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Page 10

by Rubie Jo Thomas

  “What did you just say?” She says.

  “You love him!” I yell not even noticing that Anne is stock still.

  “No, the other bit before that?” She says shaking her head.

  “I…oh um.” I mutter realising what I said.

  “Did you mean it?” She asks, I expect her to leave as I nod my head, but she doesn’t she jumps at me, I manage to catch her just as her lips meet mine. I pull away slightly and meet her eyes.

  “I don’t love him, I love you Matthew Richardson, now say it again.” She says her legs wrap around my waist

  “I love you.” I say wishing it had come out at a better time, I had planned on telling her in so many ways, but like this was never a plan who wants to hear that in the heat of anger.

  “I love you too.” She says before I kiss her again, I lay her back on the sofa still kissing her, our kiss deepens, I lay across the top of her nestled between her legs, her legs still tightly wrapped around my waist. Our kiss is turning me on she must be able to feel it rising between us, she wiggles which causes her to rub against me. I pull away from our kiss and rest my forehead against hers as we both pant trying to catch our breath.

  “What’s wrong?” She asks.

  “I just need a minute.” I tell her my eyes tightly closed while I try to focus on calming myself. She slides up the sofa and out from under me which is easier for her now I have increased the gap between us, when I open my eyes she looks hurt for a split second before she changes the look on her face.

  “Did you really think I loved him?” She asks, I sit up and shrug. “My heart belongs to you Matt and no one else okay.” She adds and I nod.

  “I really do love you Angel.” I tell her again the smile on her face is enough to tell me everything she feels, I have seen that smile so many times I wonder why I never saw love before now?

  “Are you ready for bed?” She asks me.

  “Yeah sure, you go get ready I’ll be in in a sec.” I tell her, she saunters off to bed with an extra roll of her hips, I just can’t take my eyes off her arse.

  After I’ve finished calming down I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth before taking the shorts I put on when we got here off and pulling my T-shirt off over my head. I can see Anne’s bare shoulders poking out above the cover, so I toss her the t-shirt I have just taken off.

  “Here, you could have grabbed one out of my drawer though.” I say as she slides it over her head and I climb in next to her and lay my arm out to her, so she can lay with me.

  “No, this is perfect I like it smells of you. Are you sure you want to cuddle?” She asks, and I wonder if my situation, while we were kissing, has made her wary of me. I know she’s a virgin although I don’t think she knows I know since she said it in her sleep, I don’t want her to feel pressured into anything.

  “I always want to cuddle with you Angel.” I tell her, she finally moves closer to me and into my arms I pull her close, so her head is resting on my chest.

  “Goodnight Angel I love you.” I say loving how those words are so easy to say and how they sound coming out of my mouth.

  “I love you too.” She says snuggling into me more I close my eyes and relax knowing my world is here in my arms.

  The next day I wake up just before Anne, so I carefully untangle our limbs and then slide off the bed without disturbing her. I use the toilet and brush my teeth before going back to the bedroom. When I re-enter, Anne is sitting up rubbing her eyes.

  “Sorry did I wake you?” I ask.

  “No, I just think I woke up, I needed the bathroom.” She says.

  “You go, I’ll make you some coffee.” I tell her as she slides out of bed the t shirt she is wearing is bunched at her waist, she quickly pulls it down to cover herself.

  After we have got ready and had some breakfast we go downstairs to the car.

  Today I’m helping her shop for furnishings for her new apartment, she needs everything as the flat she has now came furnished.

  “So, where are we going to start looking?” I ask her.

  “Next please.”

  “Next what?” I ask confused.

  “Next the store.” She says.

  “They do furniture?” I ask. “I thought they were a clothes store and soft furnishing.” I mutter more to myself.

  “They do furniture too.” Anne replies, I start the car and drive to the retail park where Next is and park up. I get out the car and before I can go around to open Anne’s door she’s out of the car and bouncing on her toes.

  “You excited?” I ask.

  “I am.” She says giving me an excited smile, I don’t get the excitement why would this be exciting? We walk into the store hand in hand and slowly make our way around Anne picking out things that she wants, and she doesn’t even look at the price tags what is up with that? When I go shopping I always check what I’m spending. She walks around the store scanning every product she wants, I’m grateful the store gave her one since she was buying so much. She asks me to hold it a couple of times and every time it’s in my hands I glance down at the prices of things, I can’t get over that she’s spending that much without a thought.

  “Wow, have you seen the price of that?” I ask her as she scans a set of table cloths, who pays that for a bit of cloth?

  “It’s fine.” She replies waving me off. Maybe me coming shopping with her was a mistake, she just paid all that money for her new place and now she’s throwing money at this shop, this woman is totally out of my league money wise and yeah it makes me feel inadequate It’s my damn job to be the man and she’s out manning me with all this and it kind of pisses me off. From that moment on I lose interest in it all I don’t care which set of curtains would look better, I don’t care what bed is softer I just want to go home and be back in my comfort zone.

  “Matt, are you listening?” Anne asks.

  “Huh?” I ask snapping back to the now.

  “Which set of cutlery do you like?” I look down at them all,

  “Why are there so many to choose from?” I ask disbelievingly. “A fork is a fork, they all do the same job.”

  “Are you okay?” She asks.

  “I’m just a little distracted I got a text from the centre.” The lie just comes out, when in all honesty, I’m pissed off, I’m pissed that she can just throw this sort of money away on something so trivial.

  “Do they need you to come in, I can finish this another day?” She says sounding disappointed.

  “No, you continue shopping, while you’re doing all this I might pop over there and make sure everything is okay.” I tell her pointing to the doors leading to the car park.

  “Oh, okay yeah sure.” She sounds hurt.

  “Just call me when you're done and I’ll come to pick you up.” I tell her.

  “Have I done something wrong?” She asks sounding curious.

  “No sorry I’ve got to go and check on it.” I tell her kissing her cheek and not giving her a chance to say anything. I make a beeline for the exit.

  I sit in the car, I know I’m being a dick, but I can’t help the way this makes me feel. I sit in the car park until Anne calls for me to come and collect her I pull out of the parking space and make my way along the road to the store. I pull up just as she comes out stuffing something in her bag.

  “Everything okay at the centre?” She asks getting in.

  “Oh, ummm yeah sorry.” I tell her.

  “Good.” She gives me a genuine smile. I pull up outside her place and she frowns over at me.

  “Are you not coming in?” She asks.

  “No, I’ve got to be back at the centre.”

  “Oh okay, will you be by later?” She asks sounding hopeful.

  “I’ll text you and let you know.” I tell her, she just climbs out and glances at me before she shuts the door. I blow her a kiss through the closed window and she gives me a sad smile. I pull away and drive towards the centre after today I need some time with the kids.

  Chapter 17


  The last few weeks have been madness, since I had my offer accepted I have spent my evenings looking at furniture and accessories for my new apartment plus trying to find a decorator, so I can have the whole place painted before I move in. I called Sara who does all Brad’s interior design and we arranged to meet for coffee at lunchtime today. Brad is in a particularly good mood today and as I stick my head around the edge of his open door he looks up at me smiling as he stretches his arms above his head.

  “Looks like you got out of the right side of the bed today.” I say smiling. “I’m just off for lunch, I’m heading to the coffee shop do you want anything fetching back?” His smile turns into a cheeky grin.

  “Shame you’re heading out I could tell you all about it.” He chuckles as I shake my head.

  “Don’t start, now do you want anything other than coffee.” I ask on an exasperated sigh.

  “As I can’t have you a sandwich will just have to do, you know what I like.” He leans to one side pulling his wallet out of his pocket, opening it he pulls out ten pounds and holds it out to me. Walking into his office I take the money and push it into my bag.

  “You know sometimes I don’t know why I bother being so nice to you.” I say as I walk back through his door making my way to the lift.

  “That’s easy.” He shouts after me. “It’s because I’m adorable and you love me.”

  “You wish.” I shout back as I step on to the lift.

  Stepping out into the sunshine I walk to the coffee shop smiling to myself. Brad still makes me blush and I know he loves to do it, but his banter is getting easier to take and now I have gained the confidence to give a little back, I do enjoy our interactions. He really isn’t anything like people make him out to be.

  I push the door to the coffee shop open and see Sara has already ordered and is sat in the window, I wave as I walk to the counter ordering my chicken club sandwich and iced coffee, before making my way to join her.

  “Hi, thank you for fitting me in at such short notice.” I say as I drop into my chair.

  “Not a problem, anything for a friend of Brad’s.” She hesitates a moment, so I sip my coffee as I wait for her to finish. “How is he? It’s been a while since I have heard from him.” I detect a note of wistfulness in her voice and it makes me think their relationship was more than just professional.

  “He’s fine to thank you, you know how Brad is. I know you have done work for him before as I said on the phone I don’t need an interior designer, but I really need a decorator to paint my whole apartment it will be empty I get the keys Friday so it’s short notice and that’s why I’m struggling.

  “I’m sure I will know of someone I have a few decorating firms I work with and I know one of the teams is ahead of schedule on my current project, so I could lend you them, I will make a few calls for you.” I nod as I eat my sandwich bringing my hand to my mouth to cover it.

  “That would be great I really appreciate your help, I want to be in as soon as possible, but it will be easier to have it decorated first.”

  “Absolutely, they will have nothing to move so they can have the run of the place, work will get done quicker.” Sara says confidently as she finishes her sandwich. “Let me get back to the office and make a few calls for you I will text you their details.” Sara stands holding out her hand to me, I take it in mine and shake it.

  “Thank you Sara I really appreciate all your help.

  “My pleasure and tell that boss of yours I was asking about him and not to be a stranger,”

  “I will when I get back.” I smile reassuringly before she turns, and I watch her leave waving as she walks past the window where I am sat. They were more than just acquittance's and I think she would like it to be more.

  After I finish my sandwich and pull out the notebook in my bag with the lists of things I need to do and buy for the new place, the lists are long but I’m making some progress. Once the decorating is in place I know when I can arrange for the furniture deliveries I jot a quick note down before dropping my notebook back in my bag. I order Brad’s lunch and make my way back to the office.

  “Your lunch.” I say cheerily as I step up to Brad’s desk.

  “That was quick.” Taking the brown paper bag from me and his change.

  “Well, I couldn’t sit and listen to much more about you.” I say rolling my eyes.

  “Who exactly did you have lunch with, I take it it wasn’t the douche.” He asks frowning

  “Will you quit calling him that, it’s not funny, and if you must know it was Sara.” I say slightly annoyed.

  “Sara?” Brad says puzzled.

  “Yes.” I laugh as he struggles to figure out who she is, she couldn’t be that memorable if he can’t remember her.

  “I don’t know a…oh the design woman?” He asks. “What were you meeting her for?”

  “Yes, it’s the design woman can’t you remember her name, she remembers you fondly enough and if you paid attention to anything I said I get the keys to my apartment this week and I’m trying to find a decorator. She made a point of asking me to mention her to you and tell you not to be a stranger.” I add in a sweet voice, as Brad laughs.

  “I remember the names of the women who are important to me like you.” He says with a wink. “You’re Anne my…” I give him a look which makes him think twice. “My bad, but I forgot it was this week you got the keys I should have my secretary get you something nice as a moving in present.” He laughs.

  “I am your secretary.” I retort as I turn to leave his office.

  “I’m serious get your self-something nice you just tell me the cost.”

  “Thanks, I may just do that, now I need to get back to work and don’t you forget Sara.” I grin to myself as I sit back at my desk not able to make out what Brad is muttering.

  The afternoon is non-stop with reports and I have just switched my Mac off when my phone rings, pulling it from my pocket I slide the screen to accept the call from Sara.

  “Hi Sara.” I answer cheerily mentally crossing my fingers hoping for good news,

  “Hi, I have passed your details on to a decorator I am using, they are finishing up Wednesday and they have next week free, they can start Friday and are willing to work the weekend, the price is reasonable as they have finished their current job early, if they work this weekend they will be done by next Friday.” This is the best news I have had all day, in just over a week I can be in my new place.

  “That’s perfect thank you so much I really appreciate this.”

  “No worries I will text you Gavin’s number he’s expecting a call from you and you can give him the address and tell him what you want.” She adds just as my phone beeps notifying me I have a text. Brad walks out of his office and perches on the edge of my desk dipping his hand into the jar of cherry jellies I have on my desk and popping a couple in his mouth.

  “I just got the text thank you again Sara.” I add looking at Brad who immediately stands shaking his head frantically.

  “I don’t expect Brad is in, is he?” She asks sounding less sure of herself.

  “I’m sorry you just missed him.” I glare at Brad, I hate lying. “But I promise I will let him know you asked about him and you called, it’s just a really busy day, I haven’t stopped since I got back from lunch.”

  “Okay thanks Anne, Bye.” The deflated tone in her voice is clear.

  “Bye and thanks again.” I say as the line cuts off.

  “Thanks, I owe you.” Brad retorts looking more relaxed now.

  “Well, in that case, I will take next Friday off as I’m moving.” I inform him as I take my bag from the bottom drawer of my desk expecting an argument.

  “That’s fine I expect I can survive one day.” He says grinning as he waits for the lift. I step inside standing next to him as he presses the ground floor button, I reach across him and press the button for Matt’s floor.

  “I’m sure you will.” The doors open, and I step out. “See you tomorrow.�
� I add as the doors close.

  I look through the glass doors and see Matt turning off his Mac and stand watching him as the feeling I always get around him fills me. He stands up from his desk and catches sight of me making me feel guilty he caught me staring at him, I push through the door as he walks over to me immediately pulling me against him and pressing his lips to mine.

  “How long have you been stood there?” He asks before kissing me again.

  “Not long I just got here.” I say loving how he makes me feel. “Guess what, I spoke to Sara today she has a decorating team who are ahead of schedule and they can decorate this weekend and next week I should be able to move in on Friday.”

  “That’s great have you booked the day off?” He asks taking my hand and leading me back to the lift.

  “Yes, Brad agreed I could have the day off.” I reply feeling excited at the thought of moving.

  “I should think so, I could book the day off to and help if you want me too?” He asks as we step into the lift and start our descent to the ground floor.

  “I would love you too if you want too.” I reply a little surprised.

  “Of course, I will arrange it tomorrow now let’s go to yours and I can cook dinner I expect you want to confirm the delivery of all the furniture you have ordered now for next Friday now you have a date.”

  “I do that would be great thank you, you are the best.”

  “Nah I’m just me.”

  “Exactly.” We step out into the fresh air and make our way home.

  Chapter 18

  I have been on edge all day waiting for the call to say the sale has gone through, I couldn’t focus on anything. Matt has checked on me a few times and I think he could sense my agitation because just under an hour ago he came up to my floor to take me out to lunch. We walk to the coffee shop around the corner and order sandwiches, as we chat about work. A smile lights up his face, as he talks about the centre, he reaches for my hand his thumb slowly drawing circles on my palm.


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