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Great Harry

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by Erickson, Carolly, 1943-

  Henry as patron of, 56-57, 106-14 epidemics, 51-52, 83, 86, 149-50, 212-18, 348,351 healers and miracle-workers and, 149 Erasmus of Rotterdam, 29, 36, 61-62, 73-74, 75, 78, 120, 158, 185, 189, 221, 237, 312

  consulted on marriage issue, 160, 162-63,

  197 critics of, 116, 117

  New Testament translation of, 117, 251 view of Henry's intellect by, 27-28, 116,

  118 wish for residence at Henry's court, 117-18 Essex, eari of, 295, 340 Evil May Day (1517), 148-49, 154 ewerers, 97

  Falier, Venetian ambassador, 223 Famagosta, bishop of, 75 famine, 1527-28, 213-14 Featherstone, Richard, 313 Fecamp, abbot of, 60-61 Felipe, Francisco, 199 Ferdinand, king of Spain:

  Henry VII and, 39, 42, 46, 47, 48, 49

  Henry VIII and, 58, 59, 64, 81-82, 173

  in Holy League against France, 77, 81-82, 92 Fernandez, Diego, 63, 64, 66 Feron, Robert, 249^50 Field of Cloth of Gold (1520), 131-46

  Anglo-French relations and, 131, 138-39, 145^16

  atmosphere and mood at, 139, 145-46

  common people at, 142-43, 146

  competitive events in, 143-44

  consequences of, 146

  events in London during, 146-47

  exchange of gifts at, 145

  food supplies for, 135-36

  pavilions at, described, 141-42

  planning and negotiations for, 135-36

  precedence issues in, 136, 143

  rules of combat in, 136 Fisher, John, bishop of Rochester, 37-38, 58, 118, 198-99, 202, 224, 228, 234

  execution of, 255-56, 267 Fitzroy, Henry, natural son of Henry VIII, 159,215,222

  death of, 272

  marriage plans for, 194

  marriage to Mary Howard of, 261

  as possible successor, 160, 16S-64, 194

  titles bestowed son, 163 FitzWilliam, William, 364 Flanders, 338, 339

  gunnery making in, 71, 75



  Henry as viewed in, 243

  trade relations with, 214, 353 Fleuranges, French knight, 144 Flodden, English victory at (1513), 93 food:

  pageantry in, 107, 191-92

  preparation and serving of, 97-98, 106-8

  sumptuary laws on, 106, 153 fools:

  Henry's favorite, 362-63

  musicians as, 111, 363 foreigners, hatred of, 146-47, 148, 150,

  192-93 fortifications, building of, 336-37 fortunetelling, 110 Fox, Richard, bishop of Winchester, 23, 58,

  60, 76, 82, 132, 133 Foxe, Edward, 209, 210-11, 220, 250 Foxe, John, 365 France, 29

  in alliance with Empire, 289, 290, 294-97, 309, 334

  in alliance with Turks, 290, 334

  Charles V as enemy of, 139, 146, 205, 206, 214, 289-90, 334-52

  court manners in, 188

  English claims in, 71-73, 170

  English partisans of, at Henry's court, 103-4

  famine relief to England from, 214

  1513 campaign against, 71-93

  1520 relations with England of, 131, 138-39, 145-46

  1523 campaign against, 167-70

  in 1527 alliance with England, 191, 192-93, 198, 205

  1539 campaign against, 294-97

  1543 campaign against, 334-52

  1546 alliance with England of, 354, 368

  papacy vs., 74-93

  ties with Scotland of, 87, 295, 301, 318, 334, 344, 346

  Venice and, 166, 167

  see also Charles VIII; Francis I; Louis XII Francis I, king of France, 104, 111, 161, 166, 203

  bellicosity of, 138

  as captive of Charles V, 170

  character of, 137-38, 188

  doctrinal questions and, 354

  at Field of Cloth of Gold tournament, 131-46

  Henry and, 136, 137, 138-39, 142, 143, 144, 145^16, 184, 254, 300-301

  Henry compared with, 95, 137

  Mary Tudor and, 123, 125

  persecution of Protestants by, 268

  see also France Froissart, Jean, 72

  Fuensalida, Spanish envoy, 50, 51, 53 fustigation, as remedy, 361

  gambling, 29, 108-10

  Henry's pleasure in, 108-9, 232

  as "king's largesse," 90 Gardiner, Stephen, bishop of Winchester, 209, 210-11, 217, 220, 293, 310, 332, 354, 364,371

  Catherine Parr opposed by, 365 Garrett, Thomas, 313 Gelderland (Gelders), 302, 309 Gigli, Silvestro, 44

  Giovacchiono (Joachim), French agent, 172 Giovio, Paolo, 208 Giustiniani, Venetian envoy, 94, 109, 126,

  133, 134, 138, 166 Goose, John, 24

  Govematore (Henry's horse), 127-28 grace, as noble quality, 32 Great Harry (Henri Grace a Dieu) (Henry's

  flagship), 78, 141,286,350 Great Sapphire of Glastonbury, 362 Greek, study of, 116, 117 Greenwich, "highest library" at, 116 Grey, Elizabeth, 121 Grey, Lord Leonard, 146, 318 Grysacre, Anne, 162 guaiacum (lignum vitae), 362 Guildford, Edward, 55, 127 Guildford, Henry, 103, 104, 112, 180, 240 Guines, 131, 141, 142,336-37 Guise, Louise de, 301 Guise, Marie de, 295, 301 Guise, Renee de, 301 Guislain, Guillaume de, 90 Gyldon, Thomas, 154

  hairstyles, 114

  Hale, John, 249-50, 252

  Hales, Christopher, 257

  HaU, Edward, 54, 103, 104, 149, 154, 175,

  192 Hall, Mary, 325


  Hampton Court. 179, 181, 286

  as Wolscy's gift to Henry, 182 handguns, use of, 80-81 Hapsburg dynasty:

  in alliance with Valois, 290

  Tudor family ties with, 47, 167 Hariock, WiUiam, 242 Harris, Ann, 98 Haschenperg, Stefan von, 344 Hastings, Anne, 215 Hastings, Sir George, 65 Hasylden, Thomas, 356 hawking, 363

  Hely, mistress of Francis I, 203 Hennage, Thomas, 209-10, 217, 326 Henry, infant son of Henry VIII, 66-67 Henry V, king of England, 71-72, 73, 89 Henry VII, king of England, 21-25, 41, 53, 174

  alchemy as interest of, 34, 46

  alliance with Philip of Castile by, 47

  angry outbursts of, 51

  courtlifeof, 24-25,27,34, 45

  death of, 52

  death of wife and, 42-43

  descriptions of, 34-35

  diplomatic style of, 46—47

  French military engagements of, 22

  genealogy of, 33

  heretics persecuted by, 46

  influence of mother on, 37

  Italianate tastes of, 44-45

  Katherine of Aragon and, 48-49

  monarchy exalted by, 45

  personality of, 34-35

  piety of, 34-35, 46

  plots and rebellions against, 21-22, 34, 44

  popular view of, 33-34, 35, 44

  relic collections of, 34, 46

  royal matches for his children arranged by, 45^9

  son Henry and, 35, 46, 51, 185, 253, 269

  wealth of, 45 Henry VIII, king of England:

  amorous excesses attributed to, 252-53, 285

  anger as diplomatic tool of, 185, 269, 319

  architectural enterprises of, 182, 235, 286-87. 336-37. 344. 347

  art of government studied by. 44. 46-47

  birth and christening of. 23

  boyhood restrictions on, 50-52

  carefree life criticized in, 57-58, 103

  ceremonial titles of, 23-24

  childhood hazards to, 21-23

  chivalric glory sought by, 28-29, 72-74,

  88, 89, 165-66, 334 clothing of, 56, 75, 98-99, 113, 114, 232,

  282, 307, 362 complex personality of, 115, 120, 184,

  264, 268, 269 conscience of, 197-98, 218, 254 court favorites of, in early life, 103-6, 115,

  118, 119 creative power of, at peak, 235 crusading ambitions of, 71, 74-75, 165-66 dancing ability of, 41, 91, 112 dark side of, 183-85, 217, 237-38, 288,

  319-20, 328-29, 366-67, 369 death fears of, 43, 150, 217, 370 death of, 371-72 dependants supported by, 233 descriptions of, 21, 50, 54, 91, 95, 157,

  223, 264-65, 301 as duke of York, 24-35 education of, 27-32 as example for subjects, 74, 242 excesses in eating and drinking of, 328-29 father as seen by, 35 fello
w-sovereigns' effect on, 268 fighting ardor of, 29, 59, 60-61, 72-79, 82,

  86,90, 170,233,338 gambling by, 108-9, 232 grandmother's influence on, 28, 36-38, 53,

  58 Henry V as heroic model for, 83, 89,

  172-73 horses of, 127-28, 232-33, 363 hunting as pleasure of, 24, 30-31, 184-«5,

  217, 233, 322-23, 363, 368 illnesses of, 237, 238, 282-83, 338, 359,

  360-62, 368-69 infidelities of, 65, 158-60, 188, 190, 243,

  252, 260 jousting by, 59-60, 90-91, 125-27 judicial violence of. 318-20 language abilities of, 115-16 last months of, 359-71 legendary aspects of, 264-65. 267, 357 mother's death and. 43 musical ability and interests of, 24, 57,

  106. 110.235 physicality of, 30, 50, 56, 59, 90-91, 232 poetry and songs created by, 57, 58-59,

  110.235,238 portraits of, 21, 185, 264, 363, 370


  practical nature of, 134-35, 185, 237, 286, 295, 335-37, 368,369,370

  as prince of Wales, 41-52

  religions beliefs of, 62, 119, 165-66, 198, 217-18, 329-30, 354

  resemblance to father of, 185, 253, 269

  royal manner in early years of, 46, 56-63, 90-91, 101, 103^

  royal manner in mature years of, 103, 114, 185, 253-54, 267-69, 285-87

  royal manner in old age, 329, 349, 357-58, 368

  self-doubts of, 183, 217, 268

  self-image of, 166, 253-54, 349

  subjects' attitude toward, 54-55, 89-92, 151, 154, 168-69, 173-74, 243, 249-50, 253, 254, 259, 264-65, 267, 284, 320, 353,356-57,371

  suspiciousness of, 269, 288, 319

  tombof, 217, 371

  ulcerous legs of, 237, 282, 283, 329, 338, 360

  violence of, 318-21, 335

  wealth of, 61, 109, 114

  wiUof, 217, 370-71

  see also specific persons and topics Herbert, William, 368, 371 heresy, 46

  Erasmus accused of, 117 heretics, 46

  persecution in Europe of, 268

  see also Reformation, English Hetherington, William, 162 hippocras wine, 108 Hispaniola, 194 Hobbes, Emily, 23

  Holbein, Hans, 264, 283, 300, 303, 306 Holland, Bess, 161-62 Holy Land, see Jerusalem Holy League (1511), 75-93, 119 Holy Roman Empire:

  England and, see England

  France and, see France

  in Holy League, 77, 81, 82, 92

  unrest in, 172, 174-75, 268, 290

  see also Charles V; Flanders; Maximilian I; Netherlands Hopkins, Nicholas, 151 horsemanship, 30-31

  Italianate style of, 126-27

  Spanish style of, 128 horses:

  Henry's love of, 127-28, 232-33, 363

  royal accommodations for, 98, 127

  as royal gifts, 127, 128, 145

  for war service, 336, 338 household, royal, 96-102

  categories of service staffs in, 96-99, 235

  eating arrangements of, 97-98, 106-8

  guests' retinues and, 101

  hangers-on in, 101-2

  Henry's supervision of, 101, 102

  moving of, 98

  officers of, 97-98

  outdoor services for, 98

  in personal service to king, 98-100

  pros and cons of service in, 100-101

  vice and petty criminality in, 102 Howard, Catherine:

  adultery of, 324, 325-29

  degrading of, 326

  description of, 321

  effect on Henry of, 321-22

  execution of, 327

  family's desertion of, 366

  Henry's estrangement from, 322

  Henry's infatuation with, 309-10

  wedding of, 313 Howard, Edward, 55, 67, 76, 78 Howard, Elizabeth Stafford, duchess of

  Norfolk, 161-62 Howard, Henry, earl of Surrey, 366-67 Howard, Thomas, 2nd duke of Norfolk, earl

  of Surrey, 55,76,93, 103, 125 Howard, Thomas, 3rd duke of Norfolk, earl of Surrey, 79, 161, 193, 201, 203, 214, 215, 223, 236, 251, 266, 272, 280, 282, 319, 322

  Anne Boleyn and, 188-89, 231, 240, 241

  Cromwell and, 251, 273, 310, 311

  in 1539 campaign, 295

  in 1543 campaign, 338, 339, 342, 344, 345, 347, 348, 350

  imprisonment and trial of (1546), 366, 371, 372

  rebels fought by, 278

  as religious conservative, 293, 354

  royal ambitions of, 366 humanism, 312, 354

  attitude to chivalry and war in, 73, 119

  church vs., 116

  Henry and, 61,73-74, 118

  More and, 357

  as New Learning, 117

  Reformation and, 292-93, 354, 355, 364


  humanism, {cont ) see also Erasmus of Rotterdam

  Hundred Years' War. 29, 72

  hunting: court life and, 24-25, 30-31, 98, 106 Henry's skill and enthusiasm in, 24, 30-31, 184-85, 217, 233, 322-23, 363, 368

  Hurst Castle, 295

  Hussey, John, 279, 285, 287-88

  Injunctions (1538), 354-55

  Ireland, rebellion in, 265, 268

  Isabella, queen of Spain, 42, 47, 74

  Isabella of Portugal, 173

  Isle of Wight. French landings on (1545), 351

  Italy, 351

  art of the manage (horsemanship) in, 126-27

  imperial ambitions in, 172

  influence in England of, 44—45

  as locus of competition (mid-1520s), 170

  Renaissance in, 73

  James IV, king of Scotland, 22, 87, 93

  marriage to Margaret Tudor of, 45 James V, king of Scotland, 295, 301, 318, 323

  death of, 334

  as prince, 156

  wife Madeleine of, 301

  wife Marie de Guise of, 295 Jaspar, Stephen, 56 Jemingham, Richard, 144 Jerome, Saint, 117 Jerome, William, 313 Jerusalem, 72

  Henry's aid to, 74, 165

  under Ottoman Turks, 165 jewelry, Henry's taste in, 114 Joachim (Giovacchiono), French agent,

  172 Joanna, queen of Castile, 47-48 John of St. Martin, Friar, 74 jousts and tourneys, 24, 55, 233, 304

  at Field of Cloth of Gold (1520), 131-46

  Henry's ardor for, 59-60, 90-91, 125-27

  spectacular feats in, 126 Julius II, Pope, 166

  in Holy League against France, 74-75, 77, 81,82

  Katherine, countess of E>evonshire, 233

  Katherine of Aragon: accused of treachery, 225 campaign against Scots supervised by, 87,

  92,93 Charles V and, 140, 171-72, 194, 195, 199,

  206,208,222,224-25,238 court intrigues and, 105 death of, 262

  descriptions of, 40, 54, 66, 94, 144 dispossession of (1533), 240 divorce issue and, 160, 195, 196-97, 198, 200, 202, 204, 206, 207, 211, 221-22, 224-26, 227-28, 234, 235, 238; see also divorce of Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon estate of, disputes over, 299 exile of, 261-62 Field of Cloth of Gold and, 139, 143, 144,

  145 first marriage question and, 42, 53, 157,

  160, 162-63, 197, 207, 226, 227, 228 first son and, 66-67 Fitzroy and, 164

  Henry's behavior toward, 49, 64, 66, 156, 160-61, 195, 203, 204, 210, 217, 224. 225-26, 230, 244, 260 Henry's betrothal to, 48 Henry's first meeting with, 39-40 intellectual abilities of, 117 isolation among English of, 194 marriage to Arthur of, 39-41 marriage to Henry of, 53-55 piety of, 66, 163, 194 popularity of, 40, 223, 227 pregnancies of, 63-65, 66, 71, 155-56 as "princess dowager, " 244 as regent, in 1513 campaign, 71, 76, 87 succession issue and, 155-56, 157, 163,

  194-95, 197 widowhood of, 48-49 Wolseyand, 171, 194, 195, 196 Kebet, WiUiam, 233 King's Book (1543), 353-54 "king's riding boys, " 98 Kingston, William, 144 king's ward, makeup of, 82 kissing, English custom of, 158 Knevet, Anthony, 105, 144, 232 Knevet, Charles, 151 Knevet, Henry, 105 Knevet, Thomas, 67 Knight, WiUiam, 207 knighthood, ideals of, 60



  Knight of the Bath, Henry's title of, 24 Knights of the Garter, 96, 320-21

  Henry's title of, 24 Kratzer, Nicholas, 182 Kyrkenar, Erasmus, 335

  Lambert, John, 294

  Lamentations of a Sinner, The
(Parr), 333

  Lancaster, house of, 23, 33, 36, 317-18

  Lassells, John, 325

  Latimer, Hugh, 258


  as diplomatic language, 116

  in translation of New Testament, 117,354, 358 learning (scholarship):

  conflictatiunculae and, 116

  Henry's abilities in, 27-28, 115-18, 362

  Henry as patron of, 61-62, 115, 118, 235

  religious doctrine and, 116-18, 234 Lee, Richard, 337 le Negro, Peter, 109 Leo X, Pope, 90, 165 life expectancies, 282 Linacre, Thomas, 118 Lisle, Lady, 279, 285, 287, 304 Lisle, Lord, governor of Calais, 279, 287, 318 liturgy in English, 354 Lollard doctrines, 258 London:

  riots against foreigners in, 146-47,148,150

  sweating sickness in, 51, 149, 212-18, 279, 280 London,John, 275 Longland, John, bishop of Lincoln, 161,

  197,206 lord lieutenant of Ireland, Henry's title of,

  24 Louis XII, king of France, 60, 66, 81, 95

  disinclination for fighting of, 83

  Henry's belligerence toward, 60-61

  marriage to Mary Tudor of, 123

  as schismatic, 74-75 Louise of Savoy, 138, 143, 144, 145, 201 love, English view of, 159 Luke, Ann, 23, 233 Luther, Martin, 172, 174, 200, 251

  Henry and, 238, 291

  Henry's book against, 218

  Katherine supported by, 238 Lutherans, 290, 293,311

  in doctrinal differences with Henry, 291, 293

  persecution in England of, 313 political alignments of, 291, 302

  Madeleine, daughter of Francis I, 270 magic and occult, 172, 262, 361

  court intrigues and, 22, 34-35, 46

  Henry as focus of, 265-67

  marvels and, 242-43

  religious objects used for, 356

  Wolsey and, 154 magnanimity, as noble quality, 32 majesty, ideal qualities of, 31-32 manage (horsemanship), 126-27 manners (civility and courtesy), 29, 31-32 Manox, Henry, 325 Mantua, marquis of, 127-28 Margaret, countess of Salisbury, see Pole,

  Margaret Margaret, queen of Scotland, sister of Henry VIII, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 301, 334

  as Arthur's heir, 41

  marriage to James IV of, 45

  second and third husbands of, 199 Margaret (Beaufort), countess of Richmond, 28,33,40,244

  death of, 58

  Henry as heir of, 37

  influence on Henry of, 28, 36-38, 53, 58

  intellectual abilities of, 37-38

  piety of, 38

  as "rightful queen of England," 37 Margaret of Angouleme, 45 Margaret of Savoy, 53, 66, 81, 88, 91, 227

  Charles Brandon and, 122-23 Marguerite, daughter of Francis I, 298 Maria, niece of Charles V, 194 Marillac, French ambassador, 306-7, 319,


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