Book Read Free

Population Zero

Page 2

by Fran Lewis

  Each house has a gated yard equipped not by a metal gate or a wooden one, but a specially processed glass gate with an opening in the farthest end. This is so that if you want to talk with your neighbors, you can use a special switch to open the back of the glass gate and they can be seated in the specially sanitized stools or chairs so that you can converse using the microphone on the wall facing the yard. Meetings are held this way because germs and diseases are still very much a part of the world, and no one figured out how to stop the new strains of viruses once the last one died, or at least until a vaccine was finally created. But, because of the thoughtlessness of humans and their disregard for following the simple rules set out in 2020, today in 2021, things have drastically changed.

  This new world, if humans lived, would be hard to manage. Someone named Max was put in charge of each section of the community as the one person that oversees any issues that may arise. He might have to deal with the violence, the outbursts, and protests as people are forced to adhere to the rules that have been created by those in charge of the government. No one can leave the area without notifying him and wearing the proper protective gear—not only the special masks that allow breathing, minus the CO2, but special protective gloves that are disposable when you get back. People mustn’t touch things with their bare hands, no matter where they go or what they are about to do.

  Imagine hearing the voices of those who lived here. But unfortunately, the glass protective shield broke—an ice storm on the outside was so fierce it caused the break. The builders never accounted for any weather difficulties. The air quality on the outside leaked in and was so toxic the people never made it out alive.

  Think about what happened to all the human beings on the face of the Earth after the glass broke and the air quality was no longer acceptable. This might seem impossible, but you never know what could happen. Remember there was a pandemic, and think about this: what would happen to your homes?

  A private home might fall apart, the roof caving in. Nature would take over without humans to control it. Houses made of wood would be perfect places for termites to have numerous meals. Homes abandoned, the cracks in the walls would allow anything flying outside to come in, and the water would seep through the collapsed roofs of the structures. Some of the communities are in hot areas, but in those in colder areas, the pipes would freeze and burst, and the basements would flood with water. Animals would roam freely—imagine a lion on your front lawn, cats and dogs on the loose fending for themselves.

  As I continue your tour of this environment—once housing hundreds of thousands of people inside the glass—foxes, wolves, lions, and even bears have taken over the area. But will they survive the changes and the poor air quality? Perhaps in the future the animals will repopulate themselves like they were before humans came. It’s possible fish would become plentiful since humans won’t be fishing, and they will not have to worry about being someone’s dinner.

  Cities that were enclosed in glass would find their underground services terminated. Tunnels would no longer be able to have cars driving through, as they would be filled up with water. The subways would no longer be in existence. No humans would be able to replace the seal, and the glass would soon fall into shards on the streets. This world was supposed to protect people that survive the pandemic. Country areas would lose power, tree roots would erode, the road systems would disappear, and zoo animals would escape their cages and run rampant in the city and forest areas.

  Everyone in nature would be gone, and the main structures seen in every country might crumble: the Empire State Building, the London Bridge, the Golden Gate Bridge, even the skyscrapers and the tallest buildings in the world might just crumble and turn into rubble. Imagine this and think about it when you are walking down the street, seeing something that is special to you in our world—think about a world without it.

  This is Ella, and I invited someone to come back and guide you through this world and tell you how this happened and why they all died.

  My name is Merv, and this was the best possible place to live because of the horrific pandemic. We were told never to fly drones or any other airborne objects for fear that the glass, although thick, might break. Someone decided to have a drone party to see how high they could fly and if it could penetrate the glass. We do not know what these drones were made of or how big they were, but they did manage to crack small pieces of the glass. No one realized it until there was a major snowstorm outside of the glass and things began to crumble.

  The air quality outside was rancid, filled with noxious gases, and after about a week or so—even with special oxygen masks—no one could survive. I see the dead bodies, smell the rancid food, and see what is left of the animals, rats, mice, and vermin hunting inside some of the houses for food. But there is no way anyone, including me, could survive.



  With no sun the world would become dark and cold, and everything would turn to ice. This region would lack warmth, cease to have summers, and the temperatures would plummet even further down from less than ten degrees Celsius or fifty Fahrenheit. Although twenty percent of the Earth’s area is now polar regions, in my world it would be at least seventy-five percent. In this region solar radiation would have lower intensity because the angle at which it hits the Earth is not as direct. Another effect is that the sunlight would have to go through more atmosphere to reach the ground. You could never be outside. You could never expect salt trucks, and you would freeze and lose limbs in my world if you lived and ventured out. Creating your own heating system would be impossible, as there would be no way to get your electricity working or even use a generator for heat. It would be so cold pipes would burst, lights would explode, and the world would be one big icebox of darkness.

  Imagine never feeling the warmth of the sun, the heat of a shower, or the warmth of a person’s kiss ever again. Think about the coldest day you ever experienced, and how that is probably the warmest you might ever experience again if you survived and lived in this world of ice.

  Imagine living in this world for one day as the only person on Earth before being sent to your final eternity:

  There is no sun or source of warmth or heat. I cannot even tell how cold it is because just standing out here for seconds my arms are frozen and my face is so cold it feels like a chunk of ice. Walking is difficult and trying to find someplace to take shelter is not going to be easy in this world of darkness. Yet, I came upon a small house and ventured close to it, hoping to find a place to just sit down for a while.

  Opening the door was not too hard but what I found inside was frightening. I was given a small beacon, and my phone—although not receiving a signal—did have a flashlight on it. The scene that faced me upon entering the house sent me to find the nearest bathroom. I could barely hold anything inside of me, and even though most of what was coming out was liquid, I could not stop throwing up. There were bodies all over the floor, and the hollow expressions on their faces allowed me to see the sadness and the sorrow they were about to experience.

  Wanting to honor the dead, I did not know whether to leave them there or try and bury them in the backyard. But with no shovel, no light, and no means of placing them in any type of coffin, I realized that was not possible. I left the same way I entered. The world was still dark, dank, and dreary. The cold was horrific—my hands felt like they were developing frostbite, and the fingers on my right hand came off when I tried to put on my gloves. Would you like to visit this world?

  This world is so cold that no one could possibly live there without freezing to death. Let me guide you myself, as I decided to become the last person to visit one of these worlds. It is so cold here, and all the layers I am wearing will not keep out the cold. The wind is howling, and the ice is so thick you can hardly walk. The homes are not lit up because the electricity is gone. The shelters can hide you from the wind as you attempt to find somewhere to be warmer, but there is no warmth in this
polar world, or any of the worlds. The bodies in these homes are frozen solid, the food on the tables covered with ice. No one could survive in this climate.



  Living in this world is different. But what happens when it all ends? Water is paramount for our survival. The next time you get a bottle of water out of the fridge, wash your face, brush your teeth, or go for a swim, think about what would happen if it all disappeared. What do you think would happen to you? Your mouth would no longer be moist. It might impact your body temperature, your teeth, blood pressure, or blood volume, and might create toxic buildup in your body, leading to kidney failure, heart issues, and more.

  Imagine a world with no liquids—no milk, juice, hot tea, coffee, or anything to sustain us. The world would be filled with sandy surfaces, hard cement surfaces, and the ground would be so hot bottoms of your feet might burn. Spending time at the beach would no longer be an option. Would you be able to dig a well? Would you be able to create some other source of liquid? I doubt it.

  In my world, things are not ever going to change. Nothing will ever be the same, and people are no longer on this planet. Some insects and animals might survive, though they would be few. In a world so dry, everything would break off. Nothing would last—tree limbs, grass, foliage, and anything that requires water would turn brown and die. A world without water. The beautiful oceans, lakes, and rivers—gone. And think about the fish—how would they survive?

  Think about all the worlds I have created and realize that this might happen. What is next? Would you want to live in any of my worlds? Remember this is just my imagination—or is it?

  Every world is devoid of life of any kind. Mankind is gone. Animals are no longer able to forage for food. The landscapes are devoid of houses, cars, stores, buildings, and the world is one big garbage dump of piles of brick, mortar, steel, and dust. Smells of death are so strong, and so unhealthy, that no one could stand the stench. Some of the smells are antiseptic, some have a strong aroma that will make you sick to your stomach, and others intoxicating. But the ones that really make your eyes water smell acrid, nauseating, and rank. Imagine living in this world all the time. Think about it!

  Which world do you want to visit?



  One final world: imagine a world that is just fog and mist. The air is thick and the clouds are dark, some filled with snow and some just filled with water. Imagine walking in a world so dark, dismal, and dank that you could hardly see where you were going if you were still alive. The wind is strong, the storms come and go, and the homes are covered in mist, too. Imagine living in this world. It is like a ghost coming out in front of you. The fog envelopes you both inside and out. What would you think if your entire home were covered in fog, smoke, or mist, inside and out? What about the fact that there is no moon, sun, or any form of heat? Would you want to live in this world?

  I am Nan, and I am going to tell you about this world of fog and mist. It is hard to see—even with a flashlight or a beacon you can barely see in front of you. The clouds are on the ground, the air is moist, and it is cold. The rain is pouring down in some places, and in other places it is just damp. The snow is falling in other areas, and you can barely walk around without hitting something or stumbling from the ice and snow.

  There is no sun, no streetlights, and of course, no humans—just me. The air is rancid, and I have an oxygen mask on because the air quality is poor, and no one would survive in this world. The homes are dark—that is, if you can find any. The smell of the dead permeates the air. Would you like to join me?

  PART 2

  What’s next? What if we did survive?

  What’s next? I repeat this to hopefully make people understand.

  The world is not devoid of people, but there are those that remember what happened that caused the spread of the virus and the deaths of so many, and how humans were eliminated.



  Our lives are regulated by the rules set up by the community we live in. No two are the same. Everywhere in the world things must be sanitized five times a day by special crews. If you want to leave the safety zone and find yourself having to venture out, you need the proper PPE equipment, the proper mask, and the newly created means of travel that you must book way in advance. Each of the people telling you how their lives have changed are no longer alive. Their lives were taken either by the virus, not following the safety rules, or something else.

  The following stories are told by the faces you will meet behind each of the stones in a place so secluded from the rest of their world that no one will ever be able to visit them. No one will know where they are because the place is not in the safety zone.

  I have been tortured and tormented by my father all my life, so taking his life was really the only solution. If you are looking for me to show any remorse, forget it. Let us flashback to my life with him, get to know my story, and then understand that you will hear two voices—mine and his.

  My name is Mary, and I live in a community surrounded by glass that prevents the outside air from filtering in. There is too much CO2 in the air, and the air filtration system in this community keeps it out and allows us to breathe clean air in. But this is about more than the horrible pandemic that’s been around so long that I cannot remember when it was not. I have never been able to take a walk in the park or just a drive with the windows opened on an open road.

  The community I live in is gated, and to go outside you need permission to leave and a special mask to protect you from the foul air. Not only are we still dealing with the pandemic and having to wear masks, but there is another foreign element in the atmosphere that is making it hard to breathe. The air quality is poor, and there is an odd smell that no one can seem to identify.

  Each home or condo is enclosed in special glass. My dad kept us locked within the confines of this community while he went out and did whatever he wanted at our expense. He tortured me when he was home, expecting me to cook, clean, do homework, and even clean the glass enclosure, making sure it was crystal clear. If I did not follow his instructions, he denied me food and water and locked me in the closet in the dark for two days. My sisters and brothers did not get the same treatment, only me. I never did anything wrong and I never disobeyed him, but the time has come for me to act. The world is different, and the air outside of the glass enclosures has too much CO2 and other elements that can make breathing it deadly. If you need to venture out of what we call the dome that protects us, you need to wear a special mask that has an oxygen filter in it, and the O2 lasts about eight hours. So, if you are going to be out longer you must make sure you have more than one mask. This mask is what gave me the idea to finally get my freedom from him, hoping not to get caught. He refused to understand that the mask was his key to his health, and that wearing it might protect him and others.

  Refusing to comply by taking chances and not wearing the mask when going to parties and bars, many people did get the virus. In a world in which masks would have protected so many, they decided to try and venture outside of the protected areas. The special air filters worked to a point, but when trying to see what was outside of the special glass, these people would learn the heavy cost they would eventually pay.

  Each home or condo is enclosed in a special glass that has special air filters to make sure the CO2 from the outside does not get in. The many different pandemics and viruses that followed COVID-19 created an unhealthy air quality, and every country closed their borders. People had to decide where they wanted to live, and once there they could never leave. No one could get out of their community without being tested for the virus. The cars could be driven, but above them was the special glass, and people could only get around via transportation that had been specially designed to deal with the air qualities. No one went beyond the boundaries, and no one got outside of the g
lass. People tried, and yes, there were ways, but in the end they did not survive. Communities needed adhere to the new guidelines if their populations wanted to survive. The special glass enclosure was opening.



  There are memories that unfold in every picture I have. The smiles, the tears, the love within each frame will always be there. Pictures are timeless. Life creates its own album for each person, and the pictures within your album are the ones you yourself create every single day. Whether they depict the good or bad in your life is up to you, as you are the orchestrator, facilitator, and choreographer who carefully and skillfully plans the events each day as you and everyone else watch them unfold. Albums are amazing, and spark both old and new memories of the fun times you had with family and friends. But sometimes these memories are hard to look at. The person in some of those frames or pictures left abruptly, without warning, and the thoughts that unveil within your mind bring doubt, discord, and sadness.

  The world is not the same, and only certain cities and countries have survived the pandemics that followed COVID-19. The air quality is so dangerous, which explains why we live in a world covered in glass. Some of the states in North America survived, while others are no longer able to hold human lives. Asia and Africa are gone, and their populations died out. Europe seems to have survived, at least for now, and the population spends their lives surrounded by glass—some underground—as the areas are filled with so many noxious gases that the glass cannot keep them all out. Antarctica melted, and Australia seems to be faring like North America.


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