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Lights Out (Book 2): Power Trip

Page 10

by James, Hayden

  Chris, who had a hard time keeping up with Demi on the stairs came up behind her. “Is she here?” Chris asked, panting from ascending the four flights.

  “No, doesn’t look like it,” replied Demi. Demi, frustrated that her sister was not where she thought she would be, banged on the door with the side of her palm as hard as she could. The solid wood door reverberated with her force. Demi’s face flushed with anger and she nearly could not hold the tears back.

  Demi turned so Chris would not see her sign of emotion, she headed down the hallway a few steps. The rest of the group caught up to Chris, silent as it was apparent that Demi’s sister was not here.

  Demi began thinking. Could Lacey had headed to David’s without her? She processed that for a second. She could have found a ride from someone who had a vintage car or truck. She pictured that in her mind before concluded that her sister would not leave their designated meeting spot without her. Even if she found a ride up to the compound. Demi knew that for a fact. Lacey would not leave without her.

  While Demi attempted to cool off so she could regain her composure, Chris called her name from down the hall, “Hey, Dem,” he said.

  Demi, who didn’t want to return to the group under her condition, shouted back, “What?” She knew the group would understand her reasons for not heading back to them at this time. She needed a moment.

  “Found something. You’re going to want to read this,” responded Chris. Demi, who didn’t want to return to the group in her condition, which was a combination of anger, frustration, exhaustion, and sorrow, found herself walking toward the group. She did not want to get her hopes up, as she reluctantly returned.

  As she approached the group, she noted the smile on Chris’ face. “Dem, we know where Lacey is,” said Chris.

  “We do?” Demi asked, clarifying as she did not fully believe it.

  “After you hit the door, I saw a piece of paper peek out from under the door. It was tucked there, so no one could find it, except, maybe her sister. The corner of the envelope came out further so I could see it after your fist impacted the door,” explained Chris.

  Demi’s anxiety subsided as she asked with hope, “Well, what does it say?”

  “Good news. There’s an address.” Chris went on to read the note aloud. He said, “It reads, Sis- I waited as long as I could in the dorm as we discussed if anything major should ever happen. Well, turns out something major happened, but I can’t wait here anymore. There have been creepy guys roaming the halls looking for people and kidnapping them. Other people from the community moved in and are squatting here. It’s gross, it reminds me of some sort of flophouse. Anyway, I’m staying with a few guys I know at this address: 4781 Belview Drive. It’s down the street, from College Ave a mile from campus. I trust these guys, they’re my friends here. That’s all the note says,” said Chris, handing the note to Demi.

  “Oh my goodness! She’s all right!” Demi shouted. Just then a lady came out of the dorm room next to Lacey’s. She had four missing teeth and hair that appeared that it hadn’t been brushed in years.

  “What you guys doing?” the lady asked.

  Jack interjected, “Nothing, ma’am. We were just leaving.”

  “Oh, good. I’d hate for you to run into Paul, I’m fixing he’ll be back any second now. He’d want to see what you guys had on you. I’m tired of taking other people’s stuff, so I’m warning you to get out of here,” warned the lady, as she headed down the hallway to peer out the window.

  Chris muttered to himself, but everyone in earshot could hear, “A squatter with a conscience? I’ve seen it all.”

  “Oh that note, guys, I think we should get out of here,” interrupted Jack, but of his kids clung to his legs.

  “Right, let’s get going. I’ll lead the way,” said Demi, making her way down the hall to the stairwell, back the way they came. Mike, Helene, and Sophie all appeared as though they were going through the motions as they followed behind.

  Mike held Lily, as Sophie walked, her head down, her arms crossed around her stomach as though it hurt. She hadn’t made eye contact with anyone since Tom’s death, and she appeared to be even more withdrawn since John died.

  “4781 Belview,” muttered Demi as she drove slowly down Belview Drive, looking for the house number.

  “There it is,” announced Chris pointing to a blue house with white trim.

  “Sigma Psi Nu?” Demi questioned, looking at the house, which looked nice and kept up, despite the recreational activities that seemed to take place in the front yard. “A frat house?”

  “What?” Chris asked. “You thought all of your ideology rubbed off on your little sis? Fraternities aren’t so bad. Be a little more open-minded,” advised Chris as he, Jack and the kids all got out of the truck. Mike, who drove the truck behind them parked at the curb. The three adults and Lily all exited the vehicle.

  “Well, I hope she’s here,” said Demi to the group. She led the way up to the front door up the walkway to the porch. Remnants of beer cases, bottles, and cans decorated the porch, which also sat a rocking chair and a bean bag. Minus the festive details, the remainder of the house was well painted, and the lawn mowed. Obviously, they had a manual lawn clipper. Greek men seemed to take pride in their domain, a notion that surprised Demi.

  Demi knocked on the door and waited, the group standing behind her, Sophie and Helene not even to the porch yet. Shortly after Demi’s knock, a muscular man with brown hair came to the door. He had on an all-white tee shirt with the sleeves cut off and wore a baseball cap backward. He wore basketball shorts and flip flops. “Hey, you Demi?” the man asked, not enunciating any of his words.

  “Yes, I’m Demi,” responded Demi, tossing her hair slightly and pouting her lips. She wasn’t sure if he recognized her from television of one of her hundreds of interviews or televised shows or if Lacey told him that she’d be coming, but in any case, Demi enjoyed being recognized once again. She looked like a regular person since the rainbow streaks of color that was the signature in her hair faded and grew out.

  “Oh, yeah. Lacey said you’d come for her. I’ll get her,” answered the man. Before he headed down the hall, he said, “Hey, you look familiar.” He pointed his finger as though he was trying to place where he had seen Demi before.

  “I do?” Demi jested, flipping her hair another time. “I suppose I should,” she added.

  “Right. Did we have Chemistry together last year?” asked the man, appearing as though he finally placed her face.

  That knocked the wind out of Demi’s sails, her shoulders slumped. “No, we didn’t have Chemistry together last year,” she answered in a dejected tone. Chris made an audible giggle. Demi whacked him within the side of the ribs with the top of her hand. “Stop it,” she warned.

  “Then European History? Gosh, I was asleep nearly every lecture for that class,” the man attempted another guess.

  Demi, not feeling any of this, simply said, “I don’t go here.”

  The man replied, “Gees, you look so familiar. I know, I know you from somewhere. It’s going to come to me. I’m sure we met at a party or something.”

  Lacey must have heard the voices at the front door because she came up behind the tall, muscular, and dense man. “Demi!” Lacey shouted, rushing to her sister and diving into her arms, nearly knocking Demi over. “I knew you’d come!” Lacey exclaimed, her head buried deep into the hair of her sister. Demi, overcome with emotion, burst into tears as she held her sister in her arms. Lacey had long blonde hair, and was rail-thin, wearing a sweater that came off of her shoulder and jeans with tennis shoes.

  The sobbing from the reunited sisters subsided and Lacey looked up at the group, “You brought Chris?” Lacey asked Demi. She hesitated, and then asked, “You guys aren’t back together, are you?”

  Demi shot down that assumption as soon as Lacey finished her sentence, “No, we’re not. We were at Mike’s parents’ house,” Demi pointed over to Mike her raised his arm to wave.

p; “Hey,” said Mike with a smile, the first in two days.

  Lacey rushed over to Mike to hug him. She hugged Mike with the same enthusiasm she hugged Demi, totally encapsulating him in her arms. “So good to see you, Mike,” said Lacey, releasing the embrace.

  “Good to see you too,” responded Mike, in a near monotone. The response sounded detached and distant. It appeared Lacey picked up on his tone, but didn’t know what to make of it as she looked confused.

  She rushed back over to Demi and asked, “So, Chris?” Lacey asked as she elbowed her sister in a joking way.

  “Uh, yay,” started Demi. “Like I was saying, uh, I met up with Chris when I was at the Cromwell’s and he wanted to make sure we found you safe and wanted to help us get you to David’s,” explained Demi.

  “Oh, Chris,” said Lacey as she put her arms around Chris’ neck, hugging him with enthusiasm with a full embrace.

  She let go of the embrace after several seconds. Lacey was a hugger, and this disaster only made her more affectionate. Demi never truly believed they were cut from the same cloth or made from the same genes, but she knew her and Lacey were full sisters. Just that the way Demi coped with stress and situations was to detach and run, Lacey was the exact opposite. Lacey tried to make people happy by showing them affection. She was a people pleaser, which added to her charm. Demi didn’t know how being a dentist was going to work out for her, but she would support her sister in every endeavor.

  “Let’s go inside,” suggested Lacey. “I’m sure you guys are hungry and thirsty.”

  Lacey led the group inside, where they joined the man who answered the door at the large, dark-stained wood, dining room table. Demi looked around at the house, which besides the beer bottles and cans, was immaculate with expensive furniture. This notion perplexed Demi, and she could not keep quiet about it anymore. She said to the man who opened the door, “Seems like you guys have a lot of nice furniture here.” Demi pulled a chair out from the table toast on it. She noted how heavy and solid the chair was. As she examined it closer, she acknowledged that it must have been an antique of some sort.

  The remainder of the group took a chair at the table, which was large enough that there were empty seats left over. Lacey headed to her room while the group got situated. Jack’s kids sat on his lap. Chris had Rufus by his side. The man responded, “I’m fairly certain all frat houses are like this. My name is Ralph by the way.” He put out his hand.

  Demi shook his hand and replied, “Oh, they are?” Not sure what he met by his response. Her only experience with frat houses was from what she has seen on television and in movies. “My name is Demi,” she said.

  “Demi, I like that,” muttered Ralph.

  Demi looked around the table to introduce everyone, pointing as she said everyone’s name, “That’s Jack, and his kids, Bella and Mel.” She then pointed to Helene who sat two seats over from Jack as his kids were moving between his lap and the chairs, and said, “Mrs. Cromwell, and her son and daughter, Mike and Sophie.” Demi moved to the side of the table she sat on, and said, “This is Rufus, he’s harmless, and Chris.” Chris sat next to Demi at the table. Ralph sat at the head, appearing as that was his usual seat.

  “Let me explain Greek culture,” stated Ralph. “All frat houses have nice things. We have alumni who donate their old furniture to us all the time. Some of the stuff you see has been here for over a century.”

  That made sense to Demi, but she wanted to know more about it. This Greek system intrigued her since she never went to college or even entertained the idea. “And, the house is kept up too.” Demi looked around and said, “Minus the beer bottles and cans all over the place.”

  “Right!” Ralph said with enthusiasm. “We have a house mother who cooks lunch and dinner for us and we have a cleaning crew. They were scheduled to come, but the power was out and I hadn’t heard from them since. Marge stopped by yesterday to make sure Lacey, Drew, and I were all right.”

  “Marge?” Demi inquired.

  “Our house mother. Her sons are all grown and she asked me if we would employ her. She missed taking care of boys,” answered Ralph. “I’m the president of the chapter.”

  “Fascinating,” muttered Demi, enthralled with the efficiency of living in a communal home. Reminded her a little about the tour bus lifestyle with the bus driver and her manager who arranged everything. Not to mention her assistant. Trevor and Susan came to her mind as did her missing band members. Goodness, she hoped they were all alright.

  “And where are the other frat boys?” Demi asked, jesting with Ralph.

  “Bill had an old truck, he took most of the guys to their parents’ houses. Drew, our Vice President, and I agreed to stay here to make sure no one looted the place,” explained Ralph. “Took Bill a few days to get everyone home. He made a few trips, taking six to eight guys at a time, but we got everyone home safe,” added Ralph.

  “Thought Old Poky would be mainly safe, with the geographical isolation and all,” said Mike from the other end of the table as he held Lily in his arms.

  Surprised at his assumption, and impressed, Demi responded, “Look at you, and your survivalist talk.” Her tone was patronizing, however, she was genuinely impressed.

  “Learned from the best,” shot back Mike in a joking manner. This was the first humorous interaction the pair had since John’s passing. The banter lightened the mood, especially for Demi as she saw that her best friend was coming out of his grief.

  A young man appeared from down the hallway and sat at the table in a chair that one of Jack’s kids vacated for his lap, “I didn’t know we were having company,” he said.

  Ralph interjected, “Guys, I’d like you to meet Drew.”

  “Nice to meet you,” said Jack as he shook Drew’s hand. Drew stretched out his long arm and grasped Jack’s hand. He was a tall and lengthy man, with a buzz cut and blue eyes.

  “Pleasure,” responded Drew, looking Jack in the eyes. The rest of the group introduced themselves to Drew.

  “This is Lacey’s, uh, family?” Ralph announced.

  Demi shouted, “Right, family,” as she looked over at Chris.

  Lacey returned to the table after Drew joined. She sat in an empty chair next to Ralph and said, “I took Anatomy and Physiology with both of these guys. I ran into them after gathering supplies right when the power went out.” Lacey looked over to Demi from across the table, “You know, how dad taught us. Right away, before anyone knew what was going on and they stopped selling stuff.”

  “That’s right,” responded Demi with a sense of pride in her voice.

  “They asked what my plans were and if I needed a ride anywhere. I told them that I would be waiting for someone to come to get me. They then offered me to stay with them. I didn’t at first. Then all these people moved into the empty rooms in the dorm, and I didn’t feel safe anymore, so I have been staying with them for a few days now,” Lacey turned and looked over at Ralph who nodded.

  Demi caught on to something and she had to ask, “Are you guys together?” She pointed to Ralph and Lacey, who sat close to each other.

  “Oh, no,” answered Ralph, and quickly. “I have a girlfriend, Jade. Bill dropped her off to her parents’ house. Lacey and I were lab partners along with Drew.”

  “Oh, OK. Thought I’d ask,” responded Demi, suspicious of the relationship.

  Chris interjected, “So, what is our plan now that we have Lacey?” He turned to Demi and put his hand on her knee. The touch sent butterflies into Demi’s stomach and her pulse raced. Lacey looked at her, which only made her blush and turn a darker shade of red.

  Demi thought about it for a moment, and answered, “Well, let’s see if we can get supplies together since we are almost out. I know Jack packed what he could, but we do need more. Let’s ditch the bikes and only use the trucks.” Demi paused a second, and then continued, “We’ll need to see if anyone is selling gas at an astronomical price and try to get some,” joked Demi as she thought anything below fifty dol
lars a gallon would be a steal at this moment and that wasn’t a joke.

  Ralph offered, “Drew and I will help you get what you need.” Drew nodded.

  “Great, we appreciate the help,” said Demi, a grin came across her face.

  Mike rose from the table and said, “Why don’t Chris, Ralph, Drew, Jack, and I go and gather the supplies, while mom, Sophie, Demi, and Lacey stay here with the kids and Rufus?”

  Impressed once again, Demi said with excitement, “That’s a great idea! Do you think you’ll need my card?”

  “Couldn’t hurt,” answered Mike. “What’s the limit on it again?” Demi knew Mike was joking as he knew that there was no limit on her Black Amex card.

  “I have cash, grabbed what I had before we left,” offered Jack.

  “Good,” replied Demi, with a sigh of relief as she knew that her card probably wouldn’t get them too far. However, she still reached into her pocket and pulled it out, “Just in case. Tell them they can run the number when power is restored. Try this first before you offer them the cash.” Demi handed Mike her Black Amex.

  The men assembled at the door, and Demi handed her keys over to Chris. As the group headed down the sidewalk, Ralph said with a loud voice, “Who is she? Black Amex with no limit?” None of the guys answered him.

  Mike calmly said, “Bud, get in the car.”

  Several hours later, the roar of the trucks returned. Demi waited with anticipation, hoping they were able to come across supplies to last them until they reached David’s. Chris was the first to walk through the door, and Demi ran and put her arms around him. This type of affection was foreign to her, and she acted more like Lacey than Demi, but the action felt natural for her. After all, she’d been worried that they might have been mugged or kidnapped, or worse.

  As they let go of the embrace, Demi asked, “Well, how was it?”

  Chris answered as the rest of the guys brought in the supplies. Arm fulls of peanut butter, canned food, and bottles of water. “We struck gold!” Chris exclaimed gripping the sides of Demi’s arms.


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