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Small Town Big Man

Page 7

by Penny Wylder

  “Ohhh, thank you, Dustin!” Laney yells as she charges forward and hugs him too.

  Dustin's cheeks turn red as he blushes, and he stands awkwardly with his hands still in his pockets.

  Looks like I'm not the only one with a crush on Laney.

  It's no surprise that Laney has other admirers, she's an incredible girl. Anyone with two eyes can see how great she is.

  As she looks through her stuff, pouring out tears over her lost parents’ belongings, and the simple things most take for granted, I realize just how special she is.

  This girl has gutted me. She bore a hole straight to the one place I swore no one ever would again. My heart.

  It's been off limits, boxed up, and locked away. But she somehow found her way in.

  I'm falling for her.

  Straightening my back, I try to stop my heart from imploding inside my chest. It's beating hard, fast, and I'm afraid it's going to launch through the skin and land on the ground.

  How? How can I be falling for a girl I hardly know? And am I ready?

  “Marc's gone I think,” Beth says, glancing at the house, and pulling me out of my head.

  “Yeah, it's Saturday. He has a frisbee league today.”

  “Frisbee?” I ask, quirking a brow.

  Laney giggles, and shakes her head. “Yeah, you heard right.”

  “I'm sorry, but we haven't met. I'm Beth.” She holds out her hand to me for to shake.

  “Oh, I'm sorry, Beth, this is Anders,” she says, moving a hand between us. “Anders, this is Beth.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I answer, taking her hand.

  “Nice to meet you too, Anders.” Beth gives me a smile, and winks at Laney with a little smirk on her face. “He's cute.” She whispers not so subtly.

  Laney giggles again, and her cheeks blush as she shakes her head to agree. “He is, isn't he?” Her eyes jump to mine as her smile deepens. Clearing her throat, she looks back at Beth. “I'm going to go get a storage unit, and I'll get this stuff out of here for you.”

  “No, don't worry about it. Save your money, it can stay here as long as you need.”

  “Are you sure? I don't want to take up all the space in your garage.”

  “It's fine, really, come get it when you're ready. There’s plenty of space still.”

  Laney's face crinkles as her eyes glaze over. Her chest begins to rise and fall rapidly. Blinking, she releases a rush of tears. “I have no idea where I'm going to live.” Her hands fly up to her face as she cries.

  Wrapping my arm around her shoulder, I pull her in and envelope her in a big hug. Burying her face in my chest, her shoulders shake as she weeps. I hate this. I hate seeing this poor girl in ruins.

  “You still have the cabin for another month, right?” With sobbing noises she nods against me. “Marla is a nice lady. She won't kick you out. And even if she tries, I won't let her.”

  Pulling her back, I pinch her chin in my fingers and force her to look up at me. I wait for her to eyes to focus and the tears to stop falling from her eyes.

  “I won't let you be homeless, you hear me? That's a promise.” Sniffling, she just stares at me like she's lost. “Why don't you grab the stuff you need for now, and we'll put it in my truck. But, I don't want you to worry. Beth and Dustin took care of this all. For you. Your friends came through and now’s the time to be grateful. Worrying about what comes next can wait for another day, okay?”

  “Okay,” she says, her voice just a whisper as she wipes her eyes.

  “Tomorrow is a new day, Laney, don't let this guy tear you down like this. You don't deserve it. He's a dick, and you're going to come out of this on top. I promise you.”

  “All right,” she answers as she turns and starts to pull different items from different boxes. “Maybe I can stay with a friend for a bit,” she says out loud, but quietly to herself.

  As soon as the words come out, her body begins to shake as she cries even harder.

  “I don't even have any friends anymore. They're his friends, not mine. I'm too quiet and he's so outgoing. They'll never choose me over him.”

  Beth lets out a loud cackle as she throws her head back. “Laney, honey, if they choose him over you, they were never your friends to begin with. Those aren't the type of people you want around you anyway. Real friends don't need to choose.”

  “Thanks, Beth, I know. It's just so hard to see through the dust when the wind is blowing, you know? This isn't where I thought I'd be.”

  “I know, honey,” Beth answers, rubbing her back gently, motherly. “Come on, I'll help you box up what you want right now. But you should listen to your new friend, Anders, he's right, everything is going to be fine.”

  After she picks the stuff she wants, Dustin and I load a couple of boxes into the back of my truck. Covering it with a tarp, I tie it down and open her door.

  “Your escape vehicle is ready,” I say, opening the door and bowing.

  That earns me a small giggle from her as she climbs inside. I'm about to close the door, when she stops me. Leaning over, Laney kisses my cheek.

  “Thank you, Anders,” she says, resting her hand on my cheek and rubbing it softly with her thumb. “I can't thank you enough for everything. No one has ever been this good to me before.”

  Every inch of my body ignites from my head to my toes as the kiss she placed on my cheek sends electricity through my veins. And that's when it hits me like a tsunami.

  I never believed in love at first sight, I swore off love forever. But this girl has shattered everything I believe in.

  I don't need to know her for years to understand what I'm feeling.

  I love her.



  I watch the trees as Anders drives us back to the cabin. Back to the cabin that I don't own. Back to the cabin that isn't my home.

  Resting my head against the window, my mind is roaring with thoughts. I feel empty and lost. Like the world has been ripped out from under my feet, and I'm hanging on by a thread.

  Did Marc do this on purpose to punish me? Does he know I slept with someone else?

  That's stupid, Laney.

  I know the thought doesn't make sense. But it sticks with me for some reason, as if all of this is a repercussion to my actions. Did sleeping with this giant cause the ultimate downfall? The complete destruction of everything I know?

  Where are my friends? Where are the people on my side?

  No one has reached out to me at all since Marc left me. Beth is right, they weren't my friends to begin with. But that's what happens when your world is consumed by one person. Their friends become your friends, but only for that brief moment in time.

  Once it's over, it's over. All of it.

  I really am all alone. . .

  Tears bubble up over my eyes, and I'm afraid to blink. I don't want to cry. I've cried enough over that asshole. But this isn't just about him. It isn't just about the man Marc became, and what he did to me.

  This is about the life I thought I had, and about the life I no longer live.

  The warmth of Anders hand wraps around mine, and he gives it a squeeze. It's like he can sense my pain, as if his hand and the squeeze he's giving it will absorb all the hurt and take it away for me.

  Who is this kind giant beside me?

  I'm beginning to realize that I know literally nothing about him. But I do know one thing. I know how he makes my body feel. I know how he makes every inch of my body come alive in ways it never has before.

  As much as I don't understand how a stranger can affect me so much, I can't lie, I like it.

  Squeezing his hand back, I let my eyes connect with his and he gives me a tender smile. A smile that calms my nerves for the moment, and makes me wonder if he's right. Maybe things do happen for a reason.

  Is it possible that all of this was to bring me here? To find this man?

  No, life doesn't work this way. Fairy tales aren't real.

  This is nothing more than an escape I found. A dist
raction. Period.

  Back at the cabin, Anders brings the last box inside and sets it on the floor.

  “That's it,” he says.

  “This is weird,” I say, picking up my mother's knitting basket. “This thing has been at the end of my couch since she passed away. It's so strange to see it some place different.” Placing it on the floor, I drop to my knees beside.

  God damn it, I loved that couch! I loved that couch more than I loved Marc. . .

  Sucking in a breath of air, I don't even realize that I'm crying until Anders is kneeling behind me and holding me tight.

  I let him hold me, I welcome it, I need someone to comfort me. Leaning back as he curls his arms tighter around me, I sink into his body.

  He strokes a palm up and down my back as I soak his shirt in my tears. Tipping my head up to look at him, he uses his thumb to wipe under my eyes.

  “Don't cry, things will look better in the morning.” His eyes drift between mine, and I feel the urge to kiss him.

  Lifting my face, I slowly bring my lips to his, they're so close, just about to touch, when I realize I can't do this again. I can’t rely on a man to make my life better. I can't fall for someone to only be let down in the end.

  Pulling myself free, I wipe my eyes and jump to my feet. I can't fall for a guy this hard again. I can't let him get into my head. I don't need a savior. I thought I had one, only to find out he was a villain all along.

  Why should I let someone else in? Just so I can be hurt all over again?


  Anders starts to say, but I cut him off. “Look, I really do appreciate everything you've done for me. But, it's too soon, I can't—no, I won't let myself get hurt again.” My eyes lift to his as he stands over me. “I can't take any more pain.”

  His lips thin as his lids lower to half-mast. He looks like he wants to speak, but he says nothing. Anders runs a hand through his hair, tugging it tight against his scalp. Dropping his hand to his jaw, he scratches his beard.

  We stare at each other, standing inches away, the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. His chest flexes as he inhales a deep breath, causing my eyes to draw down his body. He lifts a hand to the back of his head, and rests it on his neck.

  The thick muscles of his arms roll up, forming boulders under the skin. My eyes are drawn to him, to the way his muscles pop and thicken as his eyes fill with a million words he's not speaking out loud.

  I'm breathing heavily, and my stomach is fluttering. I can feel myself getting pulled to him, like a moth to a flame. Taking a step forward, I realize I can't fight what I feel inside.

  Launching myself forward, I throw my arms around his neck. I'm lying to myself about how much I need him. I need his hands on my skin, I need his arms around my body. I need his lips on mine, and the beat of his heart as it pounds against my chest.

  My mouth meets his like a magnet against metal. His tongue presses between my lips and I open wide to let him in. My cheeks are still wet with tears. Anders notices, and he takes his palms and swipes them over my cheeks.

  “No more tears, Laney,” he says into our kiss. “I'm stealing them from you and throwing them away. You're too incredible to ever shed a tear for someone who doesn't appreciate you, and probably never did.”

  His words cut through me, drawing out a tender coo. Because he's right. He can see me. He can see my worth. Something I let myself ignore for far too long.

  I'm worthy of happiness. I'm worthy of myself.

  Driving my lips back onto his, I kiss him like he's the air I need to survive. Fumbling with his belt, I rip the buckle free.

  “I want you. Now,” I say against his mouth as I kiss him deeper.

  With a husky growl, Anders pushes me backwards until my back hits the kitchen counter. Our hands meet between our bodies. His unzipping my jeans and mine fumbling with his belt. He slides my jeans down my legs, and tears my panties off, splitting them in two. Throwing them behind him, he hikes me up onto the counter. He takes over opening his belt and unzipping his fly, and my hands greedily drag his jeans and boxers just below his ass.

  He digs his fingers into my ass and drags me to the edge of the counter. I plant my hands behind me to stay balanced as he holds his cock right up to my soaking entrance and thrusts himself deep inside me.

  Every thought in my head is gone, vanished, replaced by pure euphoria. My mind is spinning as I close my eyes. Explosions of color burst in the darkness, sweeping me away to another world.

  This is what I need, I need him to show me how much he wants me. I need to feel wanted and loved.

  I need him in control, just for a little while. . .



  I've been where you are.

  I know what you feel.

  And I'll never let you feel it again.

  Kissing her cheeks, I can still taste the salty trail of tears. My lips move down her throat, and I plant kisses across the thick, throbbing vein. I can feel her pulse as it kicks, thump after thump as her heart beats hard.

  “You deserve to be loved,” I say, my voice quiet as my mouth sweeps across her neck from one side to the other.

  Laney moans, dropping her head back. Thrusting in and out, I keep speaking. I tell her what I'm feeling. I tell her what she needs to know. I tell her the truth.

  “You're perfect.” My teeth pluck at her skin, nibbling gently on her collarbone. “I've never met anyone like you.”

  Gripping her hips, I drive in as deep as I can. Hitting her clit, her legs tighten around my waist as one hand grabs my shoulder, clinging on as I push her body to the max.

  “Beautiful, you're so fucking beautiful.” My lips explore their way down her chest until I hit her nipple and suck it through her tee shirt. Rolling her nipple in my teeth, I piston my hips.

  She's so fucking wet, dripping down my shaft as I plunge in over and over again. Goosebumps peak on her skin as her thighs begin to shake and a moan explodes out from deep within her lungs.

  I can feel the orgasm as it rips through her body. Her pussy bares down around my dick, squeezing my shaft. Her clit pulses against my lower belly, and she digs her nails into my shoulder as her back arches. That's it, that's all I can take.

  Thrusting one last time, I slam an open palm to the cupboard behind her head, while I hold her ass with my other hand, and release my load into her pussy.

  My cock kicks inside her body, filling her with pump after pump of hot cum. Falling forward, I'm out of breath as I rest my head on her chest.

  I can feel everything right now. The air as it goes into my lungs, my blood as it rushes through my veins, my heart as it beats in my chest. Everything feels alive.

  Laney plays with my hair, twining pieces around her fingers. She moves her fingers softly over my shoulder, and wriggles her body closer to mine.

  I love having her around me like this. Tightly wound like a ribbon around my body. If it was up to me, I'd stay like this forever. But it isn't up to me. I don't have a say in what she wants.

  My hand falls to the counter and I realize it's cold as ice.

  “Oh, shit, that's cold. Here, let me help you down.” Gripping her around the waist, I lift her bare ass off the granite and set her on her feet.

  Laney grabs a few napkins, passing me a couple, and using the rest in her hand to clean herself up. She tosses them into the trash and walks to the fridge. Pulling out a bottle of wine, she yanks out the wine stopper and takes a giant swig.

  Everything about her just changed in that one second. Her body language is rigid, her expression is flat, and her eyes avoid me at every cost.

  Something just happened, she's different. . . I'm just not sure where it's coming from.

  She's standing half naked in the kitchen, chugging straight from the bottle. Letting out a long sigh as she pulls the bottle off her lips, she wipes them off with the back of her wrist. “Want some?” she asks, holding out the bottle.

  “I'm good, thanks. You hungry? I can help
make dinner.”

  “There's nothing to eat here.” Taking another giant gulp from the bottle, she steps around the island and grabs her pants.

  “Well, how about I take you to the store then? My treat. Let me buy dinner for us.”

  “Anders, you've done enough for me already. I can't ask you to do that too.”

  “You're not asking. I'm starving after that.” Winking, I give her a little smile, but it’s not sincere. I feel confused as I buckle up my pants. What’s going on? My cock is still wet from fucking her and she’s treating me like I’m practically a stranger.

  Laney frowns., but she nods anyway and agrees. “All right, let's go.” Bringing the bottle to her lips, she finishes it off and drops it in the bin. Wiping her mouth again, she brushes past me, snagging her purse off the coffee table.

  What has gotten into her?

  The drive into town is slow and quiet. The roads are slick from fresh falling snow, making the tires slip a little. Both my hands are on the wheel, and I'm staring out the windshield, but my mind is on her. I'm trying to figure out what's going on in her head. I can't read her mind, but I really fucking wish I could.

  If I ask her a question she responds with a single word. The entire ride she looks out the window of the truck at the road.

  What is wrong? Did I do something?

  When we get to the market she walks a few feet in front of me, and I watch this woman, this beautiful woman, who sometimes I feel I know so well, and other times she seems like a total mystery. Laney grabs a cart and I follow her through the store. She loads it up with snacks and booze. There are cheese balls, crackers, spray cheese, and pretzels. A couple bottles of wine and a six pack of beer.

  Standing back, I smile to myself as she keeps dropping dorm food into the cart. It's cute.

  “So, what do you want for dinner? Do you like pasta? I can make a pretty mean tomato sauce.” Lifting my chin, I bounce my brows up and down.

  “Yeah, I like pasta.” She bends over to check out something on the lower shelf.

  I keep moving, making my way up a little further to grab some tomato paste for the sauce. My head is down, reading a can, when a familiar voice crashes into my ears.


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