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Rotten Apple (Bennett Dynasty Book 1)

Page 6

by Kate Allenton

  Max stopped me. “You try to distract me whenever I ask questions about your personal life.”

  I shrugged. “If you’d rather I not…” I’d started climbing off of him when his fingers held me in place as I straddled his lap.

  “What are you afraid of, Gwen?” Max asked, moving the trays off the bed.

  “I’ll let you know when I figure it out, Counselor.”

  His fingers dug into my skin as he kissed me, pulling us both down to the bed. He rolled on top of me, pinning me deliciously beneath him. The warmth of his palm caressed my skin as he lowered the dress straps. His gaze landed on my lacy bra. Using his teeth, he lowered it before pressing tender kisses on my breast.

  A moan slipped free as I held his head to my chest and lifted off the mattress. It had been too long. I needed more. He laved at my nipples, teasing and taunting me with his wicked tongue. His hand slipped under the hem of my dress and heated a path up my thighs. When his fingers slipped beneath my silk panties, and he touched my heat, I lifted into his touch.

  “You have on too many clothes,” I whispered, staring into the desire swirling in his eyes.

  “This isn’t about me.” A hungry look crossed his face. “This is about you, sweet Gwen.”

  He slid a finger inside, and I clutched him tight, digging my nails into his skin. “Max, please.”

  “I love my name on your lips.”

  He leaned over me again and pressed his hot lips to mine. His pace quickened, and the tendrils of desire climbed higher and higher until I screamed his name. White exploded behind my eyes. My body shuddered around his fingers.

  He placed a tender kiss to my lips and smiled down at my hooded eyes. “Beautiful.”

  “Your turn.”

  He shook his head. “This was just a taste of what’s coming after we catch my sister’s stalker.”

  “If that’s the case, how about we get off this island and you take me to your sister? Tit for tat.”

  “Shouldn’t you call the FBI and tell him that Fillpot is here?”

  I started packing. The quicker I got off this island, the faster I could deal with Max’s sister. “Why bother?” I asked, grabbing my toiletries and stuffing them in my bag. “I can almost guarantee he’s left by now. When he lured me to the island, he had to know I was going to take back every last dime he’d stolen from the retirement folks. It was a given.”

  I placed the invite into a plastic bag and tucked it away for safekeeping until I could get it analyzed.

  As we were leaving, I spotted the voyeur heading in our direction. I bumped his shoulder in passing. “I’m so sorry.”

  His gaze went to Max. “It’s my fault,” he apologized. “I should have been paying more attention.”

  I batted my eyes, giving him a coy smile. Max watched me as if I’d lost my mind when I wrapped my arm around his and continued to walk. After walking several paces, I opened the freshly picked wallet and read the ID. “Your voyeur is Ted Miller.”

  I released his arm and slapped the wallet against Max’s chest. “I’ll wait by the car while you go inform Marcus, and please tell him I said bye and thank your mom for her help.”

  Max’s lips twisted into a smile as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. “You’re amazing.”

  “I try.” I batted my eyelashes.

  “I’m sure she hears that a lot,” Carter said from behind us. “Hope you don’t mind, but I figured we’d share the jet.”

  “The more, the merrier,” I said.

  Chapter 13

  The chartered flight home wasn’t as long as the flight there. Maybe it was because I was less stressed after recouping my Gram’s retirement money. Or perhaps it was because both Pierce brothers had me laughing and relaxed.

  I’d sent a warning text to my sisters to explain what had transpired and for them all to be vigilant. If Fillpot and his boss were willing to steal Gram’s money, there was no telling how he’d attack next until I agreed to his cryptic unsolicited invitation.

  The limo pulled up to my gate, and both brothers started to get out. I stopped them. “I’ll walk the rest of the way.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Max urged.

  “No really, I prefer it,” I argued and winked at Carter as I slid out of the limo. Max was quick to follow. The trunk opened, and Max pulled out my bags. “At least let me walk you to the front door.”

  I pulled his head down to mine and planted a deep kiss on his delectable lips. “Playtime is over. I need to concentrate on your sister, but don’t worry. I’m positive our paths will cross again.”

  He quirked an eyebrow. “When would you like to meet Amelia and Petunia?”

  “Carter said they have security.” I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “I’d rather make my own assessment of the situation. I’ll be seeing you.” I winked as I opened the gate and disappeared up my long driveway.

  The next morning, I took the gold-inscribed invitation with the red wax symbol and overnighted it to Abby in hopes she could tell me more information on the host. After my errand, I drove across town and was sitting in my car outside Carter’s home. The information in the packet Carter and Max had given me said that Amelia and Petunia’s security detail was already in place.

  “Time to find out just how good they are.”

  The quicker I finished this case, the faster I’d turn business into pleasure.

  I studied the wall surrounding the property, looking for any surveillance equipment and entry points. I could scale the stone wall surrounding the house. The big pine tree trees next to where I’d parked would help with access. Walking the property line in search of cameras, I saw there were none in sight. These people needed serious help. Wherever the Pierce security detail was hiding, they were doing a damn good job, because I didn’t spot anyone in the far corner of the property.

  I got into my car and drove around to the front entrance and parked across the street. Catering vans and flower trucks came and went with easy access from the security guard. They were setting up for the scheduled birthday party for Petunia, complete with a bouncy house in the backyard. I’d read the file, and knew why the brothers were concerned. When I reached the part about the vulnerable kid, my blood pressure rose.

  A headache formed while I watched the ease with which each vehicle passed. I glanced up at the second-story window to see a little girl sitting there in a party dress staring down at me. “I’m coming for you, sweetie.”

  I walked up the street, grabbing some flowers and balloons from the back of a delivery truck, which had the doors open showing several more bouquets. I headed straight for the security gate as if I’d already done it a million times, and no one stopped me or even questioned anything. I let out a long, hefty sigh and walked straight into the mansion and up the stairs. This security was a joke. Judging which door was Petunia’s, I slipped inside.

  “Are you the birthday girl?” I asked, trying to be as unassuming as I could.

  “I am.” The four-year-old brightly smiled.

  “Where is your security guard, sweetie?”

  “He went to the bathroom and said he’d be back in a few minutes. He told me to stay in my room.”

  “Ah.” I picked up a doll. “Would you like to play hide and seek with him?”

  “Yeah.” The four-year-old bounced up and down.

  I held out my hand. “My name is Gwen Bennett. Your uncle asked me to stay with you for a while to keep you safe.”


  I held her hand. “Let’s go hide.”

  Petunia bounced up from her spot and took my hand. “Where is your favorite spot in the whole house?”

  “The attic. They made it like a tree house for me.”

  I bit my lip, debating if we’d make it that far. The security had sucked so far, but I wasn’t sure if my luck would hold out.

  “Which room is your mommy’s?”

  Petunia pointed to an adjoining door in her room. At least that was close by and she’d
be able to hear the kid scream if there was an intruder. Putting her nearby was the first thing they’d done right.

  “How about we stay in your room and color and we’ll see how long it takes someone to come looking for you?”

  “Is that a game?”

  I nodded, took off my watch, and put it around the little girl’s wrist. I started the digital timer and moved to sit at the small desk where we both colored pretty drawings. We had each colored almost a full page together before the door opened.

  A man stood on the threshold, lipstick on his cheek and on his shirt.

  “Petunia, what are the numbers on the watch.”

  “A one and a five.” I glanced at it, reached over, and stopped the clock. Fifteen minutes they’d left this little girl unsupervised.

  “Who the hell are you?” The kid’s personal body guard growled.

  “Johnny said a bad word,” Petunia said in a singsong voice.

  “Johnny, is it?” I asked while standing. “You’re fired.”

  “Who the hell are you?” He barked. “Petunia, come stand by me.” Johnny released the strap holding his gun in the holster.

  “I’m coloring.”

  I stepped between them and slipped my phone out of my pocket. Showing it to the security guard in the event he turned trigger happy. I fired off a text and re-pocketed it, never taking my eyes off of Johnny.

  “Who the hell do you think you are, lady?” Johnny demanded.

  “I suggest you leave, Johnny. Your services are no longer required.”

  I figured out Johnny’s tell sign before he advanced. I grabbed his wrist and bent his hand in an unnatural position as I shoved him against the wall.

  “What the hell…” Carter said as he and Max stormed into the room.

  Max covered his mouth with his hand. I could have sworn that I saw a smile on his lips.

  “I fired Johnny.”

  “Who is this bitch?” Johnny growled, trying to get out of my hold. I twisted harder until he fell to his knees.

  I glanced at Max, and he raised his brow.

  “I’ve been with Petunia for fifteen minutes after walking straight into the house and into her room. This piece of…” I glanced at Petunia. “Johnny has been MIA for fifteen minutes.” I glanced at Petunia. “Show your uncles the watch, sweetie.”

  Petunia bounced up from her spot and grabbed the coloring page. She held it up. “This is how long me and Ms. Gwen have been coloring. See.” She held up the watch and the picture. “Didn’t we do a good job?”

  Carter dropped to his knees. “You did a great job, honey.”

  “Johnny, you’re fired,” Maxwell said with bitter condemnation in his voice. “Come on. I’ll show you out.”

  Carter unhooked the watch from Petunia and took my wrist. He took his time re-hooking it before running his thumb over my pulse point. It was a seductive move and so not something I’d be entertaining.

  I slipped my wrist out of his hold and continued securing the band. “I’d like to meet with your sister if she’s around.”

  “Of course. I’ll show you to the study, and then I’ll go find her.”

  I held out my hand and grabbed the coloring books and crayons. “Petunia, why don’t you come with us and you can color a picture for your mom.”

  Petunia glanced at Carter as if what I’d said was taboo.

  “Yes, Pet, you can come too.”

  We left Petunia’s room and headed for the stairs. My gaze traveled around the busy room, looking to see who might be a threat. Several of the delivery staff seemed nervous, potential threats? Had security even bothered to set up a list of who was allowed access?

  Max was walking Johnny to the door as he pleaded to stay, swearing he wouldn’t let Pet out of his sight ever again. That was a lie.

  Carter left Petunia and me in a huge office with a giant desk. I settled her in the chair and gave her the crayons before slipping my phone out of my pocket. I fired off a text to two female operatives, telling them I’d need their help. God forbid anyone else screwed up. This might be Petunia’s last birthday with the way this security detail was running.

  Carter returned with Max and a woman. So this was the infamous sister. They had the same color eyes. The same color hair. She was a younger version of the matriarch. The resemblance was uncanny.

  “Amelia Pierce.”

  I held out my hand for Amelia to shake. Amelia ignored it and marched to around the desk, grabbing Petunia from the chair. She hugged her tight and didn’t set her down.

  “Amelia, this is Gwen. She’s the one who found Johnny AWOL from his station.”

  “She colored with me, Mommy, and Johnny said bad words.”

  “Is that right, baby goose?” Amelia asked, her tone softening.

  “Uh-huh. I saw her across the street before she brought balloons to my room.”

  I clasped my hands together. “Would you guys show Petunia the bouncy house and give Amelia and me a few minutes to talk?”

  “Yay! Yay!” Petunia wiggled from her mother’s arms.

  “Does this mean you’re starting now?” Carter asked.

  “I’ve called in more detail for this party. Rose Mitchell and Cassandra Stone will be here in the next ten minutes. Please see that they don’t have any issues with your other security team and make sure one of them stays with Petunia at all times. Tell them I’ll debrief them when I’m done.”

  “Who do you think you are coming in here and barking orders?” Amelia asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

  I glanced at Carter and Max. They hadn’t told her. “How many does she know about?”

  “She’s seen the first two death threats.”

  “That’s all?”

  “What do you mean the first two?” Amelia spun toward her brothers. “Have there been more?”

  Chapter 14

  “Five,” I answered for them. “Each one more graphic than the previous. That’s why I’d like to talk to you.”

  Amelia narrowed her eyes at her brothers. “I’ll deal with you two later.”

  When they left, I gestured to one of the office chairs and sat down when Amelia did. “I wouldn’t go too hard on them. They hired me to protect you and Petunia.”

  “What are you a cop, a fed?”

  “Worse.” Gwen smiled. “I’m an operative with FDG. I’m paid and trained to handle stuff the three letter agencies won’t handle, just to name a few. There are several branches in our organization.”

  “Is this a joke?” she asked.

  “We at Fairy Damn Godmother would never joke about safety.”

  “You’re crazy,” she squeaked and rose abruptly from the chair.

  Amelia was one of those women. There were several stages in dealing with death, and from what the guys had told me, I’d been led to believe that we were past the acceptance stage. I didn’t even think she’d accepted that any of this was real. I wanted to shake sense into her, but there was only one real way to make her understand.

  “In less than five minutes from the time I arrived, I reached your daughter’s room. It took fifteen minutes before her guard returned from making out with someone on the premises. The lipstick on his cheek and collar was a dead giveaway. I’ve spotted another five entry points just from driving around the exterior of this property, Ms. Pierce. Would you like to marry your fiancé knowing that no harm will come to your daughter or yourself?”

  The color drained from the woman’s face as she stared slack-jawed back at me.

  “They aimed those death threats toward your daughter, but they were the consequences if you go through with this wedding. So, tell me, Ms. Pierce. Who in your past or in your inner circle is against your upcoming nuptials?”

  A hand covered her mouth. I was seconds away from knocking sense into her. Ms. Delany frowned upon fighting with clients, although sometimes situations called for it.

  “Dexter works for the state’s attorney office. I met him through Max.” Amelia finally eased back into her chair. �
��He’s a prosecutor. I don’t know who on his end might have it out for us.” Amelia’s eyes softened. “Only a monster would threaten my little girl, right?”

  “There are all kinds of crazy people in the world,” I said and squeezed Amelia’s hand. “No one will hurt her. You have my word.”

  Amelia nodded.

  “Now is there anyone in your inner circle that’s jealous? Maybe an ex of yours or his? It’s someone who doesn’t want to see your wedding happen. Can you think of anyone?”

  “His ex-wife and my ex-boyfriend.” She said the words as though she didn’t believe it was possible.

  Now we were getting somewhere. “I’ll need a list. If you can work on it tonight or in the morning, that would be great.”

  She nodded.

  “You should go enjoy your daughter’s birthday party. Nothing is happening to either of you today. You have my word.”

  “Fairy Damn Godmother?”

  “FDG.” I nodded.

  “That’s a stupid name.”

  “You might not think so when I’m spreading my magical fairy dust and stomping my crystal shoes into an assailant's face.”


  I huddled with Rose and Cassandra in the yard, keeping Petunia in my sight as we discussed the next plan of action. Retraining security was the priority. The gaps in their system would be closed before my head even hit a pillow. Max and Carter were mingling with the crowd of grownups while the children played. I patted Rose on the arm and smiled. “Cassandra, you’re on kid detail. Rose, you’ve got Amelia. I’ll be on the comm if you need me, but I really need to speak with the Pierce brothers.”

  “That’s a security detail I’d like to take.” Cassandra winked.

  I rolled my eyes, met Carter and Max’s gazes, and gestured with my head toward the house.

  “Give them hell, honey,” Rose said.

  I planned to do just that. I walked into the house and away from the crowd. I headed into the kitchen, where I cleared out the staff. We now had privacy and could still watch the party.


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