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Vampire: A Dark Protectors/Rebels Novella

Page 12

by Rebecca Zanetti

  “Yeah.” He kissed her again and held her close. “I love you, Mariana Lopez.”

  She snuggled into his hard body. “I love you, too. Forever.”

  He chuckled. “It’s going to be an adventure.”

  “I hope so.” Then she laughed along with him.


  The boisterous crowd had bundled up against the early snow, their happiness obvious as they enjoyed the outdoor festivities following Evan O’Connell being made sheriff. He’d won easily, and Sheriff Baker had conceded…from a jail cell. The guy would face some time for kidnapping Mariana and blowing up the truck. Raine was glad about that.

  Kind of. He would’ve liked to have gotten in a couple more punches.

  Mariana hustled up with apple ciders in both mitten-covered hands. With a white knit hat on her hair, she looked adorable. A snowflake landed on her nose. “Here. It’s delicious.”

  “Thanks.” He’d watched her the entire time she’d worked the crowd with Tabi and was comfortable that she was safe. The drink was good. Nice and warm.

  Her phone rang, and she pulled it out of her pocket to glance at the face. “It’s Laura.” She quickly pressed a button. “Hi. You’re on speaker with Raine. He can’t wait to meet you when you visit next month.”

  Raine smiled even as he scanned the gathering for any threats. “Hi.”’

  “Hi. Can’t wait to meet you, too.” Laura sounded distracted. “You’re not going to believe this, but we’ve found your stalker. Do you remember a computer tech named Kenny Jilloby?”

  She swallowed. “Kind of? I think he worked on our system a couple of times.”

  “Yes, he did. We just caught him sending roses to another woman from the same building, and he admitted to sending you flowers and notes. Didn’t once try to follow you. The guy has issues, though.”

  Raine made a mental note to have Cade find out everything there was about good ole Kenny.

  Mariana smiled. “Great job finding him.”

  “Thanks. The other news is that he has no clue where you went, so he switched to another great love, as he called her. Leaving was a good move. He’s in custody now, so that’s over.” Laura shuffled papers. “Oh. Gotta go. See you two soon.” The line went dead.

  Mariana tucked the phone away,. “You’re going to love her.”

  Sure. If Mariana loved her, he’d protect her as well. “I’m sure.”

  Tabi bounced up with Evan behind her. “I’m so glad this happened. A new sheriff.” She motioned Abby and Noah over. The lovebirds had been back a week and had definitely pitched in to help. “I have awesome news. We have the corrupt sheriff out of office, and Abby is going to run for mayor next year. I’m running her campaign.”

  Abby stumbled. “Mayor? I’m not running for mayor.”

  Her mate, vampire Noah Siosal, sighed. “I have a feeling you are. Right, demoness?”

  Tabi grinned. “Yep. You turned in all the necessary documents weeks ago. I mean, the mayor, sheriff, and that judge railroaded you when your dirtbag ex set you up. Don’t you want to stick it to them?”

  Abby smoothed her dark hair away from her face. “Not really. I’m happy.” She smiled at her mate.

  Tabi sighed. “Fine. Then don’t you want to help clean up the town? Make it safe and good again?”

  Good plug.

  Abby slowly nodded.

  “Good,” Tabi said. “Evan and Noah will be honest police officers, and you’ll be a great mayor. Mariana and I are contributing to the town with our businesses, and once you’re mayor, you can appoint Raine as a judge when that dirty one faces a scandal.”

  Raine and Abby jumped as one. “What scandal?” Abby asked.

  Tabi shrugged. “He’s been skimming the books on a nonprofit he started with his brother. We’ll time the disclosure just right.”

  Evan tugged his demoness closer. “Tell me you didn’t create this situation.”

  “I’d never do that,” the blonde protested. Then she paused. “Okay. I’d do that, but I didn’t this time. He’s really skimming.”

  Raine gave in to temptation and drew his mate closer to his side. “I don’t want to be a judge and have plenty to do with my investments and businesses.”

  Tabi shrugged. “Come on. It’s just for a couple of decades. We all set out to clean up this town, and that’s the last step. I think it’s a great idea. I’m sure that Mariana would be so proud of you if you’d be a judge. Surely you’ve learned some law in your centuries on earth.”

  Truth be told, he’d gone to a couple of law schools. He looked at Mariana.

  She snuggled into his side. “It’s your call. I love you regardless.”

  He sighed. “Fine, but just for a couple of decades. Then you find somebody else.” He grasped Mariana’s hand. “We’ll be back.” They strode away as the snow fell lightly around them.

  “She has your number,” Mariana said as he lifted her to sit on top of a wooden picnic table.

  He shrugged. “I can be a judge for a while if it cleans up the town. Do you like your practice here?”

  She nodded. “I do. For a couple of decades.” Her smile was sweet and calmed everything inside him. “So long as we’re together, I’ll go anywhere.”

  He leaned over and kissed her, overwhelmed that this brilliant, kind, and talented female wanted to be with him. No matter what. Their lives would be full of adventure, some drama, and lots of love. Even if the Maxwell enemies found them, they’d triumph. They’d deal with it all together. “I’m glad I made you mine, mate.”

  She grinned, and her eyes sparkled. “Me too, Vampire.”

  Also from 1001 Dark Nights and Rebecca Zanetti, discover Vixen, Vengeance, Blaze Erupting, Tangled, Teased, and Tricked.

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  Rebel’s Karma

  Dark Protectors, Book 13

  By Rebecca Zanetti

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  There’s no denying destiny…

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ad one. All she has in this confusing new world is a desperate duty to save the innocent. That means destroying the dark, dangerous, and desirable Benjamin Reese and everything he loves—an impossible task even before his touch arouses a passionate hunger she can’t afford. She’s certain a deadly enemy watches her every move, but it’s not until Benny kisses her that she tastes true danger…

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  An excerpt from Rebel’s Karma (Benny’s Story)

  Karma had bigger things to worry about than the life of this massive hybrid. She allowed herself one moment to stare into his unusual eyes. Oh, many immortals had metallic-silver eyes, gold eyes, even copper or purple. But his were a combination of all argent colors, mingling into a hard-edged glint, even with the humor lurking there. In another time, she might’ve thought him beautiful. She’d learned long ago that beauty could mask the darkest of evils.

  Vampires were bad, demons were bad, and this male was a hybrid of both. When he decided to kill her—and he would at some point—she wouldn’t stand much chance of surviving. Yet she still couldn’t comprehend why he’d come for her. “Why are you here?”

  “For you. To rescue you because I couldn’t last time.” He stretched out his arms and healed a broken finger in his left hand.


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