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Page 17

by Rubie Jo Thomas

  “I won’t I promise now smile at me please I won’t see you for seven days. Will you be here when I get back?” I ask hoping he will be here waiting for me.

  “Absolutely, text the minute you land, and I will make sure I’m here and waiting for you.” He reassures me as he kisses me one last time before I turn and walk out of the door to the lift Steve is holding for me, stepping on I turn and wave until the doors close.

  I sigh as we start to move. “Come on M’lady, let’s go and get the Boss Man.” Steve says with a wink and I can’t help the smile at his joke referring to his last name Parker.

  “Yes, do we have time to stop at the coffee shop down the road from Brad’s house? He’s not a morning person at the best of times.” I ask.

  “Of course.” The lift stops, and I follow Steve to the car, he places the case and bags in the boot of the car before opening the door for me, we travel to Brad’s stopping for coffee on the way.

  I knock on Brad’s door, there is no answer so pushing my key in the lock I tentatively turn it pushing the door open and step into the hall. I stop as I see Brad.

  “Sorry I was just checking you were ready, I did knock.” I say apologetically. He smiles at me and I’m sure it’s because he can smell the coffee. I try not to laugh as he tells me he was cleaning, placing a cup in the dishwasher isn’t cleaning, but never mind. I hand him the coffee I am holding.

  “I got you this.” I say cheerily.

  “See Anne this is why you’re my number one girl.” He says winking and I feel the colour rising in my cheeks as he smirks.

  “Are these all your bags?” I ask quickly changing the subject.

  “Yes, Anne they are, can you ask Steve to put them in the boot please.” He says as I glance at the two small bags with a suit bag slung over them.

  “Of course.” I reply as I turn to leave relieved I can step outside into the cool morning air, I look at Steve who laughs.

  “I heard him, I got this, don’t let him get to you. He only does it because he gets a reaction.” He says stepping past me heading towards the house. I smile at him and glance back to the house.

  “I try not to, but he just has this way about him.” I reply. Laughing Steve heads inside and I climb into the back of the car busing myself with checking the reservations on the iPad.

  The flight to Dubai was long, but I shouldn’t really complain as Brad had me book first class tickets, so we had lots of space and we were offered endless drinks. I opted for soft drinks after all it was early, and I was here to work not to give the wrong impression. When we eventually arrived in Dubai it was almost 9.00 pm with the time difference. The drive to the hotel was short and the hotel itself looked breathtaking, I have never seen anywhere so opulent. The hotel stands tall and white against the clear evening sky there isn’t a cloud in sight and the air is still warm. The reception is all marble with exotic fresh flowers at the end of the desk. I check us into the hotel and hand out the keys to the other staff Brad insisted make this trip and organise the luggage to each room. Brad is pacing so I take the lift with him to his suite and hope he calms when he is settled in.

  I push his key card into the slot and open the door when the light turns green then hand him his card. Quickly scanning the room, I see his cases are already here waiting for him.

  “Is there anything you need Mr Mathias?” I ask as he looks around looking at me puzzled.

  “Where are your bags?” He asks his brow furrowed.

  “They have been taken to my room.” I reply perplexed at the odd question. “I have texted you a list of our room numbers, so you can get hold of us all.” He shakes his head and I feel the nerves start to grow, and I get the distinct feeling I’m not going to like this.

  “Nope, I need you here with me.” He says firmly.

  “What?” I try and keep the panic from my voice, I can’t stay here with him.

  “That’s why I asked for a two room suite, I need you to be on hand in case I need you.” He says.

  “B…but you have my room number and I can be here in a minute.” I try and reason, Brad crosses his arms across his chest and I know I’m fighting a losing battle.

  “That won’t work you will spend more time walking backward and forward, I need you on hand to help sort out any problems, plus you know you ground me and keep me calm.” He adds looking at me his face ready to argue his point.

  “Oh.” Is all I can manage, and I stand dumbfounded for a moment.

  “Call down and ask them to bring your bags here, and can you order me something to eat, I’m starving.” He snaps before he stalks off to his bedroom. I don’t know what’s eating him today, but he needs to snap out of it. I call down to reception and order us both a sandwich and water as well as reluctantly asking for my cases to fetched up to his suite. I sit back in my chair and try to work out how to explain this to Matt, he isn’t going to be impressed.

  Room service arrives and so does my case, I quietly take Brad in his food and quickly exit his bedroom closing the door behind me as he’s on the phone in a heated conversation. After eating my sandwich and unpacking I gather my wash bag and a change of clothes and head to the bathroom. I check the door three times before I undress and step into the bath. Leaning back, I dial Matt hoping he understands. I smile as his voice comes on the line.

  “Hi Angel, are you all settled in your room? What’s it like? I bet it’s fancy.” He says a smile in his voice. I take a moment wondering how to start this. “Anne are you there?” He adds.

  “Yes, I’m here. The room, well the suite is lovely you wouldn’t believe how nice it is,” I reply nervously.

  “Suite! He got you your own suite, he must really like you.” He laughs teasingly. Taking a deep breath.

  “Not exactly we are sharing a suite, but we have our own rooms we just share a lounge… and bathroom.” I add quietly. He doesn’t say anything, but I know he heard me as I can hear him pacing.

  “You’re sharing a room with HIM?” His voice is cold, and I instantly miss his warmth.

  “No Matthew, I have my own room, yes it has a lock on it. It’s not like he’s going to creep in while I’m asleep.” I sigh.

  “Well, I would if I were him.” He says and I can hear him calming. The line is quite a moment. “So, what are you doing now?” He asks.

  “I’m just getting in a bath.” I say smiling I have my Matt back.

  “Oh, really is the bath big enough for me to sit behind you, I could wash every inch of you.” He asks making me smile and my cheeks flush.

  “I wish you were here to do that for me.” I say dreamily.

  “I wish I could be there to do more, like that thing you like me doing with my tongue, I could tell you what to do to make you feel like that.” Matt says his voice is lower full of lust.

  “I want to Baby, but what if he hears me?” I squeal sitting up pulling my knees to my chest to cover myself up, splashing water over the side of the bath as a knock comes through the door making me jump “Yes?” I snap feeling annoyed and embarrassed.

  “I’m going out for a walk so you’re free to have phone sex without my ears around.” I can hear him chuckling. I lean back into the water totally mortified that Brad overheard that part of our conversation.

  After the bathroom incident I tried to keep myself to myself, but it was increasingly difficult as there was a vast amount of work to do and I was nearly with Brad every waking moment of the day. Luckily, he wasn’t bothered about making me feel uncomfortable as he was preoccupied and not in a particularly good mood although the meetings were going well something was bothering him and it was eating up at him. Each night we work on plans and contracts for the following day, only pausing to have dinner. I began looking forward to dinner time Brad relaxed at little and talked about his Mum and Dad, how Mathias Enterprises started and grew and about his son and the argument they had before we left. I can’t imagine the pain he must feel finding out he has a child who is a teenager and missing out on so much, but knowing B
rad a little I sense he’s jumping in feet first.

  “You know all you have to do is relax and let him see this side of you, this is the side no one sees.” I say honestly.

  “People don’t try to see this side of me, they have a preconceived perception of me and have made their mind up about me before they have met me, I don’t care, they can think what they like.” He replies matter of factly.

  “I think you do.” I say as I stand giving his shoulder a squeeze as I make my way back to the sofa setting my laptop on my lap. “I think you care a lot and you have this wall around you to shield yourself.” He looks at me for a few seconds before joining me not replying he just picks up the paper he was checking before dinner.

  The following morning the breakfast meeting ran smoothly and as soon as it had finished we head to the airport. I felt a buzz of excitement at the thought of heading home I have missed Matt much more than I thought I would, the calls and messages weren’t nearly enough and can’t wait to get home this evening. Tomorrow will be valentine’s day and it is our first together.

  We check in our cases and head to the business lounge and I sit and tap my foot nervously, I hadn’t flown much in the past and still feel a little nervous. I scan the monitors for news on our flights and disappointment washes over me as the word delayed flashes next to our flight. Time passes slowly and I pull my phone from my bag to text Matt.

  Anne: Hi, our flight is delayed, I miss you so much I really want to be home for tomorrow. A xxx

  My phone immediately buzzes in my hand.

  Matt: I miss you too Angel, text me when you land no matter what the time and I will go to your place. M x

  Anne: Okay, I love you A xxx

  Matt: I love you too. M x

  I stare at the board for what seems like forever watching and waiting for a gate to appear and the delayed sign to disappear. Brad forces me to go to the restaurant with him and have some dinner since I haven’t eaten in hours I think he is hoping it takes my mind off our delayed flight.

  “I’m sorry we are delayed I didn’t realise what tomorrow was it never registered with me.” He says as he watches me pick at my food on my plate.

  “It’s not your fault we are delayed even you don’t have that much power.” I reply trying to sound cheery.

  “I know I just feel like a dick for being oblivious.”

  “A douche.” I say grinning using his own word on him.

  “I wouldn’t go that far.” He says smirking. “Now eat or else.” I eat the salad jumping up as our flight is called.

  “Come on.” I shout over my shoulder as I start walking to the gate. He follows behind me chuckling and we board the flight ready for take off I am finally going home.

  Chapter 28


  I’m so angry, as I look at her text telling me the flight has been delayed again, I really thought it would be the Dick she was with that would try and fuck up the Valentine’s Day plans I have planned, but no it’s the bloody planes! It’s not fair. It’s our first Valentine’s Day together and I have so much planned. I managed to cancel our reservation for dinner since Anne said she wasn’t going to make it back in time.

  When I get a text saying that they managed to get on another flight and would be getting in early Valentine’s morning I tried to get our booking back, but it had already gone and everywhere else was booked solid all weekend.

  I stand there waiting as I watch the fight information flash on the screen that the flight has landed. Anne isn’t expecting me to show up here, but since Valentine’s Day started three hours and twenty four minutes ago, I’ve missed out on enough time already. I know I’ve got work too, so here I stand at silly o clock in the airport holding a couple of coffees and a bouquet of red roses waiting for my girl to come out through that doorway in front of me, so I can get as much time as possible with her.

  After what feels like forever people start coming through the sliding doors. I keep my eyes peeled for her. I start fidgeting and shifting my weight between my feet as I wait. Finally, I see Brad, he spots me before I even see Anne, his look is unreadable. He leans down and that’s when I see he is close to Anne’s ear; the whole time he’s talking into her ear he watches me. Anne’s eyes flick to me a shocked look on her face as I watch the look relax and a smile appear. She leaves everything and comes running for me, I don’t have time to react before she jumps at me. As she is more important, I drop everything I’m holding the coffees making puddles at my feet.

  “Oh my god, what are you doing here?” She asks, but before I can answer she kisses me, I hold her tight against me. “Oh my god, you’re here.” She says once she pulls away from my lips. I chuckle as Brad comes up to us pushing a trolley.

  “Nice coffee puddle.” Brad says raising an eyebrow. I want to tell him to fuck off since I have Anne in my arms, nothing else matters, but Brad’s presence makes Anne drop her legs and her converse covered feet splash in the coffee.

  “Oh no sorry, was that my fault?” She asks shyly.

  “You’re more important than coffee.” I tell her not removing my arms from around her. “Sorry Mr Mathias I did get you a cup too but…” I trail off as I look at the mess, I’m still stood in before taking a step to the side and out of the mess.

  “I’ll go let someone know about the mess.” Brad says as he walks off in the direction of someone in some sort of uniform.

  “Oh, you got me flowers too.” Anne says picking up the coffee soaked droopy roses.

  “I did, but they don’t matter I’ll get you some fresh ones.” I tell her.

  “Sorry I didn’t mean to jump on you. I’m just so happy to see you, I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I am not complaining about that if I had my way, I’d have your legs wrapped around me all the time.” I smile and wiggle my eyebrows up and down at her.

  “Someone’s coming over to clear that up.” Brad interrupts.

  “Thanks.” I reply.

  “So, I’m guessing you don’t need a ride home now Anne?” He asks, I notice the guy that came to pick Anne up when they left is now standing by the trolley with all their suitcases on.

  “No thank you, now Matt’s here I can go grab breakfast with him before work.” She tells him.

  “Don’t bother coming in today after all that hassle with the delayed fights and all, you have the day off.”

  “Really?” She asks. “That would be so good.”

  “It’s no problem, I might even work from home today I have some things I need to sort out anyway.” He looks between me and Anne. “You take the day too.” He says casually to me.

  “Me?” I ask disbelievingly.

  “Yeah it is Valentine’s Day, right? I’ll see you both Monday.” He says as he turns away and walks off.

  “Thanks Brad.” Anne calls after him, he waves a dismissive hand at her over his shoulder “Bye Parker.” She says to Brad’s driver as she grabs her cases off the trolley.

  “Welcome home Miss Ryder.” He winks at her, what the hell is that all about.

  “I’m confused I thought his name was Steve.” I tell Anne as I grab her cases from her.

  “His name is Steve.” She says.

  “You called him Parker is that some sort of joke?” I ask.

  “No, it’s his name Steve Parker, how funny is that.”

  “But the winking?” I ask.

  “Matthew are you jealous?” She asks smacking my chest, I pull her into my arms and kiss her with everything inside me, I feel her legs wobble and I pull her tighter against me so I’m holding her up.

  “You’re all mine.” I tell her against her lips.

  “Forever.” She says on a sigh.

  “I can’t believe he gave us both the day off.” I say as I lay in bed with Anne in my arms. We skipped breakfast and came straight back to hers instead.

  “Mmm.” She mutters.

  “Are you awake?” I ask nuzzling my nose into her wet hair, smelling the fresh scent of her coconut shampoo.

nbsp; “I want to sleep.” She says which makes me smile when we got back from the airport, she insisted that we shower together and let’s face it I’d be crazy to turn that offer down. After the shower, we made it to the bed and that has been where we have been for the last two hours.

  “You have slept, I think it’s time for that breakfast you mentioned at the airport.” I tell her. She groans.

  “I don’t want to move; can I stay here all day long?” Her face is still buried into the corner of the duvet, so her words are muffled.

  “How about you stay here, and I’ll go get some stuff to cook breakfast with and you can sleep.” I tell her, she waves me off, so I kiss the part of her head that is poking out of the covers. “I’ll be back soon.” I tell her as I slip out of the bed and grab my clothes from where I stripped out of them. I will need to go back to mine and get some clothes since we’re staying here.

  After driving home and stopping at the supermarket to grab some food to keep us fed for the day I arrive back at Anne’s.

  When I enter her apartment, she is sat on the sofa holding a cup of what I’m guessing is coffee between her hands.

  “Your back.” She says smiling. “I was beginning to think you had run off.” She gives me a playful smile.

  “I had to stop at mine and grab some more stuff, I wasn’t expecting you home, so when I heard you were coming in, I just jumped in the car to the airport.” I head straight to the kitchen and place the shopping bags on the counter. I slide the backpack off my shoulders as I walk towards her and place it next to the sofa as I lean down and kiss her lips, they are still warm from her coffee.

  “Good morning.” She says sweetly. “What did you buy?” Her eyes leave me and look in the direction of the kitchen.

  “Just some food to keep us going, I thought as it’s Valentine’s Day I would cook you a nice romantic dinner.” I kiss her again.


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