The Staff of Power

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The Staff of Power Page 29

by D E Boske

  An elf, in their lifetime, would have many lovers. Because the elves were immortal, it was difficult to find love that lasted forever. Tireniel watched her closely. He could not take his eyes off her. She turned in soon after. Ru Nay’ Sha taking hold of her as thoughts of Darian swirled around her.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Aganor called Mortin to his office. His time was up and if he had found out nothing more, then he would pay the ultimate price.

  “What have you found out?” asked Aganor impatiently, when Mortin had closed the door behind him.

  “My source tells me he has been to Al-Dan-Tir recently. He is not there now. I will be alerted to his presence when he arrives.” He had the audacity to look smugly confident.

  “That’s all you have?” said Aganor disdainfully.

  “As you know, Darian is a hard man to find. Apparently, he does not wish to be found.”

  “Indeed. What of the girl, Gayla?”

  “No one has seen her since he left.”

  “We must find him, and quickly. I fear he is in danger.”

  “He knows someone is after him. I suspect that is why he left Mogan Dar.”

  “That will be all, Mortin. Apprise me when there is news.” Aganor dared not speak aloud his deepest fears about Darian. He always knew Darian was different, special. Now he began to fear for his son’s life. For that is how he viewed the young Mage, as his son. He believed Darian was different in many ways.

  Darian loved and respected women. It had never been more apparent than when he sought retribution for Trétorna’s treatment of Gayla. Then he released his two regular girls from service and took only Gayla for his lover. With his status in the Dregian order, he could have as many women as he wanted. He feared Darian had fallen in love with the girl. That would prove to be disastrous if it were true. Order law dictated that the girl must die and he must be punished severely.

  Sometimes, Aganor questioned some of the old rules and laws. Wasn’t death a bit extreme? What was so bad about love? The Breeders! He must do research of his own. He made his way to the posh, Breeder quarters.

  He had been here many times, but it never lost its effect on him. As he entered, a pleasant aroma filled the air, relaxing him and putting him in the mood. Of course, he was a man, so he was always in the mood. This was a place of carnal pleasures and from the sound of it, the Breeders were hard at work.

  “Aganor…” he heard his name whispered. She was close.

  “Trembliss, I need to speak with you.”

  “Talk is boring. That is not why we are here,” she said, as she put her hand between his legs.

  “Trembliss, please. It is not my time yet. I came here to ask you something important.”

  “Very well,” she said, sounding bored.

  “Has Darian ever been here?”

  “Darian? Oh gods no. I would have remembered him.”

  “But, he was sent. He should have come.”

  “Believe me, if he was with me, he would have. Word is, he is no longer in Mogan Dar. Is this true?”

  “Trembliss, tell no one of our talk. He is not a safe subject of late.” He returned to his quarters to think. Darian must have fled when he got word of his appointment with the Breeders. It certainly agreed with his disposition.

  Aganor was even more convinced of Darian’s love for the girl. Why else would he run from the Breeders? He must try to reach Darian. So far, it had been fruitless. Darian was far stronger than he was and the only reason the young Mage let him remain in power was because Darian loathed it. The daily matters seemed to bore him. All he was interested in was creating new spells and women. Just as a good Mage should be.

  Several months before he left, he began acting strangely. He kept to himself increasingly and then the incident with Trétorna. Aganor knew Darian used his magic to push him down three flights of stairs. Order law demanded that Darian’s punishment for his actions be harsh, but there was no proof. Aganor did not want to punish Darian anyway. Trétorna was a drunken sot and deserving of his just desserts.

  If only Darian would confide in him. Maybe together, they could solve this. He made his way to the library, there were questions he needed answered. Maybe in some small way, he could help the young Mage from within these walls.

  The library was a vast room with tall support columns evenly spaced throughout. The shelves, tables and chairs were carved from cherry wood. Only a handful of novices were present. This was good. They would not question his presence. He walked to the aisle where Order law was located and removed several volumes. He seated himself and began to peruse each book, searching for clues, anything that might be of some use.

  Hours passed uncounted. Finding nothing, he took several more volumes, lit another candle and began to read again. The hour was late and still he had found nothing. He went back to the top shelf digging around. His hand touched a section of the wall that did not feel right. He knocked softly on it. It sounded hollow. He fumbled with it for a while before finding a secret latch. Opening it, he found the first volume ever written by the founders of The Order. The oldest rules and laws set down by the first Shivvendari. Finally, he found what he sought near the middle of the book.

  A Shivvendari Mage must not spread his seed to a human host. After many experiments, they have proven to be undesirable as most subjects died in childbirth. The subjects who survived, gave birth to the weakest Mages and were all destroyed. The elves have proven to be the best hosts. The first Breeders were offspring of a Mage and elf union.

  Aganor sat there, stunned. He could not believe what he was reading. The first Breeders were half-elf? Nowhere in these pages could he find opposition to love. Where had that rule originated and why? A part of him understood that it would be a serious distraction, but he could find nothing specific. Well, it’s a good start, he thought.

  Gayla could not conceive, so she should be safe. Maybe with this knowledge, Darian would return. He would try once more to reach him. Because Darian was far superior, he could refuse the communication as he had been doing. Since the young Mage left, he had no contact with anyone from Piri-Tuma. This was not unusual, as he was greatly feared and most disliked him out of jealousy.

  It was late. All the students were long gone. So absorbed in his reading, he paid them no mind. He snuffed the candles and returned to his chambers, exhausted.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  The morning air was chill, fall fast approaching the closer they got to Thunder Peak. The sky was overcast. There would be no sun today. Kyler rose early, washed up and made tea for Nephraete. He smiled at her resting form. She was so beautiful, so peaceful and he loved her desperately. Asa was the next to rise and he clapped his younger brother on the back warmly.

  “Rest well?” asked Asa, smiling.

  “Aye,” Kyler replied.

  “How is Nephraete?”

  “She is still resting.”

  “Do not worry brother, I think the Gor Li’ Khan are loyal to you. Kryndale is upset of course, but that is to be expected. It will pass. We will continue to watch over them until we are sure of their fealty.”

  “Thank you, Asa. I’m glad you’re here with me,” said Kyler.

  “Takasha Kyler! I wouldn’t miss this,” replied Asa, laughing.

  The camp quickly came to life and they ate a hastily prepared breakfast before starting out. Darian had not seen fit to show his face as of yet. Kyler held Nephraete’s hand as they walked, speaking in low tones.

  “How are you feeling?” asked Kyler.

  “I’m fine. You mustn’t worry,” she said, squeezing his hand.

  “I can’t help it.”

  “You are very sweet,” she said, as she kissed him on the cheek.

  “Where is Calisha?”

  “He is near. I can feel his presence. Do you need to speak to him?”

  “No. I want to be alone with you,” Kyler replied, his voice husky.

  Calisha watched from a distance, silently approving of Kyler. He was
hoping that he would not have to step in on behalf of Nephraete’s honor. The elf prince did not strike him to be arrogant or self-centered. Calisha could see the desire in Kyler’s eyes every time he looked at Nephraete, but he also saw love and affection. Kyler seemed sincere and Calisha honestly liked him. He knew Kyler was a bit jealous of his relationship with Nephraete. He couldn’t blame him. If their positions were reversed, he had no doubt that he would be as well.

  “Darian is here,” Nephraete said softly.

  “How do you know?” asked Kyler, looking around.

  “He is behind us… Our bond…” Nephraete drifted off.

  “I will go speak to him. Will you be okay?”

  “Yes, of course. I have Calisha. Go and do not worry,” she said, laughing.

  Kyler turned around and found himself face to face with the Mage. He had his cowl pulled up and he wore a heavy medallion around his neck. The Mage battle ring shone in the dull light. Kyler inadvertently gasped aloud. Darian kept walking. He did not acknowledge the elf.

  “Darian, can we talk please?”

  “Speak if you wish, it matters not to me,” said Darian, coldly.

  “Darian, I wanted to say I’m sorry. I had no right to treat you the way I did. I didn’t even try to understand your point of view. All I thought of was my sister. I’m sorry. We’ve been friends a long time and been through a lot together. Can you forgive me?” asked Kyler sincerely.

  “As you say, we’ve been friends a long time. What would possess you to treat me so? You disrespected me and treated me as if I was an obsequious bootlicker. No one gives me orders. No one. I’ve been trying to tell you for some time that Tynuviel and I could never happen. Now do you understand why?” he asked, sounding weary.

  “I must have misunderstood, seeing you kiss her so many times.” Kyler snapped, his anger quickly returning.

  “You think it’s easy for me? I love her, Kyler! That confession alone demands her death by The Order. Every time I see her, I come undone a little more. The ache of knowing we can never be… Yes, I am weak. We’ve almost made love twice now. If The Order ever found out… I must remain strong, close off my emotion. It is the only way.”

  “Isn’t there anything that can be done?” asked Kyler, his anger gone with his friend’s confession.

  “I don’t know. I must search the library at Piri-Tuma.”

  “Are you mad? That is too dangerous my friend,” said Kyler seriously.

  “No, I am not An Gla’ Mah. I suppose I could look in Al-Dan-Tir when we get there, but the best place is Piri-Tuma.”

  “I will not let you go there,” said the elf, touching his friend’s arm.

  “Oh? And how will you stop me, talk me to death?” For a moment, Kyler did not know how to respond.

  “You should see the look on your face,” Darian burst out laughing and Kyler joined in.

  “So, you think my conversation is boring, eh?” asked the elf. In response, the Mage began to snore. Kyler pushed him playfully and they both laughed. He was the only one who would dare act so familiar with the Mage.

  The rest of the company let out a silent breath of relief at the friend’s reunion. It had been so tense. The rest of them caught in the middle of their private war. The only one that seemed unperturbed by any of it was Shaz. At least he was predictable. He cared only for himself.

  “Why don’t you and Nephraete have dinner with Gayla and me?”

  “Because you never asked us to.” Darian let out a breath in mock exasperation.

  “How’s next week?” asked the Mage.

  “Fine, I’m sure Nephraete will be happy. I think she really wants to meet Gayla.”

  “It’ll be good for Gayla, too. She doesn’t get to talk to anyone but me.”

  “Poor girl. I know how she feels.”

  “Hey, you came to me, elf prince.” Darian sounded strange and Kyler wondered if he had pushed too far. Suddenly, it was gone and Kyler began to wonder if he’d imagined it. They talked as if nothing had happened between them. Darian, for the first time in many days, lowered his hood.

  “Darian, that day that you left, where did you go?”

  “If I told you that, I’d have to kill you. And I rather like having you around. You’re a good friend and I enjoy your company.” Something in the way he said it made Kyler believe he spoke the truth.

  When they stopped for their noonday meal, Tynuviel saw her chance. Darian was alone.

  “May I sit with you?” she asked.

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea, Ty,” he replied quietly.

  “Please, I just want to talk to you.” He nodded imperceptibly.

  “Darian, none of this has been easy for either of us. I… I just wish you had been honest with me from the beginning. You told me at my doorstep that when this was all over maybe we could… If there was never a chance, you should have told me instead of stringing me along and raising my hopes.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. It’s just… I love you Ty and I don’t want to accept that we can never be together. All I want is to hold you, to make love to you. I never wanted to make you cry, but that is all I’ve managed to accomplish. This is not easy for me. I’ve never been in love before and I find that when I’m with you … you make me weak. If The Order found out about us, it would be your death.”

  “I’ll take my chances. I love you, Darian Brade.” She leaned into him, brushing her lips on his. He parted his lips. At first, she thought he would say something to stop her. Instead, he pulled her atop him and kissed her, holding her tight.

  Trighton smoldered at the display, but did not interfere. The Mage almost killed him last time. She let Darian undo her blouse, his lips making her quiver with delight. She sighed in contentment.

  “You know we cannot do this,” he sighed regretfully. “I will not risk your life for one night of reckless pleasure. We must find a way together. I just do not know where to begin. The library at Piri-Tuma is our best hope. I might be able to find something there.”

  “You cannot go there, not now. Is there something else we can do?”

  “Kyler and I already discussed it. I will look in Al-Dan-Tir. I don’t hold much hope, but I will try. For you, I would do anything.” Including letting you go, if I have to, he thought. He kissed her again, his lips filled with longing and urgency.

  The Gor Li’ Khan were shocked by the display. They knew more of The Order than the rest of the elves present, as they had worked for them on many occasions.

  “Are you not going to put a stop to this?” asked Kryndale.

  “Do not interfere,” responded Kyler.

  “Do you not understand what this will mean for her?” pressed the Gor Li’ Khan leader.

  “I understand that for the first time in weeks she does not cry. This is her choice, their choice. Who are we to stand in their way?”

  “Who indeed. You have a responsibility to do the right thing, Kyler. Do you want to seal her death?”

  “You overstep, assassin. Do not presume to know what is in my head.” Calling him an assassin was a slap in the face, an insult.

  “As you wish,” Kryndale replied tersely.

  “Kryndale, I understand your concerns, for I have them as well. Nothing short of killing her myself will keep her from his side. She is aware of the dangers and is not afraid. Why are you?”

  “Is she not your sister?”

  “Aye, she is. But I have no control over her. Nor do I want it. Why does it bother you so?” asked Kyler curiously.

  “We have worked for The Order many times. I’ve seen the things they are capable of.”

  “Do not worry. They know not where he is.”

  “He is the one they search for, is he not?” Kyler did not respond.

  “Kyler, you must trust me. I just want to secure our safety. I do not intend to turn him in. Why would I? I am loyal to you and he is your friend. He is a Mage of The Order, a valuable asset and a powerful enemy. I was just giving my advice as I’m used to doing. F
orgive me for speaking so openly.”

  “No forgiveness is needed; you’ve done nothing wrong. Continue to speak your mind. I value your counsel.”

  Finally, the towering city of Al-Dan-Tir became visible on the horizon. The sky overhead was infested with grey clouds. The farther west they went, the colder it became. It seemed summer was finally over. At least in this part of the world. The company was tired, dirty and in need of rest. Their supplies were running low and the water almost gone.

  They made haste, for they needed to reach the city by nightfall. Winter had come early and snow began to fall lightly at first, but quickly turned into a snowstorm. The air was crisp and cold. They all pulled their cloaks tightly around them, warding off the chill.

  Only Darian seemed unaffected by the weather. Lost in thought, he walked by himself, the cowl hiding his features.

  It became apparent that they would not reach the city for at least one more day. The snow was falling faster now; thick, white flakes covered the ground in a cold blanket. The snow was rising to their knees making it increasingly difficult to walk and they needed to find some kind of shelter soon.

  Nephraete was freezing. She could no longer feel her hands or feet. She stumbled and went down. Darian helped her up, lifting her easily in his arms.

  “S-s-s-o-o-o c-c-cold.” She was shaking violently.

  “Kyler! We need to find shelter, now!” cried the Mage.

  “Chamlen! Find us something quickly,” Kyler commanded, as he ran to Darian and Nephraete.

  “Nephraete, hang in there. We’ll find something soon,” Kyler said, clasping her hand.

  Darian ground his teeth in frustration.

  “Kyler, we need to get her to my tower. She needs to get warm and dry or she won’t make it. I will not take everyone, only you two.”


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