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Trixie Provoked

Page 27

by Viktor Redreich

  "Dravid told me that you stole my panties," she remarked. "And I think that I deserve some restitution for such an invasion of my privacy, don’t you think?"

  Megan’s stomach dropped. She’d had no idea that Dravid had even recognized the panties that she had been wearing, and she was utterly mortified at the very thought that he might have shared their stolen status with Stacey. But Stacey, to her surprise, didn’t sound so much angry,, well, something else entirely.

  "Miss, I can’t apologize enough," Megan blurted out, trying to keep her voice steady and doing a piss-poor job at it. She felt like she was going to cry from the humiliation. But Stacey got to her feet and stood in front of her, her hands planted on her hips.

  "Do you have them on right now?" She asked, and Megan lowered her gaze to the ground and nodded, slowly. There was no point lying to her about it now. She already knew the truth, already knew what a dirty girl that Megan was, and she needed to accept it.

  "You asked for punishment from Dravid," Stacey murmured, as she took a step towards Megan. "Do you think you could handle that punishment from me, instead?"

  Megan stared at her, silent for a moment. From her? She had never been punished by a woman before, not as long as she could remember, at least. But maybe...maybe that was what she needed. Someone to show her how to act. Someone like Stacey, who clearly had a deeper understanding than she ever would of the way that the world of sex and restitution worked. Slowly, and to her surprise, she nodded. Stacey smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

  "Pull up your dress and show me the panties," she demanded, and Megan did as she was told at once, without a second thought. There was something of a relief that came with having someone else tell her what to do and how to do it. She would have been lying if she’d said that she didn’t like it, really – she loved the way it made her feel, loved the sureness of knowing that she was doing the right thing.

  "Now, take it off," she commanded, and Megan began to take off her staid uniform as swiftly as she could. She had no idea if she was doing enough, if she was doing the right thing, if she was somehow making a mess of this and needed to stop, but Stacey seemed satisfied with her performance, watching as Megan pulled off the clothes that she was wearing until she was standing there only in the panties that she had pinched from the other woman. Dravid had never offered to buy a bra for her and she had never thought to ask, sure that it would be stepping over a line for the two of them, so she was naked but for the clinging black silk of the panties on her hips.

  "No bra, huh?" Stacey remarked, and she moved towards Megan and pinched her nipples roughly – Megan let out a squeak of surprise, but it came with a rush of relief, too. The pain meant that she was doing something right, but it wasn’t like before, when her punishments had been random and frightening. She knew that if she asked Stacey to stop, she would do it, that the other woman would not push her to limits that she could not handle. And the relief of that was intense.

  "No bra," She repeated back, and Stacey began to move her hands over Megan’s body, as though she was taking her all in for the first time. It was the only time that anyone had ever touched Megan like that in her life, gentle, curious, but firm, and she had to admit that there was something almost painfully thrilling about it. She could feel that keening heat growing between her legs once more, no matter how much she tried to ignore it.

  Stacey’s fingers dug into her mouth, over her lips – into her ears, down the back of her neck, tracing the shape of her sex through her underwear and rolling her fingers over the pubic hair that covered her mound. And Megan could hardly think straight as she was touched by the other woman, as she allowed this other woman to use her like this was just a thing for her to explore. She had never imagined before that she would allow herself to be touched like this by another girl, but there was something safe about it, somehow – she knew that Stacey understood her body much the same way she understood her own, and Megan trusted her touch as it explored her whole body.

  "Take off those panties," Stacey ordered, and Megan pulled them off at once without stopping to think. And just like that, she was naked in front of the other woman, while Stacey was still fully-dressed. The power in that, in her vulnerability, was more than she could take – she felt like she should have been on her knees before her, begging her for her kindness, her touch once more. Stacey slowly walked around her, taking her in totally, and Megan could feel her overheated gaze burning into her from every angle.

  "What do you think about when you play with yourself?" Stacey demanded, suddenly. Megan opened and closed her mouth. She didn’t even know what it meant to play with herself, let alone what she was meant to have on her mind when she did.

  "Wh-what does that mean?” She asked, feeling nervous that she might get punished for her lack of knowledge. Stacey emerged around her again, and looked her in the eye.

  "When you touch yourself," she replied, and she reached down to graze her fingers over Megan’s mound once more. "When you touch yourself between your legs. You’ve never done it before?”

  "I didn’t know there was a name for it," Megan confessed, more than a little humiliated. She hoped that this woman didn’t think less of her for her lack of knowledge. Megan had so much to wrap her head around, really, so much to learn, but Stacey seemed more than willing to help her unpack all of that.

  "Well, there is," She replied. "And what do you think about when you do it, Megan? When you touch yourself?”

  "I don’t...I don’t know how to do that," she admitted, quietly. She was still nervous, still worried about coming clean about her lack of knowledge.

  "What do you mean?" Stacey demanded, and Megan shook her head again.

  "How to play with myself," she replied. "I didn’t even know there was a name for it, I’m sure I’m doing it wrong..."

  Stacey stared at her for a long moment, as though she was trying to work out if this could be a joke or something, but Megan gazed back at her, her eyes wide, admitting to her any way she could that this was nothing but the truth. No matter how wild it must have seemed to her, Megan didn’t know what to do. But Stacey, lucky for her, seemed to be willing to teach.

  "Come, come sit here," she ordered her, and she grabbed Megan’s hand and led her to the couch.

  As soon as Megan sat down, she was distinctly aware of a pool of wetness between her legs – was she going to leave a stain on the couch? She couldn’t help but fret in her head.


  "Let me show you how to do this," Stacey breathed, and she slowly, slowly, slowly, parted her own legs, and pulled off the delicate panties that she was wearing underneath. Megan couldn’t stop staring at her pussy – it was clean-shaven, or maybe even waxed, soft and smooth and glistening with the same wetness that Megan was. Did she feel it, too? The thought thrilled Megan no end. She needed to know that this woman felt everything that she did, needed to know that she wasn’t broken in some way for the burning heat that was already starting to consume her entire body.

  "Put your hand between your legs," Stacey ordered her, and Megan did as she was told, her fingers coming in to connect with her warm, wet pussy at once. She gasped – the relief of it was instant, and she had barely even started yet. She could hardly believe what she was feeling, could hardly register herself capable of such pleasure.

  "And move your fingers up," Stacey commanded. "There. You feel it? That’s your clit, that’s where all of this starts..."

  And from there, Stacey took control, teaching Megan just how to play with herself. She took her time, spreading her legs wide to let Megan see just what she was doing. Megan watched as her fingers found a small nub at the top of the petals of her vaginal lips, and reached down between her legs to see if she had the same thing – she did, she discovered, and as soon as she caressed it, a shock of pleasure coursed through her whole body at once.

  "If you go in circles, it feels so good," She moaned to Megan, and it was clear that she was getting just as hot as her protégé was. And s
omething about the pleasure that she took from all of this seemed to be leaking over to Megan, as though she was absorbing it through the overheated air around them.

  "And you can go inside yourself, too," Stacey explained. Megan’s eyes widened as she watched Stacey press two fingers against the small hole beneath her clit, and then saw them swallowed up in front of her. She tried to do the same thing to herself – two fingers were too much, she found, but one felt surprisingly good. Wasn’t she meant to take a whole man in there at some point? She had no idea how she would get something like that to fit inside of her, but, as Stacey pushed another finger inside herself, Megan supposed that her body must have been capable of the same marvels, too.

  Stacey was clearly well-versed in how to touch herself, and Megan felt lucky to be getting such a masterclass from someone who clearly knew just how this was done; she tried to mirror Stacey’s movements on her own body and was amazed to find just how good they felt.

  "Do you like it?” Stacey asked, clearly reading Megan’s mind, and Megan managed to nod. She was so distracted by the intensity of what was growing between her legs. Whenever she had felt those surges of need, she had never known that there was an answer to them that she had the ability to give herself.

  "I like it," she eventually breathed back, and Stacey let her head fall back on the sofa and moved her fingers with more passion against her slick pussy. It was obvious that Megan’s arousal was turning her on, and knowing that she could do that – well, there was a power to it that she had never felt before in her life. She liked it. This was the sort of thing a girl could get used to.

  If this was what playing with herself was all about, well, she had a whole lot of catching up to do, that was for sure. She had to know more about this, as much as she could, and she intended to make sure that there wasn’t an inch of this intoxicating new world that she didn’t know back to front.

  And she couldn’t stop thinking about Dravid. In fact, she could almost feel his fingers in place of her one, playing with her, teasing her – his touch would a lot more deft than hers, she would have imagined. Stacey would know all about that. Megan’s mind was burned with the image of Dravid making Stacey whine with his touch, getting her to moan and wriggle underneath him. Maybe Stacey had learned it from him.

  What would Dravid have done if he had seen her like this, playing with herself in his living room? What if she left a stain on the couch from her wetness, and he saw it, and he decided that she had to be punished for her misdeeds? The more she considered such an outcome, the faster she rubbed herself, until she could feel her hand beginning to cramp a little. She was going so hard and so fast that she could almost feel the little nub she had been playing with getting sore and numb, but somehow, the pleasure seemed to overtake that until she could hardly pay attention to it any longer.

  "Here, come with me," Stacey ordered, her voice a little higher than it had been before. She must have been feeling the same thing as Megan, that need, that need that seemed to grow stronger and brighter with every touch that she laid on herself like this. She withdrew her hand from between her legs, and drew Megan through to the bedroom – to Dravid’s room, even though she knew that she wasn’t allowed in there for anything other than cleaning.

  "I don’t know if I should be in here," Megan muttered, squeezing her thighs together to try and relieve some of the pressure that was building between them. Her wetness had begun to leak down her thighs, and she felt slippery, needy.

  "You can go wherever you want as long as I tell you to," Stacey assured her quickly. "Come, lie on the bed..."

  "What if I get in trouble?" Megan asked, and Stacey grinned at her.

  "You’re already in trouble, baby," she replied. "I’m making sure you don’t get caught up in it again, okay?"

  "Okay," Megan breathed, and that was all the permission she needed – Stacey pushed her down on to the bed, and dived into one of the drawers by the bedside, the ones that Megan always stayed out of. But she moved through them like she knew them well, and, a moment later, she emerged with a long, thin glass object.

  "What’s that?" Megan blurted out in surprise, and Stacey turned to her with a smile on her face.

  "Show, not tell," she replied. "Here, open your legs..."

  Megan did what she was told, and it felt like she was moving utterly on instinct now, unable to hold back, unwilling to let anything stop her from getting where she needed to go. She didn’t even know where that was, not really, but she knew that she was inching closer to it, closer and closer, and that Stacey seemed to know how she was meant to get her there.

  Megan closed her eyes, promising herself that she was just going to let what needed to happen, happen, and a moment later, she felt something pressing at her – something smooth and solid, something that seemed to spread her open between her legs. She gasped, and Stacey slowed.

  "Does it hurt?" She asked, and Megan caught her breath, then shook her head.

  "No," she confessed, and Stacey pushed it a little deeper, needing no more invitation than that. Megan found herself pushing back against the long glass object, and wondered, idly, how it must have looked inside of her – if it looked the same as Dravid’s dick when it had been filling up Stacey when they had fucked in the living room.

  "Here, take this," Stacey ordered her, and she grabbed Megan’s hand and brought it to the object. "You can move it around how you want, see?"

  Megan did as she was told, experimenting with this way and that, finding out what felt good for her, what made her hair stand on end.

  "But it’s got a curve on it," Stacey explained. "That’s for your g-spot. Do you know what that is?"

  Megan, hardly able to talk any longer from the pleasure of this thing inside of her, shook her head.

  "It’s this ridge, inside of you," Stacey explained. "A few inches in. If you move that thing around, you can find it."

  "How will I know when I do?" Megan gasped.

  "Oh, you’ll know," Stacey replied. "Come on, get to work..."

  And with that, Megan suddenly felt it. That had to be what Stacey was talking about. She felt a rush of pleasure, so intense that her body seemed to seize at that very moment. She could hear Stacey talking beside her, but she couldn’t make out a word that she was saying, and felt like the entire world was spinning down and down and down to this moment, to this rush of pleasure, to the need that was growing, and then growing, and then...

  "Ah!” Megan cried out. The pleasure exploded through her, the first time she had ever felt a release like it in her life – a wetness flooded from between her legs, and her hand stilled as her thighs twitched with relief. It felt like she could suddenly breathe again, as though all the tension that had been building and building and building when she had first seen Stacey and Dravid together had finally given in and burst.

  And, as she stared at the ceiling, she knew that she had unlocked something that she would never be able to put back again. For better or for worse. A new version of her had come out to play now, and she was ready to find out where this new version took her.

  Slowly, she peeled her eyes open once more, trying to find Stacey in her line of sight once more, so she could ask what she was meant to do now. But instead of Stacey, Megan found herself faced with the last person on Earth she wanted to see right then.


  What to read next

  He found me homeless on the streets, now he wants me to be his plaything.

  My clothes were in tatters, my hair a jungle of knots, I was skinny as a twig.

  What did a powerful boss like him want from me?

  He could have just left me to die.

  I was nothing.

  Now, under his love and protection… he’s my everything.

  How do I repay him?

  I’ll do anything he asks.

  I owe him my life.

  But he demands so much from me.

  His needs are so enormous.

  What if I don’t live up to his expectati

  Will he punish me?

  * * *


  Also by Viktor Redreich

  Innocence Corrupted

  * * *

  Trixie Provoked

  Sophie Corrupted

  Megan Disgraced

  Amber Stigmatized

  Cindy Violated

  Ella Exposed

  * * *

  Desires Unleashed

  * * *

  Dangerous Desires

  Indecent Temptations

  Explicit Demands

  Sordid Fixations

  Illicit Compulsions

  Shameful Addictions

  * * *

  Savage Satisfactions

  * * *

  Submissive Nanny

  Hunky Neighbor

  Blushing Maid

  Risky Mistress

  Jealous Wife

  Demanding Husband




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