On His Face: A Brother's Best Friend Romantic Comedy

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On His Face: A Brother's Best Friend Romantic Comedy Page 14

by Tabatha Kiss

  He chuckles. “Fair enough, but I think you should do it. I really think you’ll kill it.”

  I step away from the desk. “I’ll think about it.”

  Drew nods, leaving it be.

  “So…” I sit down on the edge of my bed. “What did you want to talk about?”

  He pauses, but quickly bobs his head. “Oh, right. Yeah.” He sits down next to me. “That.”

  I stare at him. Each second feels longer than the last as I wait for him to rip the bandage off. “Uh-huh…” I say, urging him on.

  Drew smiles, enjoying the suspense. “I got another email from Professor Wilson,” he says. “You’re starting full figure drawings this week.”

  I nod. “That’s what the syllabus says, yes.”

  “She asked if I’d like to come in for that, but I thought we’d need to talk about it first.”

  “Yes…” I bite my cheek. “Why?”

  “Well, we’ve been spending a lot of time together,” he says. “And, as of about twenty minutes ago, you’re my girlfriend.”

  I smile. “Yes, I am.”

  “So, I figured you’d have an opinion about me being buck naked in front of an entire classroom of people.”

  “Ohhh!” I say. “I’m supposed to have an opinion about that, aren’t I?”

  “If it’s too weird, I won’t do it.”

  I think for a moment, the gears of my head slowly turning. “Well, I don’t think it’d be that weird…”

  “No?” he asks.

  “I mean, it’s a job,” I say, mulling it over out loud. “You’re getting paid.”


  “And you have fun with it. It’s something you really enjoy, right?”


  “So…” I shrug a shoulder. “I guess I’m okay with it?”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I think so.”

  “You think so?”

  “I think I’m sure I’m okay with it, yeah.”

  “Because we’re still above the waist,” he says. “Are you sure you want the first time you see me naked to be in front of a dozen people?”

  My stomach twists slightly. “I didn’t think of it like that, actually…”

  Drew nods. “Just say the word and I won’t do it.”

  I look down as blood fills my cheeks. “No, you don’t have to cancel,” I say. “It’s… just a little bit of skin, right? No big deal.”

  “Well, a big bit of skin,” he jokes.

  “Of course.” I laugh with him, thankful for the break in tension. “I didn’t mean to imply otherwise.”

  “So, I’ll do it?” he asks. “No big deal?”

  “No big deal,” I repeat, my skin still on fire. “You can do it.”

  “And you’ll see me naked for the first time.”

  “And… I’ll see you naked for the first time.”

  He nods. “All right, then. I’ll email her.”

  Again, I look down. “You know, or…”


  “Well…” I bite my lips. “The class isn’t until Thursday.”

  “That’s correct.”

  “There’s a few days until then, so…” I say slowly, “if you wanted to show me… you know, before…”


  I snap my head up. “Yeah?”

  Drew smiles, amused. “Would you like to see me naked?” he asks.


  Strong and casual.


  Freaking the fuck out.

  “Sure,” I squeak.

  “Sure?” he repeats.

  “I’ve tried it already.”

  “You’ve tried it?”

  “I mean, I’ve felt it.”

  He smirks. “You’ve felt it?”

  “I mean…” I stutter. “We’ve made out. A lot.”

  “Yes, we have.”

  “So, I have some idea as to the general... shape of… your penis.”

  “It’s penis-shaped,” he says with a nod.

  “So… I might as well see it, too, right?”

  Drew keeps his eyes on me, his gaze as firm and comforting as his arms. “I’ll show you mine, Heidi,” he says. “If you show me yours.”

  I surprise myself with a smile. A few weeks ago, this quid pro quo would have scared me. Maybe even offended me. But tonight, after weeks of immersing ourselves in each other...

  I kiss him. He touches my cheek, sparking a wave of calm down my spine.

  “Is that a yes?” he whispers.

  I slowly push up and straddle his waist. His hands come to rest on my hips, fingers digging firmly into my skin.

  “Yeah,” I say, leaning in. “It’s a yes.”

  We kiss again, and his arms wrap around me. I cup his face. I comb my fingers through his hair. I part my lips for his until I’m completely breathless.

  I reach down and drag his shirt up over his head. He raises his arms, letting me undress him, then they’re right back on me, feeling up my back as our tongues dance.

  After a minute, his fingers slowly slide beneath my tank. His touch still sparks fire on my skin as he pushes it over my head. I hope it never stops. I hope I always tremble like this every time he undresses me.

  He kisses my exposed collarbone, lips slowly drawing a line toward my cleavage. His breath is labored and wild. His touch is hard, almost desperate. He’s kissed me like this so many times before, but tonight it’s different. Tonight is fresh and new, but just as passionate as our first kiss.

  He slips a single finger beneath the strap of my bra and stops. He looks at me before continuing, always the gentleman, and I chuckle. Somehow, I don’t feel nervous. Somehow, I reach behind me and unhook my bra.

  The straps fall loosely off my shoulders. With my breath held tight, I let it slip the rest of the way off.

  “Fuck,” Drew whispers, his face void of expression as he looks at my breasts.

  I wait on pins and needles for him to say something more.

  “You’re gorgeous,” he finally says.

  I smile, my entire body on fire.

  His fingers dig into my back as he shifts forward, lying me down on my back. He balances over me on his thick arms and kisses down my neck.

  I gasp as he grabs and gropes me. My nipples harden and the sensations rise. Everything throbs. Everything throbs. I fight for breath, but I don’t want to stop. I run my fingers through his hair, a silent urge for him to keep going.

  Drew pulls a nipple into his mouth and I release a quiet moan.

  He reacts with a smirk. “Oh, that is not a good sound...”

  “It’s not?”

  He pushes up until our lips are an inch apart. “It just makes me want to make you do it again... and again.”

  We kiss and I can barely breathe. I try, but my lungs quiver and my heart pounds. Just when I can’t take anymore, Drew sits up on his knees between mine.

  He reaches for his belt.

  He unzips his jeans and pushes them down, but only a little. Only enough to show how far down his happy trail goes…

  “Is this okay?” he whispers.

  I smile. “Yeah,” I answer.

  I push up onto my knees, driven toward his lips all over again. My breasts press against his chest while his bulge digs into my navel. I rest my hands on the small of his back for a moment. Then I slide them into his briefs. His firm cheeks flex beneath my touch and he chuckles, his lips still blended with mine.

  I don’t hesitate. I push his pants down, but I don’t look, still locked in his kiss. I feel him, stiff and hard between us. Touching me. Marking me…

  I open my eyes. Drew looks at me and we pause, breathing hard together. He licks his lips and smiles, and I remember the first time he ever smiled at me.

  Dimples for days.

  I look down... and swallow hard. Sure, I’ve seen my share of pictures and pornography, read a lot of trashy novels as of late, but I’ve never seen one this close before.

  I don’t have a ruler handy,
but I’d say... large?

  “So, that’s your penis,” I say.

  Drew nods. “That’s my penis.”

  “It’s nice.”


  “Thick and...” I bite my tongue. “Hard.”

  “Well, he really likes you.”

  “I can tell.” I squint, studying his tip. “Is that pre-cum? That’s what it’s called, right?”



  “Honestly, I’ve almost come twice so far.”

  My jaw drops. “Wow.”

  “Heidi...” He sighs, full of heat. “Tonight is...” He pauses, speechless. “This is the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me.”


  “Between you and... you.” He glances at my breasts again. “It’s absolute torture.”


  “But in a good way,” he clarifies.

  I bite my smiling lip. “This is the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me, too. And that includes that summer my mother took me to Atlanta to see my grandparents, and I got heat stroke.”

  Drew grins. “Don’t say stroke. Please.”

  I laugh. “Sorry.”

  “You’re killing me, Heidi.”

  He kisses me again, playful as always.

  “Did you want to stop?” I ask, teasing.

  Drew grabs me and hoists me onto my back again. I laugh even harder, feeling sexy and comfortable and everything in between.

  “I want to see the rest of you,” he says.

  He hooks my shorts and tugs them down.

  I don’t stop him. I raise my hips off the bed, letting him strip me bare. It’s just skin, and he will adore me no matter what, right?


  My breath catches. We go quiet, our bodies still entwined. His cock rests on my inner thigh. He looks at me, his eyes everywhere.

  Naked and fully exposed, I wait for him to say something. Anything.

  Finally, Drew whispers, “You are so beautiful.”

  He kisses me and moves down in a way that prevents our bodies from… interlocking. Still, we cling to each other, warm and breathless at the end of our game.

  But is this the end?

  I mean, I’ve seen all of him now. He’s seen all of me…

  “You okay?” Drew asks.

  I nod. I smile. I get lost in him all over again. “Yeah,” I say.

  No, this isn’t the end.

  We’re not even close.

  I tilt my head as I lean in. His eyes close and he waits for our lips to touch, but I pause less than an inch away.

  I reach between us, and I touch him. I drag a single fingertip along the length of his cock.

  Drew inhales sharply, but he doesn’t open his eyes. His cock twitches and he makes the most delicious sound as I touch him again.

  I kiss him. His hand instantly rises to my cheek, pulling me in as I continue to explore. I wrap my fingers around his shaft. He grips my hair and smothers me with a passionate, greedy kiss.

  Then, he smiles and opens his deep green eyes, but he doesn’t release the tight hold on my hair. “What are you doing?” he asks.

  I look down. I marvel at the thickness of him in my palm. His torso quivers with each slow stroke. “I want to know what you like,” I say, meeting his eyes.

  He presses his forehead against mine. Pleasurable sighs fall from his lips and he kisses me even harder. “Are you sure?” he breathes.

  I lick my tender lips. “Yes.”

  His fist tightens around my hair. He kisses me one more time, then releases it. “Lie back,” he says. “Spread your legs.”

  I follow his command, his growl echoing in my ears. My heart pounds like a drum as he shifts closer and kneels between my open thighs. His cock once again rests on my leg, mere inches away from my entrance, and voices in my head scream even louder.



  Drew leans forward. Our bodies press together.

  “Don’t,” I murmur, the word spilling off my tongue.

  “I won’t,” he says, our lips grazing. “I just want to touch you.”

  He caresses my face, gliding his thumb along my bottom lip. My lips part for him and he pokes the tip of my tongue, coaxing it to come out and play. I lick the pad of his thumb, coating it with my saliva as he kisses my neck.

  He kneels back again, our bodies still so close as he slides his hand between my breasts. Over my navel. Along my…

  “Is this okay?” Drew asks, stopping.

  My breath quivers deep inside. His thumb lingers above my throbbing clit, just barely touching the sensitive skin around it as he waits for me to answer.

  “Yes,” I say.

  Drew parts the lips. His touch sparks fire. I instantly burn, but each firm rub feels like a splash of cool water, too. My lips part. My breaths quicken. I close my eyes and lie back, submitting to Drew’s hand.

  I feel him lean over me. He kisses my chin, his hand never ceasing the slow grind on my clit. I kiss him back. I moan softly, pleasure growing more and more with each passing second. His cock presses into my hip, a hard reminder of how much I want to make him feel as good as I do.

  I grab his cock again and Drew groans. His shaft twitches in my fingers. We kiss even harder as he fucks my palm and I grind against his hand. We moan and ache and I let myself give into it.

  My body heat rises. Sweat builds on my brow. I feel sticky and far too warm, but the sensation of him is far too good. I grind harder. I stroke faster. We moan louder, not caring who might hear it. Tension builds inside of me until my entire body demands release.

  I come. I come hard.

  I rest my head on the pillow, feeling light-headed but oh-so good. Drew’s hand doesn’t leave me, gently cradling my clit as my body quivers during climax. I let my tongue run wild, mewling as he tastes my moans. It only lasts a few seconds, but the aftershocks never stop coming.

  Drew buries his face in my shoulder and grunts loudly. Cum shoots on my stroking hand, on my hip and navel. I swell in surprise. I’ve never been come on before.

  I like it.

  I stroke him slowly. He flexes, still so sensitive. A few remaining drops fall from him onto my skin. I’m marked. Claimed.

  And I like it.

  Drew kisses my cheek, still breathing hard. “You okay?” he asks.

  I look at him. There’s a little guilt in his eyes. He wonders if we went too far. If he took it too far.

  I smile. I kiss him without another word.

  What better way it there to show how much I love him?

  Chapter 27


  I enter Ramsey Hall and smile at Jenna lingering in the hall outside the classroom.

  “Hey, Jenna!”

  She looks up from her phone. “Oh, hello there,” she says.

  “Where have you been?” I ask. “I keep missing you.”

  “Oh, I just figured I’d, you know... make myself scarce.” She smirks as we march into Professor Wilson’s class. We weave through the chairs and easels to reach our usual spots by the windows. “Drew’s been spending an awful lot of time at the house lately.”

  I blush. “Yeah. A little.”

  “Does this mean you two have finally…?”

  “No,” I answer.

  She bristles. “Are you sure?”

  “Uh... yeah.” I chuckle. “I’m sure.”

  “Because I heard some noises the other night that seem to indicate otherwise.”

  I hold my breath. “What noises?”

  “A moan here. A squeak of the mattress there. A heated grunt — my favorite by far, by the way.”

  I look down, my cheeks on fire. “We did... some stuff.”

  “Mouth stuff? Thrusty stuff?” she asks. “What we talking about here?”

  I scoff, amused. “How do you talk about this so casually?”

  “Casual sex is, by definition, casual.”

  “Drew and I aren’t casual,” I point out. “And we
didn’t have sex.”

  Her brow arches. “You didn’t?”


  “Then, what were you doing in there? P90X?”

  I chuckle as I search for the right words. “Hand... stuff.”

  “Hand stuff?” she repeats. “Over the clothes, dry-humping kind of stuff?”

  “Like...” I lower my voice as more students enter the room. “Naked in bed together, tender kisses and touching… stuff.”

  “Did you come?”

  I flinch at her volume. “Jenna!” I snap with a whisper.

  “Right. Sorry.” She clears her throat. “Did you swell in a glorious climax as your hearts beat as one?”

  I roll my eyes. “Yes.”

  “Him, too?”

  “Yes. We… came together.” I bite my lip, feeling the memory all over again. “Twice.”

  She pauses for a moment, then nods. “That’s some sexy shit,” she says.

  “It was nice and romantic and I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I remain a virgin.”

  “Ah, yes. The technical virgin argument.”

  I shrug. “We didn’t have sex.”

  “You lied down naked together and brought each other to mutual, simultaneous orgasm. You, my friend, had some sex.”

  “But we didn’t have sex sex,” I argue.

  “You have got to stop giving so much meaning to vaginal intercourse. It’s such a small part of sex! It’s not even the best part of sex.”

  I pause. “It’s not?”

  She drops her sketchpad on the easel. “Heidi, sex comes in many shapes, sizes, and wet spots. You had some sex and, by the sounds of it, you might have even made love, too, so… kudos.”

  “Okay, fine,” I say. “I had some sex.”

  She nods. “You had some sex.”

  “I’m sexually active.”

  “You’ve officially been activated.”

  I mull it over in my head some more while I prep my easel. I suppose it’s ultimately up to me to decide for myself what’s sex and what’s sex sex but, the more I think about it, the better I feel about it.

  I spent the night with Drew. It was new and intense. I’m glad it happened with him, whatever it was. When I look back on this in fifty years, I can’t imagine having a single regret.

  The model hops up on the platform, dressed in nothing but a black robe he seems very eager to shed.

  Wait a minute.

  That’s not Drew.


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