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The Staff of Power

Page 25

by D E Boske

  Kyler came by a few moments later with a bowl of soup, bread, cheese and a mug of water.

  “I thought you might be hungry. She knows, doesn’t she?”

  “I kinda’ blurted it out. I wasn’t fully awake and I called Gayla’s name.”

  “Takasha, Darian! What were you thinking? No wonder why she’s crying.”

  “I didn’t mean to hurt her. That’s the last thing I ever wanted to do. How’s the girl?” asked the Mage, deflecting.

  “She hasn’t regained consciousness yet, but she’s resting comfortably. How do you feel?” He sounded as if he did not really care. His tone was formal, curt and dismissive.

  “Fine. Famished, that for me?” asked Darian, and Kyler laughed in spite of his anger. He handed him the bowl, setting the water down.

  “She’ll probably be out for a few days, that’s normal with the extent of her injuries. We should get going soon. We still have a long way to go.”

  “Indeed.” They heard Nephraete shout and turned to see what had happened.

  “Calisha! Where have you been? I’ve been so worried!” she cried, embracing him.

  “Nephraete, there is trouble. Where is Kyler? I need to speak with you both.”

  “He’s with Darian. Come with me,” she said, leading him to them. Kyler rose, grasping the Crebellan’s hand.

  “Glad I am to see you. We’ve been worried about you. Where have you been?” asked the elf prince.

  “Morphindinaetlus and his underling were questioning a girl at the Platinum Pony, as I’ve said before. But he went back.” At the mention of this, Kyler’s limbs went numb. He knew there were only two that might remember them, C.J. and Missy.

  “They are looking for you. The dragon turned himself into you to gather information on your whereabouts.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Kyler, a sickening dread filling him.

  “He cast a polymorph spell, turning himself into you. He met up with a certain serving girl there who remembered you quite well. She took what she thought was you back to her room, where they made love. He drained her of her life force and made sure they saw you leaving her room. The townsfolk are very upset. They are demanding justice. Also, there is a group of elves on your trail.” He said this last as if it was inconsequential.

  “That must be Kryndale. How did he find us?” asked Nephraete. She was trembling, visibly shaken. Calisha put his arm around her, lending his strength and support.

  “That I do not know. I did not make contact. I thought it best to come directly to you, Nephraete,” Calisha explained, holding her tightly. “I will not let him hurt you. I will protect you as I always have.”

  “I am glad you are here,” she said, clasping his hand. “Come, let us leave them to talk.

  Walk with me,” Nephraete said to Calisha.

  Kyler was unsure why, but he felt a stab of jealousy toward Calisha. They shared a deep connection, which was obvious. He hoped that was all they shared.

  “You are changed somehow, Nephraete,” said Calisha softly.

  “There is a budding relationship growing between Kyler and me. Sometimes, I can’t believe it. I came all this way just to meet him without ever believing I had a chance.”

  “Why would you think that? You are a very beautiful, captivating woman. He’d be a fool not to want you.”

  “Thank you Calisha, that’s very sweet. You’re a good friend and I’m glad you’re back. I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you as well.” He clasped her hand and kissed it tenderly.

  “Calisha… What… Are you trying to tell me something?” He laughed and she joined in, his laughter was contagious.

  “Nephraete, if I wanted you, I would have you. Nothing anyone could do could prevent it from happening. I wouldn’t do that to you, of course. I know you love Kyler and I will not get in the way. You are not for me and I am not for you.” Calisha said nothing more as they walked. This was not unusual, as he was quiet most of the time.

  She wondered what he meant by his comment, if he wanted her he could have her? In Kaleika Bay, most seers took their Crebellan for their lover. She had no doubt if she had stayed there, her and Calisha would be together as well.

  In the morning, before they broke camp, Kyler sent a detailed message to his father explaining what had happened. Just before he severed the connection, he apologized for the delay and told his father of his growing love for Nephraete. He could feel his father’s happiness and approval.

  Kiel and Tireniel carried the litter. It slowed their pace down, but there was no help for it.

  “May I walk with you?” asked Tynuviel, as she approached Nephraete and Calisha. She looked terrible. Her eyes were red and swollen and it didn’t look as if she had rested well last night.

  “Of course, Ty. What’s wrong?” asked the seer.

  “Darian, what else? Takasha! I need to pull myself together. He’s with Gayla you know.” Nephraete could not hide her surprise.

  “The girl from Mogan Dar?” she tried to sound convincing, as if she had no idea what was happening. Calisha glanced in her direction. He knew that she knew more than what she let on. He would never betray her though.

  “He called out her name! He told me he never wanted me to find out. What am I supposed to do now? How can I live without him, Nephraete? Every time I look at him another part of me dies,” she said sadly, as tears ran down her pale cheeks.

  “A man that causes a beautiful woman this much pain, does not seem worthy of the tears she cries,” said Calisha.

  “I’m sorry, Ty, this is Calisha. He is my companion and a very dear friend.”

  “Where have you been? I don’t remember seeing you before,” Tynuviel remarked.

  “I’ve only just returned. I’ve been gone too long from Nephraete’s side.” Ty gave them a strange look.

  “Competing with my brother for Nephraete’s affection?” asked Ty jokingly.

  Calisha said nothing more for some time. He let the two ladies talk, enjoying the sound of their voices. It was good to be back with Nephraete. He missed her and her companionship. He intended to watch Kyler closely to see if he was suitable for his lady. He knew her feelings for the elf prince ran deep. She confided in him and she could trust him with her life.

  The Crebellan had gotten her through Blavven Krill safely, guiding her the whole way right to Kyler. The Gor Li’ Khan were more than capable of doing the same. Kryndale was indeed on their trail and he would never give up until he found her. He wondered how Kryndale would accept the fact that Nephraete was with another man. Kryndale loved Nephraete, Calisha knew. He also knew she had never loved him in that manner. How would he take it after coming all this way to find her? He would stay close to the seer to ensure her safety.

  By noon of the next day, they were nearing Marubiel. They gave the town a wide berth after the news from Calisha. They did not stop for the noonday meal, preferring to distance themselves from that place.

  The sun was setting when they stopped to set up camp. Soon after, they were enjoying a hot meal. Darian set the safety wards, then seated himself next to his friend. They had barely spoken since he had healed that girl.

  “I’m sorry Kyler. I never meant for any of this to happen.”

  “I know,” he replied softly as he watched his sister. “I warned you, but you did nothing to stop this and now… Darian, in all the time we’ve traveled together and been friends, I’ve never asked you for anything. Fix this mess. Mend Ty’s broken heart. Get past

  your personal conflicts. Swallow your pride for once in your life. Admit you were wrong, apologize and make it up to her, please. You owe her that.”

  “I wish it were that simple,” the Mage replied quietly.

  “It is. Just do it. For me, for Ty. Hell, do it for yourself. Everyone knows you still love her so stop denying it.”

  “What about Gayla?”

  “What about her?” Kyler asked acidly.

  “I can’t just turn her out. I’m responsible
for her.”

  “You’re also responsible for the tears my sister cries. For that, you will answer to me. I have never gotten involved in your relationship, but this… This is inexcusable.”

  The Mage nodded in silent defeat. He knew the elf was right. He just did not know how to make things right between him and Ty. Gods knew he still loved her. More than ever, he wanted her, and the tears she cried nearly killed him. Those tears were because of him. He caused her great pain. How would he make it right after what he had done? He did not know if ever he could. It wasn’t as simple as Kyler would like to believe. There were serious repercussions should he give in and get involved with Ty. Yes, he loved her, but… Should The Order find out about them… it would mean her death, maybe even his.

  He walked over to where she sat, arms around her knees, head down. Her shoulders heaved with the force of her sobbing.

  “Ty, can we talk please?” Darian tried.

  “Go away!” She said, without even looking at him. All eyes were upon them, though they tried to pretend they were doing their tasks.

  “Ty, please. Walk with me?” he asked her, quietly pleading. He touched her shoulder and she recoiled as if bitten. He looked to Kyler, but his friend’s face looked chiseled from stone. He heaved a heavy sigh. He must try harder.

  “Ty, I’m sorry… for everything, for all the pain I’ve caused you. I know you must hate me and you have every reason to. Please, walk with me. Let us try to talk things through.” He took her hand in his and she lifted her tear stained face to look him in the eye.

  She slapped him hard across the face, then punched him in the chest repeatedly. She began to cry anew, the force of her blows weakening. He held her close as she cried, stroking her hair. Finally, after long moments passed, she stopped crying. She returned his embrace. She looked into his eyes, trying to gauge his sincerity.

  He moved slowly, he did not want her to slap him again. His cheek still stung from that blow! It was less than he deserved and he accepted it. Slowly, he brought his lips to hers, kissing her softly. At first, she did not respond.

  She had not expected that. Damn him! She still loved him and he knew it. He was in effect, using it against her. She could stand it no longer. She parted her lips, letting him in. Takasha! He was a good kisser. She felt her knees go weak. She clung to him, wanting him, needing him. He put his hand on her bottom, pulling her closer. Apparently, he wanted her as well.

  Everything disappeared. Nothing else mattered but them. Kyler cleared his throat, afraid his friend would take her now, in front of them all.

  Darian gestured and spoke a word softly, urgently and two things happened. He took them to his tower and brought Gayla to the camp.

  “Darian… where…?” she began, but he silenced her with his lips. She removed his Shryvven, gripping him gently, but firmly and he groaned in pleasure. He kicked off his boots and led her to the bed. He seated himself and she put her knee between his legs, sitting in his lap. She kissed him, easing him down. He pushed her hips gently down, feeling her desire grow with each passing second. He undid her shirt, tossing it aside, and brushed her breasts with his lips. She sighed in contentment and pushed her hips down, wishing their clothes were not in the way. She took off his shirt, running her fingers over his smooth, muscular flesh.

  He brought his lips to hers in an urgent kiss. His hands were inside her breeches, easing them down past her hips. She rolled off, making it easier for him. He left a trail of kisses down her body, sending shivers of pleasure through her. He gave her what she wanted, what she needed. She grabbed fistfuls of his hair as his lips brought her to the brink of ecstasy. He rose from his position to kiss her once more. She got to her knees, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  She held him close, putting her head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. She eased him down on his back, putting her hands on his chest. He put his hands on her hips, gently pushing down. She gasped in pleasure, taking everything he had. He sat up, holding her tight. She sighed softly as she brought her hips down again.

  Takasha! He was a better lover than she imagined. And she imagined a lot! He put a hand on each of her thighs and eased her down on her back. His movements were well rehearsed and steady. She could not believe this was finally happening. His eyes were clouded with passion; his face set in deep concentration. He kissed her, letting his lips linger on hers. She ran her fingers through his hair as he pushed her past the brink. He covered her mouth with his, as his movements became urgent.

  Afterwards, she lay in his arms, deeply satisfied. He stroked her body, kissing her lips softly.

  “I love you, Ty,” he said into her ear, and she giggled.

  “I love you too,” she said, touching his face where she had struck him what seemed a lifetime ago.

  “What now?” she asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “What do we do now? What does this mean? Does this change things between us?”

  “Of course, you’ll never get rid of me now. I’m like a bad copper. I’ll always turn up.” Tears sprang to her eyes at his words. It was what she hoped he was feeling. He kissed her softly, tenderly, as he laid his hand on her belly. She let him make love to her again. Hours later they lay, limbs entwined, deep in Ru Nay’ Sha.

  Tynuviel sat up in the darkness, panting and covered with sweat. Takasha! It was just a dream! Of all the cruel things! It felt so real. She lay back down, but Ru Nay’ Sha was a long time coming.

  Darian awoke in the middle of the night. Something had disturbed his meditation. But what? What the hell, since he was awake anyway…? He ran his hands over Ty’s smooth form. He kissed the top of her head and she snuggled closer to him. That was not what he had in mind. Gently, he rolled her over…

  “Gayla?” he asked, simply stunned. It had been a dream? He cursed silently to himself. It seemed so real, even his talk with Kyler. Maybe that was the only part that was real. His brain felt cloudy, he was having a hard time concentrating.

  He remembered leaving the camp. He knew Kyler was upset with him, but he didn’t know what he should do.

  “Darian, are you alright? Who is Tynuviel? You’ve been calling her name all night.”

  “Sorry.” Was all the explanation he gave her. He took her in his arms, kissing her. She did not ask for an explanation; she knew she would never get it. Besides, he was here with her now, which was all that mattered to her. She would give anything to have him love her, but she was realistic.

  A Mage of The Order did not fall in love. They… They… Darian’s lips killed her train of thought. She let him make love to her, she could never tell him no. Not just because of all he’d done for her, but because she loved him, fiercely. Without him, she’d be back with The Order. His heart was not in it tonight. He was elsewhere, distracted. It was as if he was just going through the motions.

  It was almost dawn. They lay in each other’s arms and she was beginning to doze off. He kissed her forehead, her lips and then rose silently to bathe. He was handsome and well built, who wouldn’t want him?

  He stepped from the gate as the sun was rising. He wore his Shryvven, cowl pulled up, giving him a menacing look. The camp was very much alive already. He spotted Tynuviel scrubbing her face, eyes vacant and lost. His heart ached with the pain he’d caused her. He never wanted her to find out about Gayla. He did not know how to breach the gap between them. A

  gap they both created.

  He checked on the elf, she still had not awakened. She should soon. Kyler was with Nephraete and Calisha. He didn’t even glance in Darian’s direction.

  Seems Ty isn’t the only one upset with me, he thought. Oh well, not the first time and it sure as hell ain’t the last.

  By noon, they were half way to Limmin. They stopped for a meal and a short rest. Trighton and Shaz lay the litter gently down. Darian went to check on the elf as her eyes fluttered open.

  “Where am I? Who are you?” she asked weakly.

  “We’re near Limmin now. My name is Daria
n. We found you by the roadside. You put up a great fight, but you were near death. We took you with us to make sure you were okay.”

  “You’re a Mage of The Order.” It was a statement, not a question. “You’re gorgeous, Darian. My name is Tryllia.”

  “Will you be alright to walk or do you still feel too weak?”

  “I think I’ll be okay.”

  “Where are you from, Tryllia? What were you doing by yourself?”

  “I’m from Kaleika Bay. I was on my way to Al-Dan-Tir.” She coughed weakly. He handed her a water skin and she took several long swallows.

  “Thank you, Darian.”

  “You are most welcome. Would you like something to eat?” He smiled disarmingly at her. In answer to his question, her stomach rumbled.

  He was shocked at learning she was from Kaleika Bay, but he kept himself in check. He was very good at keeping his emotions hidden. He was a Mage of The Order after all. Why were Thelarki’s people daring to cross Blavven Krill, leaving their homeland behind? He should speak to Nephraete. She might have some insight. He felt certain he could get her to tell him. Kyler came by with bread, cheese and fruit for her. He did not speak to Darian.

  “Why do you travel with a Mage of The Order?” she asked in a strange elvish dialect. Little did they know, Darian was well versed in the elvish languages—all of them. He smiled to himself. He did not let on that he knew what they said.

  “He is my friend, my brother, and my companion.”

  “Why are you upset with him, then?”

  “Merely a personal matter. I’m sure it will be cleared up soon.” At that, he looked at Darian as if he knew the Mage could understand them.

  “He is the one they seek. Is he not? What do they want with him?” She waited for several minutes for a response. When it was not forthcoming, she continued.

  “Ah. You do not trust your own people with his safety or his secrets. Do not worry, I am no spy.” She smiled at him.

  “Will you be okay to travel?” he asked, changing the subject.

  “Yes, I will be fine. Just send over one of your handsome companions to accompany me.”


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