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The Staff of Power

Page 13

by D E Boske

  “There is not much we can do, but wait for them to return. Kyler is leading the expedition, that’s why I am so angry. His responsibility is to his people first. What is he thinking, running off after that girl? For surely that is where he would have gone. He is an elf! His duty is to Kiri A’ Nouell!” the king finished heatedly.

  “We must trust our son, Galavad. He must have his reasons; it was important enough to him that he snuck away.”

  “He should have said something.”

  “Look at your reaction, so angry and he knows it. He won’t confide in you. Not about her.” The king was defeated and he knew it, so he drew her close and held her tight.

  Tynuviel sat on the ground, knees drawn up, staring out at the waterfall. She knew Darian was no longer in the forest, she could feel his absence and it made her feel empty and cold inside.

  “You’re hard to track down. I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” Trighton said as he sat down next to her. They sat like that for some time, saying nothing. They had become very close friends and needed no words. After some time, Trighton put his arm around Tynuviel and pulled her close. She put her head on his shoulder, snuggling against him.

  “I’m sorry about the way I’ve been acting. You never promised me anything. I know you’re in love with the Mage. I was just hoping… I’m upset and things are really complicated now when they shouldn’t be.”

  “I know. I just wish he would confide in me. I wish we could be together. He said maybe when this is all over, but why not now? Trighton, I’m so sorry about the other day. What happened between us can never happen again,” she said quietly.

  “I want you to be happy. I wanted it to be with me, though. I should have known better. It’s been a long time. How long you gonna’ wait?” asked Trighton, a slight edge to his voice.

  “As long as it takes, I guess,” replied Tynuviel.

  It was very late when Trighton helped her up and hand in hand, they walked to her apartment.


  As night fell, Darian was approaching his destination. He cast several powerful spells of protection on himself, leaving the most powerful for last. He went slowly so he would make no mistakes. As if he was capable of such a thing. He wove in contingency plans should certain things come to pass. He did not know who was after him or whom he could trust, so he felt it was better not to go to Piri-Tuma.

  He approached the gates of Mogan Dar, cowl pulled close. He felt certain he could slip in unnoticed. He knew the password. He doubted they’d changed it. The Order was too arrogant. They posted Journeymen to watch the gates and check any visitors or merchants. But not the Mages. They could come and go as they pleased. They went through a different gate where they must utter the password to enter. He whispered the password then held his breath, waiting.

  The gate opened, admitting the rogue Mage. He made his way to the far east side of the city via a street named for a previous Shangmarrum, Falcose Dordinon.

  The grey stone building was four stories high with windows on three sides of its outer walls. He went to his rooms that he kept here in case he returned. These were also heavily warded. No one had been here since he left, all his wards were still in place. They must not have looked for me too hard, he thought.

  He cast a minor cantrip and all the dust disappeared. From here, he could safely spy and try to find out who was in league with the dragon. For now, though, he threw his things on a leather chair and lay down on his big soft bed. Moments later, he slipped into Ru Nay’ Sha.

  In his trance-like state, his mind roamed free and he thought of Tynuviel. Gods she was beautiful! He burned with desire for her. Since the first time he laid eyes on her, he knew he wanted her. Being a Mage of The Order had its privileges, and Darian had his share of beautiful women. That was one of the benefits to their highest-ranking Mages. Darian always had plenty of women to pleasure him and cater to his every whim.

  Tynuviel was different. He was in love with her, though he knew he had done a piss poor job of showing her. Once he could straighten out his life, he would do nothing but show her, if it was not too late.

  If Trighton got in his way, he would burn him to ash. The mere thought of the handsome elf angered him. Of all the elves in the forest, why did Trighton have to pick the one he was in love with? Sometimes, he thought Trighton did it on purpose just to spite him.

  Darian knew the elf was jealous of Kyler’s friendship with him. He knew that Trighton felt spurned by his childhood friend. Kyler had chosen an outsider. A Ni’ Kulana. The Mage and the elf had become close. Closer than any of Kyler’s other friends.

  What would he do if Tynuviel loved Trighton? He could hardly blame her. He hadn’t given her any reason not to. He pushed her away every time she tried to get close. It was instinct, he told himself, but he knew this wasn’t so. He was terrified! He had never been in love before and it unnerved him. He didn’t know how to act, what to say. Every time she was near him, his thoughts scattered and he was unable to concentrate.

  Many women were a part of his life at one time or another. But they were just physical relationships, no love involved, at least not on his part. There was more to it than that and he knew it. Their love was forbidden. If The Order found out, her life was forfeit. They would stop at nothing to see him dead as well. They would not take this lightly. This was something he shared with no one. He was willing to give up everything for her, The Order, his prestige, everything. But a Mage did not just walk away from The Order. There were repercussions…

  Sometimes he felt foolish for pushing her away. Would it have been so bad if he had made love to her that night? Something deep inside him kept restraining him. Damn the visions! Damn the Mages! Damn the whole Order!

  Awareness returned to him abruptly, his eyes opened and he readied a spell. There it was again, a soft shuffling noise. Quietly, he rose from the bed and moved to the door. A faint odor of perfume and Darian knew who it was.

  “Darian, are you there? It’s me, Gayla. Please, if you’re in there, I need to talk to you,” she


  Darian did not want to let her in, but he needed information. Gayla had been his favorite girl, and he suspected she wanted more than talk. He cast three minor cantrips in rapid succession. The first to see if she was alone. Second, to see if there were any magical items on her person. And lastly, to see if anyone was spying on her.

  He opened the door to admit her. The room was dark; he made a small gesture lighting a candle to chase away the night’s shadows. When she could see, and was sure it was he, she threw herself into his arms. He could feel her firm breasts crushed against his chest.

  “I’ve been so worried about you! No one has been talking. They won’t speculate on what happened. No one knows where you are. I took a chance coming here. Please protect me. They’re trying to kill me.” She kissed his neck, sliding her hands over his body with practiced ease. When she tried to kiss him again, he stopped her.

  “Gayla, please stop. Much has changed since last we met. I’m not the same man.”

  “You’re as handsome as ever, and you feel the same to me,” she said with a wicked grin, as she slid her hand between his legs. “Ooh, someone hasn’t been taking very good care of you,” she purred, sliding out of her dress with lust shining in her eyes.

  “I’ve missed you Darian,” she whispered, lying down on the bed where they made love so many times before.

  “Get dressed,” he said more gruffly than he’d intended. “I need information. What you do not know, you will find out for me,” he said, throwing her clothes on the bed.

  “What’s going on Darian? You never turned me down before. Don’t you want me? How long has it been since you made love? I know you cannot go long without the touch of a woman.”

  “Not this time Gayla. Just information. I told you, I’m not the same man,” he said forcefully, anger clouding his vision. He did not understand why he was so angry, though he found it difficult to refuse her charms. It had been so lo

  She dressed slowly, a pout forming on her beautiful face. He was tempted to give in to her allure. Gods knew it had been too long already. For all he knew, Tynuviel and Trighton could be together right now. He watched her smooth, heart-shaped ass as she bent to put her slippers on. He almost, almost went to her then. It took all his control to restrain himself. He wanted Tynuviel, not this wench. He would save his energy for her.

  If Trighton got in his way, he would change his religion. This brought a smile to the Mage’s face.

  “What do you wish to know?” she asked as she sat in the leather chair, crossing her long, curvaceous legs.

  “Who’s after me?” he asked, sitting across from her.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Someone is looking for me. Who?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. No one knows what happened to you, and no one talks about it. It’s almost like you never were. Someone is working very hard to keep your disappearance quiet.”

  Maybe that’s why his place had been left untouched. He asked her many more questions, some she knew the answers to and some she did not. The room grew quiet as Darian contemplated all that she had told him.

  She rose from her chair and glided across the floor to straddle him. She kissed his neck, nibbled his ear. She ran her tongue across his lips as he opened his mouth. At first, she thought he might yell at her. Instead, he kissed her. The kiss became urgent, demanding and she moaned softly as he ran his hands over her bottom. He slid the dress off her shoulders, exposing her bare breasts. He kissed them hungrily, sliding his hand between her legs. She undid his shirt, running her hands over his tightly muscled frame.

  He opened his eyes freezing in shock as he saw Gayla, eyes clouded with passion. What the hell was he doing? He had been thinking of Tynuviel and almost betrayed her. What he had done already was bad enough. He stood abruptly, dumping Gayla on the floor as he adjusted his trousers.

  “Get out,” he said in a harsh tone.

  “But…” she began.

  “Get out!” he commanded her, a hint of magic in his words. Hurriedly, she threw herself together and ran out, not even bothering to shut the door behind her.

  He closed the door and drew himself a bath, needing to get her scent and the feel of her off him. Afterwards, he felt normal again, more himself. He tore the sheets off the bed and put fresh ones on. Only then was he able to relax.

  He sat down in his leather chair. From his haversack, he extracted a large opal and set it on a chrome stand, which was covered with runes and symbols.

  He cast a spell and the stone glowed with soft light. The milky orb cleared, revealing the halls of Piri-Tuma. He saw Mortin, a truly mediocre journeyman, coming down the hall. He still had not become a Mage.

  Darian had come into training and soared through the ranks, becoming the most powerful Mage the school had ever produced. Mortin was right where he had been when Darian began his training so long ago. Mortin hated Darian and was jealous of everything he had accomplished. Darian followed him down the hall to Aganor’s study. He knocked and waited patiently for admittance.

  “Mortin, please sit,” said the highest-ranking Mage of Darian’s order. “Have you learned

  anything of Darian’s disappearance?” he asked with a hint of contempt in his voice.

  “No Master,” said Mortin with the proper amount of respect and humility.

  “It is very important that we find him. The Dregian order needs his strength and expertise. Without him, our order will fall from first place for the first time since its creation. It is imperative that we find him, and quickly. You have three days to turn up some new information or there will be serious consequences. You are dismissed.”

  Mortin left, grumbling about the unfairness of the situation. Darian smiled at the other’s discomfort, returning to Aganor’s study.

  Aganor sat at his desk, one hand stroking his chin deep in thought. He cast his fingers over the orb on his desk, uttering the command word. Darian knew he had nothing to worry about; his wards and protective magic were far superior to anything Aganor had. Aganor’s only hope was to catch Darian unaware, for he was beginning to suspect his mentor.

  “Show me where Darian is,” he commanded the orb. The orb remained cloudy. “Curse it! Where is he! Damnation!” he cursed. “I must find him before it’s too late.” There was a knock on his door.

  “Enter,” he said. A woman entered, locking the door behind her. Aganor swept everything from his desk as she sauntered over to him. He kissed her as he put his hands on her slender waist, easily lifting her to put her on his lap. At this, Darian cut the connection. He was not a pervert after all.

  What was he thinking leaving Kyler, the forest, and more importantly, Tynuviel? He wanted to go back, but he had found out nothing yet. He needed to know what they were up against, and going back would not tell him. He was exhausted, he had traveled for days, it was late and he was tired. He was so tired he felt he could sleep like a damned human. He undressed and lay down, quickly slipping into Ru Nay’ Sha.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  There was no fanfare as Kyler and Nephraete returned to Kiri A’ Nouell. They did not return in secret. The Monarch would already know of their absence by now.

  “Kyler, where have you been?” asked Asa, calling down from the outpost.

  “They’re dead Asa! Morphindinaetlus burned the town. He burned them both, tore the baby from her and…”

  “Kyler, what are you talking about? What’s happened?” asked Asa, concerned, running down to Kyler. Then he realized what had happened and he grabbed Kyler, hugging him close.

  “I’m sorry little brother. I know you loved her. Father told me, he was so angry with you. I told him to let you be. If you love her, then he should be happy for you. The council… Where is Darian?” asked Asa, looking around.

  “We left him a note. We couldn’t find him before we left… He’s not here?” asked Kyler, alarmed, a cold dread filling him.

  “No. He disappeared around the same time as you. We haven’t seen him in weeks.”

  “Nephraete, I have to go. I know where he has gone and he’ll need me.”

  “Kyler, you can’t go after the Mage. We have to meet with the dwarves. Father is already upset and he wants you before the council now.”

  “Now?” he asked, shocked.

  “He said immediately upon your return. Besides, this time you’re not going to leave me behind,” said Asa, putting his arm around his little brother.

  When Galavad entered the council room, Kyler saw the storm clouds in his eyes. He met his father’s glare and did not look away. Nephraete sat beside Kyler, squeezing his hand under the table, lending what support she could.

  “Kyler, please tell this council what you felt was so important that you defied the ruling and haven’t been seen in weeks,” the Monarch said sternly.

  Kyler stood, telling them in painful detail all that he and Nephraete had witnessed. Tears ran freely down his cheeks, though somehow, he forced the words out.

  “Enough! Direct your questions to me. He should not be made to relive these horrible events,” said Nephraete, angry with Galavad for making an example of his son.

  All eyes turned to look at her. The room was silent, shocked. Kyler’s story and Nephraete’s reaction were enough to soften the Monarch’s visage.

  After the meeting, Nephraete asked Kyler back to her room for a drink. Once they were sitting on her divan, Kyler spoke.

  “Nephraete, thank you for everything. What you did back there…” he trailed off, picking up Nephraete’s hand in his. “I’m so thankful that you were there for me. I don’t know what I would have done…”

  “Kyler… I… You would have done the same for me. Friends are always there for each other,” she finished lamely, unable to look him in the eye. She felt hot and her pulse quickened at his touch. He turned her face so he could see her.

  “I get the feeling you want to tell me somet
hing. You can tell me anything. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Not this Kyler. Not now, the timing’s not right. Maybe it never will be.”

  “Nephraete… If things were different…” he squeezed her hand and stood to leave and her heart fell. At the door, he turned, kissing her forehead. Then he was gone.

  Calisha returned soon after. He was distressed at Nephraete’s condition. But the only thing he could do was comfort her.

  Nephraete threw herself on her bed and cried until she had no tears left. The pain in her heart was unbearable. Why did she ever have to see his face? Fate was a cruel master. Was she to live her life alone? Had coming here changed nothing? Maybe she should just go back home. The thought of Kryndale did not sit well with her though. No. She did not want to be separated from Kyler. She believed there was hope still. She must pull herself together. She scrubbed her face and changed her clothes, then finally drank her wine.

  There was a knock on her door and her heart soared, thinking the elven prince had returned. Her shock was complete when she opened the door to see Galavad. It must have shown on her face by the king’s reaction.

  “Nephraete, am I interrupting?” he asked, glancing around her room to see if she had company. Calisha remained hidden.

  “Not at all. Please, come in,” she said, standing aside to admit him. Galavad was everything a leader should be. Tall and imposing, yet not severe. He was handsome and strong. It was easy to see where Kyler got his looks. Though in her opinion, Kyler surpassed his father.

  “Please, make yourself comfortable,” she said, waving to the table and chairs.

  “I wanted to talk to you about what you said earlier and what your intentions are toward my son. It’s plain to anyone paying attention that you love him,” he said with a warm smile.

  “It is out of my hands. Now is not the time to burden him with this. He needs time to heal. He doesn’t need a lover right now; he needs a friend.”

  “Do you want me to talk to him? Maybe he’ll see things differently. You would be good for him.”


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