The Staff of Power

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The Staff of Power Page 18

by D E Boske

  She rose and put her hands on his thighs. Leaning forward, she kissed him as he put his hands on her legs. His lips were soft, warm and inviting. She undid his shirt, flinging it somewhere behind her.

  He slipped his index fingers under her thong and tugged downward. She kicked it off as he put his hands on her hips, pulling her to him.

  His tongue spoke of promises yet to come and he pushed gently on her hips, easing her

  down atop him. She wiggled her hips to gain a better position and took everything he had to offer, which was substantial.

  He put his head back, hands still on her hips, guiding her movements. Though there was no need, Gayla was an accomplished rider. After only a few more moments, Gayla cried out in unison with him and fell forward on his chest, sighing in deep contentment. He held her to him, stroking her hair. She looked up at him and he kissed her, running his hand down her back to her perfect, heart shaped ass. She broke off the kiss and looked him in the eye.

  “The last time we saw each other, you wanted nothing to do with me. What changed?”

  “Everything. I’m sorry I hurt you. I guess I was trying to be someone I’m not. But that’s over now.”

  “I’ve missed you so much Darian. After you left, I had to go into hiding. Everyone was looking for you. They came after me as well, but I had already gone." A simple cantrip showed she was telling the truth.,

  “You will stay here with me and you will be safe.” She snuggled closer to him. “Thank you Gayla. It has been a long time. How many others since me?” he asked.

  “No thanks are needed Darian. I should thank you. Once I became your lover, no one else had anything to offer me. No one can measure up to you. I’ve been lost and alone since the day that you left.” Another minor cantrip showed the truth behind her words. A pang of sympathy sliced through him. When he left, he had not realized how it would affect her. He only knew he must get away. And quickly.

  “I have business to attend to but,” he added as he saw her pout. “I will return nightly and we can be together.” She smiled at him.

  Once again, she was with the man she loved. She suspected that he held no love for her, but it didn’t really matter to her so long as he kept her close. She knew he cared for her. Else, he would never have protected her from all the other Mages. He claimed her for his own and they despised him for it. The women hated her for keeping Darian to herself, but she didn’t care. They were jealous, she knew, because Darian was a very talented, caring lover.

  Sometimes he used his magic to enhance his lovemaking, though he certainly had no need to! He did it sparingly because it was highly addictive. In the wrong hands, they could be pushed beyond the realms of ecstasy into insanity.

  “C’mon, our bath is ready,” he said gently. He took her hand as they walked to the bathroom.

  “What is this place Darian? It’s beautiful.”

  “Thank you. This way,” he said, avoiding the question. She simply nodded, knowing this was something not be discussed. She added it to the mental list she had compiled. The walls were black stone and if there were a ceiling, she could not see it. Plush, fur rugs were scattered throughout what she could see, and rich purple drapes hung from the windows. Darian always had good taste.

  Individual denim lapis tiles made up the bathroom floor. Instead of a copper tub like the one she was used to, this one was sunk into the floor. A perfect square ten feet across and made from the same tile, it gave the illusion of dark blue water. She gasped when she saw it.

  “Oh Darian!” she exclaimed excitedly. “This is beautiful.” The water did not come to their chests; it was the perfect depth. They sat side by side in the water, their heads resting on cushions that ran the length of the pool.

  After a while, he felt her hand stroke his thigh, then felt it go higher. She sat in his lap, kissing his bare chest, working her way up to his mouth. He felt more in control now. She came down gently atop him and he put his lips to work on her. Her arms snaked around his neck, hands entwined in his hair as she continued her sexual dance. She tilted her head back and he knew she was close as the speed of her motions steadily increased. He brought his hips up as she was coming down and this drove her into a frenzy. A few moments more and it ended in an explosion that left them both weak and laughing.

  “I’ve missed you Gayla,” he said breathlessly, feeling more relaxed and content than he had in a very long time.

  “I love you Darian,” she blurted, before she could stop herself. But to her surprise, he smiled at her and drew her to him, kissing her softly. After the bath, they dressed and he took her to the kitchen.

  “Are you hungry? I know I am,” he told her.

  “I’m famished.”

  “Sit back and relax. I know just what to make.”

  “You… You cook?” She couldn’t keep the laughter out of her voice.

  “Yes, I happen to be a very fine cook,” he said, managing to look offended. They both burst out laughing. He retrieved a bottle of dark blue Al-Dan-Tir wine and two glasses.

  He took some carefully wrapped poultry out of the ice chest. He seasoned the meat, then rooted around for some potatoes. A flick of his fingers and they were peeled. He put them in a pot with some garlic, milk and butter. He put his back to her and mouthed a dweomer to create perfectly blended potatoes. He gestured, speaking an arcane phrase and the chicken grilled to perfection. He served the meal and she added salad that she made while he was busy showing off.

  After the meal, they retired to the sitting room with the wine. They sat next to each other

  touching, talking and catching up. They had lost much time and were trying to make up for it.

  “I’m sorry I left like that, but at the time I didn’t know who I could trust. I couldn’t be sure you were not working for them.” He kissed her brow and her hurt expression melted away.

  “I know now that you’re innocent. Another innocent victim in my life.”

  “Darian, you’re being too hard on yourself. It’s not your fault. You never asked for any of this to happen.”

  They sat and talked until the wine was gone. He put the glasses on the table, tilted her head back and began kissing her neck. She sighed as she felt him undo her dress, sliding it off her shoulders and exposing her bare flesh.

  “Oh Darian,” she moaned. “You’re insatiable.”

  His lips on her body sent electrifying shivers down her spine. This time he was going slowly, back in control and taking his time. He picked her up and brought her to the bedroom. Her dress fell to the floor, leaving her in just her thong. But he liked it. He liked the way she looked in it. He liked the sight of her and he liked what it did to him. They lay there for some time just kissing and touching. She undid his shirt, pushing it off his shoulders.

  He is so handsome, she thought as she slid her hands over his muscular arms. His skin was tan and smooth, without a single blemish. She wanted him badly, but wanted to tease him and make him wait. He put his knee between her thighs, trying to force them open. Instead, she raised her knee pressing gently on his groin. He groaned in pleasure, onto her game. One they used to play often. She unlaced his breeches, releasing his flesh from its cloth prison.

  He left a trail of kisses from her chest down below her belly. She cried out in pleasure, relaxing her legs and he took what she gave him. So much for delay, she thought with a smile as Darian made love to her whole body with his mouth. He really was making up for lost time. Darian really enjoyed what he did. He never seemed to tire. She cried out, grabbing fistfuls of his hair as her body quivered. He rose from his position, putting his knee between her thighs and this time she did not stop him.

  Using his magic, he traced a line with his finger from her ankle to her thigh and watched as she moaned, trying to grab him. He moved just beyond her reach. Still using his magic, he ran his hands over her whole body. He kissed her and she wrapped her arms around him while he gently made love to her until she raked his back with her lacquered fingernails.

sp; Soon after, she dropped off to sleep, thoroughly exhausted. Darian was at ease for the first time in a long time. Making love to Gayla had relaxed him and wrung the tension out of all his muscles. He slipped into Ru Nay’ Sha, resting peacefully through the night.

  He woke to bright sunlight streaming in his window. He rolled over to make love to Gayla, but she was gone. He could not have imagined it. It was all too real. He rolled out of bed, still naked, and went to look for her. She wasn’t in the kitchen cooking breakfast. She wasn’t in the bathroom or the sitting room. He made his way to his study. She wasn’t there either. He padded to the double doors that led to the garden and went outside.

  Following the trail, he went down to the waterfall, moving with easy grace. He found her sitting near the water. He put his hand on her back, startling her out of her contemplation.

  “Darian, you startled me. You’re naked!” she said, looking around.

  “This displeases you?” he asked.

  “On the contrary,” she said, looking him over. “You look good Darian. No tan lines?”

  “Nope,” he replied, laying back, hands behind his head, eyes closed.

  “You sun bathe out here naked?” she asked, again looking around.

  “Why not? There’s no one around here anyway. We’re alone.”

  “Really?” she asked, still unsure.

  “Yep,” he answered, eyes still closed.

  “Well, if you’re sure,” she said, beginning to remove her clothing. No sooner had she finished undressing, when he pulled her atop him. She laughed, tossing her hair out of her eyes.

  “Oh Darian! Don’t you ever get enough?” she began to laugh, but it turned quickly to a gasp as Darian’s strong hands pushed down on her hips. She put her hands on his chest and gave him all she had. Much later, they returned to bathe… again.

  She had only seen thirteen summers when a Mage of The Order came to her parent’s house. Her parents were barely surviving and her mother was sick much of the time. The Mage offered them a way out. He offered them gold for their only daughter. He told them she would be well cared for; clothed, fed and taught to read and write along with other things that were suitable to a young woman to study. Her parents could not afford to take care of her anymore so they took the offered gold and bade their only daughter good-bye.

  The life that she found waiting for her in Mogan Dar was scarcely better. The only good thing being that she no longer went hungry. During the day, they taught her to read, write, sew and how to read clothing patterns just as the Mage promised. But at night, her lessons left a bad taste in her mouth. Because of her beauty and her sensuous shape, she was to be a whore of The Order. Most of them drank a lot and the stench of their breath in her face as they lay atop her sickened her.

  After two seasons of this, she saw a Mage that for the first time, she actually wanted to be with. She must find a way to work her way up to his level. His dark blue robes told her that he was of high rank. She would do whatever they asked of her without complaint, in hopes that they’d promote her to his floor. She would show them her worth.

  Two more seasons slipped past with no changes, but she was determined to meet the Mage she saw. She had learned his name at least, Darian Brade. What she had to do to learn this, she preferred not to think on.

  One day as she was washing clothes, he came in and walked right past her. She hurriedly fixed her hair and straightened her clothes. She may as well have been invisible. He took no notice. He picked up what he came for and left. However, another Mage took notice of her and got her promoted. She was on her way then.

  Two years later, she worked the same floor as Darian. Every night, her heart beat rapidly in anticipation that the Summoner would bring her to his chambers. Every night she lived through disappointment. It seemed the higher up she worked, the rougher they were with her. Sometimes she could not work for days at a time. She liked those days because she had time for herself. The only thing she would regret is if she was ever lucky enough for Darian to call for her on those days. This was becoming increasingly unlikely as he had two regular girls that he kept close.

  Then fate dealt her an ugly blow. She had to serve the ugliest and meanest Mage she had ever seen. He was very rough with her, beating her within an inch of her life. She had lesions inside; her thighs were battered and bruised. She had a black eye, her nose was broken, bleeding and her lip was split. She even suspected more than one rib had cracked from the force of his blows.

  The next night, she was in so much pain she could barely move. Someone had wrapped and dressed her wounds. She did not know whom or when, it was a mystery to her. She must have lost consciousness during her transport. She heard someone knocking on her door, quite impatiently.

  “I’m coming!” she cried weakly. She opened the door and found the Summoner.

  “You are summoned. Please follow me.”

  “Are you kidding? Look at me! I can barely stand.”

  “That’s not my problem. Denay and Clarissa are ill and cannot make it. You are the only other one available right now. Now follow me.” He said in disgust, as if he should have to explain to the likes of her.

  She lifted up a quick prayer to Delvishan, the god of Mages. Her prayer was answered as she was led right to Darian’s door. Of all nights, why tonight? Is this some kind of cruel joke? She thought. I look a mess. He’s never going to call me again. She was determined though, to enjoy it no matter how much pain she was in.

  The Summoner knocked and did not wait for a reply before he left her standing there

  alone. Darian opened the door and her heart melted. All he wore were breeches. His tan,

  muscular chest was bare, he wore nothing else.

  “Are you alright? Who did this to you? Bastards!” he exclaimed, concern flooding his features.

  “Trétorna did this last night.” He took her hand and slowly led her into his chambers. He led her into his bedroom, where he laid her gently on the bed.

  “Why the hell did they bring you here tonight?” he said angrily.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll do the best I can and I promise not to cry no matter what.”

  “No. You’ll do no such thing!” Darian was visibly upset.

  “Please, give me a chance. Don’t tell or I’ll be beaten.”

  “I don’t think you understand. Please, lie back and let me take care of you. The least they could have done was give you a healing potion. There’s no reason for this. You never hit a woman! Do not be afraid, I will not hurt you. I’ll need to take off your clothes though. Here, drink this first,” he handed her a healing potion and helped her so she could drink. He then did a thorough examination of her. His hands were warm and gentle.

  “You have some pretty serious wounds. I’m going to heal you, but you must put this blindfold on.” She simply nodded, enjoying herself in spite of her pain.

  Darian’s hands felt good and he was very gentle with her. He tied the blindfold in place, went to his study and retrieved a very powerful item, The Orb of Healing. He began to chant, gathering a great amount of power for she had many wounds, both inside her body and out. When he felt he had enough power built up, he passed it across her body as he continued to chant. Her bruises slowly disappeared, muscles and bones knitted themselves back together. He was almost finished when he discovered that she was bleeding internally. He threw himself deep into the Orb and drew as much power as he could safely handle to bring her back from the brink of death. He collapsed from the strain, the Orb rolling out of his grasp across the floor.

  He woke sometime later, unaware of how much time had passed, but his muscles were cramped and sore. He checked on her, realizing only then that he did not know her name. She was sleeping peacefully, her breathing deep and even. Her skin had taken on a healthy glow and all signs of her external wounds were gone. She really is quite beautiful, he thought to himself as he left her to rest.

  Retrieving the Orb, he returned it to his study. After bathing, he did some errands, making sur
e not to be gone too long in case the girl awoke and needed him.

  Upon his return, he immediately began working on a very powerful spell that he named Soul Stealer. He had much to do, many calculations to complete, along with a long list of possible

  spell components. Hours slipped by uncounted.

  He felt cool, soft hands begin to rub his stiff neck muscles. Looking up, he saw the girl

  and smiled in return.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, stopping his research.

  “Like a new person. Thank you so much for all you’ve done.” She began kissing his back and neck, but he pulled away.

  “Do I not please you?”

  “On the contrary,” he said with a smirk. “I just want you to rest. You’ve been through a terrible ordeal and your body needs time to recover. I don’t think you realize how close to death you were.” She began kissing him again, but he grabbed her wrist gently.

  “I’m serious. There will be plenty of time for that when you’re well. For now, rest,” he gestured toward the bed.

  “You’re very kind, but by tonight, the Summoner will be banging down my door. They’ll put me back to work and my only regret is that it won’t be with you. With your regulars undoubtedly better now, the odds are not in my favor that you’ll be there to save me again,” she said softly, as tears ran down her rosy cheeks. She looked so young and

  innocent. Darian loved and respected women and could not bear to see her cry.

  “What’s your name sweetheart?”


  “Gayla, you misunderstand. You will no longer be working the floor. As of last night, it’s over.”


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