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Blind Pass (Carolina Comets)

Page 13

by Teagan Hunter

  Except this time, I don’t regret waking up this way.

  Rhodes tightens his arm around me and drags me as he rolls over, and suddenly, I’m right back where I started—straddling him topless.

  “I swear, if you make one comment about my wonky tit, I’m going to poke you in the eye with it.”

  He grins, not opening his eyes. “If you think that’s a threat, it’s really not.”

  “It should be.”

  “But it’s not.” He squeezes my ass, peeling his eyes open slowly. “How the hell are you awake right now? We barely slept last night.”

  I shrug. “Woke up to something poking me in the back.”

  “Wonder what that could be.” He shoves his hips up, pushing said something against me.

  “Does that thing even work anymore?”

  “Not sure. Want to test it out?”

  I groan, then roll off him. “No way. I’m sore in places I didn’t even realize I could be sore.”

  “Huh, really? Because I distinctly remember you saying no to anal.”

  I side-eye him. “Funny.” I push myself up, resting back against the headboard. “I wasn’t kidding. Everything hurts right now. My legs, my arms, my pussy. I feel like I did a weightlifting competition or something.”

  He sits up next to me, hooking his arms behind his head. “It’s times like these it pays to be a hockey player. I’ve got stamina for days.”

  “Are you always this gloaty after sex?”

  “Nah.” He gives me a lopsided grin. “Just after really good sex.”

  I grin. Good answer.

  But it is weird to see him so…chipper.

  I’m used to grumpy Rhodes, not smiley Rhodes.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be back to my grumpy self shortly,” he promises, like he can read my mind.

  Speaking of grumpy Rhodes…

  I spring from the bed, new life breathed into me, and take off toward the living room. He calls after me, but I ignore him and head straight for my camera bag.

  I didn’t get a chance to look over the photos from last night, and I’m dying to see how they turned out. I flip through the images until I come across the set of Rhodes.

  I gasp the moment I see them.

  He looks…heartbreaking. And haunting. And so fucking beautiful.

  “Hey,” he says, padding into the living room. “Where’d you go?”

  I push up from my crouch and wave my camera at him.

  “The photos from last night—I wanted to see them.”

  A conflicted look flits across his face. I can tell a part of him wants to see them and a part of him doesn’t want to be reminded of his scar at all.

  But he needs to see these. I can sense it in my gut.

  I navigate back to the first one and turn my camera toward him. His fingers tremble as he takes it from me, but I don’t dare say anything about it. I watch him as he clicks through slowly. He takes his time looking at them all, studying them.

  When he gets to the last one, he closes his eyes.

  It’s the one of him crying.

  After several moments, he peels his eyes open, looking down at me. “Is this…is this how you see me?”

  I nod. “I meant it when I said you were beautiful, Rhodes. I wish you could see that too.”

  “But my scar. It’s…”

  “Part of you but not all of you.”

  His throat bobs. “I…”

  He looks away, running the palm of his hand over his face and sniffling.

  “Fuck,” he mutters. When he looks back at me, his eyes are shiny with unshed tears. “Thank you, Ryan.”

  “No, thank you. Thank you for showing me the real you. It’s about time I got to meet him.”

  Without another word, he scoops me into his arms and carries me back to the bedroom.

  I have no idea how long we stay there, but I know it’s not long enough.



  “Come on, Batesy, let’s pick it up!”

  “I’m trying, Coach!”

  I shake my head at the lip the kid is giving me. “He’s skating like shit.”

  “Dude, he’s like ten,” Smith, the oldest guy on our team and one of our best centers, reminds me.

  “So? I could skate way better than that at ten. I swear, it’s the water these kids are drinking nowadays. It’s too clean. They just need a good old-fashioned sip out of a water hose.”

  “Okay, grandpas,” Miller says, skating by us.

  I glare at him. “You know what? You go skate too. You need the practice.”

  “And a lesson to not back talk your elders.”

  “You got elders right,” he sasses back at Smith. “I could skate laps around both of you.”

  “Maybe, but would you care to wager on who could throw the heaviest punch?” I ask, taking a step toward him.

  I swear I hear his asshole pucker. “You know what? I think a few laps do sound good.”

  Huh. Maybe Miller is smarter than he looks.

  “That’s what I thought, rookie,” I call after him as he skates off down the ice.

  Smith chuckles, shaking his head. “Kid exhausts me.”


  “By the way, I’ve been meaning to tell you congratulations on the whole marriage thing. Sorry I didn’t get you a gift, but I guess it was kind of last minute, huh? I will say, I’m surprised you got hitched. Didn’t really expect that one.”

  “Bit of a surprise for me too,” I mutter, but can’t help the grin that stretches across my lips. It might have been a surprise, but I can’t say I’m hating it so far.

  Especially not the whole waking up with a naked Ryan in my bed every morning part.

  “It looks good on you though. Marriage, I mean. You look happy for a change. Guess that makes me the grumpy one now, huh?”

  He wasn’t always like that, but last season something in him changed. You think winning the Cup would get him out of his funk, but he can’t seem to shake it.

  I want to ask him what’s up, but I don’t want to press. Smith is definitely the type of guy who will let you know when he’s ready to talk, and right now, he’s not.

  He claps me on the shoulder, then nods toward Miller. “I’m gonna go make sure the rookie isn’t corrupting the children.”

  Smith skates away and Collin takes his place.

  “How long have you been lurking there?” I ask him.

  “Long enough. He was right, you know. Marriage does look good on you.”

  “Shut up,” I grumble.

  Collin laughs. “How are things going with Ryan anyway?”

  Things with Ryan are…incredible.

  She’s incredible.

  I can’t remember the last time she spent the night in her own room, or the last time she hid away to only come out for dinner.

  And it’s not even the out-of-this-world sex that makes everything so incredible. It’s like whatever happened between us the night of her exhibit a few weeks ago changed everything.

  Things have been good. Easy. Simple.

  I like good and easy and simple, especially in a situation as complicated as this.

  Neither of us have talked about exactly what it is we’re doing, but I’m okay with that because I’m not sure I’m ready to dissect it.

  “Oh, I take it they are good, then,” Collin says.

  I glance over at him. “What do you mean? I didn’t even say anything.”

  “Trust me, bud. You didn’t have to. It’s obvious you’re in love.”

  I glower. “Fuck off. I am not.”

  “Yes, you are. And that’s cool. Totally fine. I mean, a little backassward that you fell in love with your wife after you married her, but still cool.”

  “I’m not in love with her,” I say through clenched teeth.

  He pats me on the back. “Right. Sure.”

  “Stop fucking patronizing me.”

  He holds his hands up innocently. “I’m not.”

  “You are.”

/>   “No, I’m not.”

  “You are fucking too.”

  He smirks. “See how annoying it is when people lie straight to your face?”

  I charge at him, not stopping until our noses are nearly touching. He just laughs.

  “Be nice. The kids are watching.”

  “Good. Maybe they can learn a thing or two about chirping a guy who is bigger than them.”

  “I’m not scared of you, Rhodes.”

  “You fuckin’ ought to be, Wright.”

  “Guys, come on,” Lowell hollers across the ice. “Not in front of the lady.”

  I spin on my skates to find Ryan standing beside Lowell.

  I almost forgot she was coming today to photograph the kids during their last day of camp. We start our NHL version of hockey camp here next week, and I can’t wait. That buzz I love from playing the game is beginning to simmer in my veins.

  Hockey season is so close I can almost taste it, and damn am I hungry for it.

  I skate across the ice, stopping in front of Lowell and Ryan.

  She grins at me, looking absolutely adorable in her puffy gray jacket and beanie with the little fuzzy ball on top.

  “Wife,” I say.

  “Husband,” she responds, her cheeks growing pink.

  “Gag,” Lowell comments, hopping onto the ice to go round up the kids, I’m sure.

  “How’s your day, snookums?” I ask her once we’re alone.

  “Just wonderful, schmoopy.”

  “Schmoopy? Really?”

  “I could say the same about snookums.”

  Unable to help myself, I lean across the boards and press my lips to hers in a quick kiss.

  She gasps, surprised.

  I’m surprised too. I’m not one for PDA even in a real relationship, so I’m surprised I’m doing it in a fake one. I can’t seem to control myself when it comes to Ryan though, and I’ve not determined yet if that’s a good or bad problem to have.

  My phone buzzes against the bench, pulling my attention, and Ryan points to it.

  “That yours?”

  “Yeah, but it’s probably just a spam call. I’ve been getting a lot of them lately.” I let it go to voicemail. “Did you get those tutorials edited today?”

  She nods. “Yep. Two of them.”

  It’s kind of weird knowing a person who does YouTube for a living. Some days I’ll come home, and Ryan won’t be wearing a stitch of makeup. Other days she looks like a zombie—literally.

  But she seems to enjoy what she does, and that’s all that matters. I’ll never admit this to anyone, but sometimes when she’s asleep, I go on there and watch them just to help her with views.

  “And I took Frodo out for a walk. Oh! They did it again! You have to see!” She pulls her phone out and taps around a few times, then shoves it in my face. “Aren’t they so cute?!”

  We were worried Poe and Frodo wouldn’t get along well, so we made sure to introduce them slowly. Turns out, we didn’t have to worry about a thing. This is now the third time we’ve caught them snuggled up together in Frodo’s bed. I’m glad he’ll have a friend in Ryan and Poe while I’m away for hockey games.

  “I’m pretty sure Poe loves Frodo more than me now.”

  “Well, that’s not a big feat. Have you seen Frodo?”

  She pushes her chest out. “Okay, but have you seen me and my sweet, sweet rack?”

  “A few times.” I shrug. “Not bad.”

  Her brows crash together. “Not bad? Not bad?!”

  “I’ve seen worse, I’ve seen better.”

  “Adrian…” she warns.

  “It kind of turns me on when you call me by my first name.”

  “What about shithead? Does it turn you on when I call you shithead?”

  “You know, can’t say it does. No.”

  “You are so—”

  I lean over and kiss her again, slanting my mouth over hers and claiming her for all to see.

  She moans into my mouth, and just when I’m about to deepen the kiss, it’s ruined.

  “All right, all right. Break it up. There are children present.”

  “Yeah, Adrian, there are kids here.” Ryan giggles.

  “Little cockblockers,” I mumble before turning around. “Okay, everyone gather around.” I point at Ryan. “This is Ryan, my wife, and she’s going to be taking our group photo today, so everyone be on your best behavior or it’s me you’ll be answering to, got it?”

  They all nod, totally afraid of me just like I like them to be.

  When I turn around, Ryan’s staring at me with a look I don’t quite understand.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Nothing. It’s nothing.” She shakes her head, then smiles. “All right, everyone, this is how I want you…”

  As she directs the kids where she wants them, Lowell and Collin skate up to me, one on each side.

  “Your wife, huh?” Collin says.

  “Yeah. That’s what she is.”

  “Is she though? Because I thought—”

  “Watch it,” I say, nodding toward Miller.

  “Oh, Lowell, you didn’t hear?” Collin says. “Our little Rhodes here is totally in love with his wife.”

  I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefinger. “Collin. I swear…”

  “I’m still not scared, Rhodes.”

  “Fuckin’ should be,” I mutter.

  “You two still hosting that party this weekend so we can all come over and meet your wife?”

  “Quit saying it like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like it’s…”

  “Like it’s what?” Lowell leans into me. “Fake?”

  I scowl, and they both laugh.

  “Oh, yeah, he’s totally in love,” Lowell agrees.




  “Okay, Savage Garden, that’s enough!” I bark. “Fuck. You two almost make me want to hang out with the rookie.”

  “Who, me?” Miller says, skating up to us. “I’ll be your dream, I’ll be your wish, I’ll be your fantasy!” he sings.

  I shove past him, skating away from all three of the assholes.

  “What? I thought we were singing!” Miller calls after me. “I still need to be your hope, love, and everything you need!”

  I flip them off.

  They’re all wrong.

  “Dude, who brought the old broad? She’s a hoot.”

  Lowell groans. “Jesus, Miller, show some respect. This is Grams, Ryan’s grandmother. Grams, this is Miller, our resident rookie.”

  “Oh shit. I mean SHOOT. SORRY, GRAMS.”

  “Um, why are you shouting at my grandmother? She can hear perfectly fine.”

  Grams pats Miller on the cheek. “I am so glad you’re good at hockey, son. Don’t lose that skill. You’re going to need it.”

  Miller blushes. “Thank you, ma’am?” It comes out as a question because he has no idea if he’s just been insulted or not.

  Spoiler alert: he has been.

  Grams is…well, she’s fucking amazing. Basically an older version of Ryan.

  We got her moved into a new assisted living facility last week, and I about shit myself when I saw the price. Not because I couldn’t afford it. I mean, I have enough money to last me a lifetime. I was shocked that Ryan had been making payments like that for years.

  Grams has only been in the new place a week, but she seems like she’s thriving there. Ryan said her attitude has improved by leaps and bounds. And really, as long as she’s happy, I don’t care how much I’m paying for it.

  By some miracle, we were able to keep our Oh hey, we got hitched-slash-end of summer party to a minimum number of guests. Most people wanted to stay home with their families before all the real chaos starts next week.

  The party has dwindled to just the main crew now. We are currently sitting outside at the patio table, shooting the shit.

  Collin keeps looking over here s
mirking at me, and I think it’s because Ryan is sitting on my lap.

  I have no idea why she is. I don’t even think she knows why she is. But I’m not about to change it.

  “So, are you boys ready for the season?” Grams asks.

  According to Ryan, she’s become a big hockey fan in recent years. I guess that means we’re going to have to get her out to a game soon. It would be fun to see her in the stands one night.

  “Back-to-back, baby!” Miller shouts, holding his beer up.

  He’s convinced we’re going back-to-back with the Cup championship.

  I’m trying not to jinx it, and I think that’s how a lot of the other guys on the team feel about it too.

  “We’re ready, Viv,” Collin says. “You’re coming to our home opener, right?”

  “And see my guys in action? I wouldn’t miss it.”

  “She just wants to see some hockey butts,” Harper says, nudging her. “Right, Grams?”

  “Well, heck yeah, girl. You know all about them. Your man has a dump truck.”

  “Grams!” Ryan reprimands. “What the…”

  “What? That’s what my new roommate, Nancy, says you call a nice, big hockey butt.”

  “Please tell Nancy I said thank you, and remind me to bring her a signed jersey next time.” Collin grins, quite proud of himself.

  “Nancy also said Lowell has ‘BDE,’ but I don’t know what that means.”

  “Can confirm,” Lowell says.

  “And that she was ‘DTF,’ which I guess means ‘down to flirt,’ with Rhodes.”

  “GRANDMOTHER!” Ryan screeches, her face turning redder than I’ve ever seen before as we all snicker.

  “What?” Grams holds her hands out, perplexed by Ryan’s reaction. “I’m just trying to warn you that Nancy is trying to flirt with your man.”

  “Bet you won’t fight her, Ryan,” Collin says.

  “Shit, my money is on Nancy.”

  Ryan glares at Lowell. “You’re just saying that because she’s in love with your you know what.” She bends her head toward me, lowering her voice to a whisper. “That’s it. We’re moving her back to the other place. I can’t handle her knowing all these slang words. That place is going to corrupt my sweet grandmother.”

  “Hate to break it to you, but I’m pretty sure your grandmother has been corrupted,” I say back quietly. “The first time we met, she pinched my ass and blamed it on the sleeping lady next to her.”


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