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The Staff of Power

Page 32

by D E Boske

  “I was hired to make contact with you.”

  “Why a thief? Why not a bounty hunter?” Mordinian did not seem surprised or perturbed that they knew his occupation.

  “Perhaps we could have a drink?” the thief suggested.

  “We’re not thirsty,” the Mage retorted.

  “Could we go somewhere to talk then?”

  “Oh shucks, we already have plans. If only we could cancel.” The thief smiled at the Mage’s quick wit.

  “My companion and I would like to travel with you. There is much we need to discuss.”

  “I think not,” said the Mage quickly.

  The bard appeared, playing the violin. Darian waved his hand and froze him where he stood. The thief hid his surprise at the ease with which the Mage dismissed his companion.

  “We need to talk. Mortin…”

  “Is a pathetic loser. I hope you have something better than that to persuade us.”

  “I’ve gone to great lengths to assure we would meet. The least you could do is listen to what I have to say.”

  “Tomorrow night. A neutral location, say the Wolfsbane at sundown.”

  “Fine.” They walked around the thief. “Hey, my companion.” Darian snapped his fingers and the bard began playing again.

  “Oh stop that, they’re gone.”

  “What? How? What happened?”

  “He froze you with a wave of his hand. We will meet with them tomorrow night at the Wolfsbane,” said the thief, full of contempt.

  They returned to The Vale without further incident. They stowed their supplies in their room and went down to the common room for the evening meal. Soon after, Stryker and Kibblewolf arrived.

  “Glad we are to see ye, elf prince,” Stryker said as they seated themselves. The Gor Li’ Khan bristled at such a familiar tone.

  “Did ye sit on a pin cushion me boy? What ails ye?” asked Stryker.

  “It’s okay, Kryndale, Stryker and I go back a long time.”

  “Aye,” agreed Stryker.

  “We met up with the thief and the bard,” said Darian, ignoring the Gor Li’ Khan.

  “What happened?” asked Stryker.

  “We’re to meet at Wolfsbane tomorrow night.”

  “Are ye sure that’s wise?”

  “You don’t think I can protect us from a thief?” scoffed Darian.

  “It isn’t that lad. I was just wonderin’ what he wants with ye. Take no offense.” Just then, Nereina came to their table.

  “Can I start you gents off with a drink?” she asked lightly. The dwarves and Shaz of course, ordered ale. The elves and Darian ordered Nykessa.

  She returned shortly with the drinks. Before she left for the kitchen, she kissed Darian on the cheek, whispering in his ear.

  “See you tonight, Loki.” Tynuviel watched, saying nothing, but the pain in her eyes betrayed her. Nephraete hurriedly engaged her in conversation and before long, had her laughing. Kyler watched how Nephraete soothed his sister so quickly and fell in love with her a little more.

  “You’ve got a lot o’ companions with ye this time, Kyler,” said Kibblewolf.

  “Dangerous times, my friend,” Kyler replied, introducing them all.

  Nereina and two other serving girls arrived with platters of roast chicken, potatoes, carrots and crusty loaves of bread with fresh whipped butter.

  “When will ye be ready to leave?” asked Stryker.

  “About three more days. We need rest and supplies.” Stryker nodded his understanding.

  “Ye’ve come a long way elf. Ye deserve a bit o’ rest.” Nereina came back with another round of drinks. As she walked away, all the men watched her go, except the dwarves, who paid her no mind as they tore into the food. Krayven whistled.

  “So, what do ye think this thief wants with ye?” asked Stryker.

  “I cannot begin to guess, but we’ll know soon enough. Do you have any idea? You say he’s been watching everyone. Anyone in particular?” asked Darian.

  “Well, since we frequent this place, we became friends with some o’ the Knights. We were sittin’ there havin’ a couple with ‘em ’n catchin’ up. The thief would not take his eyes offa’ us. Arrived just a ’fore us he did n’ he’s been there every night since. Like he’s waitin’ fer somethin’. Them same Knights come up missin the next day,” said Kibblewolf.

  They passed the rest of the night in pleasant conversation until one by one they all retired. Nephraete climbed the stairs to the room she shared with Tynuviel. Suddenly, she had the feeling she was not alone. She turned around and he was there. She was so startled, she couldn’t even scream.

  “Nephraete, it’s me, Darian,” he whispered. When she recognized his voice, she hugged him, putting her head on his chest, her heart hammering against his ribcage.

  “I’m sorry. I did not mean to frighten you. This is for you,” he said, handing her a carefully wrapped package.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Go upstairs and open it,” he said softly. “I must go.”

  She continued up to the third floor to her room, wondering about the Mage’s kindness. What would prompt him to do such a thing? She opened the door to find Ty sitting on her bed, legs crossed, and deep in prayer. She tried to be quiet. She did not want to interrupt her commune with the goddess. She laid the parcel on her bed and began dressing for the night.

  “What’s that?” asked Ty, indicating the package.

  “I’ve no idea. It’s from Darian.” The mention of his name wiped the smile from her face.

  “Do you think he’s sleeping with her?” she asked in a tiny, strained voice.

  I… I don’t know,” she lied. “Ty, you can’t keep waiting for him. This isn’t good for you to be like this.”

  “He loves me. I know it.”

  “He may but… He’s not depriving himself. Why should you? Kiel or Tireniel would be more than willing I am sure.” She managed to get a smile out of her friend.

  “Yes, but I just can’t do it.”

  “Why not? Surely you must be lonely.”

  “Yes, but does that justify my weakness?”

  “Needing love is not a weakness. How long must you wait for Darian? There is a very real chance that he will find nothing to help.”

  “But what if he does and then spurns me for not waiting?”

  “He can hardly punish you for something he’s doing himself.”

  “What if Tireniel is not interested? I’ll feel like such a fool.”

  “Oh, I don’t think there will be a problem. I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”

  “What if it ruins my friendship with him? We’ve been friends a long time, even before I met Darian.” Tynuviel replied in a small voice.

  “I think he wants more than friendship from you. He is a good elf and he will take care of you,” said the seer.

  “I feel like this is wrong,” said Ty sadly.

  “Listen to your heart. If you’re really not interested, don’t go through with it. I just want to see you happy again. I don’t like seeing you cry all the time. Forget I said anything. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

  “No, no. It’s okay. I’m scared I might really fall in love and then if Darian… I don’t want to hurt anyone and I don’t want to be hurt. I just don’t know what to do. I think I’ll take a walk. I’ll be back in a bit.”

  The seer sent a message to Tireniel, telling him Tynuviel was upset and shouldn’t be alone. Nephraete did not have the heart to tell her friend that she saw Darian enter Nereina’s room. She knew he was a man who demanded attention and was used to getting what he wanted, but she didn’t like the pain it caused Tynuviel. So she suggested she do the same. It might do the Mage some good to feel humility for a change. Well, since Ty took a walk and Darian is with Nereina that leaves Kyler alone, she thought. She waited for a while to make sure Ty was gone, went down the hall to his room, and knocked quietly.


  Kyler was going through the forms with his sword when he h
eard a knock on the door. He was bare to the waist, a sheen of sweat covering him.

  “Oh, am I interrupting you?” she asked, blushing furiously.

  “Not at all. Would you like to come in?” he asked, hoping she would.

  “Yes,” she said huskily. She could not take her eyes off his body. He locked the door behind her and toweled himself off. She did not give him a chance to speak. As he turned to face her, she kissed him, running her hands over his well-muscled frame.

  “Nephraete, what if Darian returns? This room does not afford much privacy.”

  “He is with Nereina,” she whispered. He lifted her easily as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “Would you like a drink?” asked Kyler, hoping she would say no.

  “Sure,” she replied as he reluctantly set her down. He slipped his shirt back on and got the Nykessa. They sat talking for some time before she dropped into Ru Nay’ Sha. He sighed, disappointed. Every time they were together, he wanted her more. All things in good time, he thought, as darkness claimed him.

  She stepped into the hallway and found herself face to face with Tireniel. She almost ran into him as she skidded to a halt. He held up his hands to catch her, the braids in his hair swaying from the motion.

  “Tynuviel, are you alright?” he asked, blue eyes sharp with concern.

  “I just wanted to take a walk. You startled me is all.”

  “A walk at this hour?” he asked, keeping any expression off his handsome face.

  “Is something wrong with that? I need some fresh air.” She had meant her tone to be stern. But he was so handsome and so near that all she managed was to sound like a child sent to bed without dessert.

  “Would you mind if I accompany you?” he asked.

  “Did Kyler tell you to keep an eye on me?”

  “No. He doesn’t have to.” His tone sounded strange.

  “I don’t need a body guard,” she said harshly.

  “That’s not what I meant. You’re very beautiful Tynuviel. I enjoy watching you. Kyler never needs to ask me to do that.” At first, she wasn’t sure if she heard him right. His blue eyes seemed to look through to her soul. She was lonely, he was handsome, and he seemed willing…

  “Care for a drink?” she asked, stepping around him and descending to the common room. There were only three patrons here at this late hour. She chose a small table where they would be alone and could talk freely. He seated himself across from her, watching her carefully.

  “I’m tired of waiting for Darian. I love him desperately, but… All the time that’s been wasted… What if he never…? I don’t know what to do anymore. I have so many conflicting emotions. I’m so lonely.”

  She looked him in the eye, trying to gauge his feelings on the matter. She may as well have tried to read the wall for all the good it did her. The serving girl came and they ordered Nykessa. They waited until she brought the wine before resuming their conversation.

  “I know this isn’t easy for you or Darian. I can’t imagine what you both are feeling. I know it’s difficult to want to be with someone and know you cannot.” His expression was unreadable.

  “Well, he’s certainly not depriving himself. I don’t want anyone thinking badly of me if I…”

  “No one would ever think badly of you, Ty. Everyone loves you. Anyone who dares think bad of you will answer to my sword,” he said seriously, his eyes hard.

  She smiled at him and he smiled back. She reached across the table to hold his hand.

  “You’re a good friend, Tireniel. We’ve been friends a long time, haven’t we?” she asked as she stroked his hand with her thumb.

  “Yes, we have. Ty, I’m sorry Trighton ruined it for you. Had I known, I would have stopped him.”

  “I know. It probably wouldn’t have happened anyway. I know things happen for a reason, but this… This is just cruel. My heart is breaking. I cry myself to sleep every night. His distance…”

  “He shouldn’t treat you so. If he loves you as he says, he should show it.”

  “He cannot. Unless he finds a way, The Order would demand my death.”

  “What?” he asked sharply. She told him what Darian had told her.

  “What if he lies?”

  “Why would he? Everyone knows we love each other. Kryndale confirmed it. He said the Gor Li’ Khan worked for The Order on many occasions and though they are a secretive lot, they managed to learn a little.”

  “This explains much. Ty, why haven’t you come to me before? I would help you get through this. Whenever you need me, I’m here. Don’t ever hesitate.”

  “I need you now,” she said, looking him in the eye. “Let’s go upstairs. I want to be alone with you,” she said, standing and draining her glass. She led him back to her room. On the way up the stairs, they heard Nereina’s cries of pleasure. She kept calling Loki, which meant lover in elvish. She knew it was Darian even before she heard his voice. She locked the door behind Tireniel.

  “Ty, I’m not sure this is a good idea. We shouldn’t be alone like this.” Something in his voice told her he didn’t mean what he said.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. We’ve been alone lots of times.”

  “You’re upset and not thinking clearly. Please don’t do something that you’ll regret tomorrow.”

  “I promise,” she said, coming closer.

  “I should go,” he said quietly, but making no move for the door.

  “Please don’t go. I don’t want to be alone.”

  “I know,” he said softly, holding her close.

  She put her head on his shoulder. She felt good in his arms. She just wanted a chance to be happy. She decided to take that chance. She kissed his neck and undid his shirt. Takasha! He looked good. She kissed his chest, running her hands over his body.

  “Ty, what are you doing?” he asked in a strained voice.

  “Isn’t it obvious?” she said between kisses, her tongue teasing him.

  “Ty, I’m more than thrice your age.” His attempts were feeble at best.

  “That doesn’t matter and you know it,” she said, stroking him and loving how quickly

  his body responded to her touch.

  “Ty…nu…viel, we can’t do this,” he could barely get the words out. It was hard to concentrate with her hands in his breeches.

  “Why not, you’re up for it.” He could not believe he was about to do this, but right was right. He removed her hands, holding them tightly in his.

  “Ty, this isn’t right. As much as I would like to, we just can’t.”

  “Did my brother say something to you?”

  “This isn’t about Kyler. It’s about you and me. You don’t really want me. I’m just here right now. But tomorrow, could you forgive yourself?”

  “You said if I ever needed you, was that just another lie?”

  “You know I meant it.”

  “Then why are you turning your back on me now?”

  “I’m not. I’m trying to be your friend,” he said sadly.

  “I appreciate it. But right now, I need my friend to be my lover.” She kissed his lips, but he did not kiss her back.

  “I really should go. Ty, if things were different…” he let the words go unsaid.

  “Fine. Go. I’ll get Shaz. He’ll gladly give me what I need with no questions asked.”

  “You wouldn’t,” he said, sounding horrified.

  “I will. I need love too. I have needs that are being ignored. Just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean… Oh what’s the use? Go if you want to. Leave me alone, everyone else does.” A tear fell from her eye, tracing a path down her cheek. He came to her immediately and took her in his arms.

  “Tireniel,” she said, looking into his eyes. He kissed her then, softly, urgently. He put his hands on her bottom, pulling her closer.

  “Before we do this, we must set some things straight. I will be your lover as often as you like for as long as you like, but if Darian finds a way for you two, then I promise not to stand in y
our way. As hard as it may be for me, I will stand aside.”

  “Trighton told me much the same and look what he did.”

  “He is young and brash. Trust me Ty, we could be good together. I’ve wanted this for some time, but I knew you loved Darian. You’ve kept your distance from me for too long.”

  He kissed her the way he knew she wanted him to, the way she needed him to. He undid her tunic, letting it fall to the floor. His lips went to her breasts immediately as his hands traced a path up her legs. She moaned softly at his touch. They left a trail of clothes to the bed. As they sank down, he pulled her atop him. She resisted him pushing on her hips. She kissed his lips, his chest and pleasured him as his head sank deep into the pillow. He grabbed her by the waist and laid her gently on her back. He explored her body thoroughly, taking note of the things she liked. Her legs were on his shoulders as his tongue coaxed moan after moan from her lips.

  Takasha! He was damn good at what he did. He flipped her on her belly and grabbed her hips, pulling her to him. A strong wave of pleasure washed over her. As strong as he was, he was careful not to hurt her. He was gentle, yet urgent. He seemed to know exactly what she needed. He laid her down on her side with her back to him. This was a pleasure she’d never before experienced.

  Takasha! Why had they never done this before? He excited her, and the rush of emotion coursing through her threatened to overwhelm her. He rolled on his back, taking her with him. He eased her hips down as she rocked back and forth. She ground her hips into his, biting her lip to keep from screaming. He rolled her onto her back, kissing her as he groaned in pleasure.

  “Takasha, Ty! We should have done this a long time ago. By Shenna, I’ll rest well tonight.”

  “Mmm. Tireniel?”


  “I’m glad you changed your mind.”

  “Hmm, you didn’t give me much choice, did you? I could not have you going to Shaz.”

  “He is utterly repulsive. I would never do such a thing.”

  “Aha! You manipulated me.”

  “And it worked. I knew what I wanted and I definitely won’t feel guilty in the morning.”

  “Me neither.”

  “What were you doing in the hall, anyway?” she asked. He did not say anything for a long time and she began to think he was in Ru Nay’ Sha.


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