by Paul Keegan
14 ryghtwysnesse righteousness;
27 deprave defame;
35 dryslynge drizzling;
44 modye angry;
55 hyre reward
1 To luve unluvit to love unloved;
2 scho she;
3 he high, haughty;
6 quhen when; may maiden;
8 plet pleated, clasped;
11 quhair where;
12 trymly trimly, smartly;
14 leif live;
16 Quhattane how like; glaikit foolish;
18 sen since;
22 gais goes;
24 diseis trouble
3 holly holy;
8 selfe did spill wasted his time;
9 Bellibone girl;
15 saye good cloth;
23 wood mad;
43 gryde pierced;
64 priefe proof
1 wod wood;
2 Ourhailit overcome;
7 ingenrit engendered, born; se sea;
8 lichter nor lighter than; dauphin dolphin;
10 teils tills; sawis sows;
14 be by
1 schaid away separated;
6 vively vividly;
7 nor than;
11 sine then;
15 clarks choristers;
16 mure moor; stryp small stream;
17 bais’d fearful;
19 hy hie, hurry; maist and least the largest and the smallest;
21 fra when;
23 saits lairs; covars hiding places;
25 poleist polished;
27 while until;
29 astres stars;
31 offusked obscured;
33 incontinent at once;
37 boulden swollen;
38 shein bright;
39 kindelie natural;
41 braids rises;
43 tymous early;
44 buith booth;
47 camow snub;
48 rowtting kie lowing cows;
53 mottie rayons dusty beams;
54 rifts chinks; wonne entered;
55 glansing thains shimmering vanes; vitre window-glass;
56 resplends shines;
57 crops heads;
61 rocke steam;
62 skails disperses;
63 begaried ornamented; pend vault;
66 spraings streaks;
75 saife except;
76 peeping piping;
77 simples herbs;
79 nor than if;
81 purpour se purple sea;
82 smuther nor smoother than;
83 wals waves; woltring weltering;
85 cessile yielding;
89 callor cool;
90 rin run;
93 superfice surface;
95 but without;
97 flurishes blossoms;
101 clogged burdened; bumming humming;
102 drowne drone;
105 post courier;
110 trained drawn; chyre chariot;
111 on one (God);
112 quhilk who; impire rule absolutely
4 remead help;
14 ‘who will play the war-tunes’;
15 play-meir play more;
17 speir ask;
19 neast nearest;
22 weid mad, feverish;
23 arrest stop;
26 graithed kitted-out;
28 bead ring of folk;
29 weir-men warriors;
31 clark-plays (acted by clerics);
33 bikes hives; gart it bum made it drone;
40 skirl and skreed shriek and screech;
43 a weil’d wight-man a chosen brave man;
45 gree prize;
50 placks coins;
59 but without;
62 stots hops;
64 bure the fead put up with the fiend;
65 wan got; leugh laughed;
71 gear wealth;
73 gaitlings gedder’d urchins gathered;
74 carl bledder’d old man boasted;
76 weid outfit;
80 spring dance-tune; skair share;
82 but without
1 This whole line is taken from Sir John Denham. (Dryden’s note)
7 pos’d puzzled
9 dorty haughty;
12 bleeze blaze;
21 o’er thrang overcrowded;
22 twin’d of parted from
1 Muisted perfumed with musk;
5 Landart rustic;
7 takes the fling strings goes into a sulk;
11 Coof fool;
13 ’maist almost;
16 Clink his Shoon stud his shoes
9 braid long;
29 laith loath;
32 aboone above;
41 haf owre half over
20 dule ye drie sorrow you suffer
13 rede advice;
26 kye cattle;
29 billie brother;
32 fadge dumpy person;
59 holland linen;
67 yae tift every puff;
75 cleading clothing;
76 skinkled sparkled;
80 bedone ornamented;
96 wame womb;
104 wood-wroth mad;
114 quiere choir;
115 birk birch;
117 threw intertwined
1 dowie dismal;
2 rigs ridges;
11 dwyning declining;
19 Auld Reikie Edinburgh; canty merry;
20 bield haven; caldrife cold;
22 couth sociable;
23 bicker cup;
26 scantlins scarcely;
28 gusty gear tasty liquor;
29 kickshaws novelties;
30 Fairn-year yesteryear;
31 browster brewer; busk dress; bra handsomely;
33 tither blaw next draught;
34 reaming foaming;
44 roset put rosin on;
63 fou drunk; capernoity quarrelsome
2 weird fate;
3 cantrup’s magic’s; kittle unreliable;
4 speir ask;
5 lippen for expect;
6 dowy dismal;
8 canker’d stormy;
9 gevzen’d dry;
10 couthy kindly; blaws draughts [of drink];
12 eild old age; thraldom servitude;
13 gash grim;
14 strae straw
1. The Guelder-rose.
1 sleeket glossy;
4 bickering brattle scurrying haste;
5 laith loath;
6 pattle spade;
13 whyles at times;
15 daimen-icker odd ear of corn; thrave two stooks;
17 lave remainder;
21 big build;
22 foggage grass;
24 snell bitter;
34 But without; hald refuge;
35 thole endure;
36 cranreuch frost;
37 no thy-lane not alone;
40 agley away
5 dight cleaned from chaff;
8 daffin merriment
5 weel-gaun well-going;
7 happer hopper;
8 clap clapper;
11 douce steady;
12 glaikit inattentive;
15 donsie unlucky;
18 niffer exchange;
23 lave rest;
32 unco strange;
48 aiblins perhaps;
51 a kennin a little
1 chapman billies pedlars;
2 drouthy thirsty;
4 gate road;
5 nappy ale;
6 fou drunk;
8 slaps gaps in walls;
19 skellum good-for-nothing;
20 blellum windbag;
23 melder meal-grinding;
24 siller silver;
25 naig horse; ca’d driven;
33 gars me greet makes me weep;
38 unco uncommonly;
39 bleezing talking loudly;
40 reaming swats foaming ale;
41 Souter cobbler;
51 rair roar;
55 lades loads;
78 Deil devil;
81 skelpit hur
ried; dub puddle;
85 glowring staring;
88 houlets owls;
90 smoor’d smothered;
91 birks birches; meikle stane great stone;
95 aboon above;
102 bleeze blaze;
103 bore chink;
107 tippeny twopenny ale;
109 swats ale; ream’d foamed;
110 boddle farthing;
116 cotillion dance; brent brand;
119 winnock-bunker window-seat;
121 towzie tousled; tyke dog;
123 gart made; skirl shriek;
124 dirl ring;
127 cantraip weird; slight trick;
134 gab mouth;
147 cleekit joined hands;
148 carlin old woman; swat and reekit sweated and steamed;
149 coost cast off; duddies rags;
150 linket tripped nimbly; sark shift;
151 queans girls;
153 creeshie greasy;
155 thir these;
157 hurdies buttocks;
160 rigwoodie scrawny; spean wean;
161 lowping leaping; crummock staff;
163 fu’ brawlie very well;
164 wawlie buxom;
165 core company;
166 kend known;
169 bear barley;
171 cutty sark short smock; harn cloth;
176 coft bought;
179 cour stoop;
181 lap leaped;
185 fidg’d wriggled; fain fond;
186 hotch’d hitched himself;
187 syne then;
188 tint lost;
193 fyke fuss;
194 herds shepherds; byke hive;
195 open bay; pussie’s the hare’s;
201 fairin punishment;
206 brig bridge;
210 fient a devil-a;
213 ettle purpose;
215 hale whole;
217 carlin old woman
1. [lines first published in 1817]
3 plaidie plaid; airt point of the compass;
7 bield shelter
34 tipt you off blue-boram given you syphilis;
38 esse Mater to be a mother
1. [Coleridge’s note.]
7 carline wife old woman;
14 fashes troubles;
20 birk birch;
21 syke trench;
22 sheugh furrow;
42 channerin’ grumbling
2 ferlie marvel;
7 ilka tett each lock;
17 Harp and carp play and sing;
22 daunton intimidate;
46 lily leven fair plain;
71 dought to could
3 fleet house-room;
7 Whinny-muir furze-moor;
15 whinnes thorns;
19 Brig bridge
2 corbies ravens; making a mane talking together;
5 fail turf;
13 hause-bane collar-bone;
16 theek thatch;
17 makes mane laments
21 nourice nurse; limmer wretch;
46 gaire garment;
51 bore hole;
91 dowie melancholy;
96 lamer amber;
103 grat cried;
105 mavis thrush
17 correi lee hillside;
18 cumber trouble
2 gars makes;
6 droun drown
1. He was not a Crustacean. He has since discovered that he was an Arachnid, or something similar. But he says it does not matter. He says they told him wrong once, and they may again. (Kendall’s note)
TITLE ’Mergency man Tax-collector
1 Ae weet forenicht one wet dusk; yow-trummle ewe-tremble (cold spell in July);
2 antrin rare;
3 watergaw broken rainbow; chitterin’ shivering;
4 ‘beyond the downpour’;
7 reek quarrel; laverock’s hoose lark’s house;
10 sin’ syne since then
1 how-dumb-deid deep dead quiet; hairst harvest;
2 warl’ world; eemis stane unsteady stone;
3 i’ the lift in the sky;
5 yowdendrift ground blizzard;
8 fug moss;
9 hazelraw lichen;
10 yirdit buried
1 ayont the cairney beyond the little cairn;
2 tousie unkempt;
5 wunds winds;
8 ta’en up wi’t taken up with it
2 blinterin’ glimmering;
3 dreids suspects;
4 ken know;
5 gudeman husband;
11 deed or died before;
16 ‘S hed has had
1 luely softly;
3 caller cool;
6 ‘nor parted bone from bone’;
9 waukrife wakeful;
11 smool’d saftly slipped away
2 aa mowdert and agley all mouldering and askew;
4 wycelike sensible; bienlie pleasant;
6 taiglie entangling;
7 weill-harnit well-educated; blate and fey shy and fated;
8 new-cleckit newly-hatched; dominie schoolmaster;
9 tellt told;
11 mind of him remember him; kyte paunch;
14 gin they arena if they aren’t
5 thof though; skeel skill;
6 hain be grudging;
7 harns brains;
18 coft bought;
19 forbye besides;
24 bee’s sting purfling;
26 besiness conscientiousness;
27 gowlan howling;
29 girnan weeping;
32 sic such