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Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Five

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by Colin J Platt

Chapter 45-Trapped

  I noticed at once that I couldn't contact Tamia! I was now in a dirty cell that smelled awful. This must be the physical world; nothing that bad could affect me in such a way on the astral. I thought to myself, could Kallo be bluffing? Was he trying to make it seem that I was on the physical, but I would have been able to shift my consciousness, wouldn't I?

  Hold on though! Kallo was neutralized, that I do know. OK, you say then how come he is here? I have to contact someone.

  This will be my last report to whoever can access my conscious wavelength. As students you know how I have been able to get my story down on to the Deep-Conscious databank at Earth base for whoever can access it. I feel like a complete fool, yet, I have done my best, and that is what matters. Sionn, Reeas, Deria, Tamia, and whoever else can access this, forgive me for not being conscious enough. Suddenly the cell door opened, and in came a scruffy looking jailer.

  ‘You will be terminated at sundown,’ he said. He then shoved a plate of inedible meat at me which stank to high heaven. I could now move as the paralysis had gone. The jailer then shoved the plate at me again, and gave me a second glance.

  I knew at once what he was trying to do, but I just looked at him as if to say yes, I know, he then left. I took it for granted the cell was bugged, so I left the plate untouched for a few minutes. The cell floor was covered in straw, so I just pretended to stretch out and feel under the plate where I found a small battery size device which I knew to be a contact-reacher. I thought, thank Sionn, I have an ally here. I pressed the small button on the end of the device while hiding it under the straw, at once I could hear my beautiful little fairy friend, Deria!

  ‘Dan, please listen, you must be in trouble as you pressed the contact-reacher, I don't know what your circumstances are, so all I can say is this contact-reacher is from level eleven so I assume you are trapped in one of the various encampments that we know to be there, if you are in some sort of prison then I assume again you cannot use your abilities to get out, so I suggest you place this device against your forehead, and again press the button.’

  No sooner had she said that when the hatch in the cell door opened and Kallo himself was staring at me. He had a strange look on his face. I slowly shoved the device under the straw without thinking. My past life training as a Yoga teacher had stood me in good stead; I just hope it was good enough.

  ‘What are you trying to hide, Trainee? Oh, I see, you are trying to transform into your Tourgen friend eh? Ha, pathetic. I'm here to say you have fifteen minutes left to live in the physical realm, and then your life will be mine to torment for as long as I please.’

  He then left. I knew there was something different about Kallo.

  Why didn’t he affect me like he used to? Is it my consciousness that has altered? Or is there something more to it. Right, here goes. I placed the device against my forehead and pressed the button. Straight away I saw Deria in all her beauty, she wasn't a fairy anymore but a beautiful young woman of about thirty, she was wearing a silken silver dress and she had a golden tiara on her head.

  ‘Dan, I can’t reach you, as the lower levels are too dense for me, all I can do is tell you that whatever your problem is, it is astral, and you can overcome it, trust your inner self and never give up, you are a Guardian-of-Space and unlimited.’ Suddenly she was gone!

  Right, I thought. This Kallo is a bluffer, he wants me to believe I am on the physical plane, OK, I will play along with him, this implant he put in my neck is the thing that is holding me here. Don’t forget, students, the implant in my neck is made up of astral material and works just the same as a physical one would in the physical world.

  I know it is hard to understand sometimes but you are students, and as such, you will know. So, I have to somehow bypass this little trick that Kallo or his apprentice has played. I now know it will take all my strength emotionally, spiritually and physically as the physical world is forever tied in with the astral world.

  ‘OK, Earth man. Time to die,’ said the jailer, who was a filthy wretch with a disfigured face, and not the one that brought the contact-reacher. ‘OK,’ I said, ‘let’s get it over with, Ugly!’

  With that he shoved a small dagger into my side which was painful but not overly so. There was blood but as I looked at it I could see it was beginning to dry up already. Good, it is as I thought I am still on the astral world. I can cope with this. I have to focus all my effort on getting back to Dan Sherman. If Sionn trusted me enough to take me on as a Guardian then I am a Guardian. We reached a sort of execution scaffold with a small ladder like structure in the center and a noose hanging from the top. I already knew this was a gruesome torture instrument from the middle-ages, it was used to hang-draw-and-quarter people, I must admit, I felt scared, but not for long.

  I just thought of Deria in her finery, she was all a spiritual person could aspire to be, and more. I felt good now, even confident. Kallo was stood at the far end of the court yard on a sort of podium like an Emperor; he even raised his thumb as they used to do in ancient Rome. The executioner put the rope around my neck, I looked him straight in the eye I could see the look of terror on his face as I changed into the Tourgen clone known as Cloft; of course, the scaffold now collapsed as my weight was too much for it. I could now see Kallo leaving the podium. I had to get to him, I ran as fast as I could but too late, he vanished. All I could do was change back to Dan Sherman. I knew Kallo wouldn't come back, we had won another round, I noticed the force field had also gone. The people were ecstatic. Tamia was again audible to me. ‘Dan, you are as good as they say.’

  ‘Really?’ I said, trying to be noble. ‘I couldn't have done it without Deria.’

  ‘We can now go on to level 12.’ Tamia said.

  ‘Good, let’s get going,’ I said, trying to be cool. Before I set off I made it my business to thank the jailer who helped me. It turned out he was a coworker for us. What would we do without them? The place was known as Stonetop, a Bronze-Age type village before Kallo got hold of it, now it is free and ready to move on. Don’t forget, students, our job is to complete a mission and not interfere with anything or anyone while we are there. That is something that Kallo and his helpers are frequently forgetting, or not caring about.


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