The Staff of Power

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The Staff of Power Page 19

by D E Boske

  “Huh? I don’t understand,” she said, scrunching up her nose. He knew she could be no more than eighteen. This face made her seem even younger.

  “I relieved Denay and Clarissa of their duty and sent them back to work the floor. It seems they were more interested in each other than me so… You,” he said, pulling her down in his lap and wrapping his strong arms around her. “You have just been promoted. You’re just mine now and you will have your things brought here. You’ll be staying with me, catering to my every whim.”

  Her jaw dropped open. She could scarcely believe his words! Of all the things she had hoped for, this was far beyond it all! She slid off his lap, dropped to her knees and began to pray to Delvishan, singing his praises. She rose and threw her arms around his neck, laying her face on his bare chest. He sat her back on his lap, hugging her close, stroking her hair.

  “Besides, I don’t know anything about you. This will give us some time to get to know each other.” Therefore, they spent hours a day doing just that. When he was working in his study, she left him alone. She didn’t want to anger him. She spent her free time cleaning and washing their

  clothes or walking in the garden right outside his chambers.

  Darian sent for her things to be brought to his chambers and it seemed no one was very

  happy about his decision. He was the highest-ranking Mage on the floor, so no one could oppose him. The two girls he let go were very angry and jealous of Gayla. Which she thought was utterly ridiculous. After all, they’d had everything and threw it away. She couldn’t understand their way of thinking.

  Darian had never let any of the girls stay with him. No longer than one night at a time. Sometimes, he would wake them in the middle of the night and make them leave. When his needs were met, he had no further use for them. They were never allowed to bring their things into his chambers either. So what made her so special?

  Two weeks had passed now and Darian was growing anxious. Having a beautiful girl alone with him made it difficult not to touch her. She tried several times, but each time he put a stop to it. He wanted her to trust him, to feel at ease with him. She had been through hell in the short time she’d been here and he wanted to protect her, to restore her self-esteem. But more than that, he wanted to make love to her. She was irresistibly sexy, the kind of girl to make you thankful you were a man. He purposefully delayed their intimacy, knowing it was driving her wild. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep it up.

  He came upon her then in the bathroom, bent over the tub, completely naked, except for a lacy thong that she wore. She was washing his shirts and he just stood there admiring the view until he could bear it no more. He came up behind her and ran his hands over her silky-smooth skin. She jumped as if struck.

  “Oh Darian! You frightened me!” she gasped, standing as she dried her hands on a towel.

  He swept her into his arms, kissing her tenderly. She sighed at his touch as he stroked her tender flesh. She unlaced his breeches, reaching inside and he groaned, moving to her breasts. She broke contact and slid to her knees to pleasure him and he braced himself on the wall. Minutes slipped by and he felt his knees growing weak. As if she read his mind, she rose and sauntered to the bedroom. He followed her, leaving a trail of clothes behind him. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of him and for the first time, she wondered if she could handle him.

  Sensing her distress, he took his time. For a time, they just lay there kissing and touching, becoming familiar with each other. Little by little, she began to relax and her fears melted as his lips touched her skin. He brushed stray strands of hair from her face. His lips met hers as he rolled her over. She gasped in shock and pleasure, a strong sensation coursing through her. She was not used to pleasure, as pain had filled her world until Darian had entered her life. A tear leaked unbidden down her cheek and he kissed it away, not missing a beat. It felt so good to be here with him now, in a place she previously felt was unreachable.

  She knew right then that she was in love with him, though she would never tell him. That

  meant certain death. The Order did not allow the “hired help” to fall in love with someone who

  was clearly better than they were.

  Once they took a girl into service, they methodically destroyed their reproductive system. Only the Breeders could carry the child of a Mage of The Order. And if a Breeder was unsuccessful more than once in bearing a powerful Mage, she was destroyed. In this way, the power of The Order was assured.

  They culled out the weak, nourished the strong. To someone outside The Order, this may sound atrocious, evil even. However, life depended on their strict code. Many Masters never even made it through the tests to become a Mage. The number that perished far outweighed those who succeeded.

  After all, was there anything worse than a weak, easily distracted Mage in a battle? In a life or death struggle, would you want someone who could hold their concentration while being attacked, or someone who lost their train of thought and got many killed besides themselves?

  The Order was very secretive and they took everything very seriously. They were extremely protective of their magic. No Mage would share his secrets with another Mage, especially their spellbooks. These they guarded by any means necessary.

  No Mage had more spells in his repertoire than Darian. That was enough for any Mage to come after him. The only thing that stopped them so far was his power. They were wary of it. He was the most powerful Mage The Order had ever seen. Darian had risen through the ranks faster than any Mage before him. His superiors feared him. His underlings hated him. He had no peers. He had no equal. He stood alone.


  After bathing, they went to the kitchen to cook breakfast. They talked and laughed as they ate, at ease with each other. Picking up where they left off, it seemed as if they were never apart at all. Darian did not realize how much he’d missed Gayla until last night. She was special. She was a part of him and his past.

  He kept telling himself that Tynuviel was better off without him. That he would only end up hurting her in the end. Their relationship was forbidden. There were no happily ever afters for a Mage. Why did he bother with hopes and dreams anyway? He was a Mage of The Order. They lived in a world without either one every day.

  He knew he’d have to go back to Kyler soon, but at night, he intended to return to Gayla as he promised. He’d deprived himself for too long. All for nothing. He leaned into her, kissing her bare shoulder, her neck, her lips.

  “Leave the dishes,” he whispered into her ear.

  “Oh, Darian, honestly!” She knew how he hated clutter and messes. She shook her head.

  “You go on love, I’m just gonna’ clean this mess.”

  He watched her for a few moments as she began to wash the dishes. She sang as she worked. Darian always liked that, she had a wonderful voice. He liked the way her breasts

  looked as they strained against the cloth of her shirt. He could see her nipples pressing through the soft cloth.

  He rose and went to his study with a smile on his face, but he didn’t get much work done. His mind was on Gayla. He couldn’t help it. Deprived by his own will for almost three years, he had a lot of catching up to do. He decided to check up on his companions.

  Touching a rectangular crystal, he voiced the word that brought it to life. He saw Kyler talking with Kiel.

  “I know he’s upset, but we must give him some time alone to work things out.” Kyler said in his defense. Sometimes Kyler really had no idea at all how Darian felt. Of course, this was Darian’s fault as he chose not to disclose too much information about himself and his past.

  “I’m afraid we’ve given him more than enough time to compose himself. If he cannot accept things, that’s his problem. We must continue without him if need be. Your father would be most angry if we delay any more than we already have. I strongly recommend that we leave at first light with or without the Mage. He knows where we are headed and he can follow when he pulls himself togeth
er. That is my counsel.”

  “So be it. We leave at dawn,” Kyler replied, leaving Kiel’s side. He needed to take a walk to clear his head.

  Darian thought Kyler should know better. He should not have to ask advice even from an Elflord. He was a prince who knew his duty, but he was a true friend. Darian loved him like a brother. They were inseparable and someday, Darian swore he would make up for all the lies he’d told him. Kyler was the only one who’d befriended him knowing he was a Mage of The Order. Darian let the connection go and leaned back in his chair to think.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  “Shhh!” Kryndale whispered harshly, as Krayven signaled him.

  There was no good coverage for them to hide and he sensed something approaching. They used the magic that they were born with as Lira Tu’ Malay, People who change. Better known as chameleons. They used their magic to blend in with their surroundings and disappear.

  They entered Blavven Krill at dawn, seeing nothing until now. Whatever was out there

  had not come to welcome them. A low rumble filled the air and a loud coughing sound echoed off the mountain walls.

  Sudden darkness overcame them as they flattened themselves against the cool rock wall.

  Kryndale said a silent prayer to Starshenna to keep them safe that they might complete their mission.

  It emerged out of the darkness, a huge misshapen thing. It paused to sniff the air only inches from Kryndale. Shuffling slowly, it was almost past them when without warning, a huge limb swung out at Tryndil. Only his quick elven reflexes saved him. He ducked low and rolled, coming up behind the monster. The beast’s fist made a resounding crash against the rock wall, sending a shock wave of tremors through the stone. Small stones and pebbles rained down around them.

  Tryndil drew his weapons. A pair of swords, lightweight, yet with the strength of elven made steel. The hilt was a naked buxom lass with long slender legs and long flowing locks.

  He faced off against the creature, parrying with his left blade and slicing across with his right. Tryndil heard Loganthar begin casting a spell and from somewhere off to his right, Krayven let fly an arrow, which bounced harmlessly off the creature’s thick hide. Not to be deterred, Krayven withdrew a special arrow from a collection he kept locked within a box. He let the arrow fly and it struck the creature in the side. Upon impact, it burst into flames. Krayven smiled; nothing had ever walked away from his fire arrows.

  The flame arrow only seemed to enrage the creature more. Batting the flames with its huge misshapen limbs, it struck out at the mage. Loganthar seemed an easy target, vulnerable with no weapon. The huge limb came crashing down towards Loganthar’s head. The mage appeared not to see, as he was deep in concentration. The limb connected and blue and green sparks flew into the sky from the protective shield.

  Loganthar finished his spell. Lightning raced from his fingertips, striking the creature in the chest. It howled in pain and anger, striking out at the mage again. The shield protected Loganthar, but it was weakening from the powerful blows.

  Kryndale drew his daggers, went into a forward roll and came up between the creature’s legs. His blades bit deep into flesh and acid gore dripped freely onto the ground. Upon striking the creature, Kryndale dove ahead to safety.

  Tryndil batted aside the creature’s weakening attempts, careful to avoid stepping in the acid pooling around the creature. Krayven fired another arrow, hitting the beast in its already wounded leg.

  Malchyr entered the fray, drawing twin short swords and coming in low. Intending to exploit the wounded legs, he slid on his knees, lashing out with his weapons. The sharp blades bit deep, nearly severing both limbs. The monster lost its balance then, its massive limbs unable to support its bulk any longer. It toppled backward, striking out as it did. The massive limb struck Tryndil, smashing him into the rock wall. They heard the crack of splintering bones as his limp form slumped to the ground, lifeless.

  Kryndale ran toward his friend’s limp form, feeling for a pulse. Blood oozed out of his mouth, trickling down his chin. His pulse was fast fading. Kryndale fumbled with his pack, his hand finally closing over what he sought. A healing potion. Breaking the wax seal, he gently poured the contents down his friend’s throat. Moments later, Tryndil arched his back and screamed as his bones, muscles and tissue knitted themselves back together.

  “Finish it quickly! We must find safety before it grows dark!” He commanded in elvish.

  The mage began another spell and a dark cloud began to form. Upon completion, a thick cloud of insects formed, attacking the creature. They swarmed around the misshapen beast, biting and tearing.

  Krayven shot an arrow, burying it deep in the creature’s eye. It howled in pain and rage, flailing its arms at the insects and trying without success to dislodge the arrow.

  Malchyr and Kralkor attacked, stabbing it repeatedly, tearing vicious wounds and spilling acid gore everywhere. They kept at it long after the creature stopped resisting.

  Krayven and Kryndale pulled them away to tend their wounds. They had burns all over their faces and hands where the acid made contact. Their clothing had smoking holes and their boots were ruined. They removed all their clothing and tossed it in the pool of acid, watching it disintegrate. No trace of their passing remained.

  Krayven and Kryndale gave each a healing potion, which took the worst of the burns away, leaving only minor injuries. On these, they rubbed salve and bound them as best they could. Rooting around in the packs, they found spare clothing, but no boots. These they would have to purchase as soon as possible.

  They continued moving, needing to find a relatively safe place to rest for the night. Kryndale helped Tryndil along. He was incredibly weak and could not go any farther on his own. Krayven resumed the lead, scouting ahead as still as death.

  Kryndale allowed his mind to wander for a moment, thinking of Nephraete. He pictured her beautiful face, her silvery hair, violet eyes and seductive shape. An intense longing and a desperate need to find her filled him. She had to be alright. He was not sure what he would do if she had been killed.

  Blavven Krill was an extremely dangerous place even for seasoned assassins such as them. But for a mere girl, a seer, practically defenseless… He refused to think about it anymore. Never once did it cross his mind that she fled to get away from him, that she was more frightened of him than she was of Blavven Krill. He never even considered that she was in love with someone else. That she did not love him, had never loved him.

  Krayven came trotting back, signaling that he had found something. Not a moment too soon, Tryndil’s legs gave out and he slumped in Kryndale’s arms, unconscious. What Krayven found was not altogether desirable, but it would have to do.

  Growing up against the mountain walls were thick bushes nearly as tall as they were. Carefully, so as not to displace any leaves and give away their position, they crawled as far back as they could, resting their backs against the cold rock. They settled Tryndil on their cloaks, which they spread on the ground. Cramped though it was, it would have to do.

  One by one they slipped into Ru Nay’ Sha, all except Kryndale. He kept watch over them. He watched the steady rise and fall of Tryndil’s chest, and knew he would be alright. He let out a breath he did not realize he had been holding. These five were his closest companions. They had been through much together. They trusted each other and worked well in concert. They never once questioned Kryndale’s orders and they did as they were told. Kryndale never let them down. He could not start second-guessing himself now.

  He made a mental list of places he thought Nephraete might go. It was a very short list, only one name was on it. Kiri A’ Nouell. It made sense to go there, to look for refuge among kin and kind.

  Supposedly, before the Niri Ku’ Yamma or the Great Split as it was referred to in the common tongue, they were one people. Kryndale wasn’t sure he believed it. He could not imagine living anywhere except the Bay, certainly not in a stuffy old forest.

  The night grew col
d and quiet. Gone were the sounds of birds and insects. It seemed as if the wind stopped as well. An eerie feeling overcame him. The others must have sensed it as well, for they opened their eyes, silently alert. All except Tryndil, who was still lost to them.

  Loganthar waggled his fingers, mouthing the words to a spell. He threw up a shield to protect them from sight as well as blocking the creature’s sensory perception. The creature, whatever it was, was a quadruped and quite large by the sound of it. It came dangerously close to their hiding place. They could see the clouds of its expelled breath in the cold air. Yellow eyes glowed in the dark, which were forced to look elsewhere if they came too close to the protected area. Sometime just before dawn, it seemed to lose interest and wandered off.

  Luck was with them, for they were able to rouse Tryndil. They ate a hastily prepared breakfast and resumed their trek. Kryndale meant to be out of Blavven Krill well before nightfall. They walked all day without stopping.

  They all seemed to want the same thing, to be free of the pass. The sun was high in the

  sky when they ate a quick meal as they walked on. They still had a long way to go. They moved quickly and quietly, not daring to speak. All their senses were tuned to their surroundings.

  It was nearing dusk and they still had more than three leagues before they would put Blavven Krill behind them. They picked up the pace, an unspoken decision not to spend one more night here. The light was fast fading, the moon rising, and they still were not yet free.

  The moon was bright and more than enough light for them to see by. They heard rocks falling behind them as if being scattered by a pursuer. A growl followed by an unearthly screech filled the night air. The chase was on. The Gor Li’ Khan took off running at break neck speed. They could not afford another battle this soon. Half their number was still recovering from the last one.

  Malchyr and Kralkor lightly skipped over the ground, distributing their weight evenly so their bare feet seemed not to touch the earth. Kryndale stayed close to Tryndil, Krayven and Loganthar teamed up. They did not separate because if they had to fight, their odds were better together.


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