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Page 7

by L. J. Swallow

  "You have a sweet tooth?" Her mouth tips at one corner, but eyes remain wary.

  "Kyle gave me one of his, which helped me when I was injured by a wolf."

  "They were very brave. They killed four wolves!" Kyle grins. "And I helped!"

  "With lollipops?" asks Sonara.

  "The lady used fire and the man used knives. I helped with pine cones."

  She smiles down at him. "Clever boy, remembering what I taught you."

  "I brought your bonnet," I say insistently. I don't have time for this. The sun has started its descent west, and according to my map, we're a fair walk from Grunwald.

  "And I thanked you."

  "And we helped Kyle home," puts in Dean.

  "Which I am also grateful for."

  I sigh. How obvious do I need to be to complete the quest? "Do you have a spare bonnet? I like yours very much."

  "Lollipops and a bonnet? What a curious woman you are." She looks to the bonnet and I flick my fingers against my teeth. "You used fire magic? Are you a mage?"

  I nod. Dean remains silent as he watches our exchange.

  “Do you know Reuben?” she asks. “Did he send you?”

  I glance at Dean, who shrugs. “I met him, and he sent me on a quest.”

  “And you found me. Interesting.”

  “Ooh, ‘Easter egg’ quest?” asks Dean in a low voice.

  I specialise in finding hidden quests—Easter eggs—when I play my online game, thanks to my need to complete every single quest in a zone before I move on to the next. This time, I’m doing the bare minimum to level as quick as I can.

  "Let me show you something." She smiles graciously. "This way."

  Sonara walks towards the edge of the clearing, and I exchange looks with Dean again. I know my fairy tales; this granny could be a wolf. An elven wolf? That's crazy, but then so is this whole situation.

  "Come," she calls. "Not far."

  I edge across the grass to follow her to the edge of the lawned garden. A plant with a multitude of bright blue flowers grows beneath a tree, the vibrant colour standing out against the dull earth, as it pokes through the dead leaves. Sonara leans down and deftly plucks several heads.

  "This is Tears of the Sky. The flower has healing properties and can also make powerful potions when mixed with certain other ingredients. I’d like to know if you can pick them.”

  Dean snorts and crouches down to pluck a flower. His fingers slide along the stem as if they’re covered in grease. His lips purse as he repeats the action.

  “I guess your flower-picking skill isn’t high enough,” I whisper.

  “You try, Eleanor,” says Sonara.

  I sigh. I don’t know what life skills I have as Eleanor the Mage, but I doubt flower-picking could be hard. The flower’s stem is thick, but at least my fingers don’t slip. I tug but the tall flower doesn’t snap. Refusing to give in, I wipe my hands on my robe and try again. Dean watches as I tug and chuckles as I fall backwards onto my arse.

  Holding a Tears of the Sky triumphantly in the air.

  I try really hard not to smirk at Dean but fail. He pokes his tongue out.

  Sonara nods. “The ability to pick these is unusual for a human. Take them to a Potion Master and ask him to make healing salves.”

  I touch the soft petals. "Will I need to pay you? I don't have any money."

  "I have more than enough Tears of the Sky to use for my creations. As a thank you for helping my grandson, you may have some. Take them to Jeremiah in Grunwald and he will trade you for some gold. He can also make you some salve."

  An image of gold appears in my mind. I could sell flowers and potions. There has to be a trading house around here somewhere. "Do other people buy the flowers?"

  "Yes. But they only grow close to where the Dryads live and not all of our race are as friendly as me. They see this as theft. You helped Kyle and possibly saved his life; I'd like to reward you." She gestures around the clearing. "Take what you can find. They grow readily here, I can spare a few."

  "Oh." I blink. "Right."


  Collect ten Tears of the Sky and return them to Jeremiah.

  Rewards: Healing Salve

  Heals 10% health over ten seconds.

  Sonara smiles as I look at the bonnet again. Am I really coveting a hat that looks as if she made it out of old curtains? "And you may have my dirty old bonnet, you strange mage."

  Quest Complete: Escort Kyle through the Dark Wood to his grandmother's house.

  Reward #1: 500 XP

  Reward #2: Grandma's Bonnet

  I resist the urge to fist pump.


  "You can't give that hat to anybody else," she warns.

  "I don't intend to." The hat smells like dogs as I place it on my head, and the ribbon is frayed but functional. I pull the pink ribbon tight beneath my chin.

  "Good." Sonara cranes her neck. "Kyle! Come inside and we can wait for your mother."

  Dean's low snicker turns into a laugh as he pats my head. "Cute hat, El."

  "You're just jealous because you never got anything."

  "Honestly, I'm hoping if we collect the flowers and sell them, I can buy something better. And more attractive."

  I poke Dean and stare after Sonara. Who knew ripping boars' hearts out could lead to such a fun yet painful afternoon?

  "Did you get the quest this time?"

  He taps his band. "To pick flowers? I don’t think I have the ability. Looks like my role here is as your dashing protector."

  “Do you always flirt with girls at every opportunity?” I ask.

  “Only the cute ones.”

  Well, I walked into that response. I swap my backpack to my other shoulder and can only imagine what a state I look—bloodied and dressed in singed and wet clothing, with my godawful hat. Sure, really cute.

  Sonara is right about the abundant Tears of the Sky, and I gather the required ten within minutes. Biting my lip, I look at another patch and envision a trip to the trading house and a pile of gold in my hands.

  Ten minutes later, we've several handfuls ready to stuff into our backpack. As I head past the cottage again, following my map to the road, I pause.

  "Dean. Wait up."

  I knock softly on the closed door. Sonara appears at the door and peers around. "Yes? Haven't you left yet?"

  "I picked more flowers than we needed. I know you said I could, but I didn't want to take them all." I hold my hands out. "Here."

  Sonara picks up several with her thin fingers. "You're a very noble pair."

  Without a word, she turns back into the home, leaving the door open, and returns a moment later. "I know this was your idea. Your generosity will be a help and hinderance, Eleanor." Sonara holds out a small black pouch. "Use this to store any plants you gather, it will conserve the magic properties."

  As she hands it to me, my wristband lights up.

  You receive: Gatherer's Pouch

  + 5 Gathering

  Congratulations. You are now a novice gatherer.

  Next level: Competent. Allows you to identify rare plants.

  With thanks, we head to the edge of the trees. Dean looks back. "I wouldn't have thought about stopping to give Sonara the flowers, since it wasn't in the quest."

  "I think there's more to this place than quests, Dean. I think we need allies."

  "Like each other?"

  The adrenaline from the last couple of hours still flows and my damp clothes add discomfort to a horrible situation. But our solidarity, and the fact Dean came with me to help, adds hope to the situation. We're lost together and on different paths in the game. Yet we can choose to work together or alone.

  "Maybe. I guess we need to persuade Jay to quest with us."

  Dean twirls a flower between his fingers and grins. "I'll give him one of these. For a price."

  I nudge Dean. "Don't piss him off."

  "I'm sure the guy has a sense of humour in there somewhere. Besides, he possibly found some gold."
/>   I shake my head and study the map on my band. Where the way was dark earlier, a new area is now visible with a route back to Grunwald.

  I trip on a stray branch as I walk in the direction. The route takes us diagonally through the woods and would be quicker than relocating the path from earlier.

  "That way?" I ask and point. "Or do you think our wolf friends will respawn?"

  Dean taps my head again. "With my daggers and your bonnet, we'll be unstoppable."

  We break into a run, laughing and focused on nothing but the direction and space between the looming trunks. My head spins as I do, at how a mundane boar-butchering task led to a Mythological item and a money-making skill.

  My character's life stepped up more than a level, and even with no map, my journey is clearer.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The streets throng with people; the chatter filling the air was missing last night and there's a vibrancy I never expected. This place stepped straight out of any number of role-playing games I've encountered across the world, but there's no tension between the townsfolk. Guards intersperse the residents, most stationed outside the larger buildings with a few wandering the streets. Everybody dresses in similar clothing, as if the guards aren’t the only ones in uniform. The only differences in other’s clothes is colour—the styles are the same.

  My stomach rumbles as I pass a stall, the sizzling meat catching my nose and eye. No money yet. Why can't boars have pockets filled with gold coins? Striding on through curious looks, I pray Reuben shares food with his mage initiates.

  The town map spreads across the screen on my wrist band, and a red dot pings on the small picture, reminding me where the Academy is. Self-conscious after curious looks from passers-by, I shove the bonnet into my bag. I’ll wear it later, for my next quest.

  My hand hovers in the air, mid knock, as someone swings it open. A tall guy, dressed in red robes edged by silver, regards me with steel blue eyes. He wears a large signet ring, centred with a huge red stone on his middle finger. His thick black hair and pale skin contrast, making his eyes stand out in his sculpted face. Eyes emitting disdain.



  Level 10


  "You're her," he says in a flat voice. “The new mage.”

  "I'm Eleanor.”

  "Damon. Reuben's other apprentice." He yanks the door open. "I guess you should come in."

  "Thank you."

  He makes an exaggerated retching sound. "You're covered in blood. Yours?"

  "Boars, wolves, and a bit of mine."

  "Yeah, you stink. I'll show you where to leave the boar—I presume that's part of the stench. The cook will make the food, and you can change before you meet Reuben for training."

  I traipse after him like a lost lamb. He halts, and I bump into his solid back. I agree with Jay, robes on a guy...not quite right. Damon recoils as if I stung him.

  "Do you have anything else to wear?" he asks and brushes at his robe.

  "No. These are my only possessions."

  "Which family are you from? Did they not help you before you decided to leave?"

  "I don't know. I'm from Telver village."

  "Oh." His disdain switches to curiosity as he studies my face. "A Low Born. You must be something special if Reuben wants you as his apprentice."

  He swings open a heavy wooden door and flourishes an arm. "Reuben says you can stay as long as you need. Basic. Clean. We feed you. There’s new clothes on your bed. Please don't take long, Reuben isn't the most patient of men."

  And presumably hungry. I carefully extract the wrapped boar hearts from the bag and place the bloodied package on the side desk. "What do I do—"

  Damon covers his nose with an arm. "That's disgusting!" comes his muffled voice. Stepping to the doorway, he claps his hands and calls out. "Sue! Take this mess to the kitchen."

  A woman appears, middle-aged, harassed, who takes my package away with equal disgust. "I need to cook those."

  "She'll do it. Wash that blood off and make yourself look more like a High Mage's apprentice. Or as much as you can, anyway. You can meet me in the Great Hall, at the end of this corridor."

  The door closes, and my new acquaintance's footsteps echo away, along the tiles. Relieved I have somewhere to stay for more than one night, I scout the room. As promised, a new robe is lain out on the bed. I run a hand along the outside. Brown. A touch smoother than the blue one, subtle gold embroidery around the neck and end of the long sleeves. A soft pair of shoes and long pants are placed nearby.

  Apprentice's Robe


  +2 Wisdom


  Simple Pants

  Does what it says on the box

  + 1 Luck


  Apprentice's Shoes


  +1 Damage

  Nobody removed my backpack, and luckily my super-awesome headgear is untouched. I attempt to rinse off the dog smell by pouring water from a jug into a small basin. I fail and walk out of the room wearing a soggy hat.

  I pass doors identical to the one for my room, some open and displaying the same simple furnishing. The hallway rounds a corner, and as I approach, I hear a voice.

  "I wanted better than this." Damon. I'd recognise that clipped English accent anywhere. "Fine, but there's difficult and then there's a handicap. I can't spend more than a week here."

  Weird. I creep closer in my soft shoes. Still, I'm happy if this only takes a week.

  "I paid for guaranteed success and not 50/50. Low Borns suck. She'd better be bloody good."

  I hum to myself, alerting Damon to stop talking, then walk around the corner mid-conversation. Damon straightens and shoves something deep into his robe pocket and snaps his head up. "Don't sneak!"

  "I wasn't."

  He thrusts a paper-wrapped package at me. "Here're your boar hearts. Sue cooked them." Then he blinks and cracks a smile in his haughty face. "Oh, Jesus..." He gasps in a breath as he laughs. "What the hell are you wearing?"

  "The robe you left me."

  "Your head, Eleanor. Oh, man, you look bloody stupid."

  I bristle and tighten the bow beneath my chin. "They help my stats."

  "What's stats? Is that Low Born code name for fashionable? Because I assure you that bonnet is not."

  "Doesn't matter. I want to wear the bonnet and unless Reuben says no, I will." Damon opens his mouth to respond. "Is he in there?"

  Double wooden doors with ornately carved panels running downwards block the way forward. The long handles face each other, and I pull both down, the doors swinging inwards as I do.

  Reuben stands in the centre of a room, larger than the last we met in. The circular room is surrounded by windows but contains nothing but a desk beneath one of the windows. Above me, a large black circle is drawn on the ceiling, a circle of eyes with a handprint in the centre. The painting is stylistic, but the eyes raise the hair on my neck as if the five pairs watch me.

  Reuben looks up too. "They don't, they're just a reminder that five of us exist."

  "Five of you? Elders?"

  "Yes. Do you have my gift?" I step forward and Reuben rubs his lips together as he takes the food then unwraps. "Divine!" He pops a chunk in his mouth and my growling stomach betrays my hunger.

  I ate stale bread somebody left outside my room at the inn this morning, but nothing since. After today, I need food and not lollipops. Reuben offers me a heart and, as if I'm in a reality TV show where I'd get points for this, I throw the whole thing in my mouth and swallow. Thankfully the peppered coating allows me to imagine I'm eating something palatable.

  Quest Complete: Bring Sautéed Boar hearts to Reuben

  Received: 500 XP

  Visit the cook to learn the recipe.

  "You may go now, Damon." Reuben waves Damon away and I enjoy his confused expression as he leaves. Reuben licks sauce from his fingers and sets the package behind him.

  "How was your day?" he as
ks. "You seem more confident in your abilities."

  "I level—uh, discovered I could perform a new spell. I can conjure fire from the sky now."

  Ruben looks less impressed than I thought he would. "Yes, yes, very common for your kind. What else did you find today?"

  "I met a Dryad."

  Ruben turns sharply. "Who? Where?"

  "Sonara. I helped her grandson—long story. She taught me to gather plants."

  He drags out a chair to sit and indicates I should do the same. "Tell me everything that happened."

  I recount my story to the passive-faced Reuben. He taps his fingers and when I’m done he asks me to show him the flowers. The stems are as fresh as if they were still growing, despite being squashed in my bag. He pushes at one with a furrowed brow. Frankly, I'm annoyed he's more interested in flowers than my near-death experiences.

  "Is there anything you can teach me to help, if I find myself in the same situation?" I ask.

  He waves a hand at me, indicating I should shush. Pouting, I sit back in the chair and fold my arms.

  "You have favour with the Dryads. The Kingdom won't be happy. You now have a black mark against your name."

  Ugh. Game politics. "Why?"

  "They possess ancient knowledge about the natural world that interferes with our natural order. They can create rare potions from the plants that only grow in Dryad areas.”

  "Gathering and making potions isn't good?" I ask.

  “You can only be taught simple potions by official Potion Masters who follow the Kingdom rules. Dryad potions hold a magic the Kingdom doesn’t like. It appears you found some of the ingredients, and somehow managed to pick them." He opens my pack and shoves the flowers back inside. "Eleanor, you must stick to the path. Danger awaits if you choose to go your own way."

  He looks back up and I stare into his violet eyes. Is he troubled? Suspicious?

  "I had to help."

  "You were lured by the child," he whispers.

  No, it was a side quest. "Okay. I'll stick to the storyline."

  "What story?"

  I rub my mouth. Is he right? Was I lured? "The one you're telling me. If I'm not allowed to pick flowers and get help from Dryads, can you teach me more spells?”

  "As you have shown your commitment to the mundane, and that you're not above such tasks, I am happy to explain more to you. But your curiosity led you elsewhere today and that concerns me.” He walks over to the bookshelf. "Come here. Run your fingers along these books and stop on the one you think you'd like to read."


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