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The Staff of Power

Page 3

by D E Boske

  The last sentry was engrossed in a gory meal. Darian was not sure what it had been and quickly decided he did not want to know.

  "Agluk Yuk tafa," said the Mage in the goblin tongue. The creature jumped up and turned in circles trying in vain to locate the speaker.

  "Stupid," muttered Darian. He drew his sword and chopped off its head. The body ran in circles for a few moments until it finally realized it was dead. With a sickening splat, it hit the earth, the lifeblood pouring freely from the raw wound. The Mage cleaned his blade on the grass, laughing softly to himself. The laughter died in his throat as he went to the rim and peered over into the valley. What he saw dumbfounded him.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Morphindinaetlus spread his mighty wings, knocking countless goblins sprawling. He opened his giant maw and shot forth a searing blast of fire. Anything in its wake quickly perished. He was angry, and the goblins groveled on the ground, begging mercy.

  "Where is that spineless toad? Find Grom and bring him to me!" bellowed the great wyrm.

  The nearest goblin ran off bowing and scraping, just glad to be out of the dragon's presence. He knew he had to be quick, or he would suffer the anger of the dragon. He found Grom, the leader of the goblins, hiding behind some rocks. He dragged him kicking and screaming back to the master.

  Grom was the tallest and most cunning of the ugly creatures. He came to be where he was by using his wits, and by killing any that stood to oppose him. He had never feared anything before, but the green dragon terrified him. When the wyrm summoned him to Ancient Mountain, he went reluctantly. That was nigh on five years ago. He had served his terrible master faithfully, but now he had failed. He knew his life was forfeit. Grom trembled before the dragon, trying hard to remain steady, but he was losing that battle as


  "Where is he!" the dragon screamed at him. "You promised him to me three days ago!"

  Grom prostrated himself. "M-m-master," the leader stammered. "We almost had him! He used sorcery to escape.”

  "A Mage, use sorcery?" the beast feigned surprise. "How!" screamed Morphindinaetlus, his breath hot and fetid on the goblin’s face.

  "T-t-t-teleportation!" the goblin squeaked.

  "And the staff was with him?" the dragon asked, less hostile.

  "Yes. He decreased our number by twenty-three as we tried to possess it!"

  The dragon lowered his head to stare straight in Grom's eyes. The goblin thought he detected respect in that deadly gaze. Respect for the enemy.

  High above, on the rim of the valley, the companions watched, speechless. Hearing nothing of the conversation, the Mage made it back to Kyler and let go of his invisibility spell. Kyler sensed his presence long before he canceled the spell.

  Something about the display bothered the elf. However, he could not put his finger on exactly what it was. The elf still could not explain the dragon's appearance. Throw in all the goblins gathered below, of which there were hundreds, and it was a recipe for disaster.

  The elven warrior was deep in thought when the Mage gripped his arm. On the far side of the valley, they were dragging someone or something across the ground. Kyler's curiosity was piqued. He signaled to the Mage that they would circle around to get a better look.

  There were six poles spaced evenly apart, and the goblins were lashing their prisoner to them in a spread-eagle fashion. The elf could see that it was a man, his face bruised and swollen, his hair matted. Cuts and scrapes lined his muscular arms.

  "What do we do now?" asked the rogue Mage.

  "We can't leave him here," the elf echoed Darian's thoughts. They both smiled mischievously and waited for the guards to fall asleep.

  They had a simple plan formulated. They waited for the dragon to leave and made their way down the northern wall of the valley, finding cover where they could. The guards were fast asleep and snoring loudly.

  They could see none of the prisoner’s features, for he hung his head, and his long raven-black hair was in wild disarray. Blood dripped from a dozen fresh wounds and gathered into a puddle at his feet. He would not survive another day here. They must act quickly.

  The prisoner raised his head and gasped in surprise and confusion at the sight of his saviors. Kyler drew his hunting knife and slit the ropes that bound the poor wretch. The prisoner fell forward into the waiting Mage’s arms.

  Kyler put a finger to his lips, silently crept over to the sleeping guards and slit their throats. He relieved them of the prisoner’s weapons and gear, and then motioned for his companion to get going. Without another word, they began their ascent. They stopped briefly at the top to examine their charge. They bound the wounds they could, and then they were off again.

  Darian was deep in concentration, chanting softly. Of a sudden, the ground began to fold in on itself and their surroundings blurred past. When the spell ended, they were standing on the outskirts of Limmin. The gatekeeper peered at them suspiciously.

  "Who goes there?" he asked.

  "Ro’ark it’s me, Kyler. We've got a wounded man here who needs attention and rest." At the sound of the elf's voice, the gatekeeper threw the lock and swung the portal open.

  "Who is he and what happened to him?" asked Ro’ark.

  "I don't know," the elf answered truthfully. "We rescued him from a band of goblins," he said. He did not take the time to elaborate right now. At the mention of we, the gatekeeper finally noticed the Mage and nodded respectfully.

  Once inside, they headed for the Copper Bottom. Limmin was a simple town with hard working, humble folk. The streets were hard-packed dirt, not like the paved roads in the larger cities.

  They passed shops shut tight against the night, a clothing shop, the Smith, and a bakery. Shermin, a robust man, was the innkeeper of the Copper Bottom. He gave them two rooms and told Destiny to bring hot water and bandages to them.

  Had she known whose room she was going to, she would have spent more time freshening up!

  Kyler opened the door and she almost dropped the bucket of hot water. Their eyes met, and she was sure she would melt where she stood. Though they had been on several dates now, the sight of him still made her weak.

  "Please come in," the elf said politely, as he took the water and poured it into a basin on a table next to the bed. Kyler knew how the girl felt about him. It was all over her face every time she looked at him.

  She was beautiful; her petite form and slender waist were very alluring. He pulled her close and hugged her tightly to him, then met her lips with his. Softly, tenderly, he kissed her and felt her breasts against his chest. Big bright eyes the color of sea foam looked up at him; her lips were thick and full. Her hair was the color of cinnamon.

  "How have you been?" asked the elf as he dipped a rag into the water and began to clean the stranger’s wounds.

  Only then did she notice the pale form beneath the coverlet. She was glad to see that it was not Darian. The elf and the Mage were the nicest patrons and the best tippers. Kyler, of course, was the most handsome. They always showed her respect and never tried to pinch her bottom, though she often wished Kyler would. Although, there were other things she had in mind much more pleasurable than that.

  "Fine," she said, as her whole face lit up with her smile. She helped Kyler clean and dress the wounds. "What happened to him?" she asked.

  "Listen to me. You are not safe here anymore. Gather up your things and get out while

  you can. Make your way to Al-Dan-Tir. I've seen things that I dare not discuss right now." Her smile slowly faded as she realized he was serious.

  "What are you talking about?" she asked, a little unnerved.

  "Darian and I stumbled on..."

  "Water,” croaked the stranger who, until now, had remained unconscious since his rescue. The girl bent down and put a pewter cup to his lips, her ample bosom straining the cloth and threatening to break free. He greedily gulped the water down, spilling more than he drank.

  "Easy, it's okay," she whispered soothingly. Hi
s face was purple and swollen, his lips cracked and bleeding. She removed a small jar from the apron tied at her waist and smoothed some salve over his lips. He sighed in grateful contentment and was soon gone again.

  "Thank you for your help Destiny," said Kyler, eyeing her shapely curves, and she blushed. The way that he said her name… He pressed two silvers into her hand and walked her to the door.

  "Will you be downstairs tonight?" she asked. "Or would you like dinner sent up?" She hoped he would have some time to spend with her. She did not get to see him as often as she would like.

  "Please have two meals sent up," the elf said and gave her a gold piece. She waited in the hall for her heart to slow and jumped when the Mage materialized at the top of the


  "Are you alright?" asked Darian, rushing over to her.

  "Men!" she huffed, brushing past him and bounding down the stairs. The Mage looked around, confused, until he noticed which room she had come from. He really should speak to his friend.

  In his mind, he was still a prisoner. They beat him every day for what seemed an eternity. Though in reality, it was only five days. They kept asking questions about someone he did not know. His head swam. His throat felt dry and parched.

  They captured him five days ago on the Logan Plains, south and west of the town Limmin. He was out scouting, and they caught him unaware. He got in one good strike and drew blood. They must have thought he was someone else. The apparent goblin leader, Grom, insistently asked 'Where is it? Where is it? Do you have the staff? Do you know where it is?' He still did not understand what they wanted from him. And as for the staff, they were only useful to...


  The stranger awoke just as the sun dipped beneath the western horizon. He opened one eye cautiously, studying his surroundings. He was in a room on a soft bed beneath warm blankets. How had he gotten here? He opened the other eye and realized in shock that he was free.

  The last thing he remembered was an ugly goblin beating him. His sword belt hung from the bedpost, and his clothes lay clean and neatly folded on a chair with big soft cushions. He remembered a beautiful girl with hair the color of cinnamon who offered him water and spoke comfortingly to him.

  He closed his eyes again and thought to rest some more, when the door to his room opened and an elf stepped in, quietly closing it behind him. The stranger looked at the elf curiously. He was sure he did not know him. He would not forget a creature as exquisite as this. He felt certain this elf had rescued him. But why would he bother?

  "You're awake. How do you feel?" asked the elf.

  "I’ve felt better. Thank you for all you’ve done. They would've killed me for sure."

  "What were they doing with you?"

  "I think they thought I was someone else," said the stranger. The elf picked up a stool that stood in the corner and brought it to the bedside to seat himself.

  "My name is Kyler. My friend and I came upon you quite by accident. Good for you we did."

  The stranger related his tale then, and Kyler did well to hide his surprise. The stranger felt comfortable with the elven warrior, and he liked him instantly. Kyler did not mention the rogue Mage was his friend.

  "I'm Shaz," said the stranger, extending his hand as he spoke. Kyler took it in his own, careful not to grip it too firmly. The bruises on his face were almost gone, and his wounds were healing nicely.

  "How long have I been out?" asked Shaz.

  "Six nights, five days," answered Kyler.

  Shaz let loose a string of curses. The elf showed no emotion, but to the well-trained eye, his green eyes danced in wry amusement.

  "You must be famished," Kyler stated. As if in answer, Shaz’ stomach rumbled loudly.

  "I'll send for food and drink." The elf rose and left as quietly as he had entered.

  When Kyler returned, Shaz sat in the chair washed and dressed. He looked like a different person. He was tall and lean, with a medium build. He wore a red tunic with a studded black leather belt wrapped about his waist, and black leather pants and boots. Black leather bracers decorated his wrists. He wore a small silver hoop in his left ear, and his freshly combed raven-black hair hung down his back past his hips.

  "It feels good to be back up and about. You never told me why you saved me."

  "I could not leave someone in the hands of goblin scum. You would have done the same for me," said the elf with a hint of a smile.

  "Are you so sure?" Shaz asked in a cocky tone.

  Before the elf could reply, the door opened and Destiny came in bearing a huge tray laden with food. There were bowls of meat stew, a loaf of freshly baked bread, a dish of fresh butter, some cheese and fruit, three tankards and a pitcher of ale. Kyler jumped up to take the tray from the girl, and she smiled her thanks, gasping as she noticed the man in the chair.

  Shaz’ froze where he stood. The girl from his dreams, she was real!

  "Destiny, this is Shaz," said Kyler, introducing them.

  the elf did not miss the look on the man's face. The girl appeared indifferent and for some reason the elf could not fathom, that made him happy.

  "It's nice to see you’re feeling better and moving about," she said politely. He was handsome, but the hunger in his eyes was unmistakable and her heart belonged to another.

  Kyler only half listened as Shaz spouted some drivel about how he had seen her in his dreams and how beautiful she was. He then proceeded to ask her to join him later when her

  shift was over. She glanced at Kyler and replied that she was busy. Shaz did not miss that look.

  “Well, maybe some other time perhaps,” said Shaz.

  "I don’t think so,” Destiny said crisply. She already figured out that this cocksure womanizer would be like all those other men downstairs, eagerly trying to pinch her or put his hands where they did not belong.

  Kyler let go a breath that he did not realize he had been holding. He walked her out into the hallway and softly closed the door. Her thoughts scattered and she felt too hot, as though she would faint. He smiled at her, and her heart jumped through her ribs.

  "Are you busy later?" asked Kyler softly, closing the distance between them.

  "Depends on who’s asking," she replied; grateful for how steady her voice remained.

  His senses screamed at him, her perfume filling his head. Suddenly, his heart felt awakened in a way he never thought possible. He looked into her eyes and knew she felt the same. He was aware of how much time he had wasted running from the truth.

  "I'm asking. Let me take you away from here for a little while." She answered him by kissing him softly on the lips. Shocked by her forwardness she turned and ran down the stairs.

  Kyler sighed wistfully, anxious for her shift to be over. He went back inside, seating himself on the stool, and ate.

  "An elf and a human make an odd couple. On the other hand, maybe you just want to take her before you're back on the road to the next town, the next wench."

  Kyler moved so fast that Shaz could barely register the movement. The elf punched him solidly on the mouth and quickly lost his appetite.

  "Temper, temper," Shaz said mockingly as blood ran from the corner of his mouth.

  At that moment, the Mage entered the room by way of the door. He looked from one to the other and then asked his friend what was going on.

  "Oh he'll be fine in a moment. I made a move on his girl is all, though I didn't know it at the time," said Shaz. He rose and strapped the sword on his back and left.

  "What was that all about?" asked Darian.

  "He's too arrogant for his own good. He said some things I didn't agree with," said Kyler.

  "So have I, but you never hit me. What's this really about Kyler? It’s about Destiny, isn't it?" asked the Mage.

  "How did you make that leap?" asked the smiling elf, which was all the answer the Mage needed.

  "It took you long enough friend," said Darian, clapping him on the back.

  "That seems to be the common opinion around
here. Where have you been?" asked the elf, gently switching the subject.

  "Gathering supplies and horses for our upcoming journey." With a pang of guilt, Kyler remembered where they were supposed to go.

  "I'll let her know that I can't make it tonight," he said with a sigh.

  "You'll do no such thing. Both of you have waited too long for this. We'll return for her after this is all over," said Darian, taking the seat vacated by Shaz. They talked as they ate, and then made their way to the bathhouse to let their cares drift away with the dirt from the road. Later, back in their room, Darian pulled a small leather tome from a pouch at his waist.

  "Where did you get that, Darian?" asked the elf.

  "Shermin, he didn't know what it was and he thought it might be useful to me."

  "What is it?"

  "A spellbook. A very old spellbook. It's in elvish," said the Mage, showing the book to Kyler.

  "Takasha!" the elf exclaimed. "Can you read it?”

  "Of course, I’ve already started," replied the Mage magnanimously.

  “Where did Shermin find such a treasure?"

  “He claims a wealthy merchant left it behind in his room.”

  "You never told me you could read the elven tongue," the elf said, feeling a newfound respect for his friend.

  "You never asked," Darian replied, moving to the table and lighting a candle as darkness began to descend. He closed the drapes, sat down and began to read.

  The elf took that as his cue to leave. He went straight to the common room to look for Destiny. He found her gliding along the floor with a tray full of drinks. She handled the men like a professional who had been at it a long time. She talked briefly with each and joked with them all. She managed to evade several sets of hands and shook a finger at another as she set down his ale. She walked up to the bar removing her apron as she spotted Kyler. Her knees grew weak, and she worried over what to say.

  "I'd like to freshen up. Wait for me?" she asked, with a smile that warmed him. He nodded, and smiled that smile that had stolen her heart so long ago. Shermin ambled over to talk to him.


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