Book Read Free


Page 3

by Rubie Jo Thomas

  I walk out of Brad’s office, relieved to have survived all three meetings relatively unscathed. I sit in my chair leaning back; I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose as I take a moment to get my breath. The sound of the lift doors opening catches my attention, I open my eyes sitting up fully composed as a man in work clothes and boots steps out carrying a toolbox and clipboard; I hope to god this is the engineer for the coffee machine. He looks down at his paperwork on the clipboard then back up at me smiling.

  “Anne Ryder?” He asks questioningly. I stand smiling as I walk over to him.

  “Yes, and you are my saviour. The boss has had no coffee all morning and he’s extremely grumpy. Please tell me you can fix this today?” Looking at him imploringly. Brad’s voice rumbles from his office.

  “I can hear you, you know, and for the record, I am not grumpy.” I mouth to the smiling engineer.

  “He is.” The engineer laughs and holds out his hand to me.

  “I’m Pete if you show me where the coffee machine is I will do my best to fix it. I can’t have a beautiful lady in distress now can I!”

  “Oh, please.” Brad mutters, his voice dripping in sarcasm and I roll my eyes.

  “Just ignore him, he skipped out on charm school.” I say leading Pete to the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen, I show Pete the broken coffee machine. “Give me a shout if you need anything.” I say before leaving him to hopefully fix it.

  I return to my desk I check the time; I see it’s way past lunchtime, so grabbing my bag from my drawer I head out of the building enough is enough. Brad is like a bear with a sore head today. I walk down the road to the coffee shop at the corner. It’s a lovely spring day, but the clouds are covering the sun making it a little cool. Pushing open the door to the coffee shop, I breathe in the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans and join the queue. Grabbing a couple of sandwiches from the chiller, I look in the glass case at the cakes and pastries until my turn finally comes. Ordering two large White Americanos for Brad I smile as I hear his voice in my head as I order my vanilla latte, ‘I like real coffee, none of that fancy arsed shit.’ I ask for two slices of Victoria sandwich cake to complete my order, I hand over my card to pay for my order and move to the side to wait for my coffees. That will hopefully sort out the boss’s little caffeine fix for now.

  I take the brown paper bag with the sandwiches and cake in and balance the coffees on the cardboard tray as I turn to leave. I almost spill the coffee down me as I bump into a tall, firm body. Not looking up I apologise as I steady the coffee. I eventually look up to meet Matt’s eyes, it takes a minute for me to get my breath back.

  “I’m so sorry. I’m just distracted today, I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

  “Anne, it was my fault. I wasn’t looking where I was going either. Are you okay? Please tell me I didn’t burn you?” He says as his eyes run over me.

  “Yes, I’m fine thank you, please don’t worry. I’m just heading back to work now, I sneaked out to get the boss coffee, the coffee machine is broken.” I inform him as he opens the door for me and I walk back outside as the sun comes bursting through the clouds.

  “Let me take those for you I’m heading back now myself, my lunch break is over unfortunately.” He glances across at me and there is question in his eyes. “How are you enjoying working at Mathias?” Letting him take the tray of coffees from me, I walk along beside him.

  “Thanks, I’m really enjoying it. It’s different from my job in Manchester. It’s much busier, but I like that I don’t have time to think and the days fly by. How long have you worked there?” We walk into the Mathias building far too quickly and wait for the lift.

  “Just over a year, I like it, there are some great people here. How is it working for the Boss Man? He’s an interesting guy!” Laughing as we step into the lift.

  “That he is, there is never a dull moment, but he is a nice guy really.”

  “I bet, he is.” Matt says his tone sounding a little sarcastic. The doors close and he presses the button to stop at his floor and then mine, I can feel the heat radiate from him as he stands so close beside me, but not actually touching. All too soon the illuminated number shows we are on Matt’s floor. He hands me back the tray of coffee’s and our fingers brush momentarily; his hand lingers checking I have hold of the coffee tray before he lets go. The air in the lift seems to be electric as we stand looking at each other only to be jolted from our thoughts as the lift dings and the doors open.

  “This is me.” Matt says as he steps out of the lift before quickly turning, placing one hand on the doors to stop them closing the other hand he runs a finger around the collar of his shirt like he is nervous and wants to say something, I look at him waiting patiently. “Do you fancy having dinner with me one night?” His words tumble out in a rush. I nod my head, a grin spreading across my face.

  “I would love to.” A cute grin spreads across his face and his eyes light up as he pulls what looks like a business card out from his pocket, slipping it inside my jacket pocket.

  “Friday night at 7.00 pm? If you text me your address, I will pick you up.” I nod as he lets his hand drop from the door.

  “Sounds great I will text you later.” The doors close, I ride the rest of the way to my floor filled with excitement. I have a date. I have a date with the really hot guy.

  Still smiling, I step out of the lift and head for Brad’s office. Knocking on the door.

  “I come in peace. I have coffee for you, a sandwich and some cake.” Walking to his desk I set the two cups and food down in front of him, a smile slowly creeps across his face.

  “You always know just what I want don’t you, and most of the time you give it to me.” He laughs as redness creeps up my cheeks.

  “Next time I won’t bother.” I say reaching forward and picking one of his coffee cups up. “If you don’t want it I can drink it.” Brad frowns and places a hand over his heart pretending to be hurt as he reaches across his desk taking the cup of coffee back from me.

  “Now let’s not be too hasty, you know you’re the best. Thank you, Anne.” Rolling my eye’s I leave his office shaking my head as I feel him watching me, he always does this as I leave the room, I have no clue why. I set my coffee and food down on my desk just as Pete walks from the kitchen.

  “It’s as good as new. Would you like to check it?” I shake my head as I take the clipboard and sign his paperwork.

  “I’m sure it will be fine, thank you, you are my saviour today.” Taking his clipboard back from me he heads to the lift.

  “No worries Miss Ryder.” With that he’s gone.

  Dropping into my chair, I open my lunch and take a bite of my sandwich as I pull out my phone and Matt’s business card. I quickly save the number to my contacts and send him a text with my address. I realise as soon as I hit send I didn’t say who it was from, so I quickly type another message. to the lift.

  “No worries Miss Ryder.” With that he’s gone.

  Dropping into my chair I open my lunch and take a bite of my sandwich as I pull out my phone and Matt’s business card. I quickly save the number to my contacts and send him a text with my address. I realise as soon as I hit send I didn’t say who it was from so I quickly type another message.

  Anne: Hi Matt I have sent you my address as promised, you now have my number too. I’m looking forward to Friday. Anne x

  His reply is instantaneous.

  Matt: Thank you for your address and phone number I have saved them both. I can’t wait for Friday. Matt

  Putting my phone away unable to remove the smile from my lips I finish my sandwich while I proof read the contract I typed this morning. The next two days are going to go so slow.

  Chapter 5

  It’s been two days since Matt asked me out to dinner and I am feeling more than a little nervous, so I treat myself to a lunchtime pedicure. I rush home after the meeting I was taking notes in runs over. Typical the one night of the decade I have plans, and I leave late.

/>   I jump in the shower trying to relax as I wash with my favourite white lotus and lime shower wash. Rinsing my hair, I climb out of the shower, wrapping a towel around me I try to dry my hair as quickly as possible. I have already selected my outfit thank goodness, so I carefully apply my makeup, straighten my hair and get dressed. Standing looking at my reflection in the mirror I smooth down my dress, it’s black with coloured pansies on, cinched in at the waist, the floaty skirt hits just below my knee, I have teamed it with red heels and a red clutch bag. I must have checked my reflection a dozen times in the last ten minutes since I got dressed. My makeup and hair all seem perfect not a hair out of place, but the butterflies increase with each minute that passes. I don’t know how I will be able to eat anything later. Blowing out a slow breath, in an attempt to calm my nerves, I lean into the mirror running the tip of my tongue over my teeth to remove any stray lip gloss. Standing back, I smile giving myself a pep talk to pull myself together.

  I almost jump out of my skin as the intercom rings. I answer it with a shaky voice smiling a little as I hear Matt’s voice come down the line.

  “Anne it’s me, erm Matt.” My smile widens as he sounds as nervous as I am I quickly reply.

  “I’m on my way down Matt one minute.” Grabbing my bag, I run down the stairs as fast as I can in my heels feeling like a teenager on her first date. I can’t help, but grin as I open the door.

  I can just about see Matt standing behind the huge bouquet of flowers, he peeps around them smiling as he hands them to me.

  “You look lovely Anne, these are for you.”

  “Thank you, they are beautiful.” Taking the flowers, I set them on the console table that sits in the hallway along with the post from today and close the door.

  Matt walks me down the path to a silver Corsa that is parked outside my gate and opens the door for me waiting while I climb inside, he closes the door. I watch him as he strides around the car smiling to myself. For such a tall man he is very graceful. He climbs inside the car and turns the key in the ignition, the engine roars to life and music fills the car, glancing at the car radio I recognise the band, but not the song the screen reads Say we can fly, the song is Angel’s Song. I glance up at Matt as he pulls out into the evening traffic.

  “I have booked a table at an Italian I know, I hope that’s okay?” I smile across at him.

  “That’s perfect I love Italian, it’s my favourite food.” He smiles and seems to relax a little. “How was your day?” He glances across at me quickly then looks back to the road.

  “It was okay. HR can get pretty boring until we get beautiful women walk in needing help.” I watch him as he drives and see the grin on his face, a blush heats my cheeks at his reference to me.

  “I’m sure you are everyone’s Hero.” He pulls into the car park and parks the car. Climbing out he quickly walks around to open my door. I climb out taking his offered hand smiling as he keeps a firm hold of it as we walk into the restaurant.

  “No.” He smiles at me. “Just the one damsel.”

  I look at him feeling a little speechless as we are shown to our table in a little alcove. The restaurant is small and intimate. The lighting is soft and romantic, each table is adorned with a candle and the smell of fresh bread permeates the air.

  “Have you been here before?” I ask.

  “Once or twice.” He replies. He pulls out my chair and I take my seat. “Would you like some wine?” He asks, and I try not to wonder how many dates he has fetched here before me. I smile across at him only to see him watching me.

  “Please. Nothing too sweet though.” I take the menu from the waiter and Matt orders a bottle of Chardonnay. “As you have been before what do you recommend?”

  “The chicken tagliatelle is good here. This place does the second best pasta I have ever had.” He says looking at me over the top of his menu.

  “Really. Who makes the best?” I ask.

  “I know this sounds really corny, but my Mum.” He closes his menu and sets it on the table. “I think I will have the chicken. What do you fancy?”

  Closing my menu.

  “I think I will have the chicken too. It comes highly recommended.” Smiling shyly at him. The waiter comes over with the wine and to take our order, I watch as Matt takes the wine from him and orders for both of us. Pouring wine into my glass then his.

  “Don’t worry I will have just the one as I’m driving.” He says as he holds up his glass. “To you.” He says smiling and clicks my glass.

  “To you.” I reply taking a sip, his eyes don’t leave mine as he takes a drink of the chilled liquid.

  “So, Anne tell me something about yourself.” I sip the wine and think for a moment. I knew this conversation would happen, but it always puts a dampener on the evening. So, I opt for keeping it simple.

  “Well I moved to London at the end of March, I have this great job at Mathias Enterprises. You may have heard of the company.” Smiling at him he leans forward resting his elbows on the table.

  “I may have, I hear the boss is a tyrant and a ladies man.” He grins.

  “He’s not that bad. His bark is worse than his bite. Your turn now. Fair is fair.” I say with a smile and a slightly raised eyebrow.

  “There isn’t much to tell, I was brought up by my Mum. I live alone and I’m an only child. Where did you say you moved from, was it Manchester?”

  We both move our arms as steaming plates of pasta and chicken are placed in front of us, the smell is incredible and makes my mouth water. “That’s right. Have you always lived in London?” I add changing the subject.

  “Yes, always.” I watch him eat his pasta and smile. “It’s still the second-best Pasta around.” I laugh softly at his humour and sincerity. “My Mum taught me how to cook.” He hesitates for a moment. “Maybe I can cook for you one day?” Pausing I look straight at him a little surprised

  “I would like that very much. You must have been close to your Mum growing up if it was just the two of you.”

  “Yes, we are pretty close. Does your Mum still live in Manchester?” I swallow my mouth full of food and slowly sip my wine, buying time, I dab my lips with my napkin and set it down.

  “No. My Mum passed away when I was younger, so did my Dad.” I chew on my lip nervously as his face changes. “It was a long time ago.” I say smiling hoping he doesn’t pity me.

  “I’m so sorry Anne. Are you okay?” Nodding hating how the look on his face has changed.

  “I’m fine honest it was a long time ago, almost ten years.” He reaches across the table taking my hand in his giving it a gentle squeeze, his touch is like electricity it makes my skin tingle.

  “Would you like to leave; I totally understand if you do?” He asks. I shake my head firmly.

  “No.” I snap a little too quickly. I’m sorry, please don’t end this on my account I’m having a lovely time. You are great company.” Our plates are cleared away, and the desert menus are left. “I’m so full that was delicious, but I couldn’t possibly manage desert.” He smiles his thumb brushing lightly against my palm.

  “You know you want to.” He says playfully. “Let me guess Tiramisu is your favourite!” I laugh and nod.

  “How did you know?” He winks at me making me blush and the awkwardness has evaporated.

  “A good guess. How about I help you out. One dessert two forks?” I nod smiling at the intimate way to eat desert and he orders not releasing my hand when the waiter returns with the decadent dessert. We sit and eat in silence his hand still holding mine, it feels so perfect.

  “What do you do in your spare time Matt, when you’re not cooking and saving damsels?” He signals to the waiter for the bill and I feel a little deflated the evening is almost over.

  “I help out at a local centre it’s like a big brother program with kids who don’t have very much. I like to watch movies, you know the usual thing.” I pull my hand back from his to get my purse from my bag, but he holds up his hand. “This is my treat I asked you ou
t I wouldn’t be much of a gentleman if I made you pay.” I try to argue, but he won’t have any of it. I watch him check the bill as he pulls his wallet out.

  “Thank you, Matt, next time dinner is on me.” He smiles as he pulls some notes from his wallet leaving them on the table with the bill.

  “Your welcome Anne, I really enjoyed your company and I hope we can do this again very soon.”

  Standing he walks around the table pulling out my chair before offering me his hand, which I accept, and I have to admit I do like how it feels wrapped around mine. We slowly walk to the car and I sense he doesn’t want to end the evening, I know how he feels I feel the same way. Matt drives me home in silence, I gaze out of the window smiling to myself, he has been the perfect gentleman all evening I couldn’t have asked for more. Pulling up outside my house I turn to look at him.

  “I guess this is you.” He says. Nodding I reach for the door handle, but he stops me placing a hand on my arm. “Wait I will get that for you.” He says in a low voice. Releasing the door handle I watch as he walks around the car opening my door and taking my hand. He walks me to my door and I unlock it before turning to him.

  “Would you like to come up for a drink? Tea, coffee?” His face drops and regret flashes across his eyes.

  “I would love to, but I have an early start tomorrow at the centre, another time soon, I hope.”

  “It’s fine, thank you for a great evening. I may see you on Tuesday.” His fingers reach out and tip my chin slightly, so I’m looking up into his eyes, the pad of his thumb brushes over my jaw,


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