On His Face: A Brother's Best Friend Romantic Comedy

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On His Face: A Brother's Best Friend Romantic Comedy Page 13

by Tabatha Kiss


  “So, Dad called me last night.”

  I pause, briefly taken back. “What did he want?” I ask.

  “Just checking in as usual, but he asked about you.”

  I pique a brow. “Really?”

  “Unprompted, by the way.”

  “Hmm...” I bite my cheek. “Not sure if I should applaud the state of progress or dread the incoming doom.”

  He chuckles. “That’s Dad.”

  “What did he say?”

  “Not much. Just wanted to see how you were getting on as a new college student. Were you going to classes? Staying out of trouble? That bullshit.”

  “You told him about the new drug habit, right?” I quip.

  He nods. “Oh, of course.”

  “Sounds like progress, then.”

  “He mentioned the possibility of him flying out here for your birthday next month.”

  “And there’s the incoming doom.” I sigh. “That’s Dad, all right.”

  “I suggested inviting Mom to come along, too.”

  I smirk. “You didn’t...”

  “Yeah!” he says. “I told him we could make a big day of it. Go to the art museum. Have a nice dinner. Celebrate your special day as one big, happy family.”


  “And he suddenly had a very important meeting he had to get to and hung up on me.”

  “Wow.” I nod with approval, chuckling at the image of Harold and Judy Newbury sitting there while Seth and I laugh it up as friends despite their best efforts to turn us against each other. “Well done, big brother. I’m impressed.”

  He bows in his chair.

  I lean against the edge of his desk. “You ready to go?” I ask.

  “Almost,” he answers. “Just need to send this email to my econ professor…”

  “Okay, I’ll wait.”

  I scan the room, catching pieces of Drew’s world littered amongst pieces of Seth. The average person probably wouldn’t be able to tell the difference, but after the last few weeks of getting to know them, I can.

  A voice drifts in from the hallway and my ears perk. I turn to look as Drew enters the room with a textbook cradled beneath his arm and a tired smirk on his mouth.

  Corey follows close behind him, but pauses in the doorway. “You’re missing out, Rose,” he says.

  “On a limo ride from the house to the student center… two miles away?” Drew asks with a scoff.

  “So, we’ll have the driver circle the block!”

  “I’ll pass.” Drew strides toward his desk and bobs his head at me, briefly acknowledging my existence. “Hey, Heidi.”

  “Hi, Drew,” I say, a nonchalant greeting.

  “Pfft, whatever.” Corey points at Seth. “You’re in, though, right, Newbury?”

  Seth squints. “I think I’m with Drew on this one.”

  Corey grunts. “You guys are lame.” He nods at me. “How you doing, Stampy?”

  “Hi, Corey,” I say with a wave. “I’m great. You?”

  “Great. Hey, you want to go to the mask—”

  “No,” Seth says, stopping him with a glare.

  Corey backs off, hands raised. “All right. All right. Message received. Off-limits. No touchy.”

  He walks off into the hallway and wanders into Devin’s room.

  “Go to the what?” I ask Seth.

  “It doesn’t matter,” he says. “You’re not going.”

  I raise a brow. “Says who?”


  “You’re not the boss of me,” I point out.

  “No, but I am your brother, and I don’t want you to go, so there.”

  I turn to Drew sitting at his desk across the room. “Go to the what?” I ask him instead.

  “Greek Masquerade Ball,” he answers.

  Seth turns up his hands, annoyed and betrayed.

  “What?” Drew asks. “Why would I care what she does?”

  “The Greeks have a masquerade ball?” I ask, but only to annoy Seth some more.

  “Yes,” Seth answers, exhaling hard through his nose. “It’s the biggest event of the fall semester, I have a lot planned for that night, and I don’t want you there to witness any of it.”

  “Oh, I see…”

  “So, you’re not going,” he repeats.

  “Well, I’m not Greek, so I don’t see how I could.”

  “You can go if you’re invited by someone in the Greek system,” Drew says.

  Seth twitches his hands up again. “Dude, why?”

  Drew smirks. “Because it’s fun.”

  “Ahh…” I smile wider. “So, that’s how it is.”

  Seth glares at me from his chair. “Heidi…”

  “All I have to do to ruin your fun is find a strapping, young frat boy to play with for a night.” I squint into the hallway. “I wonder how hard that would be…”

  “Promise me you won’t go.”

  “Relax,” I say. “I won’t go. It sounds lame anyway.”

  “Yes. It’s lame. Very, very lame. So, stay away from it.”

  I show my hands. “I will.”

  “Thank you.” He glances into the hallway as someone passes by the open door. “Hold on.” He shuffles to his feet. “That guy owes me money. Yo, Boone!”

  I chuckle as he bolts out of the room and into the hallway to chase Devin down.

  Drew stands up from his desk chair, takes a wide step toward the door, and closes it. Then he spins on his heels and rushes at me.

  I push up onto my toes just in time. Our lips collide in a wild and dangerous kiss, one we both know could tear our entire world apart.

  But who cares?

  “Hey, there,” he greets me. For real this time.

  “Hey,” I say, licking my lips.

  One more peck and he takes a wide, safe step back to his desk.

  “Sorry, I had to get that out of my system,” he says. “You look really nice today.”

  I smile with a quick peek at the door. “Why, thank you. I barely tried.”

  He smirks as he sits down. “You two going to lunch again?” he asks.


  “Fourth time this week.”

  “That’s not true. The first time was breakfast.”

  “You’re definitely getting along now, huh?”

  “I guess so. Until I was twelve, we were inseparable, and then... badness. It’s nice to have my big brother back again.” I raise a brow. “What? You jealous?”

  He smiles shortly. “Of him getting to be seen alone in public with you without drawing suspicion? Whatever gave you that impression?”

  I lean on the edge of his desk, keeping a friendly, innocent distance from him. “Hey, he’s not the one who gets to feel me up in the backseat of his car in the Moira’s Cafe parking lot anytime he wants to.”

  Drew’s face screws up. “Well, I would hope not.”

  I frown. “Yeah, this whole secret fling thing would be way sexier if I were married to some rich, corporate dairy farmer who didn’t love me anymore.”

  “Cheating isn’t sexy.”

  “I believe your sister has written a few bestsellers that challenge that theory.”

  He sighs. “Please tell me you’re not reading those.”

  “I got to give her props, they are hard to put down.”

  His throat clears, swiftly changing the subject. “What are you up to tonight?” he asks.

  “Manny’s until nine,” I answer. “Why?”

  “We need to talk.”

  I lean back. “Is everything okay?”

  “No, everything is fine!” He sits forward and chuckles. “Sorry. I did not mean to make that sound so scary.”

  I laugh with relief. “Okay.”

  “Just...” He cants his head. “Something has come up that I want to talk to you about. Not serious, but not unimportant.”

  “All right. Meet me at my place after nine. I’ll bring fries.”

  He smirks. “God, you’re perfect.”
br />   I bounce my brow. “I know.”

  “I have an irresistible urge to lie down on my back and have you rest your head right here.” He rubs his shoulder.

  “You mean cuddle?” I ask.

  He winces playfully. “Is there no manlier word for that?”

  I scoff. “There is nothing unmanly about the word cuddle.”

  “There is a little.”

  The door opens and Seth waltzes in with a wad of cash in his hands.

  “See?” he says, holding it up. “Told you that bastard owed me money.” He bobs his head at us. “What’d I miss?”

  “Nothing.” I smile. “I was just explaining to your roommate here that there was nothing unmanly about a good cuddle.”

  Seth feigns offense at Drew. “So, this is how you tell me you don’t appreciate Tickle Tuesdays?”

  Drew glares at me. “Why would you do this to me?”

  I smirk. “Because it’s fun.”

  “You know...” Seth swallows hard, “I give and I give...”

  “I’m going to class.” Drew stands and grabs his notebook off the desk. “You two should not be allowed to hang out anymore.”

  “I love you so much it hurts me sometimes!” Seth shouts after him.

  Drew quickens his gait and disappears down the stairs.

  Seth grins at me. “Thanks for the assist, little sister.”

  I raise my palm, and he gives me a high five.

  Chapter 24


  I turn the water to full blast freezing and stand directly under the showerhead. As much as I’d enjoy a solid evening wank, I have plans in an hour.

  Heidi plans.

  Not that I’m expecting anything to happen. She’s a virgin. She’s not ready for anything too physical. I said I was okay with that and I am. There’s no question about it. Spending time with Heidi so far has been all about exactly that. Spending time with Heidi.

  And it’s better than I ever expected it to be.

  When I kiss her, when I lie down with her, I know that’s as far as it’ll go. For some, that might be frustrating. I admittedly thought it might be when this whole thing started. But honestly, it’s refreshing. We fill our time with more important things. Her stories. My stories. Sweet kisses and naughty words.

  I wonder, however, is this fresh and exciting because I genuinely adore her?

  Or because she’s my dirty little secret?

  I finish my shower and head upstairs to my room. Seth is there when I arrive, lounging on the couch in his flannel pants by the TV in the corner.

  He sees me and instantly tosses his phone aside. “Oh, good. You’re still here.”

  I enter the closet for a clean set of clothes. “I’m still here.”

  “We need to finalize the plan.”

  “The plan?”

  “For the mask ball,” he says. “I was thinking we take the girls to dinner first. Very expensive. I figure your dad might be able to get us into the more impressive places, so we need to call him ASAP.”

  I say nothing as I get dressed behind the door.

  “Then, bam. Limo ride through the city. Yes, I got the idea from Corey, but you and I both know something more intimate will net better results than that roll through campus he’s got going on.”

  I step out of the closet and drop my towel in the hamper.

  “Then, we hit the dance. Spend the entire night dirty talking into their ears until the stroke of midnight when we—” he claps his hands, “escort them downtown to the Botsford Plaza Hotel.”

  I snort. “Botsford Plaza? Really?”

  “Mock all you want, my friend, but taking a girl to the Plaza is guaranteed. You know what I’m saying?”

  He’s not wrong. Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with this plan at all, but…

  “Actually, Seth, I’m thinking of sitting this one out,” I say.

  Seth leans back and goes quiet for a moment. “Seriously?” he finally asks.

  “Just not feeling it this year, man.”

  “Why not?”

  Because I’m seeing your little sister behind your back.

  “Because I’m not,” I say instead.

  Seth pushes off the couch. “We’ve been talking about this since, like… July.”

  “I know.”

  “This was going to be our last big thing before we get serious next semester.”

  “I know,” I say again. “But… I don’t know. I’m just kind of over it.”

  “Okay, dude…” He holds his hands in prayer. “I wasn’t going to tell you this yet, but Tammy…”

  He purposefully lets the name linger.

  “Tammy?” I repeat.

  “Bethany’s roommate,” he says, his smile widening. “The one you’ve had a major bone for since freshman year…”

  “Yes, I remember Tammy.”

  “Well, she agreed to be your date.” He stands up taller. “I was going to surprise you. Bethany’s coming with me. Tammy’s going with you. It will be a night to remember, man.”

  A month ago, I’d be all for it. Hell, I’d be on my knees and bowing to whatever deity made it happen.

  But now…


  It hits me harder than expected. Seth made it happen for me, but I don’t care.

  I don’t even want it.

  “You’re speechless,” Seth says, patting my shoulder. “That’s good.”

  “Yeah,” I say, swallowing hard. “I am.”

  Because I’m seeing your little sister behind your back.

  And I think I’m in love with her.

  Chapter 25


  We need to talk.

  We need to talk.

  Talk about what?!

  Drew said it wasn’t serious, so I shouldn’t worry, right?

  But he also said it’s not unimportant, so I should worry a little, right? Not unimportant means important. Drew has something important to talk to me about.

  At least I brought home carbs.

  I park in the driveway next to Jenna’s car and do a quick scan of the street. Drew never parks in front of the house, usually around the block somewhere. He could be inside right now, waiting to tell me something non-serious but important.

  I hold my breath as I open the front door.

  Jenna’s token cackle carries from elsewhere in the house. The kitchen, by the sounds of it. I silently kick off my shoes, listening to her as she talks to… someone else in the room.

  Drew laughs loudly. So, he is here. He’s in my kitchen, laughing with my roommate, and waiting to tell me something important but not serious.

  I linger in the hall outside the kitchen. Drew sits at the table, laughing as hard as Jenna is. She’s standing, so it’s clearly one of her full-body tall tales that change slightly with each retelling.

  Jenna spots me in the doorway. “Well, hello!” she says.

  Drew turns in his chair to look at me. His laugh fades, but his warm smile remains.

  I wave at them. “Hi,” I say.

  “I was just entertaining your gentleman caller.”

  “Oh, really?”

  Drew nods. “She was delighting me with the story of the time she got arrested.”

  I chortle. “Which time?”

  “Hey, now!” Jenna chuckles. “It was the first time, thank you.”

  “Ah! That’s a good one!” I set the bag of fries on the table in front of Drew. “Fries, as promised.”

  He hooks his arm around me. “Thank you,” he says before digging his nose into my side and smelling me. “I love having a girlfriend who works at a diner. You always come back smelling like maple syrup.”

  I freeze. Even Jenna leans forward.

  “Girlfriend?” I ask.

  Drew slowly sits back. “Uh...”

  Jenna grins. “Oh, this is awkward,” she says.

  She sits down at the table and props her feet up on the chair across from her to watch.

  I stare at Drew. “Am I your girlfriend?” I a

  Drew looks at me, both of us ignoring Jenna’s eager grin. “Aren’t you?” he asks, his voice pitching higher.

  “Am I?”

  “Would you like to be?”

  “Do you want me to be?”

  He shrugs. “I’m not against the idea. Are you?”

  “No,” I answer.

  Jenna frowns. “Okay, this is more boring than I thought it’d be.”

  I smile at Drew all over again. “Are you my boyfriend?” I ask.

  He smiles back. “Yeah,” he answers. “I am.”

  We kiss, his arms clinging to me even tighter.

  “Ugh.” Jenna stands up with disgust. “I’m gonna go watch TV.”

  She grabs her drink and stomps off down the hall.

  “Not big on romance, is she?” Drew asks.

  “Who?” I joke, pathetically lost in his eyes.

  Drew shrugs. I laugh as he buries his nose in my side again.

  Chapter 26


  I step out of the bathroom in my tank top and shorts, squeezing my damp hair dry as I stride toward my bedroom. While Drew might have a fetish for maple-scented women, I needed a long, hot shower after my shift.

  I enter my room to find Drew standing over my desk. It takes me back to the night we met. Him, strong and casual. Me, freaking the fuck out. Sure, my heart still leaps at the sight of him hanging out in my bedroom, but not in the same way.

  Drew taps the drawing on my desk; my latest attempt at hands. “You’re getting good at this,” he says.

  I close the door. “Eh.”

  “No, really.” He holds his hand above the drawing. “It’s like looking in a mirror.”

  “Practice makes perfect, right?”

  His eyes drift down my body, giving me goosebumps. Him, strong and casual.

  Me, freaking the fuck out.

  “Have you figured out what you’ll submit to the Art Fest?” he asks.

  “Oh.” I blow out hard. “I don’t know if I’m going to do it, actually.”

  “What? But your vision board.”

  “There’s always next year.”

  “That won’t always be true, you know,” he says, teasing.

  “Sure, but I’m young and stupid. It’s my prerogative to put things off.”


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