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Bad Lover

Page 7

by Sarah Michelle Lynch

  “I will be, honey. Don’t worry.”

  Somehow, she would have to be.

  A handful of blissful days followed, but then it was time to go back to work. She’d heard nothing from Mikey since the last time she saw him and assumed he’d put his resignation on her desk, although her PA hadn’t emailed to say she’d seen it.

  She got stuck into work early but it wasn’t long before he entered her office unannounced, asking, “Can we talk?”


  He closed the door behind him and handed her a piece of paper. On it were some typed words, and all it said was: I’m not leaving. The end. Deal with it.

  She tried not to react but it was difficult. “What does this mean?”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  She tried to call his bluff. “If you want to stay, stay. But it is over between us, okay?”

  “Fine,” he said, “so you wouldn’t be interested in the videos on my phone, then?”

  She stared at him hard, warning him not to push her. “You’re bluffing.”

  “Nope,” he said.

  He passed over his phone and there were numerous videos of himself plunging his cock into her body. She felt sick. How did she get herself into this situation? She had no idea.

  “They’re saved to my cloud.”

  She said nothing, her silence telling him all he needed to know. She would never be prevailed upon to be his girlfriend… ever.

  He was after money.

  “What do you want?” she asked him.

  “One last night of fucking and twenty grand. Then we’re quits.”

  “Done. Now, get the fuck out.”

  He rose from his chair, in shock, and slowly turned and left her office.

  This guy would never go away. Not truly. He would always be a problem.

  He’d be there, in the back of her mind, always there…

  There was nothing anyone could see on those tapes aside from his cock and her arse, which was always the focus of his lens, it seemed.

  Isaac would recognise her arse because of the familiar freckles, but nobody else would know it was her or that they’d used her office to have sex inside. All Mikey had ever wanted to capture was the way his cock filled her and the shape of her bottom against his body.

  What a sick little fucker.

  He knew nothing of love.

  A plan began forming in the back of her mind… and eventually, she knew what to do.

  At the end of the working day, once everyone had left but them, Mikey entered her office already pulling down his zipper. She saw a brief flash of his cock before she turned her head and announced, “We’re going elsewhere tonight. Let’s make the last one special, shall we?”

  “Even better,” he said, zipping back up.

  She cleared her desk, shoving things into bags and carrying it all under her arms towards the door, including her overnight bag. Mark was waiting outside by the kerb and gave a funny look when he spotted Mikey tagging along.

  “Could you please take me to the East End,” Anabel asked once they were seated inside the vehicle. “To that place, you know which one? Where my friend Susan likes to go?”

  Mark gulped and looked over his shoulder, gesturing slightly at Mikey, whose gaze was on the world outside. Anabel nodded slowly and Mark didn’t question her further.

  She smoothed down the front of her blouse and knew she had no other choice.

  When they got to the club it was early, around eight.

  Mark made himself scarce and someone on the door looked at Anabel like she was mad.

  “Are you a member?” the bouncer said.

  “I’m a guest of Susan.”

  The bouncer straightened up suddenly. “Okay. Let me check. And your name?”


  There couldn’t have been another Anabel in Susan’s life, surely.

  Mikey stood beside her, unsure, but something about the back alley and the stirring music inside had excited him enough to want to know more.

  The bouncer came back and nodded. “Welcome. Mind how you go.”

  They entered the club and found themselves absorbed by severe red walls and black ceilings. Everything was terrifying.

  Once they were inside the club proper, they stood in a corner and watched while couples had sex in front of them. Most of the men were tied up on chairs or against wall racks or in chains, being ridden or sucked or whatever their partners desired.

  Eventually, Mikey did the obvious thing and unzipped his jeans, masturbating to the things he was seeing. He tried to touch Anabel and get her to join in, but she said they would enjoy it all later, once they’d spent time absorbing the scene.

  At ten o’clock almost, Susan finally arrived and homed in on Anabel, wrapping her arms around her and kissing her on both cheeks. It seemed Susan could be tactile, if only for the purpose of making her potential suitors jealous or horny. Mikey certainly perked up even more when he saw Susan and Anabel looking so friendly.

  “Suze, this is Mikey. Mikey, this is Suze.”

  Susan licked her lips. “A present for me, darling?”

  “Yes,” said Anabel. “All yours. To dispose of, if you will.”

  Anabel turned and looked at Mikey, who either didn’t hear what she said or really didn’t care.

  “Wonderful,” Susan exclaimed. “Let’s get to it. Follow me.”

  Mikey and Anabel trailed behind Susan who led them into a darker, deeper part of the club, where it was quieter and there was just them. They entered a room with only a wooden chair in the centre and Susan gestured for Mikey to sit down. Then Susan locked the metal door shut and said, “Wait there,” to Mikey, who grinned excitedly as he obeyed.

  Susan took Anabel to a corner, whispering, “What happened?”

  “Won’t fuck off out of my life.”

  It was strange that the women hadn’t seen each other in two years but somehow, Susan knew what Anabel was there for and Anabel knew what Susan could do for her.

  Susan looked thoughtful but not perturbed in the slightest.

  “Can you help me?”

  “Of course, darling.” Susan rocked her head back and forth, thinking. “Just one moment, Mikey.” She raised her voice when he began to question if he needed to get undressed.

  “What are you going to do?” Anabel was impatient to know.

  “The question is, what does he have?”

  “Videos… maybe more. He wants money but that’s not the problem. He won’t go away. I know he won’t. Unless…”

  Susan licked her lips. “He has something to distract him?”

  “He looks a tiny bit like Adam, no? Except for the brown eyes and slightly crappy hair.”

  Susan eyed him up. “He’s ripe and utterly repulsive. I’ll take him.”

  Susan turned on her heel and removed her long, black coat to reveal her Jessica Rabbit outfit beneath. She walked to Mikey and commanded, “You may strip now.”

  Anabel watched as Mikey got naked quicker than she’d ever seen him undress. He stood with his arms behind his back, cock pointed at the ceiling, proud of himself.

  Susan circled him like he was prey, then she patted the chair. “Sit down, let us begin.”

  Susan gestured at Anabel to shoo, but Anabel asked, “What about the videos?”

  “Mikey, would you please delete all the videos of Anabel, including from your cloud, and whatever else you have… or else I can’t fully relax?”

  “What, no! No!” he exclaimed.

  “Do you want this or not?” Susan bellowed, scaring not only Mikey, but Anabel too.

  “Fine, fine.”

  Anabel wondered if everyone should have a friend like Susan. Someone so beautiful and seductive, men would do anything to get closer.

  “Here, check,” Mikey said, handing Anabel his phone.

  She scanned the device, found nothing.

  He’d even deleted his ‘recently deleted’ files. All his backed-up files were just pictures of family a
nd friends. No porn remained.

  “Good,” said Anabel, and as she was turning from the room, she caught sight of a shiny pair of handcuffs slipping out of Susan’s grip.

  “Now, who’s been a naughty, naughty boy?” she asked, fastening them around Mikey’s wrists.

  “I must have been,” Mikey said, “so naughty. But maybe a bit of titty would make me all better.”

  “No, bad Mikey. Bad.”

  Susan stamped on his balls and he cried out, “What the—”

  Susan nodded for Anabel to leave the premises.

  She walked back to her car where Mark was waiting for her by the door, ready should anything untoward have taken place.

  “What did you do with him?” Mark asked.

  “Oh, a fate worse than death awaits him.”

  Mark raised his eyebrows in that way of his.

  “Never liked that cunt,” Mark said, once they were inside the vehicle, “he’d ask me to drive him to meetings and then he’d come out of somewhere two hours later stinking of pussy and high as a kite.”

  “I very much doubt we shall see him again, or if we do, he will be chastened.”

  “Hopefully someone suffocates him. Cunt.”

  Anabel appreciated the fatherly concern and grinned to herself as she was driven to her hotel. Tomorrow she would go back home to Isaac and it would be a fresh start.

  The Diabolical Truth

  Nobody knows what they’re truly capable of until they love someone. That applied to how Isaac felt about Susan.

  When he started going out with Anabel, he knew she would probably end up becoming his wife. Beautiful, an entrepreneur, great body and not a bitch… he really thought his luck had come in.

  Then he met her best friend, Susan.

  It was at a function one night in London, many years ago.

  It was Anabel’s invite that had brought Susan down to London.

  Susan who was single, at that time.

  Isaac knew the ladies liked him but he never thought he stood a chance with Susan, who was way out of his league. Anabel was a hot woman, but Susan… she screamed something more.

  He knew instantly what it was.


  Anabel would be the woman he would marry, but tragic women had always affected him.

  At the function that September evening, they swapped numbers. Susan was a media manager and was always looking for investors while he was in hedge funds and knew a lot about a lot. He didn’t think Anabel would mind if they swapped numbers. It was good that they should get on.

  Texts started a week or two later. She contacted him first with pleasantries, and he thought it was just friendly, then she asked for a meeting to discuss potential investments. He felt uncomfortable with it at first, so initially declined.

  Then she texted him about a work retreat at a spa in Essex and asked if he wouldn’t like to have tea and discuss money, as she put it.

  Well, they never discussed money.

  She wasn’t on a work retreat. It was just her.

  They fucked in her hotel suite for three days straight. Isaac called in sick to work and phoned Anabel to say he’d had to visit a mate who’d fallen ill and would be back home soon. It was reckless and crazy. He’d never called in sick a day in his life.

  It was nothing more than sex, at least at first.

  For some reason, as their secret meetings increased and the sex became more violent – her demanding thrashings from him – he fell massively head over heels.

  It went on for two years before, one evening, she rolled over in a hotel bed at a Midlands spa and told him, “I’m getting married.”

  He could hardly believe it. He hadn’t even imagined she was seeing someone.

  “Why?” he asked, baffled.

  “He loves me and I love him.”

  “So what are we?” he exclaimed.

  “An illness,” she told him. “My way of making sure Anabel is never happy. You have no idea what it’s like when all your friends are happy and you aren’t. It’s intolerable.”

  He left without another word and she didn’t fight to get him back – until a month before the wedding, when she called and asked him if they could meet.

  Like a sap, he visited the same spa hotel they’d used dozens of times before. She’d told Adam she was going for R&R before the wedding, but that wasn’t true.

  Isaac knew it would be the last time and he fucked her savagely, in the arse, in her mouth, like a prostitute. The way she needed to be fucked, he knew. And he loved her for it, the way she took him, never complained and entertained whatever whim he presented her with. She got off on it as well and allowed herself to be filled in every orifice he requested.

  They barely spoke a word those few days. It was all sex.

  He turned up at her wedding just days later, pretended he was okay with it, but had to leave early, telling Anabel he had to get back to London to deal with an emergency at work. She was happy to leave early with him, and after that, he vowed to put that other woman out of his mind.

  Until she called… almost eighteen months later.

  “What the hell do you want?” he groaned down the line, hating himself for feeling excited at the prospect of hearing her voice.

  “I’m going through some shit with Adam and need an outlet. A spa weekend, perhaps.”

  “When?” was his only question.

  They met, again.


  She cried that time, told him all about the IVF, described herself as barren and a pointless excuse of a woman. She rambled on about all the dreadful things she’d done to try and make it happen and he fell even more deeply, recognising she was broken, fucked-up and a victim.

  Then she told him she was going to end her marriage soon because she loved Adam and he wanted a child but she knew she could never, ever give him one from her body. She admitted she loved him enough to leave him.

  Isaac was devastated and wanted to take her abroad, wrap her up in his arms somewhere and make it all go away.

  But he knew she loved this Adam… the same way Anabel loved him.

  He vowed never to see Susan again. She was bad for him. She’d never love him back.

  All he was to her was an outlet. Nothing more.

  Still, he couldn’t forget her.

  He even struggled not to think about her whenever he fucked Anabel.

  He stopped trying to fuck his girlfriend because of the guilt, yes, but also because of the way in which Susan had become so deeply entrenched in his every thought, every breath… every moment of existence.

  When Susan arrived in London after separating from Adam, then requested a meeting with Anabel and freaked him the hell out, Isaac acted fast to try and get Susan’s attention. Make her jealous.

  But it hadn’t worked.

  The damage she’d intended was done.

  Isaac would forever love the tragic woman… the ghost… the shadow he once thought he knew.

  She’d disposed of him, like trash. He knew he was unlikely not alone in this.

  If ever she clicked her fingers in future, he would go running. Just like that.

  He was doomed to yearn for something invisible, impossible.

  She’d marked him.

  Two years into their marriage, Anabel took her own life and he realised, even then, Susan had no sympathy for him. No heart. None. Never had. Never would. Her suicide came not long after Anabel’s ex-employee Mikey turned up dead, overdosed on something… the guy Isaac had long suspected of having a thing for his wife. The two deaths were definitely connected.

  Isaac stood there numb, dead almost, clutching his child in his arms as Anabel was lowered into the ground.

  As the crowds cleared and he was left alone to stare at the mud-splattered box, he felt one lone figure watching him, someone who’d stayed behind.

  His son slept soundly in his arms but he almost dropped him when he saw Susan, blank-faced and ghoulish. Then as he began to cry, a tiny smirk appeared on her face�

  …and he knew that in the same way the day would always turn to night, Susan was responsible.

  She’d got what she wanted.

  Pity, he thought, that it had taken this to cure him of his infatuation.

  To be continued…

  The Bad Series continues with


  Check out all of Sarah’s titles here

  Thank You

  I really hope you enjoyed this book and that you will visit Amazon or Goodreads to show it some love with a review. What I can promise you as this series progresses is that you will be hooked, shocked and surprised as we venture further into these people’s lives.

  I wrote these books to be binged, to be enjoyed, to be devoured and re-read as you come to discover more and more about everyone involved.

  I promise a journey you will never forget.

  Sarah x

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