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Devil's Prince (Satan's Brood Book 1)

Page 8

by Louise Furley

  Sveti looked up, way up. Tomi was a bulldozer of a man. Huge and hulking. With dark skin, tattoos swarming around his neck and down his arms, there was even one on the back of his shaved head, if she saw him on the street she’d run for her life.

  She glanced at Bowie who nodded to her with a smile, she didn’t see Dev frown at him, annoyed that Sveti looked to Bowie for assurance. She got up and went with the giant.

  After he ordered their drinks, Bowie snapped, “Shit, Dev, what the hell? You know damn well she was just as much a pawn as everyone else in the games of her bráthair. Stop treating her like she’s a renegade felon and a prisoner.”

  “She is a prisoner, my prisoner.” Unbidden, a picture of a naked Sveti cuffed to his bed flashed through Dev’s mind.

  Rolling his blue eyes, Bowie said, “Cripes, a few drinks and a couple of dances aren’t going to hurt anything.”

  Dev grunted, “She doesn’t need to dance.” They gathered their drinks and made their way to the table Lukas had claimed.

  “Come on, give the girl a break. You afraid to see your prisoner in another man’s arms?” Bowie teased sitting on a micron-plastic chair, then before Dev could rip his head off with his dastardly scowl and swift denial, he said quickly, “You know, I saw the bulletin Krystian Ritrova put out, you know, the one about selling her, or rather actually selling her virginity.”

  Dev remained impassive but his jaw worked.

  “Aye, yeah, so, I hear for the spell to work for him to get the power to transport through wormholes, the guy that takes her virginity has to be a full bloodline prince.” Bowie watched for Dev’s reaction but his face was as unreadable as a rock. “Oh yeah, and the man who takes her virginity becomes legally married to her.”

  His grin big, Bowie went on, “Actually, per the laws of her planet, the guy that marries her, owns her. Like I said before, as a female, and as a prințesă, she has no rights but what her father, male guardian, or,” he chugged part of his beer, smacked his lips, “husband, give to her.”

  Not even a grunt this time.

  Snickering, Bowie turned to Lukas beside him and fell into a minor argument about the Galaxie Warrior Games. They each had bets on rival teams.

  Bowie swung his head to ask Dev who he was backing in the tournament but he bit back a grin instead. Dev’s hooded eyes were trained on the beauty threading her way across the room towards them.

  Tomi hulked behind her snarling scowls at any men who attempted to stop her, and grinning lasciviously at hot women. He steered her wide of Rianna’s foot out in the aisle ready to trip her.

  His grin taunting, Bowie said, “Aye, that beauty needs a strong keeper. In this half-lawless universe, I see too many males insanely desiring her that would just grab her and run. I think I’ll apply for the job.”

  Not jumping to the bait, Dev watched Sveti and Tomi approach.

  When they reached the table, Dev stood up and pulled her chair out. Warily, she sat. After he pushed her in, she swept her balletic legs to the side, and he sat back down without a word.

  The lieutenants stared in surprise at their warlord captain who normally barely grunted at a female. They’d never seen Dev exhibit such gentlemanly courtesy.

  He was respectful and held doors open, but that was about the extent of his manners. Unless he was banging a female, or working with one, he generally ignored their existence.

  Connar joined the group bringing a tray of second round drinks for everyone. He set a glass down in front of each person and a glass of rosé wine for Sveti. He said to her with a smile, “I didn’t know what you’d like so I took a chance with this, it’s sweet, like you.”

  Not catching the look Dev shot him, Connar stood between Sveti and Dev to give Dev his drink. At the same time, the man who had approached Sveti at dinner was at her side asking her to dance.

  Before Dev noticed him, Sveti stood up defiantly and let Charlie, with his big grin, take her hand and lead her to the small dance floor. He slipped his hand around her waist as they blended into the crowd.

  When Connar moved, Dev saw Sveti sliding into the group of dancers. He put his palms on the table to push his chair back and stand up, but Bowie set a hand on his arm. “She’s not going anywhere, bro, and no one’s going to hurt her.”

  Dev paused, face set hard, sat back and glowered at the dance floor.

  When the first song ended, another man tapped Charlie out and swept Sveti across the floor, her flaming hair a frill of brilliant color swinging around her. The next dance another man was there with his hands out to take Sveti, laughing and slightly breathless, into his arms. But a muscled arm blocked him.

  “This dance is taken,” Dev pronounced with a low growl.

  The man took one look at the big warrior with the dangerous face and moved quickly away.

  A tense crease in her forehead, her smile gone, Sveti stepped back from Dev and said, “I uh, think I’ll sit this one out. I’ll just go back-”

  Dev caught her arm to stop her. He put his rough palm on her small waist and pulled her to him. Sveti stood stiffly not moving. Looking down at the top of her flaming hair, he said quietly, “Svetiessa, relax, put your hand on my shoulder.”

  She was staring at a button on his dark blue shirt, her gaze lowered to his cargo pants. A firearm was at his hip, and he assuredly had numerous weapons stashed all around his body, a shiver rolled over her shoulders.

  He curled a finger under her chin lifting it to force her to look up at him. “Svetiessa,” he murmured, “it’s just a dance. I am not going to harm you.”

  She tried to move her chin, but he held her firm, yet gently. The corner of her lip pulled in wryly. “Oh yeah? Maybe you’re going to twist my head off like you did that soldier in the dungeon.”

  His black brows arched in surprise. Releasing her chin, he lowered his hands, his strong fingers tightened on her waist drawing her closer.

  Sveti’s gaze rose to his then drifted down. “I was barely conscious when you…retrieved me from that…place.”

  The skin around her eyes and lips whitened remembering the torture of the bear-dogs bashing her, jumping on her, beating her with sticks, and doing other things she couldn’t stomach remembering…until eventually blessed unconsciousness had claimed her.

  Afterwards, she gained shreds of consciousness, flickering in and out she realized she was hanging by her wrists in a cold grim place with bleak cries all around her in the harrowing dark.

  Her pained eyes had cracked open at a male’s voice near her, it was a guard. Abjectly helpless, she could feel his hands on her thighs, pushing her long skirt up. Then she saw Dev entering the dungeon, war braids flapping against his back as he strode towards her.

  Before passing out again, she saw him kill the guard. Ruthlessly, viciously, without remorse or hesitation. His body behemoth, he had wrapped his enormous hand around the guard’s head, stuck his claws into his neck and just ripped the man’s head off and casually tossed it aside like it was a soccer ball.

  Seeing that and remembering how enraged he’d been when she’d vaporized with Miles, she’d been mindless with fear the day he came to the infirmary to check on her recovery progress. Her thoughts were that he must want her well enough to withstand his punishment before he enjoyed killing her himself.

  And here she was in his arms. Again. He’d carried her to sick bay, to her suite, caught her when she tumbled off the chair, and now, he had her pressed up against him. He must have some motive, was planning on how to carry out his revenge on her.

  Unnerved, she said in a low voice, “Uh, I did see what you, did to that, to that…man, the guard.”

  Dev slid his hand like a gentle web under the side of her face and said softly, “That was reflexive.” Using her prior words, his mouth turned in a dry half smile. “Unlike catching you when you fell in your kitchen; that was deliberate.”

  He pitched his head tossing a lock of long black hair off his shoulder and studied her confused face.

  “I am a
warrior, Svetiessa, I kill, yes,” he shrugged, “sometimes brutally, and ruthless without pity. It’s instinct at this point. But I kill only when necessary. It is not necessary to kill you. So, relax.” He stroked her jaw with his thumb, watching her digest what he said.

  “When it becomes necessary, then what?” Pink stained her cheeks at his perplexing caress. Was he seeing how tender she was before he took a bite out of her with those fangs? Or would he cook her first?

  Black brows slanted down with his frown of irritation, he moved his hand from her jaw to stroke his long fingers up the back of her neck.

  Deep voice quiet, gravelly, he replied, “I am not partial to killing females.” That reminded him of how he had planned to…punish her, over his lap with her bare ass meeting his palm.

  Strangely, it took an effort as it was for him to keep his hands where they were. They were irresistibly drawn to cup her round little bottom, play with it for a while before pulling her hard against his burgeoning erection.

  The usual women he spent time with would have relished him feeling them up, in public, private, they weren’t particular. But this wee woman, a sigh lumbered out, he would likely get slapped before she flounced off.

  As much as he wanted to cram her pelvis against his hard-on, he placated himself with feeling her lush tits pressed on his chest, and kept his hips slightly turned so she wouldn’t feel his erection and end the dance.

  “But, you vowed vengeance,” she reminded him, her big blues swept over his dark eyes in hushed fear.

  “Enough talk,” he growled, grasped her hand and set it on his shoulder. He moved his palm under her hair to her nape, and drew her to lay the side of her face against his powerful chest.

  Spreading his fingers on her back, he took her hand that wasn’t on his shoulder, and held it to his chest. Settling his chin against the side of her head, inhaling deeply, he drew in her fresh scent and nudged his chin deeper into her hair. Being part animal, her scent aroused him.

  They didn’t move very much, swayed mostly. As the minutes passed, her body lost the stiffness and she nestled in his muscled arms.

  Dev rested his head lightly on hers still languidly inhaling her scent, his loose black locks blended with her light tresses. She smelled of flowers, not perfume but a natural scent, her skin was petal soft with just the faintest hint of floral.

  The music played pleasantly, couples drifted around them. No one bumped them, everyone gave the couple a wide birth, Dev’s lethal temperament was legend.

  A new song started, Dev felt a tap on his shoulder. He held Sveti tighter and growled without moving his head, “Take off.”

  “But sir, you need to let some of us other guys have a chance to-”

  Barely turning his head, Dev peered at the man through Sveti’s curls, his eyes blazed wickedly white. The man’s eyes hopped from the blazing white irises to the horns swelling on Dev’s head, he blanched, and quickly walked away.

  Tightening his arms, Dev drew her closer, one hand splayed on her nape, his fingers stroking her skin, the other hand clasped her small hand to his chest. A silent growl roiled inside him at the feel of her breasts rubbing his hard chest with their slight movements.

  He didn’t know what possessed him to dance with her, but now that he was, her sexy little body fit like a curvy satin ribbon against his steely frame. He willed his horns, and dick, to calm while he snuggled her deeper into his embrace.

  The song ended, Sveti tilted her head back to face him. She had the drowsy look of a woman who was sated from a long night of decadent sex, her eyes heavy lidded, lips slightly parted, light tendrils of flames wisped over part of her face.

  Dev gently pushed the wisps off her face, pulled her back to nestle against him as the next song started up. Her face still tilted up at him, his head canted and his lips lowered to hers.

  Then the ship rocked. A few people stumbled, gasped. Sveti leaned back, a trace of concern on her soft face.

  His arm a strong band around her, Dev ran a finger down the side of her cheek, murmured, “It’s all right, Svetiessa, must be a bit of meteor-” The ship rocked harder, sharper, causing glasses and plates to slide on tables.

  “Fuck-” Dev cursed. Taking Sveti’s arm he moved swiftly through the shaken crowd bringing her back to their table.

  When they got there the lieutenants were already on their feet.

  Dev ordered, “Tomi, send out the alarm, everyone goes immediately to their cabins and stays there until the all clear. I’m going to the bridge.” The ship jerked another hard slant, people shrieked. His boots planted solidly on the floor, holding tightly to Sveti’s arm, Dev handed her to Bowie.

  Tomi took off. Grasping Sveti’s upper arm, Bowie asked, “You want me to take Sveti to her room?”

  Dev was already starting for the door. “Nay,” he said, “bring her, I want her on the bridge with me, us.” Black hair fluttering behind his strapping back, he jogged out of the room.

  “Come on, honey.” Bowie took her arm leading her out of the sudden chaos foraying in the room. People panicking ran into each other shouting and crying.

  Tucking Sveti under his arm, Bowie ushered her down juddering corridors and up the stairs to the bridge.

  Chapter Ten

  A tense quiet pervaded the bridge as the airship floundered. Traction and speed slowed as it shifted to one side.

  Over Dev’s head, Lukas scanned the control panel monitors, asked, “What is it?” Scraping hard fingers through his tawny short buzzed hair, he looked up as Bowie, Sveti and Tomi entered the bridge.

  Dev skillfully pushed buttons, flicked levers, and typed into the ship’s engineer computer.

  His eyes on the monitors, he replied, “One of the engines is out. I need to make an emergency landing. When we get back to base, I want to know who the fuck serviced this ship.”

  “What are our chances of not crash landing, Dev? Not that I don’t have faith in your piloting ability to get us down safely, but,” to the right of him, Connar raised his palms with a small shrug.

  Concentrating on what he was doing, Dev didn’t answer him, he said to Tomi, “Lieutenant, see to the engine room.” Tomi immediately left the bridge.

  Bowie hovered behind Dev’s chair next to Connar with Sveti. Seeing her lips tighten with nerves, Bowie smiled and said with confidence, “Don’t worry honey, we have the best captain in all of the universes. Dev won’t let us down. Whoa,” he caught Sveti’s hand when she stumbled as the ship dipped crazily as it sped downward.

  “Belt her in, Bow, you too, what the fuck, you think this is a party? Get to your position,” Dev barked at the blond man.

  “Come on, honey,” Bowie said, ushering her to a chair, “let’s do as the big bad wolf commands.” His grin reassuring, he buckled Sveti in before going to his own seat beside Dev. He turned his attention to monitors and three-dimensional, digital moving graphs, and worked in tandem with Dev.

  Sveti faced the window watching the stars flash past as the ship rocked and shook, bumped and tilted as it raced to the nearest planet.

  The quiet strum of the airship’s engine was the only sound on the bridge.

  Everyone was belted in, half the occupants calmly watched Dev preparing the hurtling airship to land, the rest of the crew stared out the window anxiously observing the rocky planet that they were seeming to head straight at in breakneck speed.

  The planet rushed up at them, Dev turned the ship’s nose slightly up as they were seconds from impact. The ship’s vapor stream barely jounced on the rough terrain as Dev brought it in to land.

  He didn’t land the aircraft as quickly as usual but let it ride in softly for a longer time to smooth out the landing.

  When it came to a completely non-jarring stop, collective held breaths exhaled relief in unison. Quiet murmurs of praise for Dev’s amazing skills at so gently landing the handicapped ship railed around the deck.

  Unbuckling and getting to his feet, Dev instructed Lukas, “Give me a report on any injuries.�
�� His hazel eyes as serious as ever, Lukas nodded.

  Dev said to Connar, “Go to Tomi, I want a report on the engines.” Both lieutenants strode out of the bridge.

  To the communicator Dev snapped, “Contact the base station, tell them our situation and to send pickups.”

  A male that, judging by skin stretched too tight over oddly angled bones had struggled into his human form; nodded and started tapping on his monitor.

  Reports came back with no injuries, but the ship was not flyable. The warriors and crew retrieved supplies; packs of compressed food, water, disposable toilet paper, blankets, tools, etc.

  Everyone evacuated the craft and stood in a loose crowd murmuring their concern and complaints.

  Tomi strode to the front of the crowd. One behind the other, the planet’s several suns beat down, light glanced off his cinnamon skin and shaved scalp with his movements. He wore a beige t-shirt and brown camouflage colored cargo pants as did all of the warriors except Dev who wore black.

  The huge man’s biceps flexed under the short sleeves as he raised his arms for attention. “All right,” Tomi said loudly, “please, give me your attention.”

  He waited until everyone settled down. “This is what is going to happen. The airship is not flyable so we have to make our way to the pick-up stations, which are a couple of days’ walk from here. The land is too unstable at this location for a second ship to land here. The only way to get to solid ground is across water.” He paused as moans and complaints shuffled from person to person.

  Rianna spoke up, her strident voice scratching shivers down many a backbone, “What the hell, Lieutenant? Where are we expected to- to sleep? This is totally unacceptable, you can’t expect us to-”

  “We don’t expect you to do anything, Ms. Malone,” Dev’s cold dark voice caused everyone to turn towards the open walkway of the ship as he was striding out.

  At Rianna’s dropped mouth and antagonistic expression, he said, “You may stay here, but the ship will be locked up and no one will be allowed to stay on it. It may be months before they come and repair the ship and return it to the base. So,” Dev’s smile chilled, “feel free to stay here.”


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