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Salt Kissed Love (a Tomb of Ashen Tears Book 1)

Page 54

by Kailee Reese Samuels

  KINKY SEX MAGIC is an author’s cut of select scenes from the novel Juliet. Kinky Sex Magic is new material unavailable in Juliet.

  Kailee Reese Samuels


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  An excerpt from Kinky Sex Magic:

  The moment they walked into the club behind Banks Art & Co., Iris feared she had gotten in over her head. Her senses ignited with the sights and sounds. In the waiting area, a gruff man who seemed to know Sal checked them in.

  “She yours?” The man assessed Iris.

  Sal glanced at Iris propping on her crutches and gripping his hand. “Tonight she is.”


  “Dandelion, Sir,” Iris smirked.

  “They have comp tonight so be warned. I put you in the Downbelow, south room. You doing alright, Raniero?” the man asked almost compassionate.

  “I’m getting there. Break-ups are hard,” Sal took Iris' tag, wrapping it around her wrist. His face close to Iris, she watched him attach the tag. Surprising Iris, he blinked up and revealed, “But things are improving.”

  “She's a beaut.” The bald man touched his beard. “Keep an eye on her.”

  Iris blushed, unsure of how to take his compliment, feeling a bit like an animal or piece of property.

  Sal smirked, “I won't be taking my eyes off of her.”

  The black double doors opened up to a world different from Juliet or Lakeside. With a heavy beat thumping, the lights spiraled about the room.

  “Do you trust me?”


  The word came out, but it wasn’t without fear. She wanted to bite her lip, her finger, her arm—anything to forget that she was not the Iris Kettles she knew. The upgraded, transformed, and hard fought for girl who went through hell left her unsettled.

  Sal took her crutches and handed them to the man. “You ready?”

  Iris smiled, nodding once. Tossing her over his shoulder, Sal carried her into the fray of the crowd. Running into people he knew, Sal never stopped for long. But it wouldn't have mattered if he had.

  Iris fixated on the stage as the slaves presented one after another with beautiful, fluid movements. After being mesmerized by the slaves, when she finally looked around, the amount of people in the club shocked her.

  Stopping to chat with a group of about five or six friends, Sal greeted them cordially and warm. A girl with long, dark blue hair came up from behind and shoved a pair of cat ears on Iris' head.

  “She's a doll, Raniero!” The girl chimed, walking off all giggles and smiles. Iris caught a glimpse of his smirk and noticed the slightest hint of blush.

  He knew that girl well.

  Behind the jukebox-shaped bar, four stories of glass encased dungeons packed with people loitering outside on each of the balconies. Sal walked into a secluded alcove of elevators.

  “Hey, Darrell!”

  “Good Evening, Mr. Raniero! Where you headed?”

  “South,” Sal winked.

  “Great choice. And who is this?”

  “This is Iris.” The elevator opened and before the door shut Sal muttered, “Bring me a bottle of pink, and no interruptions from anyone, please.”

  “Yes, Sir. What about Penny? She was looking for you earlier.”

  “No, no one,” Sal shook the man’s hand in some sort of bro-gesture Iris didn’t comprehend. She bit her lip and waved with two fingers.

  Riding in the elevator, Iris tried to ignore how absolutely gorgeous the man holding her was. Drowning in his scent, she would happily just ride up and down in the elevator all night. “Sal?”

  “Ya, Angel?”

  “Don't rush me.”

  “I would never. I promise we are going to have fun.” And much to her surprise, his hand swatted her ass once. “Trust me. Let go. I’ve got you.”

  Kailee Reese Samuels


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  The Initiation

  Five years ago, Sal Raniero stood a loyal son and responsible friend. Giving everything he had to his family and friends, Sal continued on his way to becoming the man everyone expected. But he harbored a dark secret.

  He needed pain… A lot of pain.

  When the offer is put before him to push further, he cannot resist his masochistic cravings. Praying and playing on his knees, he is confronted with the last thing he expects.

  His heart.

  Torn between being the golden boy of Juliet and just another guy with a fetish streak, he makes a decision that will chart the course for the rest of his life. Will Sal survive his initiation into the deep waters of Juliet?

  Hold on tight and get ready to ride.

  Kailee Reese Samuels


  The SOS Series Book 1

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  An excerpt from The Initiation:

  In the club, the dance floor thumped uproariously with bodies jumping, bumping, and grinding. Amidst the hoots and hollers, they were locked within the bodies unable to turn back, even if they wanted. Kaci held the leash to him like a seasoned pro, leading him through the crowd. Reaching the bottom of the grand staircase, Sal saw them.

  Twelve Dominants.

  Lining opposite sides of the stairs, they waited with Jack at the bottom. Sal knew the time with Kaci was all to get him geared and out there in front of them. They wanted to test him, to see how he would react in different dungeons and in the crowd—and now, in a spectacle in the middle of the dance floor.

  His knees shook. His hands sweat. And his heart raced. The sudden vulnerability contradicted Kaci’s controlled comfort. She handed off the leash to Jack and disappeared into the crowd.

  With a smirk and a look of I-got-you, Jack said, “Good Evening, Sal.”

  Unwavering, Sal looked straight ahead, “Good evening, Sir.”

  “There's my boy!” Jack yelled.

  Sal noticed a proud Serene looking on as Kaci paced up the stairs behind her. Jack patted him on the shoulder, drawing his attention.

  Jack asked, “The only question left is who are you choosing tonight, Sal?”

  He assessed each one, knowing he could learn something different from every one of them. But as his eyes traversed up, he saw Kaci standing in a black hoodie and leather hip huggers.

  And then he requested the unthinkable.

  “I want Mistress Kaci.”

  Serene looked stunned. Her boasting smile recoiled to raging anger as she scowled at Jack. He glanced questioningly at Kaci, and scrutinized Sal. He took a step closer to him with his charming smile and threatening tone.

  “You are aware what you are asking, right?”

  “Yes, Sir. I am asking for the Mistress who wasn’t on Serene’s guest list.”

  Jack cackled at the boy. “You got balls, Raniero, I’ll give you that.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You do realize there is only one reason I won't smack your ass to the ground right now, right?” Jack said, pacing in front of Sal. “And you realize that reason isn't your peon scrub ass, right?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Sal huffed, irritated. Sal shifted a glance to Kaci, his eyes intent. He knew exactly what he wanted. And it had nothing to do with the twelve Doms. Sal lifted his head up at the man. He whispered in confidence, “Your reason is Kaci, Sir. You hired her to work me over; let her finish. You have made it fairly clear you have conflicting feelings about how Serene runs a scene, so let the girl you hired do it.”

  Sal shot Jack his prize-fighter glare. He damn sure wasn't in the mood to get into the ring with Jack. He prayed Jack wasn’t going to push.

  Jack continued pacing and scanning the staircase. As far as a group of Doms went, Sal was right—they were not the best. Serene haphazardly threw them together just to get him initiated an
d up on the roster. Her main concern always close to the bottom line. Jack thought about Sal’s placement strategically. The best way would be to beat her to the punch.

  Or take Sal seriously under his wing before Serene did.

  “Alright. You…” Jack said, pointing at Sal and then up to Kaci, “…are hers.” Jack smirked at Sal, popping his finger under his chin. “You aren’t like the others.”

  A harsh look swept across Serene’s face. She never lost and couldn’t believe what just happened. She knew it wasn't her call, but that didn’t alter the outcome or the insult. At that point, she knew almost all the Doms would have all sided with Jack. Kaci held qualifications well-beyond what most of the Doms on the staircase had. Her biggest problem was she hadn’t thought of Kaci first, and the embarrassment reeked on her fake smile.

  Sal’s night was out of her hands.

  Near the top of the stairs, Mierne watched the entire transgression. With an approving nod, she smirked at Sal and walked away. Evident by her reaction, she won the round. The quiescent battle between the two women – Serene and Mierne – continued on.

  Remembering his promise to surrender, his confidence surged through him like a lightning bolt. Surrendering didn’t necessarily equate to serving her. Surrendering meant doing what was best for him. With his new lesson learned, he was one step closer to actually convincing her he was worth her time.

  Bearing into Sal, Jack warned, “You better fucking behave. Or I swear you won't walk after tomorrow night. Got me?”

  Jack patted him on the shoulder like old friends. His perfect smile glossed over menacing threats.

  Sal knew he wasn’t playing.

  “I won't hurt her, Sir. I promise,” Sal vowed.

  An odd thing for the submissive to be saying - he wouldn't hurt the Dominant - but Sal knew Kaci was special. He didn't understand what the connection between Jack and Kaci was, it was obvious Jack cared about her. With Jack's hand still on his shoulder, his face still close to his own, Sal upped the ante.

  “I’ll let her do whatever she wants to me, Sir,” Sal mused.

  In an instant, Sal found an in with the most unexpected of choices. Beyond proud, Jack smiled knowing Sal would take his crown and protect his own legacy. Jack had an understudy; Sal had a mentor.

  Jack beamed, “Good boy! You keep behaving like that, and I'll make sure you have everything you could ever want.”

  The Doms dispersed quickly, except for one.

  “I want a moment with Mr. Raniero in my dungeon,” Ella Hemsworth whispered, grabbing Jack by the elbow. She didn’t really ask Jack. It was a command, an order from a superior. Sal made mental notes, trying to piece together the inner hierarchy of Juliet.

  Up on the stairs, Kaci overheard Ella’s request and nodded at Sal. She approved, and because he didn’t want to disappoint her, Sal would go. Ella pivoted away from Jack, running up the staircase and saying something to Kaci that Sal couldn’t hear.

  “You’ll need to be in dungeon room 410 in five minutes.”

  Kailee Reese Samuels


  The SOS Series Book 1

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  Tea for Two

  He’s hot.

  He’s young.

  He’s bad.

  And Sal Raniero can’t keep his ass out of trouble.

  He’s spent months learning to keep clients happy to line his wallet. When an unlikely friendship spins his world upside down, Sal ends up discovering the girl of his dreams. Chasing after Bertie the only way he knows how, Sal pushes out of his comfort zone and forces everyone to realize how far he’ll go to get what he wants.

  Welcome to the story of Sal & Bertie… where some dreams only end in a nightmare.

  Kailee Reese Samuels


  The SOS Series Book 2

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  An excerpt from Tea for Two:

  “What’s this?”

  “The one to change your life.”

  As Kaci read through the dossier, she knew the inherent risk and reward of acquiring him. By pure luck, Sal ended up running off to California at eighteen, and Jack positioned Kaci for bringing him into the fold. If he agreed, his participation would be a game changer.

  With the possibility of complete failure looming on her one and only case, she proved years of studying and forcing her body to do the unimaginable was worth it. She fought hard to get to this point and would not disappoint anyone, least of all Jack.

  If things fell in their favor, Sal would end up alongside Kaci. If not, they would be on opposing sides, and it would be every man—or woman—for themselves.

  Sitting in the back off to the side, Kaci took a seat. Since Sal started, the weekends had become increasingly packed by a rowdy crowd of women and men, all wanting to experience the golden boy’s charms first hand. His performances enthralled, captivating the audience with a personal touch as he welcomed everyone individually.

  The courtyard went dark when Mullins took to the stage under a single spotlight. “Tonight, you have all come to see… someone,” he teased suggestively. The crowd went wild, cheering and yelling. Chuckling at their fervor, Mullins added, “Ladies and Gents… Sal Raniero!”

  Immediately, the crowd took to chanting “Sally” over and over again, until nothing could be heard but the drum of his name. Kaci glanced around, taking a sip of her water and making sure no one watched her scoping out the stage. Setting down her glass, she noticed a rustle off to her side.

  There he was.

  Sal Raniero covered in a silk, Italian flag robe. His long, wet curls brushed against his forehead, framing his easily distinguishable profile. The sharp nose and the dark brows contoured hauntingly seductive eyes.

  He curled his lip at Kaci as he waited for the raucous crowd to take over like their chants alone would carry him to the stage. She nodded once, pushing her glasses up onto her nose and pulling her ball cap tighter on her head in an attempt to hide.

  Sal jumped around, warming his body up as she tried to ignore him by turning away. He stepped closer, pushing his frame against her shoulder as he stole her ball cap and put it backwards on his head. Bending down, he kissed her lips lightly. Sal grinned like the devil and ran towards the stage. He spun around fast, shooting her a million-dollar smile. “Thanks babe!”

  Kaci was just another stranger in his legion of fangirls. Before she could comprehend what had just happened, his hips gyrated and pulsed to a booming bass beat. She pulled out her phone and sent a message to Jack.

  “He’s fucking charming…”

  “I told you—he isn’t like anyone else. You are going to have to play your cards tight.”

  Kaci didn’t need to stay for his performance to understand Sal Raniero. He played brilliantly to the crowd, building his confidence up to a cocky, arrogant level. With those eyes and that body, Sal had them eating out of his hand with the flash of a smile.

  Dropping the robe, Sal strutted across the stage in a black suit. Still wearing the ball cap, he paced slowly to the back curtain and doffed the jacket, revealing his muscular back. When he turned around, his hands were full of long stem red roses. He placed one in his mouth and jumped out into the crowd, handing them out one-by-one.

  Reaching the bar by the entry, Kaci turned to catch one more glimpse of him, only to wind up facing the devil himself. Handing her the last rose, Sal leaned closer and kissed her lips.

  His breath brushed against her lip as he taunted with a smirk, “Have a nice night.”

  Kailee Reese Samuels


  The SOS Series Book 2

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  Six days.

  No one thought I could last

  Here in the cell—I now ca
ll home

  They didn’t know I grew up in the prison of my crime family’s dream.

  Six weeks.

  No one thought I could withstand

  The loss, the drugs, the torture

  They didn’t know how much I would enjoy their game.

  Six months.

  No one thought I could survive

  Their puppet and prey—but I like to play—Hard.

  And I don’t lose.

  They picked the wrong guy. Their so-called ‘grunt’ would fight to get home and take revenge. I vowed to come back—for her—for Kaci. But everything changed.

  My maniacal mind wrapped with a pretty mug, I am an unforgiving bastard, tough—tougher than they ever imagined.

  And I will never – ever – break.

  Kailee Reese Samuels


  The SOS Series Book 3

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  An excerpt from Grunt:

  The flight took forever.

  Hearing the voices of men talking in a foreign tongue, Sal couldn’t understand a single syllable. Uproarious and loud, almost jovial, he listened as his future played out like a record skipping repeatedly. The scratching hummed between each revolution until the drub became the only audible sound.

  When the plane landed, the man corralled Sal for the same routine in reverse. He tread Sal down the stairs, guiding him to another vehicle. Only this time, he stepped upwards into some sort of SUV. The man hurled the door as he said, “Good luck.”

  The long, bumpy ride passed over winding and curving roads, hurting his aching body. His senses on fire, stinging from no use, he needed unbound. They could do with him what they wanted, but bondage had never been his forte. With no idea where they were or who they were, he tried in vain to close his eyes, seeking a rest that would not come.

  The one thing Sal knew—he needed to piss like a race horse. He heard a phone ring and the man with an accent said, “Ten minutes.” Between the skips in the record, the drum beat with his words–ten minutes.


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