.

  Knocking on the front door, he waited impatiently for someone to answer.

  “I wish to speak with Miss Madeline Spencer. Please tell her Lord Lockhart has called,” he told the butler when the door finally opened.

  “I’m afraid she is unable to accept callers today, my lord.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I cannot say, my lord.”

  “I wish to speak with Lady Spencer at once then.”

  “If you will come this way, I shall see if she is receiving callers.”

  Gabe paced the small confines of the parlor he’d been placed in. Was Maddie sick?


  Lady Spencer entered the room, and one look at her red eyes told him something was very wrong.

  “My Lady, are you well?”

  “I am thank you. My husband has recently returned to London, and I am expecting him home from his club shortly.”

  Which told him nothing.

  “Something has happened to upset you, perhaps I can help in some way?

  Lady Spencer collapsed into a chair and started weeping.

  “Where is Maddie?” The words came out with more force than he’d intended, but something told him that whatever was going on in the Spencer household, it involved Maddie. “Please, my lady. Tell me what has caused your distress?”

  “She and Henry had a terrible fight. I do not know all the details, only that he was very angry with her. Then just moments ago a letter arrived demanding money for Maddie’s return. She has been kidnapped, Gabriel!”

  “What?” Gabe’s body went cold. Not his Maddie. He couldn’t lose her now that he’d only just found her again.

  “She left the house without our knowledge after Henry told her she was forbidden to leave her room. Oh, Gabriel.” Lady Spencer staggered to her feet and collapsed against him. “My darling girl is in danger.”

  Gabe held Maddie’s mother while he grappled with what must be done. He had to find her, but where did he start? Maddie needed him to be controlled now; this was what he usually excelled at.

  “I will find her.” Gabe released her. “Stay here and try to remain calm. I will send word.”

  “H-Henry will arrive soon and know what to do.”

  “Very likely, but I cannot sit here and wait for him. I must go and find her now.

  “B-but how will you know where to go?”

  “I will find her,” Gabe said with a confidence he was far from feeling. “But first I need to speak to your footman.”

  “Which one? Why?”

  “Bring them in here. I have no time to explain.”

  Minutes later he was speaking with the one he wanted.

  “You are James, correct?”

  “I am, my lord.”

  “And you know your mistress is missing?”

  “Yes, I know what has happened.” The footman’s face was clenched with worry. “But she left the house without me. If I’d known she was leaving, I’d have gone.”

  “I understand, and be assured this is not your fault,” Gabe said. “Do you know who dropped off the ransom note, James?”

  “A boy, but he fled before we could question him,” the footman said.

  “Who would want to hurt her, James?” Gabe wanted to roar. He wanted to run out onto the street and not stop running until he’d found Maddie. But he couldn’t help her that way.

  “Frank Blackley and his brothers.”


  “He’s always there trying to get money out of her, and she won’t pay him. Not Miss Spencer; she won’t be intimidated.”

  Gabe saw the respect on the footman’s face.

  “Gabriel, what has you here today?” The parlor door opened, and in walked Lord Spencer.

  “Oh, Henry!” Lady Spencer ran to her husband. “Maddie has been kidnapped.”


  “She left the house after you forbade her to do s-so.”

  “Good God!” Lord Spencer staggered back with his wife and fell onto the sofa.

  “Why had you forbidden her from leaving the house, Spencer?” Gabe asked.

  “Tell him, Henry. He and Maddie have grown closer,” Lady Spencer urged her husband.

  “My solicitor contacted me. It seems Maddie has been involving herself in things she should not. I came home to sort that out. I confronted her, told her I knew what she was up to. We argued, I am ashamed to say, then I forbade her from leaving the house.”

  Maddie would be distraught if her father kept her from Spoke House, but he had no time to worry about that now. He had to find her.

  “I know what you speak of,” Gabe said. “And it is there I’m going now, as I believe she would have visited Spoke House today.”

  “You knew?” Lord Spencer got out of his seat. “You should have told me, Gabriel.”

  “I have only just learned of it myself and was taking steps to stop her going there.”

  Lord Spencer paced across the room.

  “She mentioned you, and at the time I didn’t understand. She said you’d betrayed her.”

  It made him angry that she thought him capable of telling her father about Spoke House after what they’d shared. But he had no time to think about that now; he would deal with her lack of faith in him when he found her.

  “I am going to find her and I’m taking your footman with me, Spencer.”

  “I will come with you.”

  “It will be easier if I go alone.”

  Her father wanted to argue, but to his credit he simply nodded. “I will go to Watch House and get the money in case it should be needed.”

  “I will succeed,” Gabe vowed.

  “Bring her back to us, please,” Lady Spencer begged.

  He left the house, directing his driver to take him to Spoke House. James sat silently opposite him in the carriage, looking worried.

  “How did she manage to get you to accompany her to Spoke House, James?” Gabe needed to talk, or he’d go mad. The thought of anyone hurting Maddie was not to be borne.

  “She bribes me with food. But I would go even if she didn’t, just to keep her safe.”

  “Tell me more about this Blackley.”

  “I don’t know much about him, only what the children told me when I questioned them. Seems he and his brothers believe they have control over that part of London. They extort money out of people. Protection money, they call it. If they don’t pay it, the Blackleys hurt family members until it’s paid.”

  Gabe didn’t want to contemplate Maddie in the hands of such men.

  He was out of the carriage and running up the ste
ps into Spoke House seconds after it stopped. He found several of the children there. Gabe dragged a chair before them and sat so his size didn’t intimidate them.

  “I need your help, so please listen carefully.”

  They all nodded, watching him wide-eyed.

  “Miss Spencer has gone missing. When did you last see her?”

  They were visibly upset by his news, but he could not take the time to comfort them. All that mattered was getting Maddie back.

  “She was here for a bit this morning, but she was upset and said she had to leave.”

  She was upset because she believed he’d told her father about Spoke House.

  “A ransom note was sent to her family, and James believes that Frank Blackley is behind her kidnapping. I must find her, but I will need your help to do so.”

  Horror was etched on the children’s faces now.

  “Them Blackleys are bad!”

  “What do you know, Hetty?”

  “They didn’t see me, but I heard them a few days ago. I was in the doorway two along, hiding when I heard their footsteps. They were talking about her... Maddie.”

  “What were they saying, Hetty?” Gabe crouched beside the little girl.

  “That she was looking for trouble coming here alone. That she’d fetch a pretty price if they took her. I told Maddie. Told her to have a care.”

  “We need to find her.”

  “Where do we search for her? Where would the Blackleys have taken her?” Gabe looked around the worried faces.

  “I know, follow me.”

  “What’s your name?” Gabe asked the boy who had spoken.

  “I’m Graham, and these are Jack and Paul.”

  He and James followed the three boys who had volunteered to find Maddie out onto the streets and started running.

  I’m coming, Maddie. Stay safe until I reach you.

  Chapter 14

  “Let me go!” Maddie yelled, as she had many times since she’d arrived here. Wherever here was. “You can’t hope to hold me here! My father will find you; then you’ll know fear!”

  Maddie swallowed down the terror that clawed at her throat. Terror and despair.


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