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Captured by the Bratva: A Dark Mafia Romance (Bratva Brotherhood Book 2)

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by Bianca Cole

  Captured by the Bratva

  Bianca Cole

  Captured by the Bratva Copyright © 2020 Bianca Cole

  All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

  This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Book cover design by Hot and Steamy Romance Premades



  1. Lyov

  2. Milana

  3. Lyov

  4. Milana

  5. Lyov

  6. Milana

  7. Lyov

  8. Milana

  9. Lyov

  10. Milana

  11. Lyov

  12. Milana

  13. Lyov

  14. Milana

  15. Lyov

  16. Milana

  17. Lyov

  18. Milana

  19. Lyov

  20. Milana

  21. Lyov

  22. Milana

  23. Lyov

  24. Epilogue

  Also by Bianca Cole

  About the Author


  There's a war raging, and I'm caught in the middle.

  My father has had a run in with the New York brotherhood, and one of the New York brotherhood spies takes me. Lyov is muscle bound, tattooed, and gorgeous. He is also quiet and brooding.

  He won't speak to me. He barely looks at me. The rare occasions I do catch his eyes on me, they're burning with dark desire.

  I have to escape, otherwise I'll end up as collateral damage.

  So, why do I want to stay? Even more so when he touches me. I can't ignore the way this man makes me feel. We're from two opposing sides, and I know it can't work. Our attraction could lead to destruction, but my heart doesn't want to give up.



  I crack my neck, standing outside of Andrei’s office door. Boss is going to be pissed. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. Ivan was defeated just over two months ago. Now, we’ve got another fucking dickhead standing against us.

  Georgy Veselov, pakhan of the Miami Brotherhood has overstepped the mark, again. The man is operating a drug ring in our territory. He has pushed this too far, despite warnings.

  Last week, one of our outfits blew up his operation on our territory. The man had another warehouse full of drugs set up within days.

  I ball my hand into a fist, before knocking the door.

  Andrei’s voice calls out from behind. “Come in.”

  I open the door and notice the flash of anger that crosses through Andrei’s dark eyes. Before he can say a word, I hold my hands up. “I’m sorry I didn’t make an appointment, but it is urgent.”

  Andrei stares at me with a tight jaw for a moment, before nodding. “What is it?”

  “Georgy has set up another drug operation in Brooklyn, even after we blew up his last one.”

  Andrei sighs heavily and sets down his pen. “What do you recommend?”

  I open the folder in my hand and set down the only picture of Milana Veselov I could find. “We snatch her and hold her to ransom.”

  Andrei raises an eyebrow. “Who is she?”

  “Milana Veselov, Georgy’s only daughter.”

  I watch as he stands from his chair and walks toward the dresser he keeps his whiskey and vodka on. He pours himself a glass of scotch and turns to me. “Would you like one?”

  I clench my jaw, shaking my head. “No, thanks.” Andrei is unaware of the struggles I had in my twenties with alcoholism. The pakhan of my brotherhood knows little about me. I’m not a big talker.

  He takes a long drink of whiskey, before returning to his seat. It’s the first time I’ve been in his office in all these years that he has offered me a drink. Ever since he fell for Vera, he’s different.

  I can’t decide whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. Andrei has always been cautious around me. He has to be the strong, unmovable pakhan that everyone views him as. After the shit Vera’s uncle tried to pull, we need to keep a tight ship.

  “Take a seat.” He nods toward the chair in front of his desk.

  I sit down, feeling uncomfortable with the way he is acting. He’s usually cold and hard.

  “How do you propose we get it done?” he asks, glaring at me from behind his desk.

  I shrug. “I can locate Veselov’s daughter and snatch her. According to my research and a number of associates, she is attending the University of Miami.” I lean forward in my chair. “Her father has allowed her to move onto campus. It will make it easier for me to get to her.”

  Andrei nods, knocking back the rest of his whiskey. It’s only eleven in the morning. The guy drinks more than he should. Ever since he lost his father, he became reliant on it. The pressure of his position weighs heavily on him. I can see it in his eyes and the way he holds himself.

  “I agree, get it done,” he says.

  “Okay, where do you want me to hold her once I have her?” I ask.

  He glances at the wall pensively, before meeting my gaze. “Take the girl to the safe house in Chicago.” He cracks his neck. “We can’t have her here if Georgy retaliates.”

  I nod and stand from my seat. “Sir.” I bow my head and turn to leave without another word.

  “Lyov,” he says my name, and I turn to face him. “Don’t fuck this up.”

  I narrow my eyes slightly. “Never.”

  Andrei gives me a satisfied nod, and I leave his office, shutting the door behind me.

  Alexi is waiting outside. “How did it go?”

  I shrug. “He agrees I need to kidnap Milana Veselov.”

  Alexi rubs a hand across the back of his neck. “Do you need anyone to accompany you?”

  I glare at him. “Are you suggesting I’d need help to capture an eighteen-year-old university student?”

  He shrugs. “She’s the daughter of Georgy Veselov. Who knows what she’s capable of.”

  I growl as he knows I hate when people underestimate me. “Don’t be an asshole.”

  “Calm down, bro. I’m joking with you.” He chuckles, patting me on the back. “Where are you taking her when you get back to New York?”

  “If I told you that, I’d have to kill you.” I don’t admit I’m not even returning to New York. Andrei knows it’s not safe to bring the girl here.

  He shakes his head. “Fine, keep it a secret.”

  “What is happening with the detective who keeps asking about the charity event?”

  Alexi’s jaw clenches, and he shrugs. “She’s sticking her nose in where she fucking well shouldn’t.” He steps away from me. “Detective Hanson is trying to dissuade her from approaching us, but she is determined.”

  I shake my head. “She’s playing with fucking fire.”

  “Tell me about it,” he mutters, hanging his head. “I’ll sort it out, though.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Maybe you are the o
ne that needs help with the detective.”

  Alexi punches me in the shoulder hard enough to hurt. “Remember your place, Lyov,” he growls.

  It’s not often that Alexi lashes out, but when he does, everyone knows not to push him. Andrei may be our pakhan, but Alexi is his second in command. He is brutal and vicious, and for his young age, he has a lot of power in his hands.

  I bow my head in acceptance of his position. “I need to go. I’ve got at least a twenty-hour drive down to Miami.”

  Alexi nods, eyes still hot with rage. If I didn’t know him better, I’d say the detective has got under his skin. It’s unlike him to let anyone get to him.

  “Take care, brother.” I pat him on the shoulder and take my leave, walking out of the front door onto the Manhattan street.

  Two of the brotherhood men stand either side of the door and give me a nod as I pass through. I walk over the street toward my van.

  It’s going to be a fucking boring journey down to Miami. I get into the driver’s seat and start the engine, pulling out into the traffic.

  Driving never gets easier after what happened in Moscow ten years ago. When I joined the New York brotherhood, I knew I’d have to overcome my fears and get behind a wheel. There’s no chance for a brother who shows any weakness. My fear of driving was a weakness, and it still is.

  I sigh heavily as the traffic crawls. This is going to be one long fucking journey.

  I enter the outskirts of Miami. The journey has taken two days in total, stopping off at a diner for food and a motel for a good night’s sleep. Or at least, as good a night as I ever get. Sleep isn’t something that comes easy to me.

  It’s getting dark, and I’m on my way to Milana’s University campus accommodation. She shares a room with one girl, Harriet. I intend to snatch her from her room, as long as she is there. If not, this could get more complicated.

  I switch lanes, following the signs for the University of Miami. The university is vast, but I’ve done my homework. I know where Milana’s dorm is on the campus.

  As I come to the gates, I pass through without much trouble. I pull into a parking spot and get out. A few people give me odd looks. I get it. I don’t fit in here at all.

  University students don’t walk around inked to the hilt, but the bratva does. Locking up the van, I walk toward the building where Milana has her dorm. According to the records, she has a room in Eaton residence on the east side of campus.

  The looks I get as I walk into the entrance of the doors are bad. I can’t deny that I’m on edge and out of my element. This place is not used to people like me visiting.

  When I make it to her floor, I manage to slide into the corridor as another girl swipes her card. She gives me an odd look but doesn’t say anything.

  Milana’s room is nearby and should be down the hall on the right. I walk with quick steps, wondering if this is going to prove harder than I thought.

  How can I get a girl out of here undetected?

  There are too many fucking people.

  I knock on the door, waiting impatiently for an answer. My stomach drops as the girl who answers isn’t Milana. She has light red hair and freckles. Her brow furrows as she takes in my appearance. “Can I help you?”

  I nod my head. “Yeah, I’m looking for Milana.”

  She looks at me oddly. “Are you a friend of hers?”

  Fuck. I didn’t prepare for her roommate. “Yeah, is she in?”

  She shakes her head. “No, she’s gone out with friends, clubbing.” I don’t miss the disapproval in her tone.

  “Did she say where they were heading?”

  Harriet looks at me, suspiciously. “What did you say your name was?” Her eyes roam over the tattoos on my arms and neck.

  She’s right to be suspicious. “I didn’t, but I’m a friend of Milana. Do you know where she is?” I hold her gaze, hoping she tells me where she is.

  She holds my gaze for a few moments more, before moving to slam the door in my face. I read the move and catch it with one hand, forcing it open.

  She startles backward, opening her mouth to scream.

  I thrust my hand over her mouth, muffling her cries. I kick the door shut behind me. “Sorry, but you are a liability.” I knock her out with one hit, gently setting her on the floor against the bed.

  She’ll be out long enough, but I won’t have done any permanent damage. I fling my rucksack down onto the bed, rifling through it for rope.

  The last thing I need is this girl alerting Milana or anyone else to the danger I pose. I tie her to the edge of the bed, gagging her mouth with a fabric gag.

  If I’m lucky, no one will discover her until tomorrow—when it’s too late. By then, I’ll be halfway to Chicago with Milana, hopefully.

  I grab Harriet’s mobile and sift through her text messages. At the top, is Milana’s name.

  Hey, I’m going to be back late tonight. We’re clubbing at Jive if you want to join?

  I smile to myself, taking the phone and smashing it on the ground–better safe than sorry. When Harriet wakes, I can’t risk her being able to contact Milana. Anonymity is key when it comes to pulling a kidnapping off. I can’t risk this going south, as Andrei would never forgive me.

  A club is the perfect setting for a kidnap—dark and loud—so no one can hear her scream. It’s time to collect my bounty.



  The music in my dad’s club pumps around me as I sway my hips to the beat. I may hate what he does for a living and I may hate him, but at least there are parts of this life that I enjoy. Free booze and entry to one of the best nightclubs in the city, Jive, doesn’t harm.

  We are the only freshmen that get to go clubbing because my dad’s guys don’t give two shits about the legal drinking age. Especially not when it comes to their pakhan’s daughter.

  “You have the coolest dad,” Kate shouts, downing a shot of top-shelf vodka.

  I nod in response. If Kate truly knew who my dad was or what he did, she wouldn’t think he was so cool. Luckily, since attending the University of Miami, no one there knows who I am or who my father is. It had always been difficult in high-school to make friends because the rumors spread so quickly.

  My dad is a murderer and a criminal—a man who has never given two shits about me. He pretends to care by forcing me to stay in Miami for my safety. He is such an asshole. If I’d had my way, I would have gone to university on the other side of North America.

  If I could swap him for Kate’s dad, I would do in a heartbeat. They talk on the phone regularly, and he even came up with her mom to move her in. Her parents are about as far from my dad as you can get—normal, caring parents.

  Instead, I’ve got a father who controls me and has me followed everywhere by my damn bodyguard. Not because he cares about me, but because he knows I’m a target. It would be seen as a weakness if he couldn’t protect his one and only daughter. He’s almost as bad as my brother, Dima.

  Dima is my older brother and a sadist. A man of pure evil who has been that way since I can remember. My dad loves him more than anything.

  He’s the brutal and vicious son he had always hoped he’d have. I am the letdown and disappointment — a daughter who wanted nothing to do with the crime-infested life he loves so much.

  “Milana, dance with me,” Alex shouts, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward him.

  I notice Pavel tense and take a step forward. He is the bane of my existence. I don’t often get much male attention because of him. Pavel is my bodyguard, and he follows me everywhere.

  “I need a rest,” I say, pulling away from him before Pavel embarrasses me.

  Pavel backs off a little, keeping his eyes on us.

  Alex looks hurt, but Kate soon swoops in and saves the day. “I will dance with you.” She links arms with him, and they start to dance.

  I sigh heavily, walking back toward our private VIP booth. It’s comfortable, but I’d rather be out in the central part of the club. My father insists I re
main in the VIP section for my safety. I take a sip of my vodka, sitting back in my chair and watching Alex and Kate dance.

  They are great, I haven’t known them for long, but we became friends pretty quickly.

  Harriet, my roommate on campus, isn’t into clubbing. She has stayed behind to study, but we get on well too.

  Kate flops down next to me. “Fuck, I’m parched.” She grabs a shot of vodka and downs it.

  “I’m not sure Vodka is good for thirst,” I say.

  She laughs. “Vodka is good for everything.”

  Alex sits down next to me, and Pavel watches him like a hawk. “What is with your bodyguard?” He shakes his head. “I get that your dad is rich, but it seems like overkill.”

  I shrug, saying nothing. The questions they ask me, I can never answer. Sure, we’re friends, but no one can know who my dad is at University. It would ruin everything. In the past, the moment anyone realizes who my father is, they change around me.

  “Come on, get the shots down,” Kate shouts, passing me a shot of vodka before giving one to Alex. “To a great first year of partying and studying, but mainly partying.”

  We chink our glasses together and then down the hot, fiery alcohol.

  I wish my dad would stop making Pavel follow me everywhere. He might need protection, but why the hell do I need it? No one even knows who the fuck I am.

  Alex and Kate are chatting with one of my father’s men. He has had his eyes set on Kate ever since we got in here. I hate that bringing them here brings them into the orbit of men from the bratva. I glance out onto the dancefloor, wishing I could be out there.


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