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A Knight With Mercy - an Assassin Knights novel

Page 14

by O’Donnell, Laurel

  “You would kill her in retribution for the sin I committed?” Richard’s hands tightened around the hilt of the sword.

  “You will not win. Sinners are not victorious,” the bishop proclaimed.

  A dull clunk. The bishop loosened his hold and Mercy shoved the staff from her neck, ducking out of the bishop’s hold. She stumbled forward into Richard’s waiting arms and looked back at the bishop.

  The bishop was on one knee and Rafe stood behind him with the heavy cross from the altar in his hands.

  The bishop turned to Rafe as Richard took a step forward.

  Rafe lifted the cross again and smashed it against the bishop’s face. Bishop Devdan dropped to the ground.

  Richard raced to Rafe and stood before him protectively. He stared at the bishop on the ground, his sword at the ready.

  The golden staff rolled from the bishop’s fingertips down the stairs and across the stone floor until it came to a stop in the middle of the room.

  Mercy ran to Rafe and pulled him against her, holding him tightly. The boy struggled for a moment and then his shoulders slumped. He began to sob quietly, trembling as he stared at the bishop’s body.

  The cross fell from his hands to land softly on the floor.

  Mercy turned Rafe from the grisly sight and murmured soft words to him as she steered him across the room. She glanced back at Richard, horrified and relieved.

  “It’s alright,” he whispered. “We need to get out of here.”

  Mercy nodded and began toward the door. They would have to go out the front door. Richard would never fit through the small opening in the crypts.

  Richard followed them.

  Mercy glanced back to see Richard standing over the bishop, glaring at him with a snarl.

  “With any luck, they’ll say I did this. I’ll gladly take the blame,” he said.

  The bishop’s white robe was stained with red. A trickle of blood was beginning to flow down the stairs. “Not all men of the cloth are holy,” Richard whispered. “Monsters come in all forms.”

  “Richard,” she called.

  He lifted his gaze from the bishop and looked at her. The twisted repulsion left his face as he stared at her, dissolving into wonder and appreciation. He hurried after them.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Their escape was tricky. Richard didn’t fit through the hole, so they had to walk out the front door. They used the disguise of monks wearing robes, to cover Mercy and Richard. Surprisingly, no one stopped them. They walked out the front door, through the wards, and since the sun had risen and the gates were open, through the front gates.

  They retrieved their horses and collected the boys. Then proceeded to Goodmont.

  As night set, Mercy sat beneath a tree, gazing at Kit who slept beside her. She was so grateful and relieved that he was unhurt and at her side again. It was all because of Richard. She would never have escaped if it weren’t for him. Joy and contentment blossomed inside of her.

  Kit was safe. It felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She reached out and brushed a strand of hair from his forehead. Her stare shifted to the other children stretched out on the hard ground. Some slept alone, arms stretched out, some huddled with other children. They had saved all of them.

  She lifted her stare to Richard who sat opposite her. He was staring at the manacles that still bound his wrists, his brow furrowed in contemplation.

  A fond, proud grin slid over her face. If it wasn’t for him, they would still be prisoners of the bishop. He had rescued all of them, her more than the rest. She had been lost without Kit, afraid and alone. She suddenly realized this was the first time they were not planning an escape or hurrying the children to a safe place. They were safe. Desire to be near him, to touch his strong body, filled her like a deep breath of air.

  He turned to her as if she had called him.

  Flames erupted inside of her. She wanted to kiss him and stroke him and touch him.

  As if reading her thoughts, he stood and held a hand to her. His manacles clinked. One of the children turned.

  Mercy rose quickly, before she woke any of the children, and crossed to him. When she took his hand, he led her just a few steps from the children but still within sight of them.

  She gazed up at his face, so perfectly chiseled, so tempting. “I never got to thank you.”

  He brushed a thumb along her cheekbone. “No, you didn’t.”

  She grinned, remembering the time he said that to her. Her response had been the same as his. Tingles danced along her skin, following his fingertips. “You came back for us.”

  He grinned. “Of course. I’m not really a brute.” His gaze softened and longing filled his stare. “Lord, Mercy. When I heard Devdan had you, I thought my world was done. I had no choice but to help you. I had to see you safe.”

  Mercy slipped her arms around his waist, stepping in until their bodies touched. “I’m glad you did.”

  Richard lifted his manacled arms and she ducked beneath them.

  “We really have to do something about those shackles,” she said. “When we get to Goodmont, Frederick will free you.”

  His gaze swept her face with hunger before he dipped his head to claim her lips.

  The heated stroke of his lips sent waves of desire pounding through her. She held him close, giving in to his kiss, exploring his mouth with hers.

  He groaned and pulled away. “Lord, Mercy. You drive me wild. I want all of you.”

  “We’ll be alone soon enough,” she promised.

  “I plan to honor my vow of having you in a heartbeat.” He caressed her back, drawing her against his hardness. “But I will wait until the children are safe and we are alone.”

  A slight sigh escaped her lips. She couldn’t wait.

  Mercy held Kit tightly as they led their horses down the dirt road. The children ran around the horses with an abundance of energy and excitement. They were close to Goodmont.

  Richard took up the rear, guarding all of them. He felt like the Pied Piper, leading the children. Of course, he was not leading them to death but to hope. What a group. How he, an excommunicated knight, had found himself responsible for so many children, he could not fathom.

  His gaze found Mercy as she set Kit down. The child scampered away to chase another boy.

  She watched her boy for a moment before locking gazes with Richard.

  He grinned at her, the heat sizzling between them. She swayed her hips and he knew she felt it also. She continued down the road.

  He wondered if she would settle in the town again. He knew he would do anything to make her love him as he did her. He’d come to appreciate not only her beauty, but her mind. She had rescued the boys. Without him. Every time he thought of it, it brought a smile of disbelief to his lips.

  Rafe hurried down the road and then raced back. “Do you think my mum will recognize me?” Then he rushed down the lane again.

  Mercy smiled.

  Rafe was a wonderful boy, and Richard would have been happy to have him as a son. The boy had proven himself to be a fighter. And a survivor. He was sure part of Rafe’s attack on the bishop had been hatred for what the bishop had done to him.

  As they topped the small hill, Mercy lifted her chin. She was no longer afraid to return to the village. Still, Richard saw the way her eyes hardened and her jaw clenched. This could never be her home.

  The sun rose high in the sky as they approached the first field. A woman working in the long stalks of wheat looked up as the group approached.

  Rafe froze. The boy had wanted to return home. Mercy insisted he be their first stop. He turned to look at Mercy.

  She nodded encouragement.

  Rafe walked slowly toward the woman as the group stopped in the road. It had been four years, four long horrible years for Rafe and his mother.

  Mercy reached out and Richard took her hand, sensing how nervous she was for Rafe.

  The woman came forward to greet them, wiping a strand of dark
hair from her forehead. She held a basket on her hip. “Can I help ya?” She squinted in recognition. “Mercy, is that you?”

  Rafe paused just feet from her. “Mum?” His voice wavered.

  The woman looked him over from head to foot, and scowled. She glanced at Mercy and then Rafe again. Slowly, realization dawned on her face and her eyes widened in surprise.

  “Rafe?” She took a tentative step forward. “Rafe?” She dropped the basket and ran to him, enfolding him in a tight embrace.

  Richard grinned at the sight. Relief filled him. His mother welcomed Rafe. It could have been much worse. Like Thomas’s mother who never wanted him and sold him to the bishop. But Rafe’s mother welcomed him joyfully.

  Richard tugged Mercy on. The rest of the children grew anxious to see their own families.

  “Mercy!” Rafe’s mother called.

  Tingles danced down Richard’s spine. Would she condemn Mercy now?

  As Mercy hesitated, Rafe’s mother came forward and embraced her. “Thank you! May God bless ya ever more. Thank you!”

  They continued on into the village.

  Frederick the blacksmith removed the manacles without question. He told them Bishop Devdan was dead. Word had travelled quickly. Some mourned him, some rejoiced. He had been murdered, but they didn’t know who did it.

  Neither Richard or Mercy commented, and the group moved on. The scene was replayed over and over as they returned the children. All of them except for Luke and Thomas. Kit and Luke played behind the horses, running and chasing each other while Thomas drew in the dirt of the road.

  Mercy stared at them for a long moment.

  Richard moved up to her side. “They will live with us.”

  “Us?” Mercy asked, shocked.

  Richard balked. He ran a hand through his hair. “I just… Where else…?”

  “Why would you want to live with me?”

  Richard’s eyes widened in surprise. “Do you have someone else you want to live with?”

  She shook her head. “I just assumed –”

  “You are amazing. And stubborn. And dedicated. And so damned lovely.” His gaze swept her face, and then a scowl came to his lips. “The question is do you want to live with me?”

  She stepped closer to him so that their bodies were just touching. “After what you did?”

  He dropped his head in embarrassment. He had committed a crime against the church that would send any woman in her right mind running in the other direction. He couldn’t blame her. He had believed he was doing the right thing, the king’s order. He would take it back if he could. But he couldn’t. “I’m sorry for what I did.”

  “You shouldn’t be! You were magnificent. If it wasn’t for you, I would still be the bishop’s prisoner.”

  His eyebrows rose in shock and he finally saw the teasing smile on her shapely lips.

  “I know what you did. And you have more than redeemed yourself in my eyes. You saved us. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

  Richard shrugged. “You could ask for someone with more coin. Or perhaps someone who isn’t hated by almost every villager in the realm.”

  “Almost every villager. But not by me.” She took his hand into hers. “I’ve found you rather attractive since the first moment I saw you.”

  Richard grinned. “You thought I was handsome.”

  “I thought you were very handsome. The most handsome man I’ve ever seen.”

  “It must have been the bruises on my face. Or my swollen lip.” She brushed a lock of hair from his forehead. “Mercy. I would have you as my wife but think on your decision. I am a wanted man.”

  “I am a wanted woman.”

  “Wanted only by me. They know nothing of your part in the bishop’s death. You are still innocent.”

  “I am far from innocent.”

  “I will take you with me to Knaresborough Castle. We will be safe there. Hugh is a friend.” He framed her face in his hands. “I love you, Mercy.”

  “Are you certain?” she asked hesitantly.

  “More than anything in my life. Can you open your heart to a man like me?”

  “I already have. I love you with all my heart.” She stood on the tips of her toes to press a kiss to his lips.

  When she would have ended the kiss, Richard bent and held her close, deepening the kiss. Lord, he loved her. How had he become so lucky? She had shown him what forgiveness was. She had shown him mercy.

  The End


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  Thank you for reading Mercy and Richard’s story. I hope you enjoyed the tale of powerful love overcoming such dark evil. I have many more exciting novels for you to read, so please join me on my adventures into the medieval era!

  A Knight With Mercy is Book 2 in the Assassin Knight’s series.

  Pick up A Knight With Grace, Book 1 in the Assassin Knight’s series.

  Stay tuned for the Book 3 coming soon! You can stay up to date with all of my releases by joining my newsletter!

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  A Knight With Grace

  A Knight With Grace - Book 1 in the Assassin Knights series!

  She prays for a knight. He searches for forgiveness. Can he find redemption in her arms?

  Lady Grace Willoughby defies her father’s orders to marry Sir William de Tracy and escapes with a friend. She has no intention of wedding a cursed man, a man ostracized from the church, a man who would only doom any future children they might have to the fires of Hell. She prays for a knight to rescue her.

  Excommunicated and outcast for a horrible crime in his past, Sir William de Tracy searches for forgiveness. Marriage has never crossed his mind until Lord Willoughby commissions him to retrieve his fleeing daughter and honor the dying wish of his father by marrying Grace.

  But things are not as they seem. And when an assassin tries to kill Grace, William must choose between his soul and the woman he has come to love. Can William and Grace overcome their past and find the redemption and love both are so desperately seeking?

  Available now on Amazon!

  About Laurel O'Donnell

  Critically acclaimed and bestselling author Laurel O'Donnell has won numerous awards for her works, including the Holt Medallion for A Knight of Honor, the Happily Ever After contest for Angel's Assassin, and the Indiana's Golden Opportunity contest for Immortal Death. The Angel and the Prince was nominated by the Romance Writers of America for their prestigious Golden Heart award.

  When not writing, you can often find her lounging with her five cats or researching ideas online for the next book. She loves to visit the Renaissance Faire, spend time with family and hear from her readers.

  She finds precious time every day to escape into the medieval world and bring her characters to life in her writing.

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  Please visit Laurel at her website for the latest information about upcoming releases, contests, and to contact her.

  Thank you for reading!

  More Books by Laurel O'Donnell

  Medieval Romance Boxed Sets!

  Heroic Tales of Medieval Romance

  Heroic Tales of Medieval Romance on Amazon

  Heroic Tales of Medieval Romance contains four full-length medieval romance novels! My Noble Knight, Midnight Shadow, The Lady and the Falconer, and A Knight of Honor.

  Legends of Medieval Romance - The Complete Angel Assassin's Trilogy

  Legends of Medieval Romance contains the complete Angel's Assassin collection, including Angel's Assassin, Cherished Protector of Her H
eart, and Beloved in His Eyes.

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  Medieval Romance Novels

  My Noble Knight

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