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Destiny Rising: Destiny Series: Book Two

Page 5

by Cooke, CJ

  Wyatt searched my eyes in silence for a moment. His jaw was tensed, and his teeth gritted. He had his fists balled at his sides, and I wished there was something I could do to help him. He just gave me one brief nod, saying nothing.

  “Are you just going to step back and watch the world burn?” I pleaded with him. “How many more have to die? They were kids, Wyatt. We watched most of them grow up. You weren’t there. You didn’t see it.” My breath caught in my throat as images of the last stand we made at the Academy flickered across my mind. “They tore them apart. The screams …” I trailed off. I couldn’t put it into words without seeing it again in my mind. It might be selfish, but I couldn’t go back there.

  I looked back up at Wyatt, and I could see the tears in his eyes. I knew we were putting him in an impossible position. Dominic slung an arm around my shoulders. He’d been quiet up until now. But he at least understood what we’d seen, what those kids had endured. It was the worst way to die.

  “Marcus is not worthy of the title of Prime. No alpha should be able to sit back and do nothing when the pups in his pack are slaughtered in this way,” Dominic added quietly.

  It didn’t need to be said. We didn’t need to tell Wyatt what we wanted him to do. He needed to step up, but something was holding him back. He needed to make the challenge. But as I searched his tear-filled eyes, I saw the truth there.

  “Perhaps, neither are you,” I whispered, as I turned my back on him and walked away.

  It was the last straw. It was all I could take. There would be no turning back from this for me now. The pack was done. It was no longer my home, and I would not pledge my allegiance to that man. If it meant going rogue, if it meant being driven half-mad as a lone wolf, I would do it. The grief of that night had shattered my heart, and I didn’t have the energy to try and put it back together again. It probably wouldn’t matter anyway. At this point, looking at the odds, we were all going to die anyway.

  Chapter 8


  I slowly felt myself waking from the dreamless sleep I’d been in. It was strange. It was like I became aware of my body and the people cuddled in around me before my brain engaged and I finally woke up.

  The sun was shining brightly outside, and I could tell by how stiff I felt that we must have been asleep for a long time. I stretched out as subtly as I could to try not to wake the sleeping men around me. What had my life come to? I’d gone from a twenty-year-old virgin to having multiple sleeping men around me. It’s true what they say; life really can surprise you.

  Sykes, who was snuggled against one side of me murmured and rolled over when I started to move, but apart from that, they were all still sleeping soundly.

  I managed to slide out from between the various limbs wrapped around me and off the bed. I didn’t recognise where I was. I knew we’d made it to the pack and I had a vague memory of showering and going to bed, but it was all kind of hazy. I think when the adrenaline of the day left me, I was left in, what I prefer to think of as a fog. In reality, it was probably some kind of trauma-based episode.

  The room we were in was possibly the fanciest I’d ever been in, and I’d robbed some pretty fancy places in my lifetime. One wall had three large floor-to-ceiling bay windows with soft blue gauzy drapes hanging over them. In the centre of the room was the, quite frankly, enormous bed I’d just climbed out of. There was a door on the wall opposite the windows, I’d been hoping housed a bathroom, but when I stuck my head through I saw it was just a closet which had clearly been designed to hold the clothes of twelve small families.

  I strode through the archway opposite the bed and found that it opened out into a small sitting room. You could tell this was the guys' room by the large TV housed on one of the walls. Apparently, guys were pretty much the same no matter what realm you happened to be in.

  Now I was left with two choices. There was a set of large double doors directly in front of me or a single door off to my left. I decided to try the single door first for the bathroom because, unless Kyle’s family home was actually some kind of palatial spa, and I hadn’t yet ruled that out as I glanced at the cathedral ceiling in the sitting room, I was pretty sure the bathroom would be through the single door.

  When I opened it, my bladder was beyond grateful for the jackpot we’d just hit. I went about my business as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake the guys. After yesterday, I could appreciate the need for sleep. In fact, at this point I was on board for going back to sleep and not waking up until someone else had sorted this realm out and every freaking demon, and while I'm at it wishing away, somehow wrote a little manual on whatever freaky new thing I could expect from my magic.

  I had wings! Fucking wings! My life was one big bowl of crazy flavoured nachos, and I had no choice but to dig right in and suffer the consequences afterwards. Mmmm, I could just go for some Mexican food right now.

  When I came back out of the bathroom, I realised I wasn’t sure what I would do. I couldn’t just wander around this house especially because I was only wearing a large t-shirt that must have belonged to the guys and no underwear. My fighting leathers were covered in demon ick in the sink, and everything else I owned had been burnt to ash along with the Academy. That was when I realised how many people must have been inside when the building went up in flames. I was pretty sure they had all died, but their families would never get the closure of being able to bury their loved ones. What if there had been any survivors? What if we had left someone behind?

  I sank onto one of the armchairs and dropped my head down into my hands. How did this even happen? The Headmaster said before that someone had to open a portal inside the school for the demon to come through in the first attack. Surely that meant someone at the school must have opened these portals for that army of demons to go through. They must have known the only reason for that would have been for them to kill everyone. How could anyone at the school have helped them undertake such a massacre? Because that’s what it was, a massacre. We’d had no chance. We’d only saved thirty-four, and when we had arranged the fighting competition, I’d estimated we had over one hundred and fifty students. I didn’t know how many staff had been at the school. That meant we’d lost well over a hundred people yesterday. But what if there were any other survivors? What if we had left someone behind?

  I quickly got to my feet and marched back into the bathroom, pulling my leathers out of the sink. When I looked them over, they really weren’t wearable, what with them being absolutely covered in crusty, dried demon blood. But when I’d shifted yesterday my leathers had changed into something different. Did that mean I didn’t need to wear these, that I could just wear anything and shift it into the armoured leather I’d fought in yesterday? There was only one way to find out.

  I crept back into the bedroom and into the closet in search of some sweats I could borrow. I thought I was being like a stealthy ninja in my rummaging, but when Liam asked me from behind, “What you up to kitten?” I shrieked like a banshee and cursed myself for my lack of stealthy skills. I used to be good at this sort of thing.

  Liam just laughed. “I only woke up because I rolled over and you weren’t there. Don’t worry, your stealthy skills are just fine. If you don’t count the screaming of course.”

  He laughed just as Kyle and Sykes stumbled into the closet, no doubt looking for whatever they assumed was attacking me. After yesterday, that was a shitty way to wake them up, and I felt like crap for doing it to them.

  “I was just looking for some sweats or something to borrow. You know, because I don’t want to wander around your childhood home, or talk to your father, or anyone for that matter, when I’m not wearing any underwear,” I smiled.

  Kyle must have been able to somehow smell that I wasn’t being entirely forthcoming with my plans because he scowled at me and asked, “And once you have them, what are you planning?”

  “Oh, just, you know, having an explore.” Then I quietly added, “And flying over the academy to make sure we didn’t leave
any survivors behind.” I could have just lied and taken off, but after yesterday, even I wasn’t that shitty a person to do it to them.

  Kyle sighed, and I saw his shoulders slump in defeat. “Whilst I don’t want you to do that if you are up to flying over, it does need to be done.”

  Sykes turned to him in shock. “No, absolutely not. She is not going back there. It’s too dangerous.”

  Kyle placed a hand on Sykes’ shoulder and gripped it tightly. I think it was supposed to be reassuring, but it also looked like he was holding onto him just because he needed to keep himself together.

  “I know it is and I don’t want her to go either. But someone needs to check. Aria can keep to the air where she’ll be safe.” He looked Sykes in the eye, and I could see how upset and troubled he was as he said, “What if we left someone behind?”

  Sykes pulled Kyle into one of those man hugs, which involved the slapping of backs I’d never really understood. I just didn’t see how comfort was achieved from hitting someone on the back. Men are quite strange when you think about it.

  Liam was standing quietly where he’d been when he asked me what I was doing, frowning at the ground. There was one of those awkward moments of silence, but then he finally looked up and met my eyes saying, “My sweats are probably the smallest, but you’ll need to roll them, so they don’t fall.”

  Liam grabbed a pair out of a drawer and passed them over to me. “Put these on. I’ll go and rustle us up some breakfast, or lunch, or whatever. Sykes, why don’t you see if you can find Madame Nines and see if she has enough juice to get us all a set of fighting leathers. I have a feeling we’re going to need them sooner rather than later.”

  Sykes took off out of the closet at a furious pace. I could tell he wasn’t happy with the idea of me going back to the Academy, but he would support me anyway. He was pretty awesome. Liam closely followed him and gave him one of those manly slaps on the back.

  I pulled on the sweats, drew the drawstring as tight as possible, and then rolled the waistband down three times. Any sudden movements and these would be down around my ankles, but they would do for now. I definitely wouldn’t be taking to the air with them on. That could get hella embarrassing.

  As I walked out of the closet with Kyle, even I could admit, the massive bed was just calling my name, and I would have done anything to crawl back into it. But I needed to do this, even if it was just to put my mind at rest. I was sure the pack would be going back to the Academy, they might have even done so while we were asleep. But this was just something I needed to do myself.

  I took one last longing look at the bed, before turning away and following Kyle into the sitting room. “If you could grab me some towels, we could clean your blades while we wait,” I suggested.

  There was something about not caring for a blade that rubbed me the wrong way, but polishing and cleaning them was one of those monotonous tasks that could clear your mind. Right now, I could do with the calm I knew it would bring me. We didn’t have the supplies to do it properly, but the least we could do would be to clean the blood off.

  About half an hour later, that was how Sykes and Liam found us—sitting on the floor of the sitting room, wiping down the blades and cleaning the scabbards in silence. I’d glanced across at Kyle several times as we were working and I saw the stress drain out of his face as he relaxed into the repetitive cleaning motion. Sykes came through the door carrying what looked like at least five big paper shopping bags, and Liam had a tray of breakfast. It smelt amazing. He put it down on the coffee table next to us, and we all inhaled a plate of sausage, bacon, toast and eggs. There was even coffee. Something about the coffee in this realm wasn’t quite the same as what I was used to, but it would do for now. Maybe one day, I’d be able to convince Caleb to get me a coffee maker and supplies from the human realm.

  “So, what’s in the bags?” I asked Sykes while I crammed my last piece of toast in my mouth. I was nothing but a lady, after all.

  “Two of them have got new leathers and boots in for us three and the other three are things you need,” he shrugged. “I didn’t check. They were already waiting downstairs for us. Madame Nines dropped them off this morning.”

  I grabbed the three he’d pointed to which were for me and had a quick rummage. That woman was a goddess. Not only had she included underwear, going without was just not something I was down with, but there were also a few sets of casual clothes, toiletries and a fresh set of fighting leathers and boots for me as well. She even had the same scent of shower gel I normally used. Is that weird? It felt like it should be, but I didn’t think it mattered right now in the grand scheme of things.

  “Let’s all get dressed and head downstairs. We will need to tell my father what we’re planning to do and I have no doubt they already have several things they’re expecting of us today anyway,” Kyle said standing up and grabbing the two bags of fighting leathers which were for the guys. He walked into the bedroom and laid it all out on the bed. We were all dressed and out of the room in about five minutes. There was something about these guys in leather pants which was really doing something for me.

  Chapter 9

  We found Kyle’s father in the library, because this house has one of those, with the Headmaster, Caleb and Wyatt. It was obvious when we strode in wearing fighting leathers, we were up to something. I also got the impression we’d interrupted something by the deafening silence that fell as we entered the room.

  “Kyle, it’s nice of you to join us,” his father said. He was sitting behind an enormous partners desk, resting his elbows on the top, with his hands steepled in front of him. It was like he thought he was some kind of evil mastermind.

  It was Wyatt who spoke up in Kyle’s defence, which I found strange. After everything that had happened yesterday, I would’ve thought the Headmaster or Caleb would’ve said something.

  “I’m surprised you’ve woken up so early, Dominic filled us in on the events of yesterday. You all did well to make it out of there alive.”

  “It wasn’t enough though was it?” I said, striding over to the bay window opposite the doorway so I could look outside. I’m not sure that I was looking at anything, in particular, I just didn’t have it in me to talk about yesterday.

  “No, it wasn’t,” came a stern voice behind me. I could tell Kyle’s father, and I weren’t going to get on. It was only a matter of time before I tried to stab him and he no doubt tried to tear my head off with his claws. Similar to how things had nearly gone down when we came through the portal yesterday.

  “If anyone is to blame, it is us,” the Headmaster replied.

  I suppose I shouldn’t call him that anymore. The Academy was gone, he wasn’t a Headmaster of anything anymore.

  “We should have prepared the students more. We should have told them about the threat and trained them with the knowledge they would be fighting demons.”

  “There isn’t any blame to be placed on anyone,” Wyatt said diplomatically. “What we need to be concentrating on is our next steps. The demons could be preparing a second attack on the pack. We need to make sure our fighters are ready, and the pack is secure. Marcus, I would recommend we move all pack members into the big house. We need to set up a perimeter and a guard rota. We should preserve the pack and then take steps to assess the threat.”

  I turned from the window and perched on the window seat. Kyle was standing by his father’s desk. His fists were clenched at his sides, and I could tell his father’s earlier comment was still sitting badly with him. Sykes and Liam both stood at his back in support. They were magnificent, standing there together, dressed for battle.

  “Fine,” Marcus sighed. “Wyatt put out the word and have the pack guard patrolling around the cabins until we have everyone moved inside. Kyle, gather the household staff and have them prepare for the pack’s arrival.” He didn’t even bother to look at Kyle as he gave him the menial task of talking to his staff.

  “Who trains the pack guard?” Caleb asked him. “Ari
a and I can speak with them about getting some training arranged specifically for fighting the demons.”

  “That won’t be necessary,” Marcus said, sitting back in his chair. I wondered if he’d chosen to sit behind the desk like some kind of power play. It was undoubtedly allowing him to look down on the others sat around the room. “Caleb you can discuss with Wyatt training and technique after we have the pack relocated into the house. Aria’s assistance won’t be needed.”

  I bristled at the comment. I’d almost forgotten Marcus was the one who’d been responsible for passing Britt to her would-be rapists. Of course, he wasn’t going to need my help. I was just a lowly female, after all. This could, for the time being, work to my benefit though. I wanted to scout back around the Academy grounds and being ‘just’ a female, Kyle’s father was unlikely to want me to do so. The best thing for me now was for him to ignore me so I could go off and do my own thing. This wasn’t the time to pick a fight; it was fast approaching, it just wasn’t going to be right this moment.

  Kyle caught my eye, and I gave him a brief shake of my head to let him know not to say anything for me. I appreciated the thought, but I’d fight my own battles. I just didn’t want to get into this one just yet. He gave me a subtle nod to let me know he understood and said nothing. Caleb however, didn’t seem to have got the memo.

  “If it weren’t for Aria training our Elites, we would have all died back at the Academy. Are you forgetting she saved your own life just yesterday?” he argued.

  I didn’t need him to change this man’s mind just yet. I had my own thing I wanted to do. So, I stood from the window seat and strode across to the door. “If you’ll excuse me, gentlemen, I have something I need to take care of,” I sweetly said as I went to leave.

  Kyle caught up to me at the door. As he kissed me on the cheek to hide his words, he whispered, “Make sure you’re back before nightfall, or we’ll be coming after you.”


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