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Borrower Queen: The Sixer Series Book One

Page 15

by Ravyn Fyre

  “Fate promised me someone I wouldn’t have to be jealous of. When I found my mate, there would be no question in either of our hearts because my mate would want me as much as I want them. I know you want me. It’s evident in your memories and the scent of your desire. The smell of the blood from your lip is driving me mad. It feeds my need to claim you again and ensure everyone knows you are mine as much as I am yours!” Kalen roared before seeming to fold in on himself. I could tell it took immense effort to control his next words, “Your deceit, no matter how well-intentioned, is hurtful and only makes me feel territorial—especially when I hear you speak of another man. Because if I had my way, you would have never seen him in the first place, which means you would have never formed that title. I hate that you developed a pet name for a male that isn’t yours. If it were my choice, you would never give another male a nickname, unless that male was me or one of our offspring!”

  Stunned at his revelations, I opened my mouth and then promptly closed it. Putting myself in his shoes, I had no doubt I’d feel the same way. Unable to handle the pain evident in his eyes, I dropped my gaze to his chin before I dared to answer, “I truly am sorry, and I realize my words will do nothing to ease your pain. I only meant to prove to you and your people that I was worthy of being your mate. No one knows better than I . . . without a doubt, I should have stayed here and worked with you. It was stupid of me to think I was capable of solving a mystery by myself. It was never my intention to hurt you, and I’ll spend eternity making it up to you.”

  I jumped when Natashia cleared her throat and said, “Um, I’ve never wanted to be a third wheel, but you two are kind of giving me no choice! I shouldn’t have to be the one to remind you, but you’re wasting time getting to the root of the problem as you stand here bickering back and forth about what happened in the past! You guys are going to have to shelve your issues until a later date. Our people can’t afford for either of you to wallow on what happened . . . we need to focus on what we’re going to do next. I need you two to get off your pity party train and be rational for a moment. Once we’ve dealt with the issues that affect our people, you’ll have time to address your petty love quarrel.”

  I had to hand it to Natashia . . . she stood up to my mate, and the look on his face was priceless, but when I felt the room charge with his unneeded temper, I scrambled to hold him back. Thankfully I didn’t have to put too much effort into it when Levi stormed into the room dragging a pissed-off Natashia look-alike behind him. Kalen ushered me behind as he threw his arms out, freezing the room before he snarled, “Levi, please tell me the being in your grasp is our doppelganger!”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  I had to admit Kalen’s alpha protective side was definitely hot, but it only made me miss my powers even more. Now probably wasn’t the time to bring it up, but there was no way in hell I was leaving the room until someone made sure I had them back. Reaching up to finger the offensive but useful device, I was both thankful and astonished my mate left me out of the gravity hold he had on everyone and everything in front of us. I poked my head out from behind him to get a peak and marveled at the enormity of his gift. My eyes swept the room and cataloged what we were facing.

  A glass of water Natashia must have knocked over as she backpedaled was frozen midspill, and the individual droplets sparkled with tiny rainbows as the light from the window hit them just right. Dust particles seemed to stand out as they hung in the air eerily. I dragged my gaze to our intruders. It was hard not to gawk at the doppelganger. Levi must have been in the process of flinging the poseur into the room when Kalen froze everything. The Natashia wannabe was suspended midair and resembled a ragdoll, bent in impossible ways. Besides the unnatural pose, the resemblance to my friend was startling.

  My gaze bounced between the two replicates as Levi ground out, “Aye, tis’ the imposter.” Surprised by the hatred in Levi’s tone, my eyes flew in his direction. His Scottish brogue was more apparent, but the object of his attention was not. I expected him to be angry at the being in his hands, only to smile when it appeared he had his eyes on the real Natashia like she was an enigma he was more than willing to solve. I chuckled to myself when I saw the same expression reflected on my friend's face for several seconds before she shivered and closed her eyes on a sigh. I wasn’t a gambling woman, but I’d bet money those two would be perfect together. I had no doubt I’d be prodding her about that look next time we were alone.

  Kalen’s growl of impatience interrupted my thought process. The fury evident in his response threatened retribution by tone alone, “Levi . . . I hope you have a good explanation for why you brought an assassin into our midst. For your sake, you’d better because I refuse to think you’d put my mate in danger without reason. I happen to know you were aware I wanted him brought to the dungeons!” Straightening slightly from his protective crouch, he raised his eyebrows with annoyance.

  Preparing myself to intervene if things got out of hand, I sighed with relief when Levi answered.

  “Had to make sure it left her alive,” Levi grunted as he struggled to break free of the gravity keeping him in place. Never once taking his eyes off Natashia. I watched the veins on his forehead extrude to the point that I thought he was going to have an aneurysm. So it didn’t faze me when he let loose a feral roar, “Release me!”

  My mate made no move to acquiesce, and before I could second guess my actions, I wrapped my hand around Kalen’s bicep and gave it a little tug to get his attention. When he peered down at me, I cleared my throat and said, “Darling, I’d like to pow-wow with our friends so we can narrow down when Councilwoman Natashia, our dear friend, might have been copied. Considering the lengths you’ll go to protect me, I think we should give Levi a break, don’t you?”

  I wasn’t sure how Kalen would react to my interference, but it felt like I was setting a precedent on how we would rule together. I didn’t want to be a wallflower, but I also didn’t want to appear like I was threatening his rule. It’s not like I wanted his job, but I also wasn’t going to stay quiet when I thought he was going too far. I gave him a demure smile and prayed I hadn’t overstepped some imaginary line or something. The look of shock was enough to tell me he hadn’t picked up on the way Levi and Natashia were reacting to each other. Typical male. I flicked my eyes towards our friends before I waggled my eyebrows jokingly. He returned it with a wink and tucked me into his side.

  I felt the pressure in the room drop the moment Kalen released our friends and jumped when the glass Natashia had knocked over crashed to the ground. The squawk coming from my friend was unexpected, drawing my eye. Her backward momentum had her tripping over her own two feet. I watched Levi dissolve into a man-shaped liquid a millisecond before he collapsed to the floor in a puddle—only to solidify as a solid man next to her less than a second later. He caught Natashia before she hit the floor and held her there. Like they were in the middle of ballroom dancing, and he dipped her at the end. Natashia cleared her throat and tapped Levi on the shoulder when it appeared he had no intention of moving.

  Blushing shamelessly, she hissed, “Let me up, you big oaf!”

  Levi blinked at her barb, and even though he didn’t show it, I could tell her comment wounded him. His look of wonder turned to a frown as he righted Natashia and took a small step back from her. He faced my mate with a look of brotherhood before he nodded once and said, “I find myself in unusual waters. I’ve never failed to finish a job, but it appears my priorities have changed. If you find someone to transport that piece of shit and relieve me of my promise, I’ll return your last payment with interest.”

  “I’ll take that deal as long as you promise not to take off until after we’ve had a chance to tie up all of our loose ends.” Kalen answered quickly. Taking in a deep breath, he kissed my forehead, lingering a second before he leaned down and purred in my ear, “There are no lengths I won’t take to ensure your safety. You’ll find me more amicable if you don’t fight me every step of the way.”

bsp; “I’ll be more harmonious when I don’t feel so defenseless,” I mumbled under my breath, dropping my eyes to the floor.

  Kalen used a finger to raise my chin gently, forcing me to look at him before he responded, “Why would you feel defenseless?”

  I sighed, pointed to the power-blocking necklace, and said, “Don’t get me wrong. It’s a great translator, but…” I stuttered mid-sentence when Kalen flipped me around, moved my hair to the side, and released the hold the necklace had over me. I shuddered in delight as my gift flared to life. I couldn’t help the sigh that left my lips, feeling complete for the first time since I went back in time. With a smile, I backed into Kalen, cleared my throat and said, “I was going to ask if you wouldn’t mind demonstrating to our prisoner just what he’s messing with, but I have a better idea.”

  Tapping into my gift, I borrowed Kalen’s gravity to bring the doppelganger to us. Kalen growled but didn’t stop me. When it was eye level, I used my hands to pull its limbs taught, making sure it knew who was in control before I addressed it, “I’ve never been one to endorse torture, but I’ve also never been in a position where something so barbaric might be necessary. So, do everyone here a favor and start talking. Because even though I might not be able to stomach it, the guy standing behind me will have no qualms in doling it out.”

  “You offer me nothing to make me talk besides death. To my kind, that’s an insult. I’d rather die than divulge information just to save my skin,” the doppelganger replied without an ounce of fear in its eyes.

  I cackled like a witch before I said, “Who said anything about death? I know I didn’t mention it. Nope, I’m positive I said torture. And when you’re begging us to end you, I’ll heal you, so we can do it all over again.”

  If I hadn’t been watching, I might have missed the flash of fear in his eyes before he schooled his features and hissed, “What are you?”

  “Enough!” Kalen growled, tucking me back under his arm again as a couple of guards carrying heavy silver chains between them flashed into the room. Kalen pushed the doppelganger towards the newcomers and said, “Bind and escort our prisoner to Cell-block II for questioning. Tanen is already there with his packages and will assist with preparations until I can get there.”

  “Until YOU get there?” I hissed, two seconds from telling him what an asshole he was as his men left the room just as quickly as they had arrived.

  Kalen rolled his eyes but corrected himself with reluctance, “I meant we. Until WE get there.” Pointing at everyone left in the room. “But first, I wanted to give Natashia a chance to talk to us about what she remembers.”

  I glared at Kalen for a moment before I turned my attention to Natashia and said, “Are you okay?”

  Natashia glanced at the brute glued to her backside briefly before she answered, “As well as can be expected after the recent revelations. And before you ask, I do not know about an attack or when that thing might have possibly had the chance to copy me.” She shuddered as she looked around her room before she added, “I mean, the only time I don’t have complete knowledge of my whereabouts is when I’m asleep.” She shrugged and continued, “Although the thought gives me the creeps, it's the only time I can think of that I might have been vulnerable.”

  Levi growled and stepped a bit closer to Natashia before he rasped out, “Unless you took a nap or woke up extremely late today, I don’t see how that is possible. I witnessed the doppelganger’s arrival this afternoon on the docks, and besides the last few hours, I was tailing him. I can guarantee I would have known if he crossed paths with you.”

  Natashia pulled her towel closer, closed her eyes, palmed her forehead for a second before she pushed her hand through her hair. She glanced at Kalen for a moment before she sighed heavily, took a deep breath, and answered, “I couldn’t sleep after Jade went back in time and I passed out for a couple of hours after morning report. That’s why you caught me indisposed. I took a shower after my nap. I was trying to wake up.”

  Levi huffed and said, “You should get dressed. I mean, so you can be ready to accompany us to the dungeons.”

  Natashia scowled at Levi over her shoulder but started toward her wardrobe before she stated. “I didn’t realize you were so appalled by my skin.”

  “Only appalled that others can see it as well,” Levi scoffed before adding, “Make sure to dress for cold temperatures, something that covers more of your skin. Ask Jade, the dungeons are cold, and if we have to spend any amount of time down there, you’ll want something warm.”

  I looked at Levi like he’d lost his mind, and he only shrugged his shoulders when he caught me staring. His eyes, for the most part, followed Natashia around the room as she gathered her belongings. When he moved to follow her into the bathroom, she slammed the door in his face. I couldn’t help but laugh as he staggered backward and landed on his ass.

  Hopping up as if nothing happened, he glared my way and swore under his breath, “Will ye wheesht!”

  I couldn’t help but snicker at how flustered he was, but as a friend, I gave him pity and tried to change the subject, “Hey Levi, how old are you?”

  He looked at me in confusion. Probably trying to figure out where I was going with my questions. Shaking his head slowly, he began, “Um . . . is old an answer?”

  “Not even close. Do you have a guesstimate?” I encouraged, happy with how easy it was to distract him.

  Levi seemed to consider the question for a moment before he sighed, shook his head, and admitted, “Time ceased to mean anything to me after my kind died out and I became the last Leviathan. To be completely honest, I have no idea how old I am.”

  To say his admission wasn’t heartbreaking would have been a lie. What I’d meant as a distraction turned into something deep and painful and made me wish I could take it back. I was in the middle of concocting something else to say when Natashia opened the bathroom door abruptly and saved me from making a fool of myself again. Dressed in her tight black fatigues, she said, “You guys should go on without me. I’ve told you everything I know. If I think of anything else, I know how to get a hold of you.”

  Levi looked frantic and only relaxed when Kalen insisted we needed her. “While I have no doubt you’d contact me with anything of importance, I insist you come with us. As someone I trust, I need your help controlling the outcome if it comes down to it.”

  Natashia’s gaze bounced between Kalen and Levi before she nodded and said with a sigh, “As you wish, but I want your promise that if I determine the only way to control the situation is to go back in time, you won’t hold it against me.”

  Kalen bristled slightly before he took a deep breath and replied, “I promise I won’t pass judgment as long as you ensure my mate is kept safe at all costs AND you keep me informed of everything.”

  “I accept those terms. Should I assume we are following you to the dungeons?” Natashia replied stoically.

  “We’ll meet you there. I’m sure you know the way. Don’t keep us waiting,” Kalen replied before wrapping me in his arms and flashing us to the hallway outside Cell-block II.

  Proud the transport hadn’t left me in disarray; I spun around like a schoolgirl only to come to a halt when I saw what was behind us. Even though I knew Tanen was collecting them, seeing Anolla and Castice detained behind glass walls as a precaution was a wake-up call. Not only was this real, but if we didn’t get it right, more lives besides the two behind me might be at stake.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  I jumped back when Castice rushed the glass. Throwing my arms up to block the incoming glass, I closed my eyes tight and held my breath, bracing for impact. When nothing happened, I lowered an arm and peaked over the top, only to jump back a bit when Rom and Kiso flashed in front of me, slightly blocking my view. I huffed at my lack of bravery when I found Castice on the floor, palming his head in pain. I hadn’t heard a thing. The walls didn’t look thick, but they appeared impenetrable and soundproof. Anolla looked determined yet disturbed as she paced her
cage, ignoring everything around her while talking to herself.

  I was just about to say hello to my old guards but stopped myself when I remembered they wouldn’t remember me. Turning to Kalen, I raised an eyebrow and said, “I realize I was the one to suggest we detain them, but is all this necessary?” Sweeping my arm at their elaborate prison for emphasis. When he continued to study me without replying, I added on a shrug, “Seems a bit overkill to me. Surely we don’t need to treat them as prisoners? After all, they’re victims in the grand scheme of things.”

  Kalen nodded like he agreed with me, only to throw me for a loop with the next thing out of his mouth, “Even though you have a lot to learn, I appreciate your council. But in this instance, I think we should exude caution. We don’t know enough about the infectious agent at this exact moment. Your friends might already be infected. Until we do, we shouldn’t take anything for granted. If Anolla doesn’t portray any of the symptoms shortly before or after her historical death, then we will revisit their accommodations.”

  Grateful he didn’t make me feel like a fool, I gave him a playful smirk before I asked, “Can we at least talk to them?”

  I had no idea what I would say to them, but if history repeated itself, I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t, at least, tell them why we brought them here. I felt like I owed it to them. The questions I kept tossing around were, if it were me . . . would I want to know? Would I be grateful for the time? Would I use that time to make peace with my demise, or would the anticipation of my looming death be like an early death sentence? In the end, I decided if it were me, I would want to know so that I could make peace with myself. With my decision made, I hoped like hell Anolla and Castice would agree with me. Crossing every body part possible, I used my eyes to convey how much I needed him to side with me.

  With a sigh, he heard my silent request and agreed, “I don’t see the harm in it.” Grabbing my shoulders, he squeezed them before he turned me around and molded my body to his. Almost like he was reminding me of what I was missing. I shivered with awareness with how right it felt as waves of desire coursed through my body. When he took his time sucking and kissing my neck, I knew I’d never be able to deny him anything. I was panting with need by the time he whispered in my ear, “Do me a favor, please don’t try to be a hero.” Tapping my necklace reverently, he added, “I’m trusting you won’t make me regret turning this off.”


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