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Russian Teacher (Yes, Daddy Book 6)

Page 6

by Lena Little

  “There’s no sea around here.”

  “I guess not all Americans struggle with geography,” he says completely deadpan, taking a drink of his water. “I’m just teasing you. It’s getting a bit stuffy in here with this talk, don’t you think?”

  “I think I want to know the rest.”

  He stands, moving toward the kitchen window and opening it, and it’s only then I notice he looks both ways before he sits back down. Is this how he lives, in fear that he’s always being chased, tracked, watched? This is no life for me.

  “I left too, obviously, but didn’t want to ever put my mother in any sort of danger. All it takes is to be recognized by the wrong Russian on holiday with their family and everything I worked for comes crashing down.”

  “But if you didn’t need to work again, why did you come here? Why did you work?”

  “I’m not going to take my money and build a golden cage, trapping myself alone in a nice house for the rest of my life. Plus it’s better to be out amongst the people, socializing, living. If I wanted to lock myself inside that’s basically death. I might as well just catch the next flight back to Moscow and take a bullet in the brain before I ever leave the airport parking lot.”

  “So you came here to put my life in danger?”

  His head moves from side to side. “Putting your life, or anyone’s life in danger, was never on my mind, not to mention I do have skills in evasiveness and dealing with dangerous people, amongst other things.”


  “But I pursued you?”


  “I stayed back as long as I could, Alexa, until I couldn’t anymore. But I promise you you’re safe with me. Know that.”

  “How can I know that after what you just said?”

  “Do you trust me?” he says, moving in closer, putting his hand on mine. “Princess.”

  “Now’s not the time for that,” I say, jerking my hand back. I lean my head forward into my palm trying to make sense of this all. “I trust you, but how can you be sure that you, one man, can hold off what amounts to an army of men if they find you.”

  “I can put a bullet in-between the heads of the double-headed eagle that sits on the back of the one ruble coin…with a sniper rifle from six hundred yards. And I can do it ten times out of ten. I have a special set of skills, and not some kind of Liam Neeson ‘Taken’ nonsense. This is real. No one can touch me, or you, ever.” He pauses. “But I understand your fears. One day they’ll come for me, and that day, like every day, I’ll be ready.”

  “So that’s the play? You’re going to stay here and be the Russian teacher until some Russians find you? Why couldn’t you have picked another subject?”

  “I didn’t pick Russian and I didn’t pick this school. I got off the bus here because it looked beyond boring, and I was right…until I saw you.”

  “You already said that.”

  “At the bus stop, not in the classroom.”

  “You saw me…?”

  “You were buying a pack of smokes. I prayed they weren’t for you, and now that I’ve been to what was your house I assume they were for your mom.”

  “You…I…” I think back. He’s right. One time the corner store was out and I did have to walk all the way over the bus stop to buy mom cigarettes. “That was a long time ago.”

  “It was, but it told me two three things. One, you were eighteen because you were old enough to buy cigarettes, and two, not to get back on that bus and finish out the ticket I’d originally bought..”

  “That’s only two.”

  “And three…your fate was sealed. You were to be mine forever.”

  Alexander may be a calculated guy and ‘teach’ a language, but he doesn’t strike me as a smooth talker, telling women what they want to hear. As a matter of fact no woman has been able to get to him this entire year, and many have tried. I believe his words, and take him to be a straight-shooter, no pun intended.

  “This teacher act is running thin anyway. Not to mention you’re no longer a student so I have no desire to be there anymore. I need to be where you are, watching over you, keeping you safe.”

  “It seems like you’d be better off watching over yourself considering your past,” I counter, not making this any easier on him but wanting to see just how far he’ll really go when tested.

  “I’m possessive as hell of you, and the thought of some college punks looking at you makes me jealous as fuck. Being around you makes me feel alive, but the thought of you surrounded by a bunch of horny young boys all day with me not around, kills me.” His big body moves forward and his lips find mine. “And that’s why I’m keeping you right by my side.”

  “I’m happy to get out of this one horse town if you are.”

  “It’s going to be an adventure for the rest of our lives, I can promise you that. And I can also promise you one day, as soon as I can, I’m going to get you a cabin in the mountains.”



  I smile wide, and he grabs me out of my seat and pulls me onto his lap, his desire poking me in the back. “Is it playtime again, Daddy?” I tease into his ear.

  “As far as I’m concerned playtime never ends.”

  He grabs my ass hard and spins me around so I’m riding him, my hands grabbing a hold of his firm chest muscles as they flex under my grip. “What game should we play this time, Daddy?” I go along.

  “Let’s play V.I.P.’S Enter Through The Back Door.”

  “Uh oh?” I say, bringing the tips of my fingers to my lips. “The V.I.P. Entrance?”

  “Yes, little girl. And there’s only one V.I.P. in your life.”

  “Who’s that, Daddy?”

  “Who do you think, little one?” he asks, his hand sliding into the back of my panties and the pad of his thumb finding the opening to my backside.

  “I think Daddy wants to enter through the back door, so no one can see him.”

  “You’re right, precious,” he says, spinning me around so I’m reverse cowgirl, still in my underwear, on his lap. Then his legs pull back and I slide from his lap, my feet finding the floor as he yanks down my panties. I hear a spitting sound and then a warm stickiness being spread on my poopy hole. “Feels like that backdoor is even smaller and more narrow than the front.”

  “That’s by design, Daddy. I learned it in school.”

  “Well for Daddy’s sake you better learn to keep your voice down when Daddy sneaks in the back. We don’t want him getting caught and getting thrown out do we?”

  I shake my head from side to side. “No, we don’t want that at all.”

  “Breathe in, sweetheart, and turn your head forward so you’re not watching.”

  I do as I’m told and slowly I feel his thickness invade my backside and I feel all the air in my lungs disappear, my shoulder pulling up tight.

  “Breathe out, darling. Daddy’s in.”

  I exhale and hear him spit, a warm glob landing right on the top of my opening and dripping down onto Daddy’s rod as he slowly works his hips back.

  “Do you remember what to say if Daddy gets caught sneaking in the back door?”

  “Uh huh,” I nod. “That this all belongs to Daddy and he can enter whatever door he wishes when we’re playing.”

  “That’s right and why can Daddy do that?”

  “Because I like it.”

  “Because we like it.”

  I grab a hold of the edge of the table and feel his hand come around as he rubs my nub while he moves in and out of my ass.

  I feel so dirty and depraved, yet so amazingly refreshed at the same time. It’s unlike anything I could have ever thought up myself, and that’s exactly why I have my Daddy…to guide and direct me to new experiences, challenges, and everything else in this crazy thing called life.

  “Fuck, Precious. You’re so tight I’m about to come.”

  “Good. That’s what I’m here for. To make you happy, Daddy.”

  “But not until you’re happy f

  His thumb changes to his first two fingers as he rubs my nub expertly before sliding two fingers inside me. Then suddenly his other hand comes around and a single finger fishhooks my mouth, pulling my head back as he fills three orifices at once.

  My eyes close and everything spins as he moves in and out of me in each place he’s inserted a part of his own body.

  He’s right…he is possessive as hell, and right now he owns all of me. And most importantly he owns the one thing I’ve never given anyone, and it’s not just my body.

  My heart.

  I trust him completely, especially considering the position I’m in. As he pulls my head back farther he says the words I’m longing to hear.

  “Let loose, Little Girl. Show Daddy how much you like this. Come for your Daddy.”

  “Daddy!” I cry out, a tear pricking my eye. “I love you, Daddy,” I howl as my body unleashes yet again and I cover his fingers with my juices causing him to explode into my back channel damn near instantly.

  “Mine,” he growls into my ear from behind before nipping at my lobe. “You. Are. Mine.”

  As if I ever had any say in the matter. As if I ever wanted anything or anyone else. Never.

  Only him. My everything.



  Three days later

  We walk into the football stadium hand in hand and every neck in the place snaps.

  “It’s true!” a voice says.

  “Disgusting,” someone else calls out.

  “He should be fired,” comes in whispers.

  They don’t need to worry. I’ve already written up my official resignation letter and have it in my pocket. I wanted to hand it in three days ago but Alexa really wanted me to be the one to hand her her diploma today, and the school gets some sort of government funding for the amount of teachers they have on staff at the end of the year so I did them a solid and stayed on.

  But I can barely stand this goofy rented cap and gown getup. It’s itchy and more than that, I had an Agent Provocateur lingerie set overnighted to Alexa, who’s wearing that, and nothing else, underneath her robe. I’ll be surprised if we make it all the way home before we’re tearing into each other…not that we’re going home after this anyway. I’ve got a surprise in store for my princess.

  All eyes continue to follow us as I release Alexa’s hand and she joins her classmates while I march up on stage. I get more than a few stink eyes from the other teachers, but who cares? I sure don’t. The only thing that matters is I’ve got my woman.

  “Good for you,” a teacher sitting next to me remarks. “That’s a young hottie you scored.”

  I turn to him, baring my teeth. “If you ever refer to my wife as a hottie again, or use the word ‘scored’ in the same sentence I will rip off your neck and shit down your neck. Are we clear?”

  He nods profusely and turns his gaze completely away from me.

  “Don’t even look at her,” I bite out. “Ever.”

  I might not even need this resignation letter if I manage to get fired before the graduation ceremony ends.

  I’m not a man who takes kindly to others looking at his wife, and although she might not officially be my wife yet, she might as well be. I’ve got plans for that too.

  Apparently the other men up here close to the microphone heard my instructions because they now all have their heads down and nobody’s saying a thing or looking in my direction. And more importantly no one’s looking in her direction. Mission accomplished.

  The ceremony begins and before long it’s Alexa’s turn to step up and receive her diploma as the valedictorian of her class. I was able to convince the principal that she’d shown enough improvement to justify me giving her a final grade of an A+, despite earlier low scores. It’s all about what the student learns and more importantly retains, right? And she’s going to be the only one in her class who retains an actual Russian and practices with him the rest of her life.

  It also didn’t hurt that I rolled up my sleeves and exposed some of my homemade ink to the limp-wristed ‘school boss.’ He quickly learned he’s the boss of nothing when I’m around.

  When they call her name I stand and present her with her diploma, and then a kiss on the cheek. “You did it, baby girl. You graduated top of your class.” I pause. “Daddy is very proud of you and has a surprise for you later.”

  She moves in closer to me, her robe pressing against mine as she slyly cups my balls and then fists my rock hard shaft. “I wonder what that surprise might be…Daddy.”

  I can’t resist anymore. I lean forward and give her a big kiss right on the lips to the gasps of the audience. Then I pull my resignation letter out of my pocket, hand it to the principal, take Alexa’s hand and we exit stage right.

  Not wasting any time we move toward the area underneath the bleachers. “This is how they do it in American high schools, right?”

  “We’re about to find out,” Alexa says.

  “No, you’ve been found out…Alexander Smith,” A raspy voice cuts through the air. “Or is it Alexander Smirnoff.”

  I pivot on a heel and see a man with a gun pointed right at my chest.

  “You did good,” he continues. “Took me an entire year to track down the man who’s an expert at tracking others down. Now let’s go,” he motions with his pistol. “Your friends back in Russia can’t wait to see you again.”

  “Just let me say goodbye to my woman.”

  “She’s not a woman, she’s a child,” he sneers. I sneer back. “Hurry up. We don’t have all day. And don’t try something foolish.”

  “Alexander! What’s going on?” Alexa cries.

  “Don’t you worry, baby girl. You know Daddy loves you and will always be here for you.

  “But?” I take her face in one hand and give her that knowing look. “Okay,” she nods her head, but I’m not sure if she believes me or not.

  “Now give Daddy a hug.”

  I pull her in tight and bear hug her with one hand, my other hand gripping the front of my robe and slowly lifting it up until I find what I need, twisting my wrist and holding it tight and out of view as I continue to comfort my baby.

  “Did you refer to yourself as Daddy, you sick fuck,” my adversary who I finally recognize as Maxim Zakharov, the assassin that was always claiming he’d be the best one day. My gut tightens at the thought that this prick thinks he’s about to get his day in the sun and will be a hero in the Russian Underworld back in Moscow if he’s able to bring me in, especially single-handedly like this.

  “When I say the name of Nabokov’s most famous, you duck. Understand?” I whisper into her ear.

  Alexa’s eyes open wide and she nods. “See you soon, angel.”

  “Let’s go you pervert,” Zakharov says.

  “I’m not a pervert,” I say calmly, turning toward him. “It was a Russian who made the whole idea of being someone’s Daddy so acceptable in social culture wasn’t it?”

  “Shut your mouth and let’s go,” he motions with the gun, keeping his eyes glued on me, but unable to see what’s in my hand.

  “You never read the famous book?”

  “What book?” he says as we step out and I hear a sniffle from my woman behind me, and it damn near tears my heart out.

  “Lolita!” I say, twisting my wrist to free my Kindle Oasis, the smallest one they make, in the matte black case I’d kept pressed against my robe so it wasn’t conspicuous, hitting a fake power button and the switchblade springs to life and I stab it right into Zakharov’s side, twisting his arm and taking his weapon before he can even get a shot off.

  I hold him and ease him down to the ground. “How dare you think you could separate me from my woman…you suka,” I add, insulting him in Russian as he slides into eternal sleep.

  Quickly my eyes scan the area and I’m surprised there’s no one else. Then again, Zakharov always worked alone, as did I. It’s a matter of personal pride, and this time pride turned out to be his deadly sin.

/>   I turn and look at my girl, seeing she’s still ducked down, her eyes wide and focused on Zakharov’s body.

  I step in between him and her line of sight and move closer to her. “You should have to see something like this, precious. Daddy doesn’t want you scarred for life.”

  “You…you…” she stutters.

  “I did what I needed to do when someone tried to take me from my girl. That’s not happening. Ever,” I say, claiming her mouth. Her lips are unresponsive, still shaking from the moment, but finally she throws her arms around me and I hold her tight.

  “This is your graduation gift by the way,” I say wiping the blood off the switchblade and clicking the release button so it slides back into the side of the Kindle Oasis.

  “A new Kindle! How did you know?”

  “It’s a Daddy’s job to know everything about his little, and I know you love to read. The only thing is I…made some modifications to it, so you’re always safe.”

  “Protecting me just like you said you always would.”

  “Always, baby. And now you’ve seen what I’m capable of, up close and personal. This is the man you’re about to spend the rest of your life with, but don’t be afraid. Just know I’m capable of protecting what’s mine and nothing on this earth is more precious, or more mine, than you are.”

  “Oh, Daddy. You don’t scare me anymore. You make me feel…even safer. You might be a bad man, but your heart is good, and it belongs to me.”

  “That’s not the only thing,” I add, taking her hand and walking her back a couple of steps so we’re farther underneath the bleachers. “Grab that crossbar and hold on tight. Daddy needs to be inside you now.”

  “Not just now. Daddy seems to always need that feeling.”

  “Damn right,” I respond as I slap her ass, grabbing that annoying gown and lifting it up to expose that incredible lingerie. Too bad for the person who spent all that time hand crafting it that all it takes is one second, and one of my big hands, to grab it and yank it clean off, the seams ripping as I can’t allow anything to get in the way of my skin and hers.


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