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Page 22

by Rubie Jo Thomas

  “Well most of it is in hand if you’re ready I can go over everything.”

  “Now is as good a time as any unless you made me a meeting?” He questions.

  “No, I kept today free I wasn’t sure if you would be in.” I say as I leave to grab my laptop bag.

  We spend the morning going through the meetings I had to rearrange and the issues that had come up over the previous week. The bigger issues I had told him about as they had arisen the small things I had handled, and I just updated him on what had happened and what I had done.

  “This place doesn’t really need me, does it? You handle it all so well.” He states smiling.

  “Of course, it does you’re a Mathias and this is your company.” I tell him.

  “How are you? You spent a week at my house and worked nonstop I owe you time off or a serious bonus.”

  “Or both I tease.” Trying to change the subject. “I will pop out and get us some lunch. Do you want your usual?” I ask standing to leave turning away from him, I look at the door so close yet so far.

  “Anne!” He says as he stands, walking around his desk and sitting on the edge. “How are you?” He repeats.

  “I’m okay. I say but my voice cracks and tears prick my eyes.

  “You aren’t, now talk to me.” His hand takes hold of my arm, I turn to him tears spilling down my cheeks.

  “Matt left me.” I manage to get out in between sobs. His arms wrap around me, his hand rubbing my back. He doesn’t say anything for a few minutes giving me time to stop sobbing. Stepping back, I sniff. “I’m sorry for my outburst.” He points to the sofa.

  “Sit.” He states looking at me and I know better than to argue. I sit and pull at the hem of my skirt, he sits beside me. “Now tell me what’s going on?”

  “I don’t know where to start.” I stammer.

  “The beginning.” He tells me not moving just sitting there staring at me.

  I start from when I left the office and tell him how I went looking for him and couldn’t find him. How no one has seen him, and he wasn’t answering my calls or texts. I tell him how I haven’t seen him since he saw me in here and how when I got home yesterday his clothes were gone.

  “Why didn’t you say something before? We could have sorted it sooner, but we are sorting this now. He stands and walks to his desk.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “I’m calling him telling him to get his arse up here and we are going to sort this, I’m not having you this upset over him misunderstanding a situation.” He tells me as he reaches for his phone.

  “You can’t, he left he doesn’t work here anymore.” I reply as he walks back sitting back down.

  “Since when?”

  “He left the day he saw us he had got a new job I think, I know he applied for one, but he left here and went and cleared his desk out.” He sighs.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice is soft.

  “When? You had enough to deal with and anyway it’s not your issue it’s mine.” I attempt to stand.

  “Anne you spent a week at my house taking care of me, my daughter and my Mum, you arranged my Dad’s funeral and kept my business running smoothly all the time dealing with this. If you weren’t so upset, I would be really pissed off with you.” I look up shocked.

  “But…” He cuts me off.

  “No buts our friendship works both ways. Now you go and freshen up I’m going to get us lunch and a coffee, then I’m going to figure out a way to sort this.” He stands and walks to his desk grabbing his jacket and wallet before walking out of the door leaving me staring at his back as he waits for the lift.

  Chapter 36


  Sat at my desk filling in the paperwork I look up as I hear the door.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” I mutter under my breath as I watch him walk through the door. I stand as his eyes find me. He looks shocked for a minute, then he storms over.

  “What are you doing here?” He asks me. This guy is such a dick.

  “I could ask you the same thing!” I say sarcastically.

  “What have you done to Anne?” He adds. At the mention of her name my hands clench into fists. “I am here to see someone…” Cutting him off I snap.

  “Why would I want to talk to you? You stole my girl. You just had to go there didn’t you, you couldn’t leave her alone, and you have moved her in already! I hate people like you.” I swing my clenched fist and clock him on the left side of his jaw, my hand throbs as I unclench it and I feel his forearm against my chest pushing me back to the wall.

  “I will give you that one, but that is all you’re getting.” He says through clenched teeth. “Clearly you have a few wires crossed, so you need to back the fuck off.”

  “You stole my girl, what’s crossed about that?” I yell trying to get out from under his hold.

  A group of kids come in all halting and going quiet at the sight of us.

  “Frank, go and get someone.” One of the boys says. Noticing Brad is distracted I take advantage and push him off me, taking a second swing at him his attention turns back to me and he quickly dodges out of my reach.

  “I told you, you would only get one Douche.” He says sternly.

  “Fuck off, get out, you’re not welcome here.” I spit at him.

  “Is there a problem here?” Neil asks as he walks in, his gaze flicking between Brad and myself as he ushers the kids into the back room.

  “This idiot is just leaving.” I state flatly.

  “No, I’m not. I’m here to see Neil.” Brad answers dismissing my comment.

  “That would be me, are you Mr Mathias?” Neil asks hesitantly.

  “I am, but you can call me Brad.” He replies. God, I just want to smack him one and here I am having to listen to him being the arsehole he is.

  “Would you like to come this way to my office?” Neil asks him.

  “Sure.” He says following Neil. “Matthew.” Brad adds in a patronising tone.

  “Matt, maybe you should join us.” Neil calls as he gets to the corridor. Really like this is what I need right now.

  “I have some paperwork to do.” I reply through gritted teeth.

  “Matt my office, now.” Neil says not giving me the chance to reply as he walks off leading Brad to the office. I hesitate for a minute before my shoulders sink in defeat, I let out a frustrated huff and follow behind them.

  “Take a seat Brad.” Neil offers. I stand by the door with my arms crossed over my chest.

  “I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for everything you have done for this centre and for the kids, your generosity is more than we ever thought was possible from one person.” My brows furrow, what has he done?

  “Well it’s not just me, I have managed to get some other people and companies to see what an amazing organisation this is.” His voice makes me want to smack him. He sounds so smug. “If Anne my PA hadn’t of brought this place to my attention, I wouldn’t have been aware you guys existed.” He says. Nope, I don’t like him saying her name.

  “Don’t say her name.” I bite out.

  “Matt here has been helping out for many years.” Neil says cutting off my angry words. “So, he is very passionate about everything.” Neil continues. “Brad here is the reason we have a game room.” He says giving me a warning look.

  “What?” I ask. I wonder why Anne didn’t tell me that he was the one who donated it all.

  “I had Anne look into what was needed here so I could help give the kids some entertainment.” He says.

  “Well, we never knew she was scoping the place out.” They both laugh I just stand there stunned, I wonder why Anne never told me that he was the one donating things.

  “I’m going to try and take a more active role in the charities I donate to and try to spare time as well, but the keeper of my diary will have to check what days I’m free, I’ll speak to her when I get back to the office tomorrow. Maybe I can sponsor a day trip once a year or
something.” He suggests.

  “The kids would love that.” Neil replies. “Won’t they Matt.” I want to laugh at his attempt to bring me into the conversation.

  “Yep they sure will, it’s not often we can take them places. Trips are expensive.” I add to the conversation just like I know Neil wants me too. I know I don’t like him right now, but this is centre business I need to keep things separate. I’d feel so guilty if the kids lost out because of me.

  “I just wanted to pop in as I was in the neighbourhood to introduce myself and get a feel for the place.” Brad adds.

  “You are welcome to pop in anytime as long as you check in with the staff, obviously you can’t be alone with any of the children without a DBS check.” Neil says almost sadly.

  “I can have that sorted, not to be alone with them, but to make your lives easier here. I want to make as much as I can easier for you and the kids here.”

  “That sounds great.” Neil says. Brad stands and turns to me.

  “I think we need to sit down and have a chat.” Brad says as he goes to leave the office.

  “Why would I want to do that?” I ask not interested in anything he has to say.

  “Because you need to know the truth.” He says confidently

  “I already know the truth.” Brad chuckles making me want to punch him again.

  “You are so far from the truth.” He says as he shakes his head at me.


  “Look please, come let’s get a drink and try to clear the air for Anne’s sake.” I take a step towards him.

  “Don’t say her name!” I warn him.

  “I have to if we're going to have this conversation.” He says still not taking a step back as I stare him down.

  “Then we’re not going to have it.” I say and turn my back to him as I start to reach for the door handle. I can still feel Neil’s eyes on us as he silently watches our exchange.

  “Matt for her sake please, she is a mess.” I freeze as he says that, but I try to hide that it affects me.

  “You would know that since you have her moved in.” I bite back at him trying to cover my pain that she’s hurting. We might be over, and I might be hurting from it all, but it doesn’t stop me from loving her.

  “What?” He asks disbelievingly. “She hasn’t moved in.” He adds with laughter in his voice.

  “That’s not what I hear.” Brad lets out a sigh.

  “We really should discuss this over a drink.”

  “I’m working.”

  “Then please meet me after, when do you finish?” Brad asks.

  “He can finish now.” Neil says, Brad looks shocked for a minute like he forgot we were in my Boss’s office in front of him. “Clearly you guys have business to discuss and Matt is in no mood to stay here.” He adds.

  “But Neil I’m working.” I say as I meet his eyes telling him I have no plans to go anywhere with him.

  “Matt go and deal with what you have to, or I will sack you.” Neil tells me.

  “What you can’t?” I ask.

  “I can do what I want, now go and talk to him and sort this out and then come back tomorrow.” I stand there stunned that he just threatened to sack me.

  “There’s a pub down the street let’s go get a drink, really I think you will thank me for it.” Brad jumps in with.

  “I doubt it.” I laugh bitterly, but if I’m done with work I could do with a drink after the way this has all gone and a free one is even better. Neil tells Brad I will meet him there as I have to close down my shift. Brad shakes Neil’s hand and tells him he will be in touch about plans for a trip before he leaves the office and the centre.

  I leave the centre and walk down to the pub. As I approach the door, I think about not going in, but I love my job and he’s taken away Anne I don’t want to lose the centre because of him as well it’s all I have left other than Mum. Brad is sat at the bar on a high stool. The bar stretches almost through the whole pub which is split into two rooms. As one side has pool tables and is bigger than the side I have walked in I guess this side is the quieter side. Brad looks up and meets my gaze.

  “What are you drinking?” He asks me. I look at what they have on draught and tell him which one I want. He orders himself a large Jack Daniels. He pays then nods over to a table, I pick my beer up and walk over to the table as he follows behind me. We take our seats facing each other. I pull a beer mat closer to me putting my pint on it.

  “Say what you need to so I can go, I’m only here in case you tell Neil I didn’t show and he really does sack me.” I tell him. Brad rolls his glass of Jack between his palms staring at it.

  “Three weeks ago my Dad died.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that, but what has that got to do with Anne moving in with you?” I ask picking up the conversation from where we left off at the centre.

  “Thank you,” He says. “I had to worry about my kids, my Mum and it was just too much for me. Anne came and stayed at mine to help me with funeral arrangements and office stuff, it was easier having her at my house than it was her doing it all from the office and since we had so much to do it saved time her staying in the guest room.” He tells me. “I never knew about you and Anne until last week when I finally started to realise how miserable she was.” I shake my head.

  “I saw you two in your office.” I know what I saw he’s so full of shit.

  “Look you know I have a reputation.” I roll my eyes at him.

  “Who doesn’t” It’s common knowledge at the office.

  “When Anne first started working for me she was like a timid little bird, I tried hitting on her, but she wasn’t interested in me. When I flirt with her I see a cute feisty side to her and over the past couple of years I’ve seen her grow.” He tells me.

  “What has this got to do with what I saw and also, it’s not appropriate to flirt with your staff members.”

  “It will all make sense in a minute.” He says. It better bloody do I’m going to go in a minute. “I know it’s not appropriate, but with Anne it’s just a bit of fun I have no romantic feelings for her at all.”

  “Again, I saw the pair of you, you told her you loved her.” I remind him.

  “I will never deny that, I do love her.”

  “I’m leaving.” I say pushing my beer forward a bit.

  “I love her like a sister.” He says on a huff.


  “I love Anne as a sister.” He says again.

  “You wouldn’t flirt with your sister.” I tell him, that’s wrong on so many levels.

  “No. I wouldn’t, but she’s not really my sister. but my love for her is like a sister it’s not romantic at all.” He finally takes a sip from his glass so I reach for my beer and take a large swig.

  “So, what are you saying?” I ask him not having a clue what he’s trying to say.

  “I was playing about in my office, the day you saw us I was having a bad day and needed Anne to cheer me up.”

  “You get that’s wrong on so many levels.” I say this guy is fucked up.

  “Maybe, but it’s how our relationship is. Look she has been a mess for the last month.”

  “Anne isn’t living with you?” I ask.

  “No, I have a girlfriend, she’s actually the mother of my son. It’s new, but you don’t want to hear about that right now. Anne misses you.”

  “She tell you to tell me that?”

  “She doesn’t even have a clue that I’m here talking to you.” He tells me, now I know he’s lying.

  “She would have known you would have seen me since you were going to the centre.” I tell him.

  “She doesn’t even know I was stopping in, I know it’s rare that Anne doesn’t know something that’s going on in my life.”

  “Rare is an understatement.” I chuckle. I feel myself warming up to this idiot.

  “Look I know what you thought you saw, but you didn’t it was all my fault.” He says.

  “I don’t like you flirting
with her.” I say my voice so serious.

  “I understand that and you need to know that when you two get back together it won’t stop, I flirt with her that’s how it is.” He shrugs.

  “We won’t get back together.” I tell him.

  “Yes, you will, it’s my mission to fix what I broke. I need my Anne back and as much as I think you’re a douche, she doesn’t. She loves you for some strange and odd reason.”

  “Do you want me to punch you again?” I ask him, I’m not going to sit here and listen to him insult me.

  “I said I was only giving you one and you already had that, I won’t let you get another one in I can promise you that.” He says wearing his intimidating face that doesn’t affect me.

  “You’re a fucking Dick you know that right.” I tell him.

  “Yep I do.” He grins smugly. “So, if I can come up with a plan you up for it?” He asks me, his eyebrow raised in question.

  “Plan for what?” I ask

  “To get you and Anne back together.” He tells me like he’s talking to a child.

  “I have ignored any contact she has attempted to make over the last month, I’d say she is done with me.” There’s no plan that will get us back together.

  “That’s okay I can fix it all. You want her back yes?” He questions.

  “Yes.” I say with no hesitation. The last month my life has been empty without her.

  “Well then plan to get Douche and Anne back together is in the making.” I roll my eyes at him as he starts reeling off his ideas.

  Chapter 37

  “I think it will work.” Brad says through the phone. He’s not my favourite person by any means, but after our chat the other night I can tolerate him a bit more and if he’s willing and able to help me get my girl back then I’m up for a conversation here and there.

  “But will she talk to me? I’ve basically ignored her since that day.” I reply.

  “Dude she loves you whether you are a douche or not.” He says.

  “Stop calling me a douche.” I tell him, he just laughs.

  “Yeah, that’s not happening.” He says.


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