The Staff of Power

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The Staff of Power Page 20

by D E Boske

  “This beast has magic!” Loganthar shouted.

  “Are you sure?” asked Kryndale.

  “We’ve passed that rock formation three times,” the mage responded.

  “Can you dismiss the spell?” asked Krayven.

  “I will try,” said Loganthar. First, he cast a protective shield around them, then began working on canceling the creature’s spell. Whatever it was, it was closing fast as the mage was deep in concentration. He finished casting and shouted.

  “Run!” They ran, but whatever followed them was in fierce pursuit. They heard rocks scattering and twigs snapping as it began to close the distance.

  “Loganthar, do something!” Kryndale shouted as Tryndil went down, his legs giving out from the strain.

  But Krayven acted first. Nocking a lightning arrow, he let it fly in the direction he thought the creature was. White-hot energy lit the dark sky as an unearthly cry erupted from the creature. The smell of burnt flesh reached their sensitive nostrils. They waited for the sounds of pursuit, but heard nothing.

  Kryndale helped Tryndil to his feet, supporting him so he could walk. Sometime later, the rocks gave way to grass and soil. At last, they were free of Blavven Krill, but they wanted to distance themselves from that place.

  They entered the wilderness, endless miles of trees and tall grass, rolling hills and not much else. They made it to a copse of trees and collapsed. Krayven took first watch while the others settled themselves as comfortably as they could and slipped into Ru Nay’ Sha.


  Darian entered the camp before any of his companions had risen. He watched the gateway close, the silver light fading in the pre-dawn darkness. He was dressed in the dark blue robes of his order, cowl pulled up so his face could not be seen. On his left index finger, he wore a shiny mithril ring. It ran from the knuckle on his hand and extended one inch past his fingertip. Etched into the shiny surface were arcane symbols and runes. Fully jointed, it moved with him, they were one. For the first time since he met Kyler, he looked like the powerful Mage that he was.

  It was time to stop pretending that he was something other than what The Order had created him to be. He was born to be a Mage of The Order and that’s what he would act like from now on. He had earned the title that he now bore and the respect that went with it. It was past time that his companions knew who he really was and what he was capable of. He drew the mantle of power over him and buried the weakling that he’d let himself become. For love. Ha! As if there is such a thing! He remarked snidely to himself.

  Nephraete was the first to rise, probably due to her deep connection to Darian. She started walking toward him, but he waved his left hand in front of him and she stopped. She saw his robes, but more importantly, she saw the ring. She’d never seen him wear it before. Something had definitely changed and Nephraete wasn’t sure it was for the better. Nephraete could not see his face, but she did not need to. She could feel his distance; it was palpable. A wall had gone up. It was as if they had not been friends at all. Kyler was the next to rise. He ran to Darian, embracing him. To her surprise, Darian returned it.

  “Darian, I’m glad you’re here. I would not have wanted to make this journey without you, my friend.”

  Darian said nothing and one by one, the camp came alive to find the Mage had returned. Upon seeing Tynuviel, pain knifed through his heart. Though he made love to another woman, it had not erased his love for this elf that now stood before him. When he saw Trighton, pure hatred ran unchecked through him. It consumed him, until using all of his teaching and training, he was able to gain control over his emotions, locking them safely away.

  “Darian please, I need to talk to you,” Tynuviel pleaded.

  “There’s nothing left to say,” he replied quietly, coldly.

  “But…” she began, but the Mage turned his back on her, coolly dismissing her.

  He still had not come to terms with her and Trighton’s relationship. Maybe he never would. He knew he was hurting her even as he was hurting himself. But he couldn’t help it. Distance was all he knew. He never let anyone close to him before and now he understood why. It was time to return to his old ways. Past time. Even had he wished to change he was not sure he would be able to do so.

  “Is that any way to treat a lady?” asked Trighton.

  “Do not presume to tell me how to treat a woman,” the Mage snarled.

  Everyone could feel the tension between these three. They sat down to a hastily prepared meal. Darian declined their offer, moving off by himself. Tynuviel made as if to follow, but her brother grabbed her wrist.

  “Leave him alone for now. He’ll come around on his own,” cautioned Kyler. He too had felt the distance and witnessed the drastic change in his friend.

  “Hasn’t he hurt you enough? Why do you still have feelings for him anyway?” asked Trighton sharply.

  “Stay out of it Trighton,” warned Asa.

  Tireniel took Tynuviel in his arms, hugging her close. He sat her down and made sure she ate something. He talked to her about anything other than the Mage. He made her feel better and she was glad they were friends.

  They spoke in elvish, but Shaz did not need to understand the words. He read their expressions, their body language and in Tynuviel’s case, her tears. For a split second, he felt sorry for her. Maybe he should have stopped Trighton from interfering with her and Darian. He felt responsible. After all, his grudge was with Darian, not Tynuviel. Then he glanced at Darian and satisfaction replaced the guilt. It was about time that someone took him down a peg or two. He was tired of the Mage walking around as if he was the shit. For once, he was quiet, put in his place. Just the way Shaz liked him.

  Soon after, they broke camp and began their long journey. The sun was warm and it felt good on the seer’s skin. She had tried unsuccessfully to talk to Kyler. He was as distant as Darian had become. He had been worried about Darian and now that he was back… She was glad the Mage had Kyler as a friend. Darian needed him now more than ever as he began his travel down the dark road. The darkness that was threatening to envelop the Mage was insidious, extremely cunning and treacherous. She felt its evil growing and evolving into a sentient thing. They must all do their part to keep the Mage away from the dark precipice lest he fall into darkness and be lost for all time.

  “Can I walk with you?” asked Tynuviel, startling Nephraete out of her contemplation. The forest came alive with the sounds of birds and small animals. The sun had risen and bathed the forest in golden light and warmth. The air held the scent of a crisp Spring morning, which boosted their spirits.

  “Of course,” Nephraete smiled at her new friend.

  “I’ve screwed everything up. I don’t understand what happened. I know Trighton interrupted us but… how was it my fault? He is so angry! I know I am partly to blame; I never should have kissed Trighton. Now the man that I love hates me and wants nothing to do with me. I tried to explain that Trighton was lying about us being lovers, but I don’t think he believes me. What do I do?” Tynuviel asked, as tears stained her cheeks.

  “He does not hate you. When he looks at you, he is filled with pain. Which means he must still love you, else he would not care. He is slipping away from us. We cannot allow this to happen.”

  “What are you talking about?” asked Tynuviel worriedly.

  “Do you not sense it? He is changing day by day. He walks a dark road and I fear that if he does not stop, there will be no coming back from it,” replied Nephraete soberly.

  “What do we do?” asked Tynuviel.

  “I’m not sure there’s anything we can do. Kyler is the only one he’ll listen to, I think,” said the seer.

  “I see you and Chamlen have become friends. He’s a good elf. Handsome and compassionate,” said Tynuviel, deftly changing the subject.

  “Yes, he is. He is loyal to Kyler too.”

  “They all are and they’d better be. He is next in line and if something happens to father,

  Kyler needs to be ready to
step into his role as leader of the elves.”

  “Kyler does not seem thrilled about that prospect,” the seer observed.

  “I doubt he is, but nonetheless, he must be ready,” Tynuviel responded.

  “Can I ask you something?” asked Nephraete, unsure of how to phrase her next question. A question that had been bugging her since she came to Kiri A’ Nouell.

  “Of course,” said Tynuviel with a smile, but it was evident that she was battling her emotions and trying to get them under control.

  “Why did Galavad pass over Asa and give the responsibility to Kyler? Asa seems more than qualified and his battle knowledge would be very helpful.”

  “I’m not sure why Kyler was chosen, but he was furious! They called a family meeting to discuss the Monarch’s choice when we were mere elflings. Even then he said he saw something in his younger son. He said, ‘It is as if Shenna has chosen you herself.’” Tynuviel remembered wistfully. Tynuviel watched the way Nephraete looked at her brother and smiled.

  “Kyler cares for you, he told me so. It’s just that he feels guilty, as if he’s betraying Destiny. He’s afraid that it’s too soon to be moving on. I told him he was being silly. You can’t help falling in love. Your heart does it for you,” Tynuviel changed the subject and the seer felt her cheeks heat from her friend’s admission. They stayed together the whole day, chatting easily.

  Up ahead, Kyler and Darian had not spoken at all since his return. The elf was glad of his presence just the same. They walked side by side in silence for some time before the Mage finally broke it.

  “Why didn’t you tell me, Kyler? I know you knew what was going on. You and Ty are so close… I made a fool of myself. And I almost killed him Kyler. If Ty hadn’t stepped in front of me…”

  “What?” It was Kyler’s turn to be surprised.

  “I took her to what I thought was a secluded spot, somewhere where we could be alone. Trighton showed up and I lost control. I began to cast a spell… And if Ty hadn’t stopped me… Kyler, I’d have killed him. I’m not safe to be around right now. Something is happening to me that I don’t understand.”

  “Takasha! You’re my friend and I won’t let you go through this alone. I’m sorry, but I warned you remember? Anyway, there’s nothing between them. They’re just friends. Well, maybe not anymore. She’s really angry with him. I don’t understand why you’re so upset with her. She hasn’t done anything. She loves you, Darian.”

  “Do you take me for a fool?” he asked angrily.

  “Of course not,” Kyler said, perplexed. “Listen, I’m telling you she loves you, not Trighton. She hasn’t spoken two words to him since she slapped him after you left.”

  “And this is supposed to make me feel better? She couldn’t look me in the eye, Kyler. She would not look at me. She tried to tell me something, but I wouldn’t let her. I’m certain it was about her and Trighton. This is why a Mage doesn’t marry, Kyler. When I’m with her, I’m happy, but all mixed up inside. I do things and say things that I don’t mean. Look at yesterday, I had no right to be angry. I know that. The sight of Trighton makes my blood boil. He said they became lovers after I left. He even told me that she didn’t want me to know because she knew it would ruin her chances with me.”

  Kyler hung his head. He knew he couldn’t win, not now. He didn’t like to see his friend in so much pain. He doubted any of the others even noticed, but Darian could not hide it from him. Darian thought he could keep anything from him but in truth, Kyler understood him better than the Mage thought.

  “I don’t know what else to say. I would like to see you together; you know that but… Whether or not you choose to be with her, well, that’s between you and her. That won’t affect our friendship. I want to see you happy my friend.” Darian clapped him on the back.

  “Speaking of happy, how are you doing Kyler? I never got a chance to say how sorry I am for what happened. I know it’s been hard for you and I haven’t been there for you lately. But I’m here now. You can’t change the past, but you have the future. Have your eye on anyone?” Darian probed, for he already suspected.

  “Darian I… I kissed Nephraete. I feel like it’s still too soon. I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet.”

  “Kyler, it’s been months now. It’s time you moved on. You and Nephraete look good together. It’s a smart match. It might even bring the elves back together. Galavad will be so happy,” Darian said, as he clapped his hands and skipped in a mocking manner. Kyler smiled, it almost seemed that Darian was his old self… almost. But there was a darkness to him now, a darkness that was as elusive as it was impenetrable.

  “Darian, you couldn’t be farther off the mark. From what Nephraete has told me of her father, I’m not so sure he would welcome our union. She told me she was betrothed to a Gor Li’ Khan, that he might come for her. She soothes me Darian. She has a calm manner that keeps the demons at bay. I’m so conflicted right now. I want to be with her, but cannot stop seeing Destiny. And yet, the only time I’m free from those memories is when I’m with her.”

  “Kyler, she loves you and I think she understands the situation better than you may think.”

  “She told me she was in love with me, that she left Kaleika Bay to find me. How do you know her feelings?” asked Kyler, a bit confused.

  “Our connection, remember? We feel what the other is feeling. I know whom she loves. Her heart is open to me. Every time she looks at you, I can feel her emotion flood me,” the Mage


  “Darian, where have you been?” asked Kyler, gently changing the subject.

  “What of you and Nephraete?” asked the Mage, switching subjects again.

  “I want to take it slow with Nephraete.”


  “Takasha! I guess I feel like I’d be betraying Destiny,” said Kyler softly.

  “It’s a little late to say that now since you kissed her, don’t you think? You’d be

  sending mixed messages. If you didn’t feel ready, you never should have kissed her.”

  “The truth is I’m attracted to Nephraete. I have been since the first time I saw her. She’s beautiful, sensuous and intoxicating. She makes me feel at ease. The only time I don’t keep seeing… what we found… is when I’m with her. I want to be with her. But sometimes I think of Destiny and… How would she feel if I moved on so soon after her death?”

  “Kyler c’mon, you’re being incredibly hard on yourself. Do you really think she would want you to suffer? Do you think she wants you to live alone… forever?” His tone softened. “Sometimes, even under the worst circumstances, things happen for a reason. Destiny loved you. She would want you to be happy. If you don’t mind, I’d like to talk to Nephraete about what you two saw. I don’t want to make you relive it…”

  “Morphindinaetlus!” the elf said, cutting his friend off. “He was there. The fire burned too hot. It burned for days. They were dead before…”

  “They?” asked Darian quietly.

  “She was pregnant Darian. With my child! They tore the baby from her womb, put it in the cradle… and then the dragon came and lit the town on fire.” This made the Mage stop dead in his tracks.

  “Kyler, I’m so sorry. All this is my fault. If I’d never come to Kiri A’ Nouell, none of this would have happened.”

  “Now who’s being too hard on themselves? No one can know the future. Besides, I’m glad we met and became friends, no matter the circumstances.” Darian gripped Kyler’s arm, smiling warmly.

  “You know they’re after me and my staff. They knew we were in Limmin. They knew about you and Destiny, which is why they killed her. They must have asked her about me. Kyler, they seem to know every step we take, where we’ve been and maybe even where we’re going.”

  “How? Are you saying there’s a traitor among us?”

  “I wouldn’t rule it out. I don’t know,” he said, tapping his Mage ring against his upper lip.

  “I’ve never seen you wear that before, what
is it?” asked Kyler curiously.

  “A little something I made. It’s a Mage battle ring. Trust me, you don’t want to be on the

  receiving end of it.”

  “What should we do? I hand-picked this group because I trust them all.”

  “You are the only one I trust, Kyler. We’ve been through too much. You welcomed me into your life and didn’t know the first thing about me.”

  “Takasha! Give me some credit, will you? I’m no fool. We followed you for three days before making contact. I may be young by elven standards, I am good looking and I am blond, but my heads not empty. Sheesh!” Kyler said, rolling his eyes. Darian nudged him and they both laughed.

  “I think it best if we avoid the towns. We should stay on our own. If we need supplies, then I’ll take Nephraete with me.”

  “Do you think that’s a good idea?” asked Kyler.

  “Oh, don’t worry. I’ll keep your girlfriend safe. And I promise to keep my hands to myself.”

  “That’s not what I meant,” Kyler said, a touch of anger in his voice.

  “I’m sorry Kyler. Sometimes I can be such…”

  “An ass,” Kyler finished for him.

  “I was thinking a handsome, caring individual myself. Kyler, don’t make the same mistake I did. I was so wrapped up in my own agenda. Don’t hold back with Nephraete and don’t feel guilty. Maybe if I’d looked sooner, things would be different.”

  “What do you mean? Looked for what?”

  “While I was unconscious, I found an opaque barrier inside my head, as I now believe all Mages have. It kept me from Tynuviel. Every time we were together, I felt an urge to be somewhere else.”

  “How could they know you would fall in love with my sister?”

  “They didn’t. It limited and restrained my behavior to keep me under control. It’s becoming dangerous to be around me. A Mage of The Order does not fall in love. It is forbidden.”


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