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Page 9

by M J Spence

  He ran his finger up his abdomen gathering up some of the boys spilt cum and held it in front of the boys mouth. The boy giggled and opened his mouth to clean Owens fingers.

  “You like the taste of yourself boy”

  “Yes Sir I do. Does that make me a pervert?”

  “That’s not the only thing that makes you a pervert” Owen laughed. “Everyone’s a pervert given the chance.”

  Christopher hugged Owen the way a small child would hug a relative that they haven’t seen in a while.


  He had used the boy hard the night before and decided to let him sleep while he made his own coffee. He poured two mugs intending to bring coffee to Christopher in bed this time. He hesitated at the sight of Chris when he came through the bedroom door carrying the mugs. The boy was curled on his side one leg outstretched on the bed and the other slightly bent. He was tangled in the sheets, one hand under his chin, his wrist bent and the other still outstretched from where it was across Owens chest before he had slid from under it trying not to wake the boy. He was a work of art lying there. As if sensing Owens eyes on him the boy woke lifting his head and turning half closed eyes to look at Owen. “What is it Sir? And then realizing he had been sleeping when he should have been making coffee for Owen he began to scramble from the bed.

  Owen started toward the bed stilling the boy. “It’s ok Chris. I made the coffee. You deserved to sleep a little while. You were good last night.”

  The boy smiled as he sat up taking the coffee from Owens hand. “Thank you Sir”


  The next day was Monday and Owen returned to work. He had promised Chris that he could go to the hospital with Liam to pick up Alex so after seeing Owen off to work Chris dressed in one of his new suits and waited for Liam to pick him up.

  “Damn, you clean up nicely kid” Liam said when he saw him. “Is that one of the suits from my place?”

  “Yes Sir. It is.”

  “Looks damn good on you.”

  “I was thinking of taking lunch to Sir after we picked up Alex and wanted to look nice.”

  “That’s a good idea Chris. Why don’t you take my car and driver after we drop off Alex at home. Drop me at work but make sure you pick up enough for me too.”

  “Thank you Sir. I will . Do you have a preference for lunch?

  “Anything you get Owen will be fine Chris.

  Alex was happy to see the both of them when they entered his room. Liam dropped off clothes for Alex to wear home and left to sign papers for his release.

  “Wow Chris you look good. This is the first time I’ve seen you in a suit.”

  “I kinda like the way I look in it too”

  He did a GQ pose and they both laughed. Then Christopher turned serious. “How are you feeling Alex? Will you be ok?”

  “I think so. They said I need treatment though and Master Liam said he won’t train me any more until I get it so that sucks. But he did say he would keep me while I’m getting better so that’s a good thing I guess. I kind of feel like I don’t deserve to be kept though Chris. Like I’m not worth it.”

  “But you are worth it Alex. Don’t start talking like that again. When you’re well again you’re going to make a good sub. Don’t you think Liam sees that? If he didn’t he wouldn’t keep you. You are so worth it. Just don’t fuck it up again.

  “I promise I won’t Chris.”

  Liam returned from filling out release forms with an orderly and a wheel chair.

  “I can walk Sir. I’m not sick. Not physically anyway.”

  “It’s just a formality Alex.”

  They left Alex with Lucas after receiving assurances from Lucas that they would be fine. Chris dropped Liam off at his office and took the car to pick up lunch for him and Owen. He returned to the office building laden down with aromatic bags of food and made his way to Owens office. Owen pushed the intercom button and his secretary announced a Mr. Carter to see him. It was funny to Chris that he was announced as Mr. Carter. He had never been called Mr. Carter before and he liked the sound of it. Must be the suit. He smiled to himself.

  “Does he have an appointment Sarah” Owen said not recognizing the name. If Sarah had said your boy is here to see you then he would have known it was Chris. But this was his office so it was Mr. Carter.

  “No Sir but he has some delicious smelling bags.”

  “Send him in then.” Owen said realizing who it was. She opened the door and ushered Christopher in. She looked Chris up and down before closing the door and gave Owen a thumbs up behind his back. Owen looked at him in surprise. The boy was making an effort to be business-like since this was his first time at Owens office.

  “I brought lunch for you and Mr. Ward and Mr. Taylor Sir. Mr. Ward said he would be here soon and I guess you could call Mr. Taylor unless you would like me to go and fetch him Sir.”

  “No need. I’ll give him a call. Thanks Christopher.

  Owen had a table by the window set aside for business lunches when he didn’t wish to go out with a client. He said to Chris. “Set it up on the table over there Mr. Carter.” playing along with Chris formal facade.

  “Thank you for bringing lunch I had forgotten to eat. Would you like to join us?” He said as Christopher laid out dishes, silverware and napkins at the table.

  “No Sir Mr. Morgan. I have a few things to do at the house. I just wanted to make sure that you ate lunch. I don’t want you missing meals.”

  Owen chuckled.

  “You look good Chris. I like you in a suit almost as much as I like you bare-ass.”

  Chris blushed “We’re in your office Sir.” He said intent on remaining professional.

  “Doesn’t mean I can’t fuck you right here on my desk. My door does have a lock on it” Owen laughed.

  “I’m leaving” Chris said a tiny smile on his face. Owen growled at him as he was leaving. He opened the door and met Liam coming in. Liam winked at him as he passed.


  They had taken to having coffee in bed in the mornings and discussing the days activities. Christopher got up a little before Owen brewed the coffee and brought the two mugs into the bedroom and settled on the bed facing Owen while they talked.

  This morning they had finished their coffee and were about to get up and start their day when Christopher crawled across the bed to Owen setting his coffee cup on the night stand and taking Owens and placing it next to his. “Is this ok Sir?” As he snuggled into Owens arms. “Its fine boy”. He leaned down to take the boys mouth feeling his dick hardening as he felt the warmth inside the boys mouth.

  “Do you want me to suck you off Sir “the boy said.

  “No, I want more boy.” He reached into the nightstand drawer and retrieved a container of lube before shimmying out of his pajama bottoms so he was as naked as Christopher. His body was hard and muscled and the nerves underneath his skin quivered when the boy ran his hand across his shoulders. He leaned back against the headboard and pulled the boy to his lap. Opening the lube he slicked his fingers and reached underneath the boy inserting two fingers into his opening. The boy hissed at the invasion and wrapped his legs around Owens body giving Owen better access to his ass. Owen wrapped his arm around the boy pulling him closer so he could control the lift and fall of the boys body on his fingers. His fingers found the bundle of nerves inside the boys body and began massaging.

  “Yes, yes there” the boy whimpered and then remembering himself added a “Sir.”

  “Don’t you cum boy.” Owen said. The boy was trying hard to get more of Owens fingers.

  “That feel good boy? Chris lowered his head to Owens shoulder and breathed out. “Yes yes. Fuck yes. It’s good Sir’

  Owen continued massaging and the boy squirmed in his arms. He used his other hand to twist the boys nipples getting a yelp and then a sigh from the boy. He removed his fingers and slid from beneath the boy. Chris got to his hands and knees with no prompting from Owen. He already knew what Owen wanted and what he
wanted also. Owen wanted inside of him. He wanted to cum inside of him. He admired the boys reddened cheeks from the paddle he had used on him yet again last night before grabbing more lube and squeezing it onto the crevice between the boys ass cheeks. He lined himself up and entered past the tight muscle of the boys ass and gave the boy time to relax and get used to the fullness of his dick.

  “You don’t have to wait Sir just fuck me . I…. need you to fuck me, my ass… is yours.” Owen began thrusting into the boy slowly establishing a rhythm but the boy needed more.

  He groaned out “Harder please Sir I can take it. You know I can take it.”

  “Hush boy. You take what I give you.” Owen was enjoying the heat of the inside of the boys body as he slid in and out of him. He even liked the desperateness in the boys voice as he begged for more. The boys head dropped as he attempted to adjust himself to Owens movement into and out of his body. Owen reached for his braid and pulled his head back licking and biting at the boys shoulder. He wanted this to last.

  Christopher groaned out “More Sir more. I can’t. I need more.” Owen laughed to himself. This boy was not telling him how he wanted to be fucked. He pulled out leaving the boy empty and turned him onto his back. He reached for a pillow from the top of the bed and shoved it under the boys body and lifted the boys legs to his shoulders dropping his weight onto him and plowing into him all the way to the root feeling his balls hit the boys ass.

  “Is this what you want you little shit” he chuckled.

  The boy lifted his body to Owen and hissed. “Yes, yes Sir. It’s what I want.”

  Owen began pistoning his hips into the boy hard and fast and the boy met him stroke for stroke while yelling obscenities into Owens ear.

  “Fuck yeah. More, Harder. Oh fuck.” And “Jesus fuck me.”

  Not at all like the delicate boy Owen was used to. His voice had gone guttural and the filth coming out of his mouth was not what Owen would have expected but it turned him on. He loved that he could turn the boy into this feral creature. Chris was all teeth and nails, bites and scratches. His wildness was killing all hope of making this last. The filth coming from the boys mouth and the heat from inside the boys body brought him quickly to the point of cumming.

  He reached for the boys dick and said “you’re gonna cum with me boy.” “Yes I am Sir” the boy answered. He tightened around Owens cock and Owen came hard into his ass. While the boy shot hot fluid over his own and Owens belly and screamed into Owens ear. And Owen said “fuck yeah” into his. “Get it out boy.”

  He rolled to the side slipping from his body and taking the boy in his arms.

  “You’re a demanding little thing aren’t you?”

  Christopher turned red. “Sorry Sir. I get kinda into it.” “Damn right you do. I like it.’”


  A week passed and Owen and Chris learned more and more about each other. Chris would call every day and enquire about whether Owen had had lunch or not. Sometimes he would bring it to him and sometimes Owen would be too busy to eat lunch. The days when he was too busy Chris made sure he had a large dinner waiting for him when he got home. He took care of household chores during the day and at night they played. Chris was set on having Owen try all of his toys out on him so some mornings they woke up dead tired after having played or having sex until the early hours of the morning.

  On Saturday they had stayed up particularly late and Owen decided they should sleep in in the morning. When he turned over toward where the boy usually was he found him gone, probably to make the coffee. He sat up and stretched and yawned and by that time the boy was headed through the door two mugs of coffee in his hands. His bare foot caught the edge of the rug and he tripped sending the coffee flying. He fell to the floor amidst the broken pieces of the mugs and the coffee stains on the rug. He let out a scream of anguish causing Owen to bolt from the bed thinking he had been burned.

  “What is it Christopher? Did you burn yourself, cut yourself?

  Chris was full on sobbing.

  “What is it?” Owen asked. He had examined the boy and found no burns or cuts.

  “I’m sorry Sir. I’m sorry.” Christopher was saying over and over.

  “Please, please don’t send me away. I didn’t mean it.” He hiccupped “I…didn’t see… I’m so clumsy. I’m sorry.”

  “Chris. Chris. It’s just spilt coffee and a couple of mugs. The mugs can be replaced and the rugs cleaned. “What are you so upset about.”

  “Please don’t send me away Sir. I’ll do better I promise. I promise.”

  Christopher was shaking and Owen took him into his arms and rocked him.

  “Stop this Chris. It’s ok boy. You have to stop this.”

  The boy pulled violently away from Owen and began crawling around on the floor picking up the pieces of the mugs until Owen pulled him back.

  “What is this about Chris? Why are you doing this.” Chris had still not stopped sobbing.

  “Chris!!! Stop it now!! You’ll make yourself sick!!”

  He pulled him up to his knees grabbed his shoulders and shook him.

  “Now look at me and tell me what is wrong. Why are you making such a big thing over a little coffee and a couple mugs.”

  Chris turned his tearstreaked face so he could look at Owen. He said nothing but the tears had stopped. “Tell me” Owen said.

  “I’ve tried so hard to please you Sir. So….hard. I’ve done everything you asked of me. I’ve tried my best to please you and now I’ve fucked up….sorry Sir. Messed up. And now I’m going to get sent away and I want to stay with you Sir but now you’ll think I’m just a fucked up street kid who has no business trying to be your sub but I’m trying Sir. I…want it so bad. I’ve never wanted anything so bad in my life and I promise Sir. I can do better. I will do better just don’t…..”he couldn’t even get the words out. “Just please don’t.” He tried again. Owen grabbed him holding him tight.

  “How could I send you away boy. I want you. I want you here with me. No one else. Just you. This was just an accident. People have accidents. It’s ok boy, it’s ok.”

  He rocked the boy in his arms repeating over and over. “It’s ok. I will never send you away.”

  The boy was not completely broken but he was damaged.

  Part Two


  Alexander sits in a chair in his counselors’ office with a box of tissues in his lap. He has agreed to counseling because he is now considered suicidal and Liam agreed to keep him as long as he got help. The woman in the other chair is pleasant in her 40’s and dressed in sensible clothes a note pad on her lap, her legs crossed at the ankle. Alex has told her most of his story and has gotten to the hardest part to talk about. He’s telling her about Ray, the pimp he was with during the most horrific part of his life.

  “I could never bring in enough money for Ray. The other two boys that Ray kept brought in much more than I did, did everything better than I did.” Everyone always did everything better than he did. Ray beat him almost daily in an effort to make Alex bring in more money but the more he beat him the less Alex brought in. No one wanted a boy with his eyes swollen almost shut or with bruises all over his body. It scared customers away. He told Alex that he’d better figure out a way to bring in more money.

  “You have to understand” he is saying “I was scared. I was so scared. I didn’t know what to do and I couldn’t stand to be beaten anymore.”

  And then in a whisper he repeated his words. “I was so scared. I didn’t know what to do. You have to understand. I didn’t know what else to do. His voice was filled with anguish. So I...I”

  He raised his head took a deep breath and tried to say the words that would break him yet again. He had trouble getting the words out so the woman helped him along.

  “What did you do Alexander?”

  Her voice was impersonal as it had to be. This was her job. And then he finally said the words.

  “I gave him Chris.”


  “Tell me what happened when you brought Chris to him Alex.”

  Alex took a tissue from the box and blew his nose. He had to get it out once and for all. He and Christopher never talked about it. He had never talked about it with anyone. Chris had forgiven him. He had never mentioned it but he knew that Chris had forgiven him and he didn’t deserve it. He didn’t deserve Christopher.

  “It was just chance that I got caught by Ray. He stopped at the curb next to me and Chris and Chris said you take this one Alex. I’m done for the night. I went to the car talked to Ray and then opened the door and got in. I never made it back to Chris. The guy in the car was a pimp and he decided that I was going to make him money.” He had told her earlier.

  “Ray was beating me almost nightly because I didn’t come home with as much money as the other boys. He kept telling me that I had better come up with a way to bring in more money. He told me if I tried to run he would find me and kill me.”

  “How about that pretty boy that you used to run with? He probably makes a lot of money why don’t you bring him to me.”

  “I told him I didn’t see Chris anymore. I had told Chris when I finally saw him to stay away so Ray couldn’t get to him.

  He kept telling me to bring him Christopher and he kept on beating me and telling me how worthless I was for not making enough money. Finally I couldn’t take it anymore and I found Chris and told him I couldn’t take the beatings anymore. He came with me to Ray but Ray could never break him. Ray would hit him and he would just stare at him, he wouldn’t cry or anything just stare. Finally Ray brought home a dress and told Chris that he had a client that wanted a sissy boy. Christopher refused. “You’ll do as I say” Ray told him. Chris still refused and Ray turned and backhanded me knocking me to the floor. He knew Chris couldn’t stand it when he hit me so he always used that to get Chris to do what he wanted. Chris didn’t care if Ray beat him so Ray would beat me to control Chris. Chris cried out when Ray lifted his foot to kick me. He didn’t want Ray to hurt me anymore. He wore the dress and took care of the client so Ray wouldn’t beat me again but after that he went to the police and got Ray arrested.”


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