The Staff of Power

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The Staff of Power Page 21

by D E Boske

  “What do you mean forbidden?”

  “It is one of the rules of The Order.”

  “Then how… How do you… have children?” asked Kyler, knowing he was stepping on dangerous ground.

  “The Breeders. They are the only ones who may bear a child of a Mage of The Order,” Darian whispered.

  “The Breeders? What is that?” Kyler could not help himself. He knew Darian did not like to speak of his past, but he brought it up.

  “I… They are... I… I was to go to them, but I never made it. I left Mogan Dar… before…” he trailed off.

  “Takasha! Darian, what are you telling me? You fled Mogan Dar? That’s when we came upon you, isn’t it? Why have you never told me this before?” Kyler was aghast. He could not believe his ears.

  “You know me, Kyler. I’m a man of many secrets.”

  “But we are friends. We can share anything.”

  “No. Not anything. Some things, but you will never know everything there is to know about me. No one ever will,” he said firmly.

  “It’s not too late Darian, she loves you…” Kyler tried to change the subject.

  “No! It wasn’t meant to be. I understand that now. Someday, she will too,” he finished softly.

  “What are you talking about? I know you still love her. A blind man could see it.”

  Darian let him think what he would. He did not see how Ty could forgive him for what he had done. Yes, he loved her. But he had lived this long without her. He’d get used to it. At least he wasn’t alone anymore; he had Gayla. Besides, if The Order ever found out about Tynuviel, her life was forfeit. He could not let that happen. Whoever was after him seemed to be one step ahead every time. Darian could not let it continue. He could not take the chance that they would not find out about Tynuviel. If the Dark Mage knew about Kyler and Destiny, then finding out about Tynuviel and Darian would not be a difficult task. Tynuviel’s death was something the powerful, young Mage could not live with. He’d lived with many atrocities in his time, but this… This would break him.

  They stopped at midday for their noon meal. Nephraete attempted to talk to Kyler, but lately, she had the distinct feeling that he was avoiding her. Ever since she told him how she felt he had acted strangely, like he felt guilty. But why then, had he said the things he said? It just didn’t make any sense. Darian looked her way and winked.

  “Kyler, I’d like to talk to you. If you’re not too busy,” she tried not to sound desperate and failed horribly. He smiled his smile and she felt her knees grow weak.

  “I’m never too busy for you Nephraete. What can I do for you?” He looked at her petite curvaceous form, her full mouth, violet eyes and felt his control slipping. At least when she wore a dress, he could not readily see her shapely legs. But he was glad she wore tights now, she looked…

  “Kyler, are you alright?” she asked with a smirk.

  “Yes. Do you think we could take a walk?”

  “Sure, that would be nice,” she replied. They walked well out of earshot, choosing a spot on some fallen logs.

  “Nephraete, I’m sorry. Lately I’ve been distracted, worrying over Darian and I haven’t had

  much time for you. Nephraete… I…you… When I’m with you… Takasha!” He leaned into her, kissing her softly. Her lips were warm and sweet. She felt good. Her skin was soft and her scent drove him wild. He put his hand behind her head, pulling her near.

  Kissing her again, he put his hand on her breast and she jerked away, suddenly afraid.

  “Is something wrong?” he asked, stunned.

  “I’m sorry. You startled me. No one has ever done that before. I’ve never…” she trailed off.

  “Nephraete, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. I feel so many emotions running through me when we’re together. I feel whole when you’re with me, as if we’ve known each other for a long time. You keep my demons at bay. I’m yours if you’ll have me.”

  In answer, she leaned into him, kissing him passionately. All her dreams were coming true. He held her close and kissed her neck, slowly making his way down her collarbone to the top of her blouse. Though he was gentle with her, there was urgency in his lips.

  His tongue tickled her skin, sending shivers down her spine. His left hand stroked her hair as he brought his lips to hers again. She liked the way he made her feel. She felt his hand on her thigh and a soft moan escaped her lips. He put his hand to her breast again and this time, she did not resist. He undid the top buttons, leaving a trail of kisses down her neck to her breasts. She sighed in contentment at his touch. He made her feel so good. So, this is what it is like, she thought. He began to undo the rest of her buttons, easing the shirt off her shoulders.

  He kissed her urgently then, demanding attention. She moaned softly as his hand worked its way up her thigh. She began to undo his shirt, pulling it off. She ran her hands over his tan, muscular flesh and he pulled her atop him. She could feel his arousal and it thrilled her, excited her! He ran his hands down her bare back to her perfect bottom.

  “Kyler, Nephraete. We’re ready to go,” said the Mage from a respectable distance.

  “Takasha!” Kyler exclaimed. “We’ll be right there,” he groaned. He kissed her one last time, releasing her reluctantly as they fixed themselves up, becoming presentable once more.

  “Well, maybe it’s for the best. I’d like to take it slowly. I know that was a poor way of showing you, but I want to get to know you, be with you for a while before…”

  “Me too,” she said, relieved. She didn’t want to hurt him, but she wasn’t sure if she was ready for that yet. Though they had come close, she was still a little frightened, not knowing what to expect.

  They walked back to the others holding hands. None of the companions missed this. They moved out once more, heading west. Kyler walked with Darian again.

  “Well done my friend, well done,” the Mage said.

  “Thank you, thank you,” Kyler replied, bowing as he did.

  “Seriously Kyler, I’m happy for you. You two… fit. You look right together. She really loves you, too.”

  “Yeah, it feels right. I feel at peace now. Now for you,” Kyler said half-seriously.

  “Don’t worry about me. I’m taken care of.” Kyler looked shocked.

  “Darian, what aren’t you telling me?” Kyler asked, feeling a sick twist inside.

  “I have someone waiting for me.”


  “Can we talk about something else please?”

  “Of course not. You’re squirming. Who is it?”

  “Does it really matter?”

  “You’re my friend Darian, it matters to me.”

  “Someone from my past. Her name is Gayla.”

  “Gayla?” the elf asked curiously.

  “Yes. Gayla.”

  “We’ve met. Beautiful girl.”


  “I met her in Mogan Dar.”


  “She came looking for you when we were at your room. Does she make you happy?”



  “Can we talk about something else now?”

  “Sure, like what?”

  “You and Nephraete.”

  “I don’t kiss and tell, sorry.”

  “So?” Tynuviel prompted as she joined her friend. Nephraete could not stop smiling.

  “He kissed me, Ty. He told me he’s mine if I’d have him.”

  “So, what did you tell him?”

  “Are you kidding?” Nephraete laughed.

  “Of course, how was it?”

  “It was nice. It made me feel so much all at once. I got scared when he touched me though.”

  “That’s normal, it will pass. I’m really happy for you. I know you’ve loved him for some time,” Tynuviel replied.

  “Darian sure seems to have changed…sorry.” Nephraete did not mean to speak that aloud.

  “Yes, he has. He actually looks like a Mage. A very
handsome one. Damn Trighton! Selfish bastard! Takasha! He was my friend. He was there for me when Darian left me on my doorstep. This is not what’s supposed to be happening. We were friends, nothing more. Actually, I don’t know if I can remain friends with him after that.”

  “I know you’re hurt and angry, but you still care for him. I cannot imagine going through what you are. I definitely would not switch places with you.”

  “Thanks a lot.”

  “Look at that ass!” Shaz remarked, nudging Asa.

  “That’s my sister jackass!” Asa replied hotly.

  “Not her, Nephraete.” Shaz said, trying to cover up his error. Though in truth, he watched them both. He couldn’t decide which he liked better.

  Asa nodded his agreement. All the elves present admired the seer. He would have approached her himself, but he knew she liked Kyler. That boy had more than his fair share of looks and luck.

  “Ah c’mon. Loosen up Asa. I’ve seen the way you guys admire the ladies. Just because you don’t voice it aloud, don’t make you no better n’me.”

  “Must you speak?”

  “It’s a long way and it helps to make the time go by faster,” said the bounty hunter.

  “Not for me, it doesn’t.” Asa scoffed.

  “Why do you hate me? I’ve heard so much about elven hospitality and what wonderful hosts you are. Not to mention that you’re on good terms with the goodly folk. But you’re just rude! With your better than everyone attitude.”

  “I don’t hate you. I just don’t like you. You’re crass, lewd and utterly obnoxious. The sole of my boot has more personality. And we are superior to humans.”

  “How so?” Shaz asked, ignoring most of Asa’s statement.

  “How long do you live?”

  “If we’re lucky eighty or ninety years.”

  “I rest my case. We’re barely adults at that age.”

  “Hey, I wouldn’t broadcast that man. That doesn’t sound like something you should be proud of. Know what I’m sayin’?”

  “Hey Kyler! Why did you save this dolt again?” asked Asa in the elven tongue.

  “For fodder, of course. I thought that was obvious,” he replied in his native language. Everyone laughed except Shaz.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Morphindinaetlus could not get near the Mage City. Strong, powerful magic protected that place. He sensed the Mage had come here, though his master had told him nothing. He chuckled to himself, but it sounded like a throaty roar. It shouldn’t be long now. The people of Marubiel were demanding justice. They could not understand why the elf snapped and murdered that girl. If Kyler showed his face there, well… This could be easier than he’d thought.

  He wondered if the elf knew about the girl and the unborn child yet. He would have given gems from his hoard to see the look on the elf’s face. He desperately wanted to remove her ring, the elf’s ring, and add it to his treasure. He left it behind so there would be no doubt. And the child! What a tasty morsel that would have been. He restrained himself for the elf’s sake. He wanted him to suffer! And that damned Mage! The wyrm wanted the Mage to suffer as well. To know their deaths were on his head. His master only wanted the staff. The Mage would be his to devour slowly and absorb his magic.

  Then he could retrieve what the Mage stole from him. He still did not know how Darian had gotten into his treasure room, let alone how he’d managed to steal The Orb of Healing. For that, he would pay! And pay with his life. The Orb of Healing was one of his most treasured items. It rankled him that the bastard even knew what it was. The elves created it in the old times before the Niri Ku’ Yamma. It’d been in his possession for several centuries already. He vowed to get it back and make the Mage pay for the theft.

  He was having no luck here. Turning about, he flew off back to the Ancient Mountain, his lair and his treasure.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  The sun had set, Darian was gone and Kyler and Nephraete were alone. They could hear an owl hoot nearby. The night air was cooler, but not cold enough to build a fire.

  “What’s going on? Where did he go?” she asked.

  “I don’t know,” he answered honestly.

  “Your sister is very upset.”

  “I know, but there is nothing I can do. I tried talking to him, but he’s very stubborn. He would not listen. I know he still loves her, but… he’s seeing someone else.”

  “What? Who? How do you know?” Nephraete spluttered.

  “He told me. Remember Gayla?” he said quietly.

  “The woman we met in Mogan Dar? Could he be lying? Maybe he’s trying to hurt Ty?”

  “No. I don’t think so. He’s lied to me before I know, but not about this, I think. No, this time I believe him… Something in his eyes… Please don’t tell Tynuviel. She’s hurting enough right now.”

  “I won’t but… Eventually, she’ll find out. What then?”

  “I don’t know.” He hesitated for a moment before bringing his lips to hers.

  He stepped from the gate into his study. He felt emotionally exhausted. Keeping up the façade was hard work. They were all wary of him now, as though he might snap at any moment. Good, he thought, they’ve become too accustomed to my presence. They think they know me. He smirked. He removed his Shryvven and hung it on a peg by his desk. He spoke the password and his desk opened at his touch. Going into a drawer, he retrieved a small parcel and went to find Gayla.

  He found her curled up on the couch, reading a volume from his extensive library. So absorbed in the book, she did not hear his approach.

  “Gayla,” he said huskily.

  “Darian! You’re back. I’ve missed you. I’ll get you something to eat,” she said, smiling happily.

  “I am not hungry… for food.” He told her, wrapping her in his arms. He put his hand on her bottom, pulling her into him and kissing her softly.

  “Happy birthday baby,” he whispered into her ear.

  “You remembered, thank you,” she said, wrapping her slender arms around his neck. She kissed his cheek, letting her lips linger near his ear.

  “Mmmm. I’ve got something for you,” he said, handing her the parcel.

  “Oh, Darian. Thank you,” she said, filled with emotion. A tear traced its way down her cheek. He kissed it away, tenderly caressing her face.

  She undid the string, opening the cloth bundle. Inside was the most beautiful dress she’d ever seen. Silk from Al-Dan-Tir, stained the color of dried blood. Painted in gold by a fine hand, were arcane symbols and runes. She knew he must have painted them. They were magical in nature and very dangerous to any but a Mage.

  “Do you like it?” he asked her, the pain of the day fading in her presence.

  “Darian, it’s beautiful!”

  “Try it on, please.”

  “This must have cost a small fortune. I am unworthy of such a gift,” she said sadly.

  “Says who? What is twenty gold pieces for the woman I care deeply for? You share my bed and my life and you presume yourself unworthy? Are you worthy of this?” He kissed her passionately as he took her blouse off. She wore nothing else. He kissed her breasts, his fingers stroking the sweet wetness between her thighs. She gasped at his touch. He always knew exactly what she wanted. She loved him, craved him and did not want to live without him.

  “Are you going to try the dress on?” he begged between kisses and she laughed.

  “Mmhhmm,” she replied, not wanting him to stop.

  “Good, I had it made just for you. I paid the seamstress extra to have it ready for today.” She could not believe the trouble he went to for her. She slipped the silky soft garment over her head, smoothing it out over her hips. It fit her perfectly.

  “You look beautiful, just like I pictured. Here, look in the mirror.”

  He brought her to a full-length mirror just outside of his study. As she admired her reflection, he wrapped his left arm around her from behind, putting his hand on her chest. She tilted her head back, letting him kiss her. He sli
d his right hand inside the dress, running it over the smooth skin of her legs. She sighed softly as he kissed her again. He ran his hand over her breasts, her belly, and then probed her tender flesh with his long, slender fingers. She eased back into him, pressing her bottom gently but firmly against him. He eased the dress over her head as she turned to face him. She stroked him as he removed his shirt, throwing it on the back of a nearby chair. He picked her up and brought her to the bed, gently laying her down. He kicked off his boots, removed his breeches and she pulled him into the bed.

  Hours later, she lay asleep, simply worn out. He covered her with a blanket and went to go work out. He felt invigorated, full of life and energy. With Gayla taking care of him, he found he rested better, had more energy, and was less tense and irritable. He was also able to concentrate and get more work done. Why did I ever stop? He wondered.

  After a strenuous workout with his staff and blades, he took a bath, then went to his study to look over his spellbooks and prepared to memorize the spells he felt were best for now.

  He returned to bed much later, intending to slip into Ru Nay’ Sha. But she looked so sexy laying there, her curvaceous legs poking out of the blanket. He lay next to her, kissing her and running his hands over her body. She woke momentarily, taking him to new heights of pleasure. Afterwards, he slid deep into Ru Nay’ Sha.


  Branson Thundershield was worried. What’s keepin’ them elves? He knew they’d come, but they should have been here months ago. Had something gone wrong? Were they delayed? The message from Galavad’s messenger bird was clear. It said they were on their way.

  He was growing increasingly uneasy. He had no idea what had befallen Kiri A’ Nouell. Are they already at war and canno’ come? Should he send a detachment to the elves? If he did, would they allow his men access? Or would the magic kill them as it had countless others?


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