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Vampire: A Dark Protectors/Rebels Novella

Page 6

by Rebecca Zanetti

  Tabi sat on his bed, her legs crossed at the ankles of shiny boots. Her white-blond hair was wet from the rain, but a raincoat had been placed over the deckchair, so at least she wasn’t getting the bed wet. The window remained open to show the darkened night. “You smelled off earlier today, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it.” Her black eyes appraised him. “You’re still off. Like an ill human. I’m confused.”

  Well. All he needed was to deal with a confused and slightly crazy demoness. “Where’s your mate?” he asked, looking toward the darkened night.

  “Right here.” Evan came into view through the window, standing right outside. “I was scouting the area and didn’t feel comfortable infiltrating your bedroom.” He gave his mate a look.

  Raine couldn’t help the grin. “I appreciate the kindness, Evan. Want to tell me what your mate is doing on my bed?”

  Tabi sighed. “What’s wrong with you? Vampires don’t get sick, and neither do demons, and yet…” She delicately sniffed the air and then her gaze pinpointed on his neck. “I’ll read your mind if I have to, but I’ll need to attack it to get in. Sure you want me to do that?”

  Evan put his hand on the sill as rain dropped onto his hair. “There will be no demon mind attacks, Tabitha.”

  The demoness pouted.

  Raine smiled his thanks at his friend. Oh, it wasn’t as if Tabi had an obedient bone in her body. Rather, Evan had the ability to shield his mind and others from a mind attack, and apparently he was willing to do so for Raine. “I appreciate it. Sure am glad you mated the demoness here. How’s immortality going for you, E?” When an enhanced human mated an immortal, their chromosomal pairs increased to immortality. An enhanced human male was a feared anomaly because of the sudden strength and power.

  Evan shrugged. “I feel better than I did as human, but I did accidentally break a window by sneezing the other day.”

  Tabi sighed. “We’re keeping him under wraps to avoid the multitude of assassins that would come out of the woodwork. I swear, I had no idea it was so rare to find somebody like Evan. But we’re handling it, just like we’ll handle whatever is going on with you. Start talking, Raine.”

  “Can’t. Blood oath,” he said quietly, knowing a demon would back off.

  “Too bad. I can smell illness, and that makes zero sense,” she returned, power all but cascading from her. “I will fry your mind.”

  Evan sighed. “No, you won’t. I already have him shielded, so stop pushing against my mind. It isn’t nice, Tab. If Raine wants privacy, we’re going to give it to him.”

  Yep. Even as a deadly emerging immortal, the ex-cop was a good guy. Raine forced a smile. “I’m fine, Tabi. If and when I need help, I will call you immediately. Right now, I have to keep my vow of silence. Besides, there isn’t anything else you can do.” He glanced pointedly at his watch. “It’s after midnight, and I need sleep.” Mariana had gone to bed at least an hour or so before. “Thanks for visiting.”

  Tabi crossed her arms over her chest. “I am not leaving until you tell us what’s going on.”

  Raine didn’t want to fight with her, and he really didn’t want to take on Evan right now. “Later, Tabs. Give me some time.”

  Evan motioned her toward the window. “All right, sweetheart. Give the guy a break.” He looked at the wall behind Raine. “Any luck with the stalker?”

  “No. He sent more roses today but used an online form. The IP address traced back to the local library.” Raine was going to owe more favors after the ones he’d called in today, but he was fine with that. “I had a friend hack into the surveillance system at the library, and turns out there isn’t one.”

  Evan’s eyebrows lifted. “When I become sheriff, I’ll start taking a look at surveillance in town. We need some CCTV in areas like that, just to keep people safe.”

  Tabi sat up. “So the stalker guy is here. Good. Let’s find him and rip off his head.”

  “That’s my plan,” Raine agreed. Mariana had turned an alarming pale shade when the roses had arrived. “She’s scared, and I don’t know how to reassure her that she’ll be okay.” Especially since now she knew that his time was limited. “I want to tell her about me, about us, but…”

  Tabi bit her lip. “You can’t unless you mate her. I’ve seen the mating mark on your hand. What’s the problem?” When a demon met his or her mate, their marking appeared so it could transfer during the mating.

  The problem was that he was dying and he couldn’t ask her to give up her life so he could live.

  “Tabi—enough,” Evan said. “Let’s go. It’s starting to rain harder.”

  Tabi turned her gaze on her mate through the open window. “You’re immortal now. Rain won’t hurt you.”

  “Tabs.” Evan’s gaze darkened. “Let’s. Go.”

  Interesting. While Tabi had the strength of her species, Evan was unreal. It’d be interesting to see them wrestle a bit, because Evan would probably win. However, he was still concerned and careful with his newfound strength, and Tabi would definitely take advantage of that. Raine changed his mind. He didn’t want to see them destroy Mariana’s house. “Thank you for your concern, and I will definitely be in touch.”

  Tabi rolled her eyes but at least got off his bed and headed for the window. “I’m not done with this.”

  Evan lifted her out. “I didn’t think you were.” He looked back at Raine. “I’ve gotten you a brief reprieve. Good luck.” He shut the window and they disappeared.

  Luck? There was no such thing.

  * * * *

  A loud bang jerked Mariana from a nightmare where white roses drowned her. She sat up, gasping. Another bang, this one an explosion, ripped through the night.

  Her door flew open. “Mariana?” Raine stood there, outlined by the faint light from the kitchen.

  Another explosion boomed, and something hit the side of the house.

  She jumped out of bed and ran toward him. “What is going on?”

  He slipped a gun into her hand and drew her into the living room, pulling them toward the front door. Keeping her behind him, he opened it.

  Heat and the sound of crackling fire hit her first. “Raine?” She held the gun in her right hand and placed her left against his warm and bare back.

  “It’s my truck.” He stepped out onto the porch and looked around before lifting his head and sniffing. “I don’t see or sense anybody near.” He paused and didn’t move for several seconds, watching whatever was right in front of him. Sirens sounded in the distance.

  She slipped to his side to see spirals of fire and smoke coming from inside his silver truck, which was parked at the curb. Silver paint bubbled on the outside door, and the hood crashed open with another explosion.

  Raine turned and covered her as heat washed over them.

  Tires skidded to a stop outside. Mariana peered around him to see two firetrucks followed by several other emergency vehicles.

  “Go get dressed,” Raine said, prodding her toward her bedroom. “Whoever did this is gone. Just hurry.”

  She turned and ran into her bedroom, yanking on jeans and a sweater before securing her hair into a ponytail. Male voices were already mingling when she made her way back to the living room, where Raine sat on her sofa with Sheriff Baker and his son in the chairs across the coffee table.

  The sheriff looked up when she entered. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded and took the vacant seat by Raine. “Yes.” Then she angled her neck to see out the window where the firefighters were just rolling up the hoses. Smoke still poured from the demolished truck. “Is the fire out?”

  “Yes,” Raine said, feeling solid and strong next to her. He’d pulled on jeans earlier but was still bare chested without socks.

  The door opened and the fire marshal poked his head in. “Looks like a couple of Molotov cocktails though the driver’s side window. Saw remains of burned glass on the floor, and we’ll have our expert out here to take a look soon.”

  “Thanks,” the sheriff said
, his gaze remaining on her. “Mr. Maxwell? Is there anything you’d like to tell us?”

  Raine arched one eyebrow. “Considering somebody just bombed my truck, I was hoping you’d have some insight. Sheriff.”

  “Who are your enemies?” the sheriff barked.

  “Don’t have any,” Raine barked right back.

  Johnny kept staring at Mariana, and his beady eyes had narrowed more than usual. “Isn’t it a crime to sleep with one of your patients, Dr. Lopez?” He emphasized the title with just enough derision that Mariana’s temper slid into the fear and confusion.

  “Watch it, junior,” Raine said, the implicit warning all the more frightening for how quiet his voice remained. “I threw you against a wall once, and I’m more than happy to do it again.”

  Johnny didn’t look away from Mariana. Apparently the guy wasn’t smart enough to keep his focus on the biggest threat.

  The sheriff hitched himself up. “Was that a threat against a law enforcement officer?”

  Mariana hastened to stop the oncoming disaster. “Sheriff, I have a stalker, as you know. I’m sure this bombing was an attack by him. Have you contacted the Dallas police force?”

  “I have, and they’re sending copies of the casefile tomorrow,” the sheriff said. “However, since this bombing was against Mr. Maxwell, we really need to look at any enemies he no doubt has.”

  “Nope. Everyone loves me,” Raine said, extending his arm along the back of the sofa and resting his hand on Mariana’s shoulder in a move that spoke volumes. His fingers tapped against her neck as if he had every right to do so while his expression remained casual and rather amused.

  Both the sheriff and his son looked pointedly at the hand on her shoulder.

  She wanted to tell them all to get lost, but at the moment, she’d take Raine’s support over either of theirs. Especially since she didn’t understand this illness of his. Would it attack suddenly? Were there actual attacks? She should’ve asked more questions the night before, but he was so good at deflecting. Was he embarrassed to be ill? He sure didn’t look embarrassed.

  “Well?” Johnny asked.

  Crap. She hadn’t been listening. “Well what?” she asked.

  The sheriff frowned. “I offered to take you into protective custody. Just you and right now.”

  “She’s staying here,” Raine said quietly. “I can protect her.”

  “Obviously not,” Johnny sneered.

  Raine smiled, and the sight was nowhere near pleasant. “Trust me. She’s a lot safer with me than you two boobs.”

  And he just called the lawmen boobs? Mariana had the insane urge to laugh, so she cleared her throat. The only thing she knew about Molotov cocktails was from watching television, but obviously they caused a big fire. What if the person had thrown the bomb inside her house? Maybe she should get out of town, but this guy had found her once, and no doubt he’d do it again.

  She did feel safer with Raine at her house. “Nobody knows Raine is here, so this has to be about me. The guy sent more roses today, so he knows where I live and obviously is watching the house.” The idea made her want to puke.

  The sheriff leaned toward her. “I can take you somewhere safe.”

  “So can I,” Raine said. “She’s safe with me, Sheriff. Why don’t you go find her stalker?”

  The sheriff stared intently. “Where were you when the bomb went off, Mariana?”

  “I was sleeping in my bedroom.” She chewed on her bottom lip and shivered.

  “And you?” The sheriff turned to Raine.

  Raine pulled her closer against his side. “I was sleeping in the guest room.”

  The sheriff looked from one to the other of them. “So it’s possible you created this entire situation and Mariana would have no clue. Right?”

  “I did not bomb my own truck,” Raine spoke slowly.

  “Why don’t I believe you?” The sheriff shook his head. “Mariana, please trust me. Get away from this man.”

  She only had a second to go with her gut, and she shook her head. “I’m fine. He isn’t the stalker.” God, she hoped her instincts were on track this time.

  What if she was wrong?

  Chapter 8

  The anger rushing through Raine’s veins actually burned. This stalker, whoever he was, had dared to bomb the truck with Mariana very close inside the house. Oh, Raine had planned to find the guy, teach him a lesson, and then turn him over to the law. Now he just wanted to cut off the bastard’s head.

  “I’m sorry about your truck,” Mariana murmured, handing him a glass of wine and retaking her seat on the sofa. Now that the sheriff and his imbecile of a son had gone, the atmosphere in the room no longer was filled with tension.

  “I don’t care about the truck.” Raine accepted the drink and downed it in two swallows. Heat splashed through his stomach and down his throat.

  She curled one leg beneath her and turned to face him. “I might’ve put you in danger.”

  His fingers tingled with the need to sit her on his lap and comfort her. “I’m not worried about danger.” The more time he spent with her, the stronger this pull became between them. The branding mark on his palm seared through his skin to bone with insistence. He should’ve heard or sensed the bomber, even though he’d been asleep. The illness was slowly taking away his abilities, even with Mariana just in the next room. He had to find this guy before he started losing his strength. Mariana could never see him like that.

  She reached out and touched his arm. “Are you okay? Any stress can’t be good for your condition.”

  His condition? Oh, for God’s sakes. He took her glass, placed it on the coffee table, and lifted her onto his lap. “The last person you need to worry about right now is me.”

  Her mouth formed a small ‘o’ and then she settled against him. The scent of her hair, honey and vanilla, wafted up and tempted him. “Why won’t you tell me about the possible treatments?” She placed her palm right over his heart.

  “You’re all I need right now,” he murmured, enjoying her touch way too much.

  She grinned. “You are so corny.”

  Since he’d decided not to mate her, he couldn’t tell her the whole truth. Unable to stop himself, he leaned down and kissed her. Sweet and gentle, going slow. The woman tasted like peaches, even after drinking the potent wine. God, he fucking loved peaches.

  She sighed and leaned against him, tilting her head back to give him better access.

  He took the invitation and delved deep, putting everything he couldn’t say into the kiss. The longing and the frustration as well as the acceptance and the desire. She got all of him—even if it was only for a few moments. Then he released her mouth. “You should go back to bed. I’ll stay out here and keep watch.”

  “I don’t want to go back to bed.” She nipped his neck. “Unless you want to come with me.”

  Hunger slaked him, but he kept his hold loose. “Not a good idea. I hit you with a lot tonight, and then a bomb went off. You don’t need to ease my pain, Mariana.” Yeah, she was a sweetheart.

  She levered back and met his gaze evenly. “I’m not trying to ease you, and I’m not overwhelmed. We’ve been attracted to each other since our first meeting, you’re not my patient, and we both know how short life can be.” Her focus dropped to his mouth. “I’ve never been a game player, and right now, neither one of us has time to play a game. Do you want me or not?”

  Considering she was sitting on his rock-hard erection, the question was rather redundant. “You know I do.” This could be a colossal mistake. How was he going to touch her—finally touch her—and not mark her for life? For eternity? “You don’t know what you’re offering.” He swept a tendril away from her lovely face.

  “I’m offering myself,” she whispered, sliding around to face him. To straddle him. “That’s all. Just you and me—exploring whatever this is between us for what time we have.”

  It was more than he’d ever thought he’d get. It was more than he could refuse. For the
first time in his long life, he lied to himself. He kissed her again, tasting her sweetness and telling himself that it was just a couple of kisses. He’d stop before they went too far.

  The beast of his soul laughed at him, even as it growled in need. There was no ‘too far.’ Not for him. It wasn’t in his nature to hold back, and if he had a sense of honor, he’d let her go right now. Or he’d tell her the full truth—and that was unacceptable. Too soon, he’d be gone, and he would leave her with a knowledge it wasn’t safe for her to have. He had to stop this.

  But then she scooted even closer, core to core, and dug her hands into his hair. Her kiss was wild, beyond anything he’d ever experienced. Her tongue slid into his mouth, past the fangs that wanted so badly to descend, right into him.

  He growled, low and with a craving that was rapidly taking control. The feeling of her tight little body on him shot right to his balls, lighting a path of fire on the way. He forgot about honor and forgot about protecting her for her own safety.

  There was only right now and this female on him. The need to get inside her, to become complete for the first time in his life, propelled him to grasp her hips and hold her in place. Her wild movements and her merciless curves were going to kill him.

  He could hear the blood rushing through her veins, and an unbearable thirst slaked through him. Would her blood taste like peaches? Could he bite her…just enough to taste?

  The female had no idea how close she was to becoming his. Forever. His fangs started to drop on their own, and he wrenched his mouth free, licking along her jawline to the pounding pulse in her neck.

  He nipped hard enough to make her jump and then stood, lifting her. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, wrapping her arms around his neck and biting lightly.

  The immortal inside him roared with hunger.

  * * * *

  Mariana had lost her mind but she didn’t care. Not one bit. The man carrying her into her bedroom was strong and wild, and she wanted more. She wanted all of him. She licked beneath his jaw and then nipped as hard as he had. God, he was delicious. Every movement of muscle against her only made her crave everything he could give her.


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