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Love Letters

Page 15

by Michelle Leyland

  “Let me go!” she pleaded, struggling to get away.

  Nicholas stopped running and turned to help her, looking shocked when he saw who it was.

  “Your Highness, it is me,” said a familiar voice and she turned in surprise to see Leonardo.

  He let go of her and she breathed a sigh of relief that it was her friend and not one of the other knights. She felt foolish that they were trying so desperately to get away from him when he was on their side. She wished she had dared to look back earlier but they had both been concentrating on running.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, feeling stunned to see him.

  “I have brought your father to see you,” he replied nervously and knew she wouldn’t take this news well.

  She was shocked and upset, “how could you?” she asked, feeling betrayed. “I thought you were my friend and I trusted you to keep this a secret!”

  “The only reason I went back on my word is because your father wants to make things right,” he explained. “He has been devastated since you left and frantic to bring you home safe. He understands everything now and he will even try to stop the arranged marriage. That is what you want, is it not?”

  She nodded, starting to feel relieved that there was hope and maybe they could solve her problem. She wouldn’t have to be in hiding for the rest of her life if they could stop the marriage.

  “I am sorry I told him,” Leonardo apologised. “I only did it because I wanted to help you.”

  “I forgive you.”

  She couldn’t believe that after finally settling in here and all their effort to plan her escape; everything had changed so suddenly. She exchanged glances with Nicholas, wondering what to do. They were unsure whether to risk going back and facing her father or keep running.

  “Please come and talk with him,” Leonardo begged her, seeing their uncertainty. “I swear that you can trust him and there is only the two of us here. He will not force you to go back if you do not want to.”

  “I think we should,” she said to Nicholas.

  He nodded in agreement, although he was still anxious about their decision.

  They followed Leonardo back to the cottage and she squeezed Nicholas’ hand for reassurance, letting him know that she believed it would all turn out well.

  Her father was waiting for them outside the cottage and he smiled with relief and happiness when he caught sight of Rosanna.

  He rushed over to give her a hug, “I am glad that you are safe. I have missed you.”

  She hugged him back, feeling happy to be reunited with him again despite the situation. Having him here seemed to remind her just how much she still loved her family.

  “I am sorry, Rosanna,” he apologised to her. “I realise now that I have made mistakes and let you down. I know how unhappy you were and I will do my best to change that. I was so heartbroken to read your letter and I could not bear to lose you.”

  She felt sympathetic and awful for putting him through that, “I am sorry too, father. I did not mean to upset or worry you.”

  He studied the cottage in disappointment, “is this where you have been staying?” He was surprised that she had willingly left the castle to live somewhere like this.

  She nodded happily, “I love it here in the forest. Nicholas has taught me so much, like how to cook and how to do laundry.”

  Leonardo had to stifle a laugh. It was strange and amusing to imagine a princess doing the work of a maid. She noticed his smirk and knew he would tease her about it from now on.

  She looked back at her father, hoping he would be proud that she had learned new skills. He frowned and didn’t seem to approve.

  “There will be no need for that once you return home,” he insisted.

  “But I enjoy cooking,” she told him.

  He just sighed and shook his head, “no daughter of mine will be slaving away in a kitchen.”

  Nicholas politely invited them in for drinks and they all went inside the cottage to sit and talk everything over. They discussed the arranged marriage and her father promised he would try to cancel it if she returned home. She agreed to converse with Prince Ethan and hoped she could somehow talk him out of the idea.

  Even though her father still believed her relationship with Nicholas was inappropriate, he noticed how happy she looked. Nicholas assured him that he had been taking good care of his daughter and it was obvious how much he adored her. He offered to give Nicholas a chance to prove himself and if he succeeded, he would allow them to have a relationship once the betrothal issue was sorted out.

  He got to know Nicholas a little better as they talked. Rosanna and Nicholas both kept quiet about their engagement, deciding it was best to keep it as a secret for now. They knew her father would not receive the news well and it would be easier to announce it once her father approved of him.

  “Will you return with me today?” her father asked. “I know you may be happy here, but I want you to be home safe where you belong.”

  She did feel tempted to go back and see her friends again, but her home was with Nicholas now and she could never go without him. She felt upset knowing he was still banished from their kingdom.

  “It would be nice to come home, but I cannot leave without Nicholas,” she answered.

  He sighed, “I suppose I can make an exception and revoke his sentence.”

  She smiled at Nicholas thrilled that he was no longer exiled.

  “Would you be fine with going back?” she asked him hesitantly, needing his opinion before she decided.

  He held her hand affectionately. Although he had enjoyed living at the cottage with just the two of them, he didn’t want Rosanna to miss her family and friends. He still felt guilty knowing he was the reason she had to stay away from them.

  “You know I would go anywhere with you. If you want to return home then I am happy to go,” Nicholas told her.

  Chapter 23

  Rosanna packed her things while Nicholas put a few essentials into his satchel, and then they all set off on their journey. Leonardo led the way acting as protection, while her father followed behind on his stallion. Rosanna used the horse and cart to travel back and Nicholas rode behind her on his horse.

  After nearly two hours of riding, they reached the forest before their kingdom. They were riding through it when Leonardo signalled them to stop and looked around. Rosanna felt anxious, knowing they were in danger if Leonardo was apprehensive about someone or something nearby.

  Leonardo jumped off his horse and pulled the sword out of his sheath.

  “What do you see?” King Adrian asked him quietly, reaching for his sword too.

  “Highway men,” he warned softly, his eyes scanning the forest.

  He had already spotted a man ahead of them behind a tree and knew there would be more hiding nearby waiting to attack.

  Rosanna already knew what to do without her father or Leonardo giving her an order. She would have to ride home as fast as she could and not stop until she reached the village. She feared leaving them behind to fight but she had been trained to do this in emergency situations. If she reached the castle in time, she could ask the knights to ride out and help them.

  She didn’t have time to release her horse from the cart and instead jumped off and ran over to climb onto Nicholas’ horse. He was determined to protect her and helped pull her up so she could sit in front of him on the saddle.

  Nicholas hesitated. He wanted to go with Rosanna to keep her safe, yet he didn’t want to leave her father and Leonardo to fight alone.

  “Go with her. Make sure she returns safe,” King Adrian ordered him.

  Rosanna took the reins from him, “I am familiar with this forest, I can get us back quicker,” she insisted.

  He accepted her plan and held onto her waist as she made his horse gallop forward. They noticed dark figures run out from behind the trees as they passed and she urged the horse to go faster. Leonardo charged forward to fight them, trying to keep them away from the king for as
long as he could.

  Nicholas heard the sound of horse hooves behind them and looked back to see a rider in pursuit a distance behind them.

  “Is someone following us?” Rosanna asked nervously.

  “Yes, but they are not close yet. Keep going,” he urged her.

  He held on tighter as his horse sped through the trees. Rosanna tried not to let anxiety take over and breathed deeply, concentrating on the path ahead. She remembered the quickest way back to the village and felt reassured knowing they could make it in time.

  She flinched as she heard arrows whizz by them. She was grateful that Jackson didn’t get spooked by it and kept galloping forward. Nicholas shielded her body protectively and she felt safe despite the danger they were in.

  “We are almost there,” she told Nicholas as they raced through a clearing out of the forest.

  They rode across a field and she could see the village in the distance. She knew the rider would not dare cross her kingdom’s border, so they would be safe once they reached it.

  Her heart thudded loudly against her chest as she heard the rider getting closer. It was easier to pursue them across an open field than it had been in the forest, and they had a much clearer view for aiming with no trees in the way. She tried to ignore the arrows skimming by them and urged the horse forward.

  She breathed a sigh of relief once they finally crossed the border. She didn’t stop or slow down even when she noticed there were no longer sounds of a chase behind them. Even if they were now safe, she was desperate to get to the castle and ask for help.

  She galloped through the village and caught sight of a group of knights nearby. She slowed down to redirect the horse to them and they all stared over in shock when they noticed her approaching.

  She halted in front of them, “my father is in danger. He is under attack in the forest outside the village,” she told them urgently.

  They didn’t waste time asking questions and quickly rode off in search for the king. Rosanna felt as if she could finally breathe normally again now that she knew help was on the way.

  She returned to the castle and climbed off the horse. She stroked Jackson affectionately and praised him softly for doing such a good job of helping them escape. Jackson was obviously very tired and scared after their ordeal but started to calm down a little.

  “Are you hurt?” she asked Nicholas worriedly, noticing that he struggled to get off the horse.

  He groaned in pain and she gasped, her eyes widening in horror as she noticed an arrow sticking out from the back of his left shoulder.

  She helped him down and carefully put her arm around his back to support him.

  “Come with me,” she said, guiding him into the castle.

  She felt guilty for leaving Jackson unattended and not taking him to the stables to rest, but this was urgent and she had to help Nicholas. She hoped one of the staff would notice the horse and take care of it for her.

  She managed to get Nicholas to the physician’s chamber and aided him through the door.

  “We need help!” she called.

  Luckily the physician wasn’t out treating people in the village and quickly rushed over.

  “Let me take a look at the wound,” he said and took Nicholas from her.

  He led him over to a wooden table used for procedures and Nicholas climbed onto it, groaning a little as he managed to lay down on his front. Rosanna stood beside the table and squeezed his hand reassuringly.

  The physician used a knife to cut through his shirt and removed it before checking the injury carefully.

  “The good news is that it has not pierced any organs,” the physician told them and brought over more supplies. “Hopefully I can remove it.”

  She felt anxious and hoped Nicholas would be okay, knowing she would be terrified in his condition.

  The physician poured some whiskey into a small glass and offered it to Nicholas, “Drink this. It will help ease the pain.”

  He reached for it and downed the alcohol quickly.

  She looked away as the physician started the procedure, because anything bloody or gory made her feel ill. Instead she tried her best to concentrate on looking after Nicholas. He held onto her hand tighter and gritted his teeth. He was obviously trying to be brave for her sake, even though it was very painful.

  Her heart ached at his strained expression and low groans, and her eyes watered knowing there was nothing more she could do to stop his suffering.

  “Everything will be fine,” she reassured him softly. “I will take care of you.”

  Time seemed to drag on forever as she waited and she was relieved when the physician finished and stitched him up.

  “You can rest here until tomorrow,” the physician told him.

  He led Nicholas through to the next room that had a few empty beds. He got into one of them and Rosanna covered him with the blanket. She knelt by his bedside, holding his hand and talking to him softly.

  The physician soon returned with a sleeping draft for him to drink.

  “It is best if you leave him to rest, your Highness,” the physician told her. “You can return in the morning. I will inform you if there are any changes.”

  She didn’t want to leave Nicholas and wished she could stay by his bedside all day and night in case he needed her. However, she noticed he was already becoming drowsy and struggled to keep his eyes open. She reassured herself that he would probably sleep until tomorrow morning and wouldn’t even notice she was gone. She hoped he would be fine without her and that he would heal quickly.

  “I promise I will come to see you as soon as I can and I will pray for you tonight,” she kissed his forehead affectionately. “I love you, Nicholas.”

  He smiled sleepily before drifting off.

  “Thank you for all your help,” she said to the physician gratefully. “Please take good care of him for me.”

  She reluctantly left, wiping tears away as she walked along the corridor.

  She was so busy worrying about Nicholas that she didn’t even register the stares and gasps as people around the castle noticed she had returned. She just walked ahead aimlessly, until she heard her brother’s loud voice and looked up, being brought back to reality.

  She noticed Jonathon coming out of their father’s study, barking orders at two knights who followed behind him. He froze when he caught sight of her, staring in disbelief and shock.

  “Rosanna, you are back,” he said, feeling stunned that she had unexpectedly reappeared in the castle.

  She didn’t expect what happened next as he came over and hugged her. She was surprised but accepted it, feeling touched. She couldn’t remember the last time her brother had hugged her or even been nice to her.

  “I thought you did not like me,” she teased, a little confused by his affection.

  “We may not always get along but you are family,” he replied. “I was worried about you.”

  “Something terrible has happened,” she informed him tearfully. “We were attacked on our way through the forest. I managed to escape, but father stayed to fight with Leonardo. I have sent the knights to find them…”

  She almost told him about Nicholas being shot but stopped herself, knowing that Jonathon hated him and wouldn’t care about that part of her ordeal. She was already upset enough and couldn’t risk him saying anything negative towards Nicholas, so it was best not to mention it.

  Jonathon looked shocked by the news of their attack and was relieved to know that the knights were on their way to help.

  “Try not to get upset, I am sure our father will return home safe,” he reassured her.

  He realised that the two knights and a few of the staff working nearby had all stopped to watch them and listen. He felt irritated that they were all gawping and sticking their noses into their private conversation.

  “Get back to work!” he snapped at them all.

  The knights awkwardly left to return to regular duties since their assistance was no longer needed. The rest of the
workers quickly turned back to whatever task they were doing, fearful of being dismissed by Jonathon.

  He led Rosanna through to the lounge so they could have privacy to talk away from everyone else. They sat by the window and waited anxiously, looking out for any sign of their father’s return.

  Chapter 24

  As soon as Rosanna and Jonathon saw the group of knights returning in the distance, they rushed over to the entrance of the castle. They were both very relieved to see their father riding back with them unharmed.

  Rosanna ran over to hug him as soon as he climbed off his horse, and even Jonathon went forward to give him a hug too.

  “There was no need to worry. I can handle myself in battle,” he assured them and looked at Rosanna. “You did well to get here safely and alert the knights. We were outnumbered and they arrived just in time.”

  She smiled, feeling pleased that she was able to help them.

  She looked passed him for Leonardo wanting to make sure her friend was safe too. She noticed that two of the knights were carrying him on their way to the physician’s chamber, and she began to feel anxious. She ran over worriedly and saw that his body looked badly wounded and his eyes were closed.

  “Is he dead?” she asked, her eyes filling with tears as she feared the worst.

  “He is unconscious and has a few injuries,” one of the knights reassured her. “I am sure he will recover.”

  She wanted to go with them to make sure Leonardo was okay, but her father called her over and she reluctantly had to return to him. At least she knew that her friend was safe and would be looked after.

  “Where is Nicholas?” her father asked her sternly. “I trusted him to take care of you.”

  “He is with our physician,” she answered sadly. “Someone followed us to the border and he was shot by their arrow.”

  “I am sorry to hear that,” he sympathised, “but I am glad that you were unscathed.”

  She followed him inside the castle and into his study, where Jonathon waited for them. Her father went to rest in a chair next to the fireplace.

  “How did you manage to find her?” Jonathon asked curiously.


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