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Trixie Provoked

Page 18

by Viktor Redreich

  Trixie found the activities odd at first but soon learned to like what she once considered a frivolous use of time.

  Time at the house was magical, and she knew it was only going to get better when she implemented her plan to get rid of her rival in this love triangle.

  She wanted to be Atlas’s only little girl, and she subtly competed with Cherry for his attention. When the Cherry wasn’t around, Trixie actively tried to discredit her.

  When Cherry was in her presence, Trixie buddied up to her and tried to learn as much about Atlas as she could.

  She found this two-faced game easy and somewhat fun at times.

  But as the three-week probation period came close to its end, urgency gripped her.

  She would have to make her big move soon.

  Chapter 18

  How could you?

  Trixie had been slacking off from work more than usual and was required to make up for it by working late that night.

  There were only two days left for Atlas to make his final decision as to whether or not Trixie would become part of a three-way couple with Cherry and Atlas.

  Trixie was nervous and excited but mostly frustrated that she hadn’t been home in time to greet Atlas when he’d arrived.

  Maybe when she officially integrated herself into Atlas’s life as his only babygirl, she could ditch her job at the boutique altogether.

  Trixie had been increasingly anxious over the last few days.

  Ambitious by nature, she had always strived hard to reach the top. Even when she was a simple farm girl, she made sure that her livelihood and reputation were a cut above the rest of the townsfolk.

  Then she encountered Zion, a beast of a man who had seemed to Beatrice--as she was known back then--to be the ultimate specimen of manhood. Trixie worked hard to transform herself into the ultimate woman in his eyes and to thereby conquer him. Once she’d managed to steal his flame, she realized he was only human. She quickly got over him moved on to bigger challenges.

  Since leaving the mighty Zion in a pool of his own tears, Trixie had dedicated herself to her job, earning recognition, perks, and promotions as she climbed the corporate ladder, setting her sights on the very top of the pyramid.

  Perhaps someday she’d be promoted to head office. She had an eye for fashion, maybe she could be in charge of putting together collections for all the boutiques owned by the company she worked for. She could travel the world, visit designers and factories, and stamp her own name on the merchandise sold.

  Maybe someday she’s even become CEO.

  Her goals all changed after she’d met Atlas. Seeing how Cherry managed to enjoy a life of leisure and luxury made Trixie feel stupid. Why work so hard when you can find a man like Atlas to just hand it all to you?

  Trixie realized that instead of being so dedicated to her job, she could the instead dedicate herself to Atlas, catering to him in every way. Satisfying his needs so that he’d satisfy hers. It would be like a full-time job for which she’d be compensated with more than enough wealth for even the most extravagant life.

  After 8 p.m. that night, she used her key to let herself into the huge house.

  She knew Atlas and Cherry had already had dinner, but she avoided the dining and kitchen areas anyway.

  She wanted to freshen up before seeing Atlas.

  She wanted him to see her at her best.

  After more than ten hours at work, she definitely wasn’t looking or feeling that great.

  Heading to one of the spare bedrooms, she passed the grand master bedroom and paused.

  “I think Trixie is jealous of you.”

  It was Atlas’s voice coming from behind the closed door, but the words were clear enough for Trixie to hear.

  She pressed her ear against the door with narrowed eyes, and adrenaline suddenly raced through her veins.

  “She is clearly competing with you for my attention. Can’t you see that?” he continued.

  Trixie’s heart skipped a beat then galloped away at the concern she’d heard in Atlas’s voice.

  She hoped his suspicion wouldn’t get her kicked out of the big house before she got the chance to implement her plan.

  Cherry's laughter came from behind the wooden barrier.

  “Cute, isn't it?” she said when her mirth died down. “Oh, Daddy, it’s harmless. Real sisters compete for their Daddy’s attention all the time. Besides, I trust Trixie. We’ve had our disagreements in the past, but honestly, I don’t think she’d do anything to hurt me.”

  “Oh babygirl, I hope you're right, but I wouldn’t count on it.”

  Luckily, Cherry’s naivety saved her from Atlas’s suspicions.

  But Trixie had run out of time.

  It was now or never to put the wheels of her plan into motion.

  Her appearance no longer mattered as much.

  She had more important things to worry about.

  She reached into her purse and grabbed the incriminating photos along with the printed text messages.

  She’d been carrying them around with her the last few days, waiting for the right time to strike, and it looked like that time was now.

  Pushing the door open, she rushed into the bedroom and shouted at Cherry, “How could you betray such a great man, you gold-digging whore?”

  Cherry was lying on the king-size bed that dominated the center of the bedroom. She was naked aside from a pair of cotton panties with pink hearts and bows in her hair.

  Her titties swayed as she sat up and gasped.

  Atlas was still damp from a shower and had a towel wrapped around his waist.

  He threw Trixie a look as he stepped in front of her in a protective stance.

  “Trixie, I will not have you speak to Cherry that way! What is this about?” he demanded.

  His voice was loud and authoritative.

  He seemed bigger and more domineering than ever.

  In the face of such influence, Trixie almost abandoned her mission, but in the end, she held steadfast because she wanted this man to be hers and hers alone.

  “Here,” she thrust the papers at him. “Cherry’s been meeting up with Davis, fucking him and telling him all your secrets. I have the photos and texts to prove it.”

  Davis was one of Atlas’s major business competitors, and the two men hated each other with a passion.

  For Cherry to consort with the other man would have been the ultimate betrayal of Atlas’s trust.

  It was all lies, of course, part of Trixie’s elaborate plan to get rid of the competition. To finally have Atlas’s affection and heart to herself once and for all.

  When she realized just how much she and Cherry looked alike, the plan to discredit and humiliate her rival formed in her mind.

  She’d donned a wig and put on makeup pretending to be Cherry. It was too easy.

  In her disguise, she approached Davis claiming Atlas had broken her heart and that she wanted revenge.

  The man had been all too eager to help her, especially when he’d realized sex was involved.

  They’d exchanged a few text messages, which Trixie had sent from Cherry’s phone. Wrapped up in her relationship with Atlas, Cherry hardly ever handled the device. More often than not, she had no idea where it was. It had been easy for Trixie to confiscate it for a few hours and then delete the conversations she’s had with Davis.

  Atlas now perused those texts, there was no way that he could deny the evidence.

  Combined with the recent pictures taken at just the right angle, it really did seem like it was Cherry who had been bouncing on the other man's dick. There was no way Atlas would not believe the proof before him.

  Trixie did her best to contain her victorious and conniving grin.

  She had this in the bag.

  “That’s not me. I didn't do any of this,” Cherry cried out, peeking at the documents over Atlas’s shoulder.

  The man tensed and a look of rage spread over his face with every page he read.

  “How could you do this
?” he said quietly. The anger in the softly spoken words lashed the two girls.

  Cherry flinched, and tears welled from her eyes streaming down her rosy cheeks.

  “But Daddy, I didn't do any of this. That’s not me in the photos. They’re fake, I swear,” she fell to her knees and put her hands over her face. “I don't know what any of this means, but I didn’t betray your trust like that. I would never. I love you too much to hurt you like that.”

  Trixie felt no remorse as her former friend cried. All she felt was disgust at the woman’s lack of dignity.

  She wanted the woman out of her sight and out of this house. She had already begun to think of the place as hers.

  She tuned out the woman’s pleas and focused on how this scenario was playing out.

  This was the part where Atlas would kick Cherry out on her ass. Then he’d take Trixie in his arms, thank her for her undying devotion and pledge to love and care for her forever. Trixie had envisioned it all in her mind.

  Her vision began to crumble as Atlas turned and pulled Cherry into his arms.

  She folded against him like a little girl and sobbed. He kissed her forehead, stroked her hair back from her flushed face rubbing her back in soothing circles.

  “I know, baby girl. I wasn’t speaking to you. I'm sorry you’ve been hurt like this,” he soothed.

  He continued to whisper things in Cherry’s ear Trixie couldn’t hear.

  Confused, Trixie asked, “What are you doing? She betrayed you, and you’re consoling her?”

  Atlas lifted his head and threw her daggers from his blazing eyes.

  She stepped back at the force of emotion in that gaze.

  Although he’d been nothing but kind to her before, she now saw in him the brutal opponent that his business rivals feared.

  She saw the powerful man who’d moved mountains to get what he wanted.

  Shivering with the twin emotions of uncertainty and arousal, she didn’t know what to do next.

  “I know this is all your doing,” he said. “I didn’t trust you one bit. Not from day one. Not when I realized the depths you would go to to get what you wanted. That’s why I had you tracked. I know every single thing you did to try to discredit my little girl and to ruin our relationship. I know it’s you in those photos and I know it’s you who sent those texts. I had hoped you would have seen the error of your ways before we got to this point, but I guess you were too blinded by hatred and your own self-interest to see anything else.”

  During his shocking speech, Cherry lifted tear-filled eyes to look at Trixie.

  “You did this? After I supported you and allowed you into my relationship. You betrayed me like this? How could you? I thought we were friends, but I guess we never really were.”

  With those words, Cherry broke down into sobs once more, and Atlas held her tighter staring at Trixie.

  “I am so disappointed in you, Trixie. You had every opportunity to prove yourself worthy of being our third in this relationship, but you had to mess it up with selfishness and greed. I don't know what your agenda is, but I will not allow you to continue to hurt my baby girl.”

  Atlas sighed then continued in the same despairing tone.

  “I am sorry to say that you will not be joining us in becoming a ‘throuple.’ This trial run is over. Pack up your stuff and get out of this house. You have five minutes before I call the cops.”

  Chapter 19

  Never again

  Shock, panic, disappointment, loss.

  All those emotions meshed and swirled inside Trixie with crushing intensity and for the longest time, she was frozen. Unable to find a word to say in her defense.

  She’d thought her plan was foolproof, she’d never considered that Atlas wouldn’t have bought her elaborate ruse.

  None of the outcomes that had run through her mind included her getting booted.

  She had no idea when the tears started to pour from her eyes but one fell from her cheek and landed on her trembling hand.

  “Oh Atlas, please don't do this! Don't choose her over me,” she pleaded. “I just wanted to show you how much I care about you. To show you that I can make you truly happy. Cherry is no good for you. I am. She’s just a brat with no appreciation for hard work and dedication. She has no idea what it takes to really be a woman. Someone you can be proud of. Why can't you see that?”

  Cherry’s sobbing increased in volume.

  “You need to leave,” Atlas said sternly. “You don't need to see what I see in Cherry. All you need to know is that I love her from the very bottom of my heart and I would never replace her with a selfish, devious, weak woman like yourself. You are not welcome in this house and I want you to stay away from my little girl. Do you understand me?”

  “Atlas, please-” Trixie tried again.

  Atlas didn’t allow her to continue and shouted, “Leave!”

  As the decibels reverberated around the room, Trixie clutched her chest, tight and aching with betrayal.

  The stupid man really was choosing Cherry over me.

  He wasn’t nearly the man she’d thought he was if he could do such a thing! He was not worthy of me!

  With the realization, a dam burst inside her and her angry thoughts came spewing out.

  “You are both so stupid!” she started.

  Atlas’s eyes widened as he stepped towards her threateningly.

  Cherry finally stopped crying and looked up with big, wet and red-rimmed eyes. She looked at Trixie as if she had never seen her before.

  “Cherry is living here in your house pretending to be a little girl! She has no job! She’s never had one! She isn’t doing anything productive with her life! All she does all day is play with dolls and color in books! She’s twenty years old for God’s sake!”

  More tears streamed from Cherry’s eyes, but Trixie didn’t give a damn. She was on a roll and was going to tell them what she really thought about them and this twisted situation they called a relationship.

  “What happens when you leave her? She’ll have no skills or experience on her resume. She won’t be able to get a job, and even if she does, she won’t be able to keep it because she’s been so spoiled living like a little girl! But maybe that’s what you want. Isn’t it, Atlas? Some weak-willed female so dependent on you she can't function otherwise. One that will indulge your sick desires, too brainless to know any better. “

  “What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you mentally ill? Why are you treating a twenty-year-old woman as if she were a six-year-old girl only to then take her to your bed and fuck her? You’re over forty years old! Why don’t you date someone your own age? By the way, why aren’t you married? Shouldn’t you be thinking about having actual children instead of keeping a fake child in your house?”

  The look on Atlas’s face was thunderous, but from the moment he hurt Trixie by choosing Cherry instead of her, his feelings ceased to matter to her.

  “Both of you are sick! I don’t even want to be here anymore. Fuck both of you and your ‘throuple’.”

  With those final words, Trixie stormed out and gathered her belongings. She tossed them into her bag haphazardly before barging down the stairs and out of the house without a second glance at the mess she’d left behind.

  “Trixie, wait!” Atlas called running after her.

  He must’ve realized what a mistake he’d made. He must have come to stop her.

  She wasn’t sure she’d be able to forgive him, but he could give it a try and grovel at her feet.

  “Give me the keys to our house,” he said instead of the apology she’d expected. “You are never allowed to step foot on this property again. You’re never allowed anywhere near Cherry either. If I find out you’ve done otherwise, I will have you arrested on the spot. Do not test me or my love for my girl, Trixie. You will not like the consequences.”

  “Argh,” she cried out in frustration and disappointment digging into her bag for the key.

  When she found the little metal pieces, she threw them at
his face and didn’t stick around to see whether or not they’d hit their intended target.

  She just needed to be as far away from the two of them as possible. They were a revolting pair and she didn’t want anything more to do with either of them.

  She could not believe she had ever wanted to be part of that man's life.

  Trixie could never have become the type of woman he wanted.

  About an hour later, she let herself into her apartment eyes still damp from the good cry she’d had during the taxi ride.

  Tired and emotionally wrung out, Trixie vowed never do get involved with an older man ever again.

  Book Three: Boyfriend’s Daddy

  Chapter 1

  Fill you with my seed

  Click. Click. Click.

  “Move your arm a little higher. Oh yeah, that's good…”

  “Push your right hip forward. Fuckin’ magnificent. These angles are great! You’re such a natural in front of the camera.”

  “Keep that exact expression just a bit longer. You’re doing great, honey.…”

  The instructions came rapid-fire as Jake, the photographer clicked shot after shot.

  The lights flashed in Trixie’s blue eyes, but she wasn’t bothered in the slightest and continued following the photographer’s instructions, arching and twisting her body with grace and poise.

  Hands on her hips. Chin up and tilted. A fan blowing her blown-out blonde hair around her face. Lips parted, and eyes narrowed mysteriously. She was in her element.

  Trixie was modeling clothes in a luxurious hotel room. She posed without hesitation. Each position grew progressively sexier and more revealing until Jake, the young, gorgeous and talented man behind the camera, said, “Lose the shirt.”

  Those were hardly the words of a professional and Trixie paused.

  With a raised eyebrow and a sassy toss of her hips, she replied, “Oh? I thought this was supposed to be a PG-rated photoshoot… Since I'm wearing only the flimsiest lingerie underneath this outfit, I don’t think that really constitutes as PG.”


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